Chasing Cassidy (34 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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I remember this.

“Before the ride had even ended, you had scooted all the way next to me to protect me and when we got off you still held my hand. I remember your mom and dad smiling when they saw it, they thought it was cute. Rylee pretended to gag but that didn’t stop you. You held my hand for the rest of the day. It didn’t just feel good, Zack, it made me feel worthy. That was
moment, the moment I knew if such a thing as love existed mine
belonged to

Her moment is perfect.

“I love you, Mrs. Stafford,” I tell her reverently, placing a soft kiss on her perfect lips.

“I love you, too.”

“Oh, and Zack,” she pauses before we step around the corner.

“Yeah, babe?”

“I had a lot of time to read today while I was being pampered. I ran out of Post-its,” she says with a devious grin on her face and my cock is instantly hard.

With a groan, I ask her another very important question.

“How long before we can kick them all out?”

She laughs and pulls me back to our family to celebrate. 

Pictures don’t take too long since there are just a few of us, but the photographer will stay and get candids all night. Dinner is delicious but for some reason, knowing Cassidy is eating to grow our child is ridiculously sexy to me. I have a feeling I might be one of those guys who ends up with a pregnancy fetish. It might not be so bad—the more she’s pregnant, the more love we’ll have to share.

When dinner is finished, Nick decides it’s time to give his toast.

“Zack, Rylee, and I have been friends since we were in diapers. When Cassidy moved into the neighborhood, we were six years old. I was excited because I figured that would mean Rylee wouldn’t be tagging along with us so much anymore. Fortunately for us, I was wrong. Neither Rylee nor Cassidy had a problem hanging out with boys. The older we got, I appreciated the bond the four of us had even more. Maybe it’s because by the time we were eight, Zack had already declared Cassidy would be the woman he was going to marry. And even though we were only eight, I never doubted he meant those words. Zack is a believer in moments, a point in time which dictates who you love will lead you to your happily ever after. Congratulations to two of my best friends, Zack and Cassidy, for grasping on to your moments and following your hearts.”

A round of congratulations follows and then Rylee decides it’s her turn.

“Tonight is an important night for our family. When we were six years old, God brought me the sister I had always wished for in an unexpected way. And even though we aren’t sisters by blood, I’ve never thought of her as anything less than that. Over the years, we had witnessed romantic glimpses of our parents, but when you’re young you think those moments are kind of gross. They aren’t something you’re probably going to draw inspiration from. As you get older, you take those moments for granted, just assuming that’s how love is supposed to be. So, being able to witness Zack and Cassidy fall in love from the beginning was inspiring. Zack unknowingly taught me what to look for in a man and to never settle for less. Cassidy has taught me as long as there’s love, there is forgiveness. Couples argue and fight, eventually say things they don’t mean and can’t take back, it happens to the best of us. Except it’s
happened to them. The respect they have for each other is truly astounding. Their children are probably going to grow up to be the best people you could ever know. I wouldn’t expect anything less from my nieces and nephews. Thank you, Zack, for officially giving me a sister and thank you, Cassidy, for making my family yours. I love you both.”

Rylee swipes at her tears but as Cassidy pulls her into a massive hug, it’s pointless. They’re both crying shamelessly and celebrating their official sisterhood.

Cassidy and I decide to bypass the dancing tonight. Mostly since the wedding is family only and we don’t want Nick to be without a partner. But also because we know it’s going to be late after the chatting and speeches. It’s already after ten and we haven’t even cut the cake yet.

“Can we have cake now?”

Rylee laughs at Cassidy.

“You being pregnant is going to be fun.”

“This isn’t the baby, this is me. I want cake,” Cassidy says, defending herself.

“You keep telling yourself that. You are so totally having twins.” After that, Ry rushes into the house and brings out the cake. It’s a simple, small cake but it’s chocolate with raspberry filling and that’s Cassidy’s favorite.

We cut the cake together, hand over hand, and tenderly feed each other. She looks gorgeous in this dress and I’m not about to mess it up.

“You know,” my mom says after taking a bite, “I was constantly starving when I was pregnant with the twins. Even early on, I was up in the middle of the night eating. First it started with bananas and then it was whatever I could get my hands on.”

My laughter can’t be stopped, even under Cassidy’s death glare.

“Why do you all think it’s so hilarious to curse me with twins?” she asks with a pout.

“Just remember I didn’t curse you with anything, Cassidy. I’m on your side,” Pete tells her, finally breaking his silence tonight. I guess this is probably sort of uncomfortable for him.

“You know, Cassidy, if Priscilla hadn’t had twins you wouldn’t have these two. Maybe you should think of it as more of a blessing in disguise,” my dad says with a wink.

“That’s very true. I’ll try and keep that in mind when I’m pushing out the second one.”

She’s so adorable.

After dessert, Rylee begins to get anxious. Like any good party planner, she has the place cleaned up and the caterers packed up and gone in no time. My parents offer Nick a ride to the hotel where he’s staying tonight and after lengthy goodbyes, they leave. He looked like he wanted to talk to me and I realized I never really talked to him about moving. If the situation had been reversed, I’d be pissed. I was able to pull him aside long enough to tell him I’d call him in a few days and we’d talk about it at least.

Pete seems much more relaxed now that Nick is gone.

“Better now?”

