Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion (90 page)

BOOK: Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion
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unexpected balance of payment difficulties and, 43–44
working habits of, 28
Young and, 78–79
Schacht, Norman Hjalmar, 124
Schacht, Wilhelm, 24–25
Schachtian system, 26
Schirach, Henriette von, 427
Schleswig-Holstein, 24–25
sending of gold to, 417
Schloss Fuschl, 417
Schmidt, Rudolf, 130
Schumpeter, Joseph, praise of gold as automatic system, 4
Schuschnigg, Kurt, xi, 91–92, 109
holding of national plebiscite on union with Germany, 93
invasion of Austria and, 95–96
meeting with Hitler, 91–92
, 69
Schwed (Orlov’s code name), 18
Schwedler, August, Funk, Lanners, and, 420, 422–423
Second Book
(Hitler), 39
The Secret of Santa Victoria
(Crichton), 367
Sedan, 206, 243
Selassie, Haile, 290
Self-sufficiency, 37, 68
Serbrovsky, Alexander, 336
Serov, Ivan, 394, 411
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 95, 96, 98, 224
Shadrin, Dmitry, 344
Shakespeare, William, 1
Shaw, George Bernard, 4
Shawe, Dr., 404
, 185
Shirer, William, 135
Sicily, 148
Allied invasion of, 363
Siedlce, regional bank office in, 136
Siemens, start of dummy company and, 42
Siepmann, Harry, 286–287
Simon, Sir John, 114, 288–289
Siret River, 141
, 205
SKF (Swedish Ball Bearing Factory), 382
Skoda Works, 105–106, 117
Skorzeny, Otto, 363, 417–418
Slany, William, 432
Slovakia, 110
German takeover of, 165
Slovaks, language of, 105
Smith, Adam, 26, 78
Smith, Al, 56
Smith, Bedell, 408–409
Smith, Howard, 178
Smolensk, 346
battle of, 349
Smuts, Jan, correspondence with Churchill, Winston, 313
Sniatyn, 148
goal to get Polish gold to, 141
Soviet takeover of, 143
war refugees in, 142
Sobibór death camp, 356
, 297, 298
Societa Bancara Romana (Bucharest), 385
Société Belge de Banque
, 229
Socony-Vacuum Oil, 144, 146
Söhne, Friedrick Roessler, 386
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 340
Sontag, Henri, protection of Belgian assets, 229–230
South Africa
British gold in, 291
gold production in, 289, 337
South Africa Reserve Bank, Belgian gold at, 231
Southwest Africa, 88
Soviet Central Bank, 154
Soviet Depository of Precious Metals (Moscow), 23
Soviet occupation zone, 429
Soviet Union, 334–354.
See also
alliance with Czechoslovia, 106
breakup of, 155
capture of Berlin, 411–412
capture of Nazi gold and, 412
Cheka in, 14
collectivization in, 11–12
deceptive diplomacy of, 132
desire for weak Germany, 388
economy in, 11
Estonia, Latvia, and Finland and, 151
ethnic groups in, 334
German invasion of, 38–39, 225, 326, 339, 382
gold production in, 58, 337–338
Great Terror in, 11
Hitler’s concerns over, 131
Lend-Lease for, 352
protection of Austria or Czechoslovakia and, 89
sales of Nazi gold and, 338–339, 442
Secret Service in, 19
shipment of Spanish gold to, 17, 18–23
signing of nonaggression treaty with Germany, 133
Spanish Civil War and, 13–14
under Stalin, 11–12, 23, 336, 341, 345–346, 347–348
Stalin’s desire to avoid war with Germany, 131–132
warning of German attack on, 339–340
Spaak, Paul-Henri, 233
Azaña as prime minister and president of, 9
national election in 1936, 9
Nazi gold received in, 432–433
negotiations with the Allies, 432
raw materials in, 39, 383
receipt of Nazi gold by, 432
sale of raw materials to Nazis, 383
sales of Nazi gold and, 442
stockpile of gold as weapon of war in, 8
tungsten in, 376, 383
wartime activities of, 431
Spanish Civil War (1936–39), 8–23
Blue Shirts in, 9
carpet-bombing in, 8
deaths in, 8, 10
destruction in, 10
efforts of British and French to stop, 12–13
Franco in, 17, 18–23
Germany and, 90
Giral, José, in, 10, 11
Göring’s Luftwaffe during, 131
Hitler and, 10–11
International Brigades in, 9
Italian and German involvement in, 12–13, 15–16
Moors in, 12
movement of gold in, 17
Mussolini and, 10
National Front in, 9
Nationalists in, 8, 9, 10–11, 12, 15–16
Operation X in, 13
Popular Front in, 9
Republicans in, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15–16, 184
Roman Catholic Church in, 8–9, 10
spies in, 14–15
tank combat in, 8
Spanish Communist Party, membership of, 11
Spanish Morocco, coup d’etat in, 10
Special Case Otto plans for invasion of Austria, 94
Speer, Albert, xi, 73, 75, 87, 413–414
as minister for armaments and munitions, 40
on Morgenthau Plan, 391
Spiridonov, Nikolai K., 343, 344
Spital am Pyrhn, 414–415
Sprague, Oliver, 53
opposition of gold program, 56
SS Antonia
, 295
SS Aracataca
, 265
SS Azerbaidjan
, 338, 351
SS Britannica
, 265
SS Cairo
, 352–353
SS Dneprostroy
, 338
SS Donbass
, 338
SS Duchess of Liverpool
, 295
SS Emerald
, 295, 296
SS Eocene
, 144–145, 146
SS Harding
, 164
SS Iris
, 214, 215, 216
SS Laurentic
, 286
SS Manhattan
, 164
SS Pasteur
