Chasing Joshua (24 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

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It was around ten a.m. when Amelia Young knocked on the bedroom door. She poked her head in to find them sleeping. Joshua was on his stomach, and Evelyn was on his back.

"Joshua,” she whispered.

"Mmmm?” He growled.

"Joshua, there is a woman at the door insisting to see you.” Amelia was put out by the woman and wished she knew who the hell she thought she was.

"A woman?” Evelyn opened her eyes. She didn't move because Amelia would definitely get an eyeful if she did.

"Shelby Banks.” Amelia almost laughed. Evelyn practically claimed Joshua in her sleep. Maybe she should just send the woman up. “You want me to get rid of her?"

"Yes, please. You can tell her I'm married now, too. That should really get her.” Amelia smiled with delight, closed the door, and walked much quicker back to the stairs.

"Don't you think she's going to find out you're not married?” Evelyn laughed at the thought.

"You don't want to marry me?” Joshua asked.

"You want to marry me?” Evelyn asked surprised. She didn't expect this so soon.

"I thought you'd never ask. Yes, I'll marry you.” Joshua bit his lower lip.

"You devil. That was sneaky.” Evelyn moved as he rolled to face her. She settled in twisting the hair on his chest. “My sister is pregnant."

"We can work on that, too, woman. Damn, you move fast.” Joshua knew she wanted to get him, but he could get away with a lot right now, and he planned to take full advantage of it.

Evelyn pulled herself over him and straddled his hips. In the daylight she could see the bruising he still wore and wished she had known that last night. “No, I like to move slow, real slow."

"My what big teeth you have.” Joshua looked at the Wolf. Yes, she was always a Wolf.

"The better to bite you with.” Evelyn leaned down and nipped his top lip. He growled. “I love when you growl."

"Then let's work on building a pack. I'll growl, you'll howl, we'll eat, sleep, and procreate. It's a good life.” Joshua kissed her neck.

"Yes, I think I should try it,” Evelyn agreed.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 15

July 7th

"You tied it too tight.” He scowled at her.

"You keep bitchin’ I'll hang you with it.” Evelyn looked up at him.

Ayden's blue eyes pierced hers. He didn't like being in a tie, much less a bow tie.

"I know where you live,” he threatened with his meanest look.

"Yeah, right down the street from you.” Evelyn brushed off his shoulder. “Behave."

"I'll do my best.” Ayden smiled.

The doors opened, and Evelyn walked next to her brother down the aisle. Joshua stood at the end waiting for her. God, he was beautiful. Ethan was his best man, and Chase and Malcolm stood next to Ethan. Her sister Noel stood five months pregnant as the maid of honor, and Grace stood ready to pop at any time next to Megan and Joshua's sister Stephanie.

She had never seen herself as a princess before, but today she felt like one. She was getting married. They had the wedding at the same church Megan and Chase were married in. It was a family tradition that only Ethan and Grace had broken. Megan planned the whole thing, and it was beautiful. Evelyn Wolf would now become Evelyn Wolf-Young. Joshua insisted since Ayden was the only man to carry on their father's name.

Ayden had retired early. Well, he quit and used his part of his father's legacy to buy the old Patterson house. There were plenty of renovations to be done, and he planned to open it as a bed and breakfast again next year. He said he had grown up knowing Noel. He now wanted to be near Evelyn.

The ceremony was over, and the reception was in full swing. Gray insisted on dancing with the bride, still not giving her over to Joshua without a fight. He was a really cute kid. Joshua held him up, and they all slow danced together. It made Evelyn long for a family of her own.

It was about the fourth dance and the DJ played something for the younger crowd. The base hit and Grace's water broke.

"Joshua!” Ethan yelled as the three made their way back toward the head table. “Give Gray to Grandma. I gotta go. Grace is in labor!"

"Kid sure knows how to make an entrance.” Joshua smiled and waved.

"Do you think we'll have boys or girls?” Evelyn asked him once he had passed Gray off to Katherine Young.

"Both. I want both."

"Me too."

