Charming Charly (English Edition) (Lords of Arr'Carthian 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Charming Charly (English Edition) (Lords of Arr'Carthian 3)
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“Charly,” she heard Amano’s surprised voice.

She looked up at him. His face was in the shadow but she could feel him looking at her. Her heart seemed to miss a beat when they bumped into one another, but it was now beating regularly.

“Amano,” a whisper left her lips. “I … I couldn’t sleep and so I thought … a glass of mil…”

She got no further because his lips closed her mouth. He embraced her waist with his hands and pulled her closer to his hard body. She realized that his hair was dripping and his shirt was damp and sticking to his body. She placed her hands on his chest and felt his galloping heartbeat. She heard a growl that made his rib cage vibrate.

Surprised, she pulled away, staring at him.

“Charly,” he said remorsefully. “I’m … I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s happened to me. Forgive me. I … I won’t touch you again. Please forgive me. I …”

This time it was Amano who got no further as she closed his mouth with her lips.

“Charly,” he murmured.

“Amano, I want it,” she murmured between feverish kisses. “Please. Love me.”

He took her face between his hands and looked at her searchingly.

“Really? Are you sure?” he asked.

She nodded.

“I need to know, because I have to tell you that I can no longer guarantee that I really can stop if I now …”

“I’m sure,” she said, pressing herself against him. “Please. I know that I need you. Amano.”

With a swift movement, he lifted her into his arms and hurried up the steps with her. Charly held onto him. Her face was resting against his chest and she was breathing in his scent. Her blood was rushing through her body and she felt giddy. There were butterflies in her belly again and a tingle of arousal in her lower regions made her groan quietly. He entered the bedroom with her, kicking the door shut behind him. Carefully, he put her down on the bed and looked down at her, full of yearning. Her heart was pounding wildly. She watched him quickly take off his damp clothing until he stood naked and proud before her. She devoured him with her eyes. Slowly, he climbed up onto the bed with her. He undid the belt that tied her thin dressing gown and now it was his turn to devour her with his gaze. He helped her out of the dressing gown and tossed it next to the bed. His eyes actually seemed to be burning into her body. It was like a fiery touch. She was covered in goose bumps despite the heat that she was feeling.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, reverently stroking her full breasts and her flat belly.

Her skin tingled as if electrified wherever he touched her. Groaning quietly, she pushed herself up towards him. He circled her navel and slowly his hand back up her body. As light as a feather, he brushed the rough palms of his hands over her aroused nipples. Then he held her heavy breasts in his hands and bent down to take a rosy bud
in his lips. A glowing current shot straight to her lower regions as he sucked on her nipple. A cry of protest slipped from her lips as he let the nipple slip from his mouth. He laughed quietly and devoted himself to her other breast until she began to move restlessly beneath him.

He moved away from her before pushing his way gently between her legs. He must have felt her tense up because he looked at her searchingly.

“Are you afraid?” he asked. “I will never hurt you.”

“I am afraid,” she admitted. “But not because of the … because of the … I … It’s more because of the whole matter of the biting and things. As a child I was once bitten. By a dog. It hurt.”

He smiled and brushed away a strand of hair that was stuck to her face.

“That’s not the same,” he said calmly. “I’ve promised not to hurt you, haven’t I?”

She nodded.

“At most it’s like a small sting.”

“But how are you going to …?” I mean, your teeth look completely normal. Wouldn’t they need to be poi… more pointed?”

“Don’t be frightened now, OK? Look!”

He opened his mouth slightly and she could see his canine teeth growing until they looked like the teeth of a beast of prey. But it was not only his teeth that had changed. His eyes had become brighter – they now had the color of liquid gold with an elongated pupil like a cat’s.

“Your eyes,” she said. She lifted her hand and put it on his cheek. He looked even hotter
than before, if that was possible. The strange eyes gave him a dangerous but fascinating aura, not to mention his teeth.

“Kiss me,” she asked him and he immediately granted her request. His passion was kindling hers and again she did not resist as he moved his mouth to her neck, even though her heart was now beating madly.

“Ready?” he asked hoarsely.

In response, she put her head to the side to give him better access. Then she felt his teeth pressing against her soft flesh. Brief pain was immediately replaced by a sensation of unbelievable ecstasy as he injected his hormone into her bloodstream. She gasped as arousal rushed through her veins like flowing fire. His hands were now moving over her body as if he was feverish
and she moved about beneath him. Then she felt his erection pressing longingly against her and unwanted memories suddenly returned. She froze, caught between the horror of the past and the desire caused by the hormone. She closed her eyes whimpering.

“Charly,” she could hear his insistent voice. “It’s me, little one. No one else. Look at me. Stay with me. The past is gone. Look at me!”

She opened her eyes and stared at him. The sight of him merged with images of the past.

“Say my name, Charly. Say who’s here with you.”

Charly was trembling. It was only the drug in her blood that was preventing her from completely slipping into her memories. Amano’s concerned expression took shape before her eyes.

“I’m here, Charly. Say my name,” he urged.

“A…amano,” she whispered. “Amano.”

“Yes, little one. It’s me. Everything’s OK”

He took her face in his hands and their eyes met. She felt herself becoming calmer. It was only Amano. He would not hurt her. He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, her chin – he ran a line of hot kisses up to her ear and whispered passionate words into it. She could feel the fire in her vein rekindled and she put her hands round his neck.

