Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (6 page)

BOOK: Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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But she didn’t let up, so he quickly darted toward her and grabbed an ankle, floating her to him until his cock was level with her pussy. As her head started to go under the water, she reached out and took hold of a ledge about one foot above the water.

When he had discovered this grotto as an eight-year-old boy, he had taken great delight in using that very ledge to jump off into the pool. He grinned wryly. If he tried it now, he’d not only have difficulties getting onto it, he’d land in the pool with a bump!

Sliding easily into her moist sheath, he began with short thrusts, but despite Emily holding onto the ledge, she still kept ducking under the water, and after a few moments she spluttered, “Robin! I’m drowning here.”

He grunted, and tucking her legs around his waist, he reached out to take hold of her hands and pulled her upright. With her safely in his arms, he then walked forward, aiming to put her down on the grassy bank where the forest met the grotto. However, he was thwarted in that idea when she suddenly jerked to the side, causing him to topple.

As he staggered, she unclasped her legs, and he had to grip her butt tightly as he fell backward.

Landing with a bump on the grass, which knocked the breath out of him, he managed to hold onto Emily who tucked her legs back and pushed him so he lay flat on the ground.

She grinned at him as she laid her hands on his chest. “Now that’s much more like it.”

Robin simply grunted. Yes, Emily would want to be on top. At least he was still inside her.

However, when she started moving back and forth, riding him like a horse, her wonderful breasts swinging back and forth as she rode, he was perfectly happy to stay in that position.

Even when he tried to take hold of her hips to give him some degree of control, she pushed his hands away.

“Emily!” He was getting to the stage where he needed to urge her to a faster motion, and she wasn’t giving it to him.

She stopped altogether, causing him to grit his teeth against the wail he wanted to let out.

“Oh? You want me to leave?”

As he attempted to pull his legs up in order to turn her onto her back, she leaned forward taking hold of his wrists to slam them down on the ground, and rising up on her knees, she began riding up and down. She was so wet she glided effortlessly.

“Christ, Em. Ahhhh. You’re gonna kill me.”

Emily chuckled. “Not yet. But in a few moments maybe.”

It was murder letting her control their lovemaking. Every time he started to push upward to force the speed at which she rode him, she stopped. Then she began again slowly—very slowly, holding herself over him so he didn’t fully breach her.

Finally he had enough and pulled his hands from her grasp, taking hold of her waist, and flipped her over in a trice, plunging into her as he wanted. “Oh, God, sweetheart, that’s better.”

She laughed, but it wasn’t long before his deep thrusts aroused her so much that she started to cry out for more. It was his turn to chuckle. He knew from old that the other thing she liked, apart from being the one to dominate their sex, was for him to be as hard and fast as he could. And being a gentleman, he always acceded to a lady’s request.

“Robiiiiin,” she wailed as her legs gripped him tightly around his waist and she came, shuddering beneath him. His cum burst from him faster than a babbit escaping a bird of prey.

He shook in sheer relief and flopped off Emily’s body to lie on his back, his chest heaving as his lungs tried to regain some breath.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she would allow him to do this all the time? Well, maybe not all the time, or the woman would wear him out. He grinned. But what a way to go.

His smile then faltered as he recalled the problem of getting her to commit to him.
Damn. Back to square one.

Chapter Seven


Finn shuffled his feet impatiently as he waited in the courtroom which only yesterday had been the scene of Emily’s trial, the outcome of which was that she had to marry him.

He scowled. No one had asked
if he wanted to marry Emily. She might have been the one on trial, but somehow he had become part of her punishment. Having avoided marrying anyone in the past, he certainly did not want to settle down now. He frowned as he waited and considered the conundrum that he was in. If he
to marry, would he want someone else? Maybe younger? Maybe more biddable? Or would it actually be someone like Emily, who probably wouldn’t mind if he continued his travels? That would be a good relationship, he mulled and nearly smiled, but then another thought edged its way into his brain. Was it finally time for him to settle down and stay in one place?

Looking around the large room which served the town in various guises, he envisaged instead the bar—Emily’s bar—which everyone seemed to expect him to start running now.

I can do that.
He grinned. He’d certainly spent a vast proportion of his life in them, but then his smile faltered. Would Emily take kindly to having a partner in her business, or even someone taking it over from her? He really didn’t know very much about her. Rumor was that she’d had a terrible marriage and prized her independence. Not that he wanted to control her. He just didn’t want her controlling him.

His ruminations were interrupted when the law enforcer arrived. Finn seemed to recall his name was Garrett, and he seemed an amiable person, however, on this occasion there seemed to be some sort of ruckus.

Moving so he could get a better look, Finn wasn’t sure whether to chuckle or be dismayed. The reason for the disturbance was that Garrett was trying to drag a very unwilling Emily into the room. He was firmly clasping one of her arms, but she was gripping hold of the doorjamb with all her might with her other hand and had a very determined expression on her face.

I don’t want to get married again. You can’t make me.” Her voice reverberated loudly around the building, and Finn flinched. He wasn’t sure if it was because of what she was saying or the loudness.

The mayor who had presided over the trial yesterday in his role as judge was sitting at the front, almost as if he hadn’t moved from his seat. He stood up now and yelled back, “Oh yes, we can, Emily Dubois. Or do you want to be sent to the brothel in Eden?”

That was enough to stop Emily in her tracks. Her face, for once in the short time Finn had known her, took on a look of panic. Then a shuttered expression came over her, and wrenching her arm out of the law enforcer’s grip, she marched down the aisle.