Ayden Wolf watched as Evelyn and Joshua took their seat at the head table, lost in each other. It gave him hope. If Evelyn could let down her wall enough to let a man in, maybe it was time for him to let down a fence or two and see what was out there. He was eighteen when he joined the Navy, became a SEAL. Not much time for women with that job. Tom had practically recruited him for the FBI, and then he found out about Blade. There wasn't a lot of time for women then either. He spent most of his time alone or in the underbelly of society. He only knew a few good women. He only missed one, but she was too young for him. At thirty-eight he was becoming an old man.

Noel laid her hand on Ayden's shoulder.

"We miss you.” She gave him a knowing look.

"I know.” Ayden smiled. “I miss you guys, too."

"We should plan to spend a week together, no matter what. Every year.” Noel always found the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Next year, Fourth of July week. I should be just about ready to open the house then.” Ayden took his sisters’ belly in his big hands and spoke to it directly. “And you will be big enough to watch fireworks. I think?"

"By then, yes.” Noel pulled him up.

"I don't dance."

"You do now.” Noel pulled him to the dance floor. “Tom can't, and I want to. You're my big brother. Now dance with me."

A Sneak Peek at Ayden's SecretComing September2008

It was a hot July day in North Carolina. July first. Two months to the day that he had forgotten the anniversary. Alone in a coffee shop in Las Vegas she had waited, and waited, and waited. When he didn't show it set her on fire with both fear and anger. She knew how dangerous his job could be. It wretched at her gut constantly, she worried for him everyday. She had to find him, had to know he was alright, and after she knew he was okay, she'd either kiss him or kick his ass for leaving her in suspense like that. The moment she met him she felt connected. His baby blue eyes looked too soft to be a part of such a hard man. Everything about him was etched in stone, except his eyes.

Year after year they would meet for one day, at least one cup of coffee. Year after year she prayed that it would lead to more. This year she was going to make it happen. But he never showed up.

She stepped out of the cab and grabbed her bags. Thankfully, the cab driver helped her unload the two large suitcases on wheels, placed two duffle bags on top of those and then handed her a smaller bag that she slung over her shoulder. The red sundress was sticking to her body. She pulled it away but the fabric went right back in place as she took a step forward, pulling the heavy luggage behind her. The humidity was a far cry from the dry desert heat of Las Vegas. It felt like even her waterproof makeup was beginning to slide.

It seemed as though she would never make it to this house. She took great pains to cover her trail. Even greater pains to face a few fears and get on a bus filled with strangers. No one really understood how she could perform on stage night after night, yet have a panic attack at the supermarket. The anxiety was real. She used medication for it at first, but then she stopped. The pills she had saved, she used on the long route here.

Looking at the large two-story house on Ann Street in Beaufort, North Carolina, she shook her head. Never in a million years did she see Ayden in a small town like this. He belonged in Memphis, close to Graceland, close to the King. It seemed like a nice enough place, she just didn't understand why he would be here. Resigned to her fate, she took the first steps toward the rest of her life, with or without him. Either way, this was it.

Inside the old Patterson house, a group of very hot men were finishing up the final touches on the place. The windows were open due to the paint fumes. And everyone was down to shorts and shoes. All of them singing, well crooning along with the King. No wonder they didn't hear the knock on the door.

Charlie opened the door. Elvis blared through the open windows, along with some very off key back up singers. This had to be Ayden's house.

If she thought it was hot outside, she had just stepped into hell.

Half-naked men were all over the place, painting, hanging things. And here she thought Vegas had the best show around. This one could sell out. A tall tan man with chocolate brown hair rolled paint on the wall. The motion displayed a very impressive back. A shorter blonde in starched
Tommy Hilfiger
shorts with a tight little behind was standing high on a ladder hanging some kind of candle holder on the wall. The guy holding the candle holder balanced on tiptoes. The position flexed lean brown leg muscles.

"Excuse me?” Charlie spoke but no one heard her. Determined she sat the bag she had on her shoulder down and headed for the counter with the radio on it. She turned it off.

Everyone turned and looked at her.

Chase was aiming for the nail but he hit his thumb. Malcolm stepped too quickly, lost his balance and landed on his ass. Ethan hit the ceiling with the paint roller leaving a big green spot on the white ceiling.

