Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (16 page)

BOOK: Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)
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“Spencer, Lina probably hasn’t had lunch. Did you tell her to meet us in the cafe?”

“I called, but she’s not working the psychiatric unit today.” He talked as he secured the supply room with his digital key code. Missing supplies were grounds for dismissal. Each nurse was assigned a key code to track those removed and returned supplies. “The charge nurse said she called in sick yesterday and today.” He placed the key card behind his name badge, and headed for the fire safe doors.

Wrinkling her brow, Ava thought back to the last time she’d talked with Lina. It had been more than a week. Her life with Logan overshadowed the fact that Lina had been scarce for days.

They left the unit, walking the three flights of stairs to the lobby cafe. Ava found a table behind a row of planters at the rear of the cafeteria. Spencer would find her after he grabbed food from the hot meal line.

This was the first moment she had been off her feet in six hours. Kathryn Quest, the charge nurse had assumed responsibility for Ava’s team so she decided to make wise use of the time by fueling her body.

She allowed the mental shields to lower and the stress of the morning to flow out of her like the river to the sea. Visions of her body wrapped around Logan invaded her mind. She recalled the taste of him; the finest white chocolate with a hint of smooth liqueur. He had made a permanent imprint on her taste buds last night. Heat rose to her face causing a smile to grace her lips.

“I hope I put that smile on your face.” Dread churned in her gut as the owner of that voice registered in her mind. The hairs at her nape stood on end, her palms felt cool and damp, looking up Randall Lester stood over her. Dressed in a pinstriped, three-piece dark gray suit he looked harmless until you saw his flared nostrils and squinted glower.

“Finally I get you alone. You’ve been cavorting with a certain surgeon on staff. That’s a poor decision for a nurse in your position. You wouldn’t want to jeopardize his career or research funding.”

Her eyes locked on Randall’s bearded face a second before they widened in fear. He saw it before she could rein it in. The smile on his face brimmed with malice.

“I am not interested in what you’re offering,” she stammered. She quickly rose from her seat, almost colliding with the chairs behind her.

Ava scanned the cafe. Spencer was too far away to help.

“Not so fast, my pet. Your application packet was delivered to me this morning.” He extended his hand to grab her wrist. Preoccupied with getting away from him, she couldn’t respond to the sinking feeling in her gut.

“Don’t touch her.” A huge breath of relief left her lungs as that distinctive baritone sounded in her ear. “Come here, Ava.” Mentally she reached for him before she took the first step.

Ava spun on her heel, Logan stood, rage clear on his face, the muscles in his arms bulging underneath his lab coat. She did as he commanded coming to stand slightly behind him.

“Randall.” A tremor ran through Ava at the steel in Logan’s voice. “Stay away from Ava. Don’t come near her again. Ever.”

Anger rolled off Logan in pulsing waves. With a vicious snarl aimed at the other man, he said, “Leave. Now.”

Randall turned to leave, but not before he leveled a lethal stare at her. He wasn’t done with her yet. His stare promised retribution.

Then a bizarre expression crossed Randall’s face.

“I’ll give your regards to Sam and Rebecca,” he said to Logan. Ava didn’t understand the statement, but she felt Logan’s grip tighten on her arm. Obviously, the message was significant to Logan.

Logan was dangerously close to losing his temper, and his bid for chief surgeon. What was Randall trying to do with Ava? Was he fixated on her, or was something else going on? He needed answers from her. But first, he had to calm down or he would find Randall and make him regret he ever knew a woman named Ava Walters.

Slowly, the hum of the cafeteria broke into his senses. The aroma of high fat beef and cooking oil drifted across his nose. Good, now that he was calm, he would get some answers from Ava about Randall’s advances.

“Ava, is everything all right?”

Logan recognized the voice without looking over his shoulder. Spencer was the only male pediatric nurse Logan had ever met. The man approached at speed if the rattling food tray was any indication. Logan turned to see Spencer rushing towards them precariously balancing recycled cardboard food carriers and what appeared to be two fountain drinks and three bottles of water.

“No, but it will be.” Logan responded to Spencer’s question. Ava had been mute since the incident with Randall.

“Did something go wrong between you and the Operations Director?” Spencer spoke to him, but his eyes were trained on Ava. When neither of them responded, Spencer looked from her face to settle a frown at him before glancing in the direction Randall had gone. No doubt he was trying to piece all the players and the visual into a workable diagnosis. Logan recognized the moment Spencer knew something bad had happened to Ava and Randall was involved.

“Ava tell me what’s going on?” Spencer’s voice had gone soothing. His tone was too informal from Logan’s perspective. Another man comforting Ava. Encroaching on his territory. Had Ava been in a relationship with Spencer? He held her closer.