“Amano,” she repeated in a whisper.

“We … we need to finish this,” he murmured into her ear. “Are you ready?”


“Then, open up for me.”

She did as he asked. As he slowly took possession of her, her fingernails dug into his flesh. A gasping sound slipped from her lips and then he was fully inside her, completely filling her. Groaning, she closed her eyes and dropped back. He loved her with deep, slow thrusts until she began to arch impatiently towards him. She heard him laugh quietly, but he granted her wish and his movements became faster, stronger, until waves of ecstasy washed her over the edge of the cliff. Her cries combined with his and then her world seemed to explode like a New Year’s Eve firework.

“Are you OK?” he asked a little later. He was still lying on top of her, his weight taken by his arms, looking at her searchingly.

“Yes, I’m great,” she answered with a smile.

“Me coshima nu,” he said huskily.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“I love you,” he explained seriously, looking deeply into her eyes.

Her heart began to race again. He loved her? What did he now expect of her? For her to say that she loved him too? She was not yet at that stage. It was undeniable that there was something between them but she was still finding it hard to sort out her emotions.

“Amano, I …” she began despondently, but he put a finger to her lips.

“Shh!” he said. “Say nothing now. It’s OK.”

She nodded.

Slowly, he rolled off her and pulled her to him. She buried her face into his chest. His scent already seemed so familiar to her. So calming. Just like his steady heartbeat
which, bizarrely, seemed to be beating in time
with hers.

“Sleep now, mene carisha,” he said and she felt her eyelids growing heavy.

Sighing, she closed her eyes and very soon slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 8

Y-Quadrant, Karrx7

In Kordan’s House

Day of the Month of Manao in the Year 7067

Federation Time

Charly and Amano had come to visit Lory and Kordan for a few days. Whilst the two men had gone out hunting the two women had made themselves comfortable on the patio of the huge house. Charly was pleased to be able to chat with Lory again. Since the night when Charly had slept with Amano for the first time the two of them had been together almost non-stop. He had shown her all his favorite places. She could not remember when she had last been so happy and relaxed. Probably never. Amano was constantly attentive, ready to anticipate her every wish and he was a tender and passionate lover. All of her fears had disappeared as if they had never existed. She was gradually realizing that her abduction by aliens had been the best thing that could ever have happened to her. She doubted whether any man on earth would have been in a position to heal her of her fears and give her such love. There was just one thing that caused her some concern and that was the subject of children. Amano clearly had plans to have children and even though she loved children, she was concerned about what would come out. After all, he was an alien and that was not all. He was a cheetah, a shape shifter, as she had, in the meantime, found out. It had been on their second night together that he had declared his true nature to her. Although she was, by then, sure that she loved him, she still found it a little hard to deal with the idea that her lover had an animal side.

“I think it’s great that you’ve come to visit us,” said Lory, pouring them some more

“Yes, I’m looking forward to a few peaceful days,” said Charly, smiling. “It’s really hectic at home. Amano’s having the whole house renovated. He wants to build me a bigger bathroom, as if the bathroom that we already have isn’t huge. Then he wants his own medical unit in case something happens to me and, of course, a wing for our numerous children that I haven’t even agreed to.”

Charly laughed and hoped that her friend would not be able to tell that the thought of children concerned her.

“I wonder what the men are going to bring home,” said Lory.

“Yes, perhaps some huge, hairy creature with long, pointed teeth and red eyes. Or something green, slimy. Hopefully not a giant lizard,” replied Charly, laughing. “I think I’ve watched too may sc-fi movies. Amano says so, too, since I told him that …”

“That what?” Lory probed when Charly stopped speaking.

“Well, I’m a bit scared about what will come out if I get pregnant by him. I mean, in films the women don’t usually fare very well when they’re pregnant with an alien baby.”

Lory shook her head. She clearly did not share Charly’s way of thinking.

“I think you really have watched too many films,” she said. “It’ll be a completely normal baby. Amano is not one of those aliens from the film with Sigourney Weaver.”

“I know,” Charly replied, sighing. “But he is a cheetah. What if the child is born with claws and fangs?”

Charly knew that she was probably being silly but she could not get these thoughts out of her head.

“I’ve learnt from Kordan that the children don’t have the ability to shapeshift until they’re about three years old. Until then they’re completely normal kids,” explained Lory.

“Oh, Amano didn’t tell me that.
But then I haven’t told him about the fur and stuff, only that I’m afraid about what might come out.”

All of a sudden a shadow darkened the patio and both women looked up.

“Oh. My. God!” shouted Lory.

Charly screamed in fright.

“What’s that?” she asked, panic-stricken. She did not have a good feeling. Something was going horribly wrong here.

“A spaceship!” gasped Lory. “And it doesn’t look like the Cordelia.”

Suddenly a beam came down from the spaceship that was hovering above them and before they knew it they were standing on a platform in the ship’s transporter room.
In front of them, at a control panel, stood a lizard-like creature, and two men, whose entire bodies were covered in hair, approached them.

“What’s going on here?” Lory demanded to know.

Charly admired the calm that her friend radiated.
The two hairy beasts uttered only incomprehensible sounds and one grabbed her by the arm whilst the other put his clawed hand round Lory’s throat. Charly could see that Lory was fighting for breath and she began to panic. Would the beast kill her friend? But why? What did these creatures want of them?

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