Joshua came down the hall and saw the woman standing there with a look of ... lust maybe? Hell this day was turning out better every minute. Nothing made him happier than catching his brother in law off guard, and damn if this woman hadn't caught every man in the room off guard. He couldn't wait to see Ayden's reaction.

"I'm looking for Ayden Wolf.” She said and tried not to laugh at the fumbling men.

"Are you little red riding hood?” Joshua couldn't help himself. The woman was stunning. A short red dress with spaghetti straps left just enough to the imagination. It clung to her more tightly than it normally would have and she seemed a little wet? Hell, she almost looked him eye to eye. Like a supermodel. And she was looking for Ayden, the Wolf. A woman in a red dress was looking for the Wolf? He looked around the room. Chase had his thumb to his lips. Malcolm was pulling to his feet again and Ethan just smiled from ear to ear.

"No. I'm Charlie, Charlie Mann. Is he here?” Charlie extended a hand. This one was tall with black hair and amazing green eyes. His chest was peppered with black hair. They were all sweaty and the room was intoxicating with the smell of raw man, and paint. Where was Ayden?

"Let me go get him.” Joshua tried to be cool considering everyone else had faltered but he slipped on the rag that had fallen from his back pocket when he came in. Steadying himself he picked up the rag and headed out back for Ayden.
reaction would be priceless.

Charlie stood in the room and looked around at the three men. They all tried to act cool and looked anywhere but at her. She was used to it. She wasn't used to having so many impressive men in one room though. It was usually the other way around in her world. All the women were beautiful. All the men were in the audience.

Ayden came running through the back door and stopped when he saw her, sliding a bit on the newly waxed wood floors. “Charlie?"

Charlie's heart jumped from her chest into her throat. She had forgotten how impressive he was without a shirt on. She could feel her face getting hot, but in this weather and all these men around her what red blooded woman wouldn't be blushing. God he looked good. But then again, he always looked good to Charlie.

"Ayden!” she smiled as her heart fluttered. He seemed happy to see her.

"Darlin’ what are you doin’ here?” Ayden had to get a grip. Everyone was watching them. At least they were all watching Charlie. And he wasn't blind he knew why. But for some reason today he was more aware of her.

"Tom told me I would find you here. The question is
what are you
doing here?” Charlie sent him a hurtful glare. He was safe, really safe. That meant he just didn't show, and that hurt. “You didn't show up, I was worried to death about you."

"Shit!” Ayden moved slowly toward her. He had no excuse, the renovations had consumed him and by the time he realized what day it was, it was too late to get there. “I'm so sorry. I have been tied up with this house. I..."

"Forgot about me?” Charlie lowered her head.

"No, Darlin’ I didn't forget about you, or the day. But it was too late for me to get out there.” Ayden took her hands. He knew her feelings were hurt. Ten years he had never missed a meeting till now. He hadn't forgotten about her. He thought about calling, he could get the number if he really wanted it. But she hadn't called him either. “Look at me Charlie."

Charlie lifted her head. At six foot tall plus three inch heels she only had to glance upward to look him eye to eye. Her platinum blonde hair was loosely curled and disheveled. The wispy bangs almost hiding her right eye. Charlie was enough to take a man's breath away. Her green eyes were big and sad looking at him. Her lips stilled in a natural pout. They were perfect, with a little space between them that made her look ready for kissing all the time.

"I'm sorry. I should have..."

"Oh Ayden!” Charlie threw herself into his arms and tears streamed. She didn't care that he was dirty and sweaty. She didn't care that four other men were watching. She sure as hell didn't care about crying. She had gone through hell to be there. The relief of seeing him, knowing he was all right just took her over.

Ayden wasn't sure what to do. He pulled her away from his chest, practically peeling her off of him. He had hugged her before. Once a year actually, but this time was different. This time she really affected him. He could feel her on his bare chest. He could smell her scent against the paint fumes and his own sweat. She smelled good. Too damn good. Maybe it was because he was no longer on the job that she penetrated his senses. He wasn't sure. But he didn't like it. Or maybe he liked it too much.

"Darlin’ you're ruinin’ your clothes now. Tell me, what's wrong?” Ayden looked at her. She brushed her tears and straightened her dress. Not a streak of mascara, of course not. She had a waterproof face on.