, 250, 253, 254, 255
SS Perseus
, 214
SS President Roosevelt
, 164
SS Randsfjord
, 176
SS Rex
, 260
SS Smolny
, 354
SS Titus
, 214, 215, 216
SS Trafalgar
, 176
SS Transbalt
, 338
Staffeldt, Herbert, 70
Stalin, Joseph, xi, 152, 156, 157, 337
advance warning of German attack, 339–340
claim to Merkers gold, 429
concerns over Franco victory, 13
desire for western offensive, 363
desire to avoid war with Germany, 131–132
Five Year Plans of, 336
Hitler and, 339–340
Hopkins, Harry and, 347–348
movement of Spanish gold and, 8, 18–23
national gold policy of, 336
non-aggression treaty with Hitler, 133
at Potsdam, 429
problems of, in Soviet Union, 11–12
prohibition of weapons export to Spain, 13
Ribbentrop, Joachim von and, 151
Soviet Union under, 336, 341, 345–346, 347–348
Spanish Civil War and, 11, 15
Trotsky and, 12
at Yalta meeting, 391
Stanton, Ellen, 4
Stanton, William, 4
Stashevsky, Arthur, 16, 18
State Bank of the U.S.S.R., 154
gold traffic and, 167
Stauffenberg, Claus Graf von, assassination attempt, 123
Stauning, Thorvald, 178
British and French invasion of, 177
storage of gold at, 177
Steinriegel, 424
Stettin, 396
Stimson, Henry L., 360–361, 389, 390
opposition to Morgenthau’s plan for postwar Germany, 389, 390
Stockholm, storage of gold bullion, 381
, 190, 191, 192
Stout, George, 403–404
Straus, Gladys, 57
Straus, Oscar, as Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 50
Stresemann, Gustav
death of, 30
meeting with Schacht over inflation, 27
Strong, Benjamin, 29–30
Federal Reserve Bank of New York under, 77
Student, Kurt, 213
Stülpnaagel, Otto von, 311
Süddeutsche Kugelfabrik (South German Ball Bearing Factory), 382
Sudeten German Party, 106
Sudetenland, 111
proposal to split off from Czechoslovakia, 108
Südtirol, 368
Sunde, Arne, 193
Sunde, Bjørn, 184–185
Sun Life Assurance Company, 297, 299
Supreme Court, U.S., New Deal and, 59
Šutej, Juraj, 332
Sutter, John, discovery of gold in California, 4
Sutton, Willy, 6
Suwałki, 138
, 190
Sverdlovsk, 342, 343
Sweden, 151
golden inheritance and, 176
gold transfers to U.S. and, 164, 167–168, 170
iron ore in, 39, 174, 376
move of Polish gold to, 155
negotiations with the Allies, 432
as partner with Nazi Germany, 381–382
relations with the Allies, 382
sale of war materials to Nazis, 381–382
sales of Nazi gold and, 442
wartime activities of, 431
Swedish Central Bank
business in bullion with the Nazis, 382
Polish gold in, 136
Swedish National Bank, 156
movement of bullion, 287
Swedish Red Cross, 382
Swedish State Bank, 154
The Swiss, the Gold and the Dead
(Ziegler), 377, 432
Swiss Bank Corporation, sales of Nazi gold and, 442
Swiss banks, German gold in, 387
Swiss Central Bank, assumptions on gold received by, 376
Swiss commercial banks, sales of Nazi gold and, 442
Swiss Confederation’s National Council, 377
Swiss Independent Commission of Experts, 377–378
Swiss National Bank
acceptance of bullion, 418–419
buying of German gold by, 431–432
Czech gold at, 112
gold for, 371
sales of Nazi gold and, 441, 442
acceptance of stolen gold by, 376
Belgian gold in, 316
bullion standard of, 83
economic and ethnic ties to Germany, 376–379
gold standard and, 438
Nazi gold received in, 378, 432
as pro-Swiss, 377
stolen gold in, 441
U.S. receipt of gold from, 170
wartime economic activities, 431–432
Sydney, movement of gold to, 299
Synthetic fuel, German production of, 28
Syria, shipment of French gold to, 241
Tallinn, 155
Tank warfare, 205
Task Force Whitney, 408
Taylor, Myron, as Roosevelt’s representative to the Vatican, 259–268
Taylor Formula, 260
Teichert, Max-Martin, 353–354
Ten Days That Shook the World
(Reed), 336
Thiès, gold in, 309, 310, 312
Third Army, discovery of German gold by, xiii, 401, 415
Thomas, Georg, 45, 65, 71
diary of, 119
Thompson, Dorothy, interview of Schacht, 32–33
Thoms, Albert, xi, 357–358, 384, 398, 399, 406, 409, 412
Thorkildsen, Sverre, 183
Thucydides, 2
Thuringia, sending of gold to, 396, 397, 417
Timbuktu, 316
Timoshenko, Semen, 340, 345
German need for, 165
U.S. buy up of, 165
Tippelskirch, Werner von, 131
Tirana, 202
Tittmann, Howard, 266
Toniolo, Gianni, 83, 113–114
Tonningen, Meinoud Rost van, 225
Tooze, Adam, 103
Torp, Oscar, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191
Torpedo Boat 51
, 213
Toulon, 147
shipment of gold to, 244
Toulouse, 231
Tours, 240
Towers, Graham, 286
Trans-Siberian railroad, 343
Traub, Admiral, 271
Treasure hunters, 2
Trebjesa Grotto, 330
Treblinka death camp, 356
Trentino-Alto Adige, 368
Trier, Allied seizure of, xiii
Trip, L. J. A., xi, 207, 214, 225
Trip, Leonardus, 81
Triparate Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold, 101, 327, 427, 429, 430–431, 432, 443, 444
, 219
Trompeloup-Pauillac, 278

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