Coming to a full stop next to Finn in front of the judge’s desk, she demanded haughtily, “Well? Are we going through with this travesty or not?”

Uncertain himself that this was the right thing to do, Finn bent his head to speak quietly to her. “Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop this before we go any further.”

She glared back at him and angrily stated, “We don’t have any choice. As soon as this is over I am going back to my bar, and
are going to leave town, do you hear!”

Oh, this is going to be one terrific marriage
. He grimaced. “I’ll do exactly what I want to. And I’m not going to be forced from this town that easily!” Emily gave him such a shocked look that he stepped back from his unwelcoming bride. What the hell was he getting into?

Judge Wright stood up gesturing peremptorily at the crowds that were trying to force their way into the room for this unusual event, to sit down forthwith. “Now that we are finally all here, will everyone please settle down?” He waited a moment for everyone to heed him before continuing, “Dearly beloved—”

He was interrupted by an exasperated Emily. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, neither of us is ‘beloved,’ so get to the main bit.”

The judge just looked over his glasses at Emily, who refused to subside. Finn was hard pressed not to laugh. Life with Emily was certainly going to be fun!

“As I was saying,” he began again, somewhat annoyed, “we are gathered here today for the joining of Emily Dubois and…and…what was your name again, young man?”

He started, not expecting the question. “Finn Taylor.”

“Ah yes, I remember…Where was I?”

Finn had to resist the urge to chuckle as the judge jerked his head back to stare at the ceiling. He had noted before this amusing habit of the judge’s while trying to recall something.

“Umm…the joining of Emily Dubois and Finn Taylor who have consented—”

“Oh no, one of us hasn’t,” muttered Emily, crossing her arms to indicate her contempt of the proceedings.

Twisting his head away, Finn pretended to cough as a laugh came over him, and he couldn’t stop it breaching his lips. He tried to look serious as he turned back effecting a thoughtful demeanor.

The judge wasn’t fooled and gave him a fierce look. “These two people are to be married according to the laws of this planet. Having
and deemed available for marriage, I am going to forego the usual trivialities, and therefore, I pronounce them—”


Finn cursed and glanced around. Robin was standing in the doorway, a thunderous expression on his face.

“What the hell is going on here?” Robin demanded.

Garrett moved forward to intercept the big carpenter before he got to the front. There was a slight scuffle as Robin didn’t take kindly to being thwarted in his desire to confront them, but Garrett was at least as solid as Robin and had the sense of authority about him that made Robin step back.

“I’ve just heard that you are marrying
!” Robin cried, throwing his accusation at Emily, who had gone rigid as Robin had entered the building. She ducked her head and refused to look at either man.

Robin continued plaintively, “Please tell me I’ve misheard.”

Finn sniggered. It was quite clear that a wedding was taking place, but the idiot was refusing to accept this. He couldn’t resist turning the screw. “Come on, fool. Isn’t it obvious? Emily is marrying
.” He really enjoyed emphasizing the last word, unable to resist a bit of one-upmanship.


She simply shook her head, not wanting—or not able—to respond to her ex-lover.

“I don’t understand. How can you do this?”

Garrett intervened, placing a kindly hand on Robin’s shoulder. “Look, lad, I don’t know if you heard, but Emily was found having illicit sex after the dance with this man here, Finn.”

Robin frowned. “So? She had sex with—”

Probably guessing that Robin was about to point out that Emily had sex with lots of people, Garrett quickly interrupted, “And after she was found with Finn, a town meeting took place yesterday, and the mayor, that is to say, Judge Wright, made a ruling that Emily has to marry this man. It is to keep her out of mischief as much as obeying our laws. Emily has done this once too often.”

The look on Robin’s face was a picture, and Finn could see all sorts of emotions going through the other man, but he wasn’t expecting the words that then came out of Robin’s mouth. “So what are you going to do then if I tell you she had sex with me yesterday evening?”

A moment’s silence was followed by an uproar as everyone in the room jumped to their feet and started talking at the same time.


“How could she?”

“She’s nothing more than a slut.”

“That does it. She’s definitely going to the brothel.”

The last words, uttered by the judge, were enough to jerk Finn out of his daze. Instinctively he lunged at the younger man, wanting to strangle him, ignoring for the moment that Robin was so much bigger than him.

His opponent was momentarily taken aback, and he had the advantage—for a few seconds. But it was enough to get a swing at the younger man’s face. As Robin staggered back a few steps, Finn charged his waist and tackled him.

God, he was built like a hardwood—the tree that was the commonest on the planet, which was good, because it was very hardy and, therefore, ideal building material. Unfortunately, it was also very hard, hence its name, and the wind was knocked out of Finn as he attempted to take his enemy down. Instead Robin got his big carpenter’s hands under Finn’s arms and pulled him off.

It was Finn who went flying to the floor. Any wind he had left was then shoved out of him as Robin followed his throw and landed on top of him with a bellow, “Emily will
be mine!”

He didn’t have any breath left to yell back at him that it was tough as the judge had given Emily to
Instead he used a woman’s trick and kneed Robin in the balls.

The squeal Robin gave as he rolled off him made him feel slightly guilty, but only for a second. Staggering to his feet, he didn’t have time to contemplate what to do next as Garrett barged in, pushing him away to grab hold of Robin and drag him to his feet.

Looking around, Finn grinned at others who had decided to take a swing at people they disliked, and fighting spilled out onto the street, women screaming, children yelling in delight at the excitement.

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