"I can't.” Charlie smiled a weak smile back trying to pull her self together. Ayden was her hero. She loved him since the day she met him. She was nineteen, and he had captured her twin sisters’ killer. They met each year to celebrate. Each year in May, each year, but this one, and this year she needed him most. “Not in front of everyone."

It was then Ayden was aware that they had everyone's undivided attention. “Guys, do you mind?"

The four men collectively went about acting like they hadn't been watching with jaws dropped. But really, this was the Wolf, and this woman named Charlie, Charlie Mann no less had thrown herself on him. Everything about her name was masculine. But one look at Charlie told you she was all feminine curves and wonder. She had indicated a relationship and she was jaw dropping hot. The real shocker was that Ayden had never mentioned her before, ever.

"Gentlemen, your wives are a few doors down. Please. Go to them.” Ayden shot Joshua an evil glare. Joshua married Ayden's sister Evelyn last year. Ethan and Chase were his cousins, married to Grace and Megan, also cousins. Poor Malcolm was dating Joshua's sister Stephanie. This was the first of an annual tradition they were trying to establish. Everyone together for the Fourth of July, Ayden's other sister Noel and her husband Tom would be arriving later that evening.

"All right, all right. No need to bite me on the ass, Wolf.” Joshua winked at Ayden.

Indeed the Wolf was marking his territory though every other man in the room was unavailable. He also called her Darlin', he only called his sisters Darlin'. None of the women would believe this. Charlie looked like an angel, impossible for any man to ignore completely.

They filed out the door. Ethan stopped, hauled the luggage into the house without a word, and then headed back out to join the guys.

Ayden could hear them whisper and laugh all the way down the porch. Evelyn no doubt would be on her way back up the street in minutes.

"Okay Charlie, what's going on?” Ayden looked her over head to toe. With those heels she practically looked him eye to eye. Her long legs disappeared into the short red dress and her breasts filled out the top. He had to remind himself that she was a case, not touchable.

"I'm ... Well. I'm looking for a new start. I quit my job, gathered everything I thought was important and came here.” Charlie didn't want to tell him the whole truth. Not yet. She spoke very light but matter of fact about it all. The best way to avoid Ayden's interrogation would be to head it off in short quick bursts.

"What do you mean Charlie?"

"I called the FBI, not the brightest idea by the way, because they sent agents out to question me. They got all freaked out because I knew anything about you. I gave them my information and then a couple days later Tom called me.” Charlie swallowed. “He said you moved to North Carolina. I went on line and here you are. I found you."

There's a lot to be said about the security of a man's personal business when a showgirl from Las Vegas tracks a former FBI agent down on the internet. Ayden immediately began reevaluating his plan to open the bed and breakfast. Most likely it was the business license that gave him away. Oh well, he wasn't ready to let people into his life anyway. He kept finding something in the house to change, prolonging the plan. He needed an excuse to be near Evelyn, to establish a relationship with his sister. The house was a bed and breakfast before, it sounded like a plan at the time.

"Ayden, I ... I missed you. I look forward to seeing you every year.” Charlie took a breath.

"Charlie we have been over this. You're too young for me Darlin'. You were a child when I met you.” Ayden thought of her as a child but she had been working as a showgirl for three years by then, she and her twin sister both. Michael was the reason they met. Her murder brought them together.

She sure didn't seem too young for him now.

"Where were you when you were nineteen?” She snapped at him.

"That's not the point. The point is I have almost six years on you.” Ayden knew she had a major case of hero worship. He had brought her sisters murderer to justice. It was his first case and he caught the bad guy.

"Fine.” Charlie waved a well manicured hand in the air. Her eyes dropped to the floor, looking at his big feet in steel-toe work boots. She was tired and felt defeated. She could fight this fight another day. “Call me a cab. I'll go. Find somewhere else to stay. It's been a long day."

"Go? Ayden she just got here.” Evelyn stepped into the house and looked the woman up and down. Maybe she should go. The woman was stunning, like a model, perfect proportions everywhere. And with the red dress clinging to her like a second skin, anyone could see that.

"She's not going anywhere.” Ayden looked at Evelyn and laughed a defeated laugh. “The whole area is booked solid. There's no where else for her

"And she is...” Evelyn smiled.

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