Charmed & Ready (3 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Charmed & Ready
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"I tell him to come on over baby, and tuck it in wherever you want."

Oh my God. "Well, he's not tucking in anything here. But I did think he was an interesting guy and he asked me out for dinner."

"I'd say skip the food and move on to the fun. But I know, I know,
you're with Sam

"Yes, lam."

"Zane's smart, Bronwyn, and you know that's something I don't care much about where men are concerned. The dumber the better when it comes to a good fuck. But the guy is brilliant. Even if you don't do the nasty you'll have a great time. And when are you coming out to see me? It's been ages since you've been here." Simone cleared her throat.

"I'll think about it. Kind of busy the next few weeks with different assignments, but we'll see."

I could hear her running down the street. "Hey!" she yelled.


"Gotta go. Asshole Nako demon is trying to eat a baby."

Click and she was gone. She's never happy unless she's had a good kill.

Now I've got two hours to get ready. And I need to go online and make a donation to the World Hunger Organization. After listening to all of the statistics about starving children, I had a tremendous sense of guilt. I'm donating my exorbitant fee for helping the prime minister. It only seems fair. I'm making enough to feed a small village for a year, maybe two.

Argh. Don't want to think about it.

What am I going to wear to dinner? I want to look good, but not hey-come-jump-in-my-pants good. Hmm.


1 AM.

So tired.

Zane wore me out.

Simone's right. He's a fantastic man.

I don't know if Azir and the PM invited themselves to dinner or if Zane asked them, but we all ended up sharing a table at Banats. It's one of those places where the waiters are grumpy but the food is great.

We sat on the first floor at a table in the back, surrounded by security for the PM, Azir and Zane. I don't know how they found this table on a Friday night, but money and power talk.

When Azir and the prime minister walked over to a different table to greet a friend, Zane whispered in my ear, "So, how long has the sheik been hot for you?"

I swallowed my Pellegrino wrong and choked.

He patted me on the back and laughed. "So, I take it you've known for a while."

My instinct was to lie, but he would see through it. "Yes, I've known for a couple of months. But I'm with someone else."

"Oh, so it's a one-sided lust."

I puckered my lips. "Well, not really. I like him a lot too, but not in the same way. I'm with someone special. It's just very complicated. Hey, he hasn't said anything to me tonight. How did you know?"

He leaned back in his chair. "Oh, my beauty. When a man ignores a woman like you, it's because he can't control himself. If he lets his guard down… Well, it's just tough on a gent like him. All strong and he-mannish. The poor man's ego must be in the loo."

I laughed. Azir, the he-man. It fit.

After that, Zane controlled the conversation, bringing Azir in and talking about everything from global warming to jazz music. He made a really uncomfortable situation bearable.

"Well gents, it's been a wonderful evening but I've promised this lovely woman a night of dancing so we're off." He pulled me from the table and out the door.

"Dancing?" I sat next to him in the limo. "When did we mention dancing? And did you see Azir's face?"

"Priceless, my dove. Absolutely priceless. If he could have sliced me in two with that look, he would have. But I had a bit of inspiration at the table and decided we needed to work off our troubles with a twirl on the dance floor."

"I don't know about you but my brain could use a bit of a rest from all of the seriousness of the world." He reached forward and tapped on the window. "Can you drop us at Vice, good man?"

Vice. Oh, man. What a place. Everyone from S and M enthusiasts to the young, hot celebs of the day showed up there. We skipped the line around the block and were ushered in the back entrance.

Even though it was more private, Zane was stopped several times to sign autographs.

"Sorry, luv," he said as he guided me into the VIP lounge. Everything was black except for the lavender lighting. Very surreal.

Most of the people in that part of the club were much too cool to be impressed by one of the biggest rock stars in the world. So, we spent the next few hours downing cocktails and dancing.

Have you ever thought about how easy it is to get drunk when you dance? You're always so thirsty. The club was hot and I don't mean the temperature.

I tried not to stare at the woman without a shirt who had her nipples triple pierced. I still don't know what that guy had in his lip; it looked like a small saucer. But if the saucer didn't turn you on, the huge erection poking through his mesh shorts might have.

It was wild, but Zane and I ended the night the best of friends. He never once tried anything, and I, surprisingly, wasn't disappointed.

I don't know. Maybe I'm not his type, but it didn't matter. I'm mixing us both a hangover potion for the morning. We'll need it before the big meeting.

Chapter Three



Potions: 2

Spells: 1

Bad guys: 1 (But I can't find him)

Some days the toughest part of my job is staying awake. I'm in meetings with some of the most important people in the world, decision makers, diplomats, politicians—and all I can think about is not yawning.

Man, I don't know if it was all the dancing, the hangover or what, but I could barely keep my eyes open. Well, that was before the Big Message.

They must die.

That's what I heard in my head. I was doodling on a piece of paper in the conference room when all of a sudden someone penetrated my mental shield. The message was so loud I jumped out of my chair and made a complete ass out of myself.

When I bent down to pick up my pad and paper I heard it again. Almost like a chant.

There weren't any other magical folks in the room and it was a small crowd of about twenty dignitaries. It was one of those meetings-before-the-big-summit things. The PM asked me to sit in just to get a feel for the room. And until I heard the death threat, it had been a pretty positive vibe.

My mind swept the room to see if I could pinpoint who had thought those words, but I couldn't feel anything at first. I did quick tiny probes into each participant, and discovered I wasn't the only one who was ready for lunch.

Had I imagined it?

I don't think so. And it's possible it may have come from somewhere besides the room.