“You were with Randall at the party. I saw you two together.” Spencer thought to question his woman. Not in this lifetime.

Logan growled in response. “She was not with him.”

Ava shook her head, as if clearing away a web. The shock of starring as the female lead, in a workplace drama appeared to be wearing off. She was at least responding, though non-verbally.

“He won’t leave me alone.”

“But, at the party, I saw … wait, has he been harassing you? I don’t know what to say. I saw you with him, I assumed. Sorry, baby girl, I messed up.”

Spencer placed the tray on a small rectangle table, taking a step toward Ava with outstretched arms.

“Thanks Logan for getting that jerk away from her. I didn’t realize he’s been bothering her.”

Logan stepped in front of Ava, blocking his path.

“There is no need to thank me. Ava is mine to protect.”

Spencer’s narrowed stare zoned in on him then Ava.

“Ava?” Spencer’s tone reeked of doubt. He wanted confirmation that Ava was his? Logan had staked his claim with her family. He’d stake his claim with her friend and anyone else that dare challenge that she was his.

Logan turned slightly moving Ava to his side. Cradling her face in both his hands, he placed a kiss on her forehead. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Spencer’s expression registered comprehension.

Logan watched as Ava scanned the nearby tables. The way she tensed, she must have recognized a nosy onlooker. She offered a slight nod in answer to his question as she removed his hands and lowered them to his side as inconspicuously as possible.

“I need to hear the words, Ava.” He should have been the one practicing discretion, but it wasn’t possible two men wanting something from Ava. Granted Spencer’s actions were noble compared to Randall’s. No one would ever take another woman from him, Logan vowed.

“I’m okay because you saved me, again. I wish he would leave me alone,” Ava said to Logan.

Spencer’s mouth rounded into a big “O” before he turned away leaving the two of them standing in the cafe.

“Why did you leave for lunch without me?”

“You said your morning was booked solid with cases and the clinic. I didn’t expect to see you today.”

“Sweetheart, there’s not a day that will go by without me seeing you.” He placed another gentle kiss on her forehead. And as pitiful as it looked, a kiss from him made her feel safe. Protected.

“Did you eat your lunch?”

“No. I was waiting on Spencer when Randall ambushed me.” An involuntary shudder racked her body when she said his name. “Maybe I should look for another job.”

Logan’s hands fisted at his side. If he ground his teeth any harder he would need dentures.

“You are not quitting your job. You’ll remain on staff, with me. I’ll take care of this.” His voice was unwavering.

“Logan, what are you talking about? I don’t want you to get tangled up in my drama. I found this job. I can find another.” Unlike his kiss, her words did nothing to ease Logan’s stiff posture. “He’s gone Logan, relax.”

“He wants you and I don’t think he will stop without an incentive. He’s dangerous.” Logan’s jaw was clenched. He looked at her briefly before he darted another look behind and around her. Like he expected an enemy to attack at any moment.

Ava’s eyes fell on the table to her right. It was empty. She raised her hand caressing the tension from his neck hoping to dispel his anger. When that didn’t work she pressed her lips into his. At his surprise, she pushed into his mouth and slowly stroked his tongue. She quickly pulled away when he tugged at the bun pinned neatly at her nape. They both were panting. “I love your hair loose and flowing.”

“I’ll remember that for Friday. Now that I have you attention,” she said, “Eat with me. Spencer left food for two.”

“You are a minx.” Amusement hinted in his voice. “Sit,” he commanded. “I’ll stay while you eat.”

“Spencer won’t come back. I think he feels bad because he saw me cornered by Randall at the party. I’ll reassure him when I return to the unit.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Reassure him how?”

“Don’t get cheeky, Logan.” She was slowly catching and releasing her lip between her teeth again. She’d done the same worried mannerism twice before in his presence. He realized that wasn’t a good thing. “Spencer is my friend. Nothing more. Please don’t give me a hard time.”

“There’s nothing hard about it. We all need our friends, but Spencer can get his own woman to reassure his pride. You are mine.”

Having escorted Ava back to the unit, Logan didn’t second guess his next action. The urge to protect her burned with the intensity of a wild fire. He identified himself at the security box discretely located to the left of the privacy etched glass door. He stepped into the well-appointed river view office as familiar with these surroundings as he was with his own. He felt the weight of eyes watching him before the man spoke.

“What is this about Logan?” The voice was refined and seasoned by age and experience.

“I need your help with something. I don’t have all the details, but even if I did I would not disclose them.” Logan saw an eyebrow raise with concern.

“You know you only have to ask, but I don’t understand the need for secrecy on the details.” Logan remained quiet calculating the best path to revealing his true intent. He would start with direct.

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