He just shakes his head at my sarcasm. “I told you… love triangles, all that.”

“I know. Take my sister home and talk to her, you’ll feel better. Rylee is straight up like that. You won’t ever have to worry about her leading you on.”

“Congratulations again, you two,” he says as the girls come back into the room. “See you in a few days?”

“Absolutely, Pete. We’ll have you over for dinner sometime next week,” Cassidy assures him with a hug.

Rylee hugs me with a look of nostalgia on her face. “You guys are all grown up and married now.”

“It’s your turn to be happy, too, Ry. They’re both good men. You just have to decide which one to take a chance on.” I whisper the words so Pete doesn’t hear me.

“Thanks,” she says, backing away. Before leaving, she throws over her shoulder, “I’m off to go get my nightly screaming in,” and then she blows me a kiss. She’s such a smartass.

“Everyone’s gone, Mrs. Stafford.”

“They are indeed, Mr. Stafford. Do you have any thoughts as to what we should do now?”  Her smirk is adorable as she heads for the stairs in front of me. She should always walk in front of me because then I get to watch her tight little ass as she goes. My cock concurs with my logic.

She stops at the bedroom door and gasps and I wrap my arms around her.

“You like?” I whisper softly in her ear.

“Oh, Zack, I

The bed is covered in pink and white rose petals; Cassidy has never liked red. There are candles lit and soft jazz playing. I had to have Pete show me how to work the stereo to just get it to play in this room. He got quite a kick out of that. As usual, everything is perfect. Rylee outdid herself.

Spinning around in my arms, Cassidy kisses me passionately as we begin the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.



Five months later

“Breathe, Cassidy. Just take a deep breath and let it out slowly.” She turns to me, hands on her hips and nostrils flaring. Even when she’s pissed at me she’s sexy as fuck.

“Zachary Stafford! Do
tell me to breathe! Do you have any idea the amount of things we need to get done before this baby comes? We have to set up the crib and the dresser and the rocker and all the
stuff we need in the nursery. How are we supposed to do that when we can’t even agree what color to paint it?”

She’s pacing the room now, throwing her hands up in the air as she melts down. I’m trying damn hard not to laugh because it will just get her even more worked up, but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it back. We’ve still got two months before our baby girl joins us. Yep, talk about breaking
the rules—not only is she not twins, but she’s not a boy, either.

“Zack, are you even listening to me?” she calls out, frustrated, and finally pauses to take a deep breath. Her blue eyes lock onto mine as I cross the room and pull her into my arms.

“Relax, Cassidy, we’ve got this.”

“But there’s baby proofing and shopping, we need diapers and wipes… how are we going to do it all when we can’t even pick paint? We’re going to be horrible parents!” She is so hormonal and she’s getting all teary-eyed which has been happening more and more often lately. I learned really fast it’s okay for
to say she’s hormonal but those words had best never cross

Using one finger, I tilt her chin up and place a soft kiss on her lips. Her hands clutch onto my shirt and she hugs me hard.

“I can’t even get close to you anymore without my belly in the way,” she states pitifully.

“Hey,” I tell her, dropping to my knees and lifting up her shirt. “This belly is the most beautiful part of you right now. It’s protecting precious cargo, isn’t that right, Bailey? Tell Mommy you love her for giving you lots of room to grow.”

As if she understands what I’m saying, she kicks against my hands. Bailey has been responsive to my voice for a few weeks now. The love encompassing my heart when our little girl moves and kicks when we talk to her is insane. More, now than ever before, I can’t understand how John did the things he did to Cassidy. Deidre isn’t innocent, either. How she could stand back and let it happen is beyond me.

What I do know—without a shadow of a doubt—is that Bailey and the rest of our kids will be shown nothing except unconditional love. Cassidy’s laughter pulls me from my thoughts.

“It’s crazy how much she loves you already. She’s definitely going to be a daddy’s girl. Now, if only we could get her room started.” She rubs her belly and sighs as I stand up and take her hand in mine, leading her to the sofa.

“I’m sorry Rylee isn’t here for this yet. I know you’re anxious to finish the room but we have time. We can paint the room pink or purple, yellow or green, or like a rainbow for all I care. But if you just wait another week, Rylee promised she’d be here.”

The concerned look on her face weighs heavily on my heart. All my twin radar is telling me something big is going on with Rylee but she refuses to confide in either Cassidy or myself. After she left the island, she went home and has kept both Nick and Pete in the friend zone. Normally, I would say it’s good to see Ry grow up and wait for the man who will treat her like she deserves to be treated. However, I know she would have that with Nick
Pete if she would only let herself choose.

Pete’s been over a few times, but the man keeps his emotions in check and refuses to talk about Rylee or dating. All he’ll say is they’ve been in touch. Whenever I talk to Nick, he’s distracted but he has mentioned more than a few times he’s moving here as soon as he can find a house. His reasoning has nothing to do with Ry, although I know she’s a big part of it. He just says he misses us and isn’t going to miss his Goddaughter growing up.

“I know she’ll keep her word and be here in time to help. Rylee is way too excited about being an auntie to stay away for long. I just wish she’d stop being so stubborn and tell me what’s on her mind. That’s why she’s staying away, you know… between your twin thing and my best friend instinct she won’t be able to avoid us in person. She’ll have to spill the beans.

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