After the meeting I was more than a little distracted, but the PM insisted on introducing me to Dr. Zocando. He's been doing humanitarian work in Africa for longer than I can remember.

"Doctor, this is Bronwyn, the young woman I was telling you about." The PM gestured toward me.

I reached out a hand to shake, but the doc bowed. I inclined my head.

He was a tall man, at least six three, with the stature and grace of royalty. It's appropriate since most of the world sees him that way. My brother, Brett, works as a doctor in Africa on an AIDS initiative, and he thinks Zocando is some kind of hero. And Brett doesn't like anyone.

Zocando's expression turned serious. "The prime minister tells me that you saved his life on more than one occasion. This is most impressive."

Aw shucks, the PM's been bragging again. That's so sweet. "Thank you, sir."

"I wonder if perhaps I might consult with you at a later date. We have some security concerns that…" He eyed someone behind me. "Well, this isn't the time to discuss such matters. Prime Minister, Bronwyn. I bid you a good day."

I turned to see who had entered the room. It was Azir. Interesting. The weird thing was, I got a strange vibe from the doc. Like something was off. And he'd been protected by some kind of mental shield because when I tried to sweep his mind, I didn't see a thing.

Odd that he would consult me about anything. I don't think he likes women much. Don't know why, just a feeling.

Oh, I need to call Sam. I want to see how he's doing his first week back at the office.


7 P.M.

Confused witches: 1

Okay, so like Azir's been ignoring me big time. I get it. But why, oh why, did he just ask me out to dinner? And what the hell am I going to tell Sam?

Azir called about an hour ago and asked if I could meet him and Zane downstairs around eight tonight. He would have known if I had plans or not, so I couldn't lie and tell him otherwise. Cool and nonchalant, I said, "Sure." Argh! Why did I do that? And I got the feeling last night that Azir didn't care at all for Zane.

Oh boy, this is going to be sooooo much fun.

I talked to Sam a few minutes earlier. He sounded tired.

"Hey baby, how was day two?" I said when he called me back.

He sighed and blew out a big breath. I could almost see him raking a hand through that gorgeous black hair of his. He'd let it grow out the last few months and it almost touches his collar.

"Good. Long day, but at least it went by quick. How about you?"

"Long day, but it didn't go by quite as fast as yours. I need to remember to take some herbals with me to keep me awake during these meetings."

"Were you out late last night?" It seemed a harmless question.

"Sort of. Had dinner with the PM and some other folks." I opened up my laptop while we chatted and checked my e-mail.

"Would one of those other folks have been Azir?" His voice didn't sound judgmental, more curious than anything.

"Well, he showed up. Yes." I didn't know what to say.

"How about Zane the rock star, was he there?" Now I did hear something in his voice. Annoyance.

"Yes, I believe he was," I hedged. I wasn't sure what Sam was thinking.

"Did you have fun dancing?"

Big pause. Then I coughed.

"Excuse me?" I finally got my voice back.

"With Zane, did you enjoy the Vice club? I'm just wondering because they have you looking pretty cozy holding hands and all, on
Entertainment Tonight

"What?" I coughed again, this time for real and flipped on the television.

"Margie called and told me to turn on the television, that she was watching you on
. And sure enough there you were, holding hands with one of the biggest rock stars on the planet. Looking very cozy I might add, as you climbed in the back of a limo."

God, I'd been so drunk I hadn't even noticed the cameras.

"Oh, wow. I had no idea. Truth is we went dancing, I had too much to drink, I think Zane did too, and we were probably holding each other up. I pinky swear, Sam, there's nothing more than that going on." I don't know why I felt so defensive. But I could just imagine what he must be thinking. The fact that I was within a ten-mile radius of Azir was bad enough without this.

Sam sighed again. "I trust you, Bron. I have to, or this is never going to work. But do me a favor in the future and try to stay out of the media. I realize my reasons are selfish, but I'm not looking forward to rounds at the nursing home tomorrow. You're going to be the big buzz, and I'll have to explain that no, you aren't Zane's latest conquest, that we really are happy together."

"I am sorry, Sam. It's just—I'm sorry. I feel so stupid that I've let you down."

"I'm not bringing this up to make you feel bad, I just want you to know how it seems from the outside looking in."

We talked for a while longer and when we hung up it felt like everything was okay. I don't like to say it, but Sam's still fragile in some ways. I never want to hurt him, certainly not on purpose.

This whole relationship thing is tough for me. No, that's not what I mean. I mean it's difficult for me to remember that my actions can affect another person. I'm so used to going off on my own and doing whatever, but now someone else's feelings are involved, and I have to take that into consideration.

Which begs the question: Why in the hell did I just tell Azir I'd have dinner with him and Zane? So stupid.


8 A. M.

Guilt-free witches: 1

Call me chicken, I don't care, but last night I ended up having room service and watching reruns of
. God, I love that show, I can't believe they cancelled it. I'd kill to have Jennifer Garner's legs. They are a petite girl's dream.

And I've got to get Simone to teach me some more martial arts moves. That Sydney Bristow can kick some ass.

So, I'm only admitting it here, but I totally lied last night and told Azir that I wasn't feeling well. A migraine. I get them sometimes, especially when I'm trying to do too many mental readings or magic at once.

Thankfully, he wasn't in his room when I called so I left a message for him, and just in case, I left a message with Zane's assistant, Georgette.

Coward that I am, I holed up in my room and watched TV and played Texas Hold 'Em on the computer. Which got me to thinking how fun would it be to get all these dignitaries together for a game of cards. I bet they'd all be champs at bluffing.

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