Charlotte's Tangled Web: L.B. Pavlov (41 page)

BOOK: Charlotte's Tangled Web: L.B. Pavlov
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“Dude, I know my sister. She is a mess over you. Now, you asked me not to get involved, and I haven’t, but I really don’t think she is ready to start dating. Trust me on this one,” he said kindly.

“Well that fucker thinks they’re dating. He had his hands all over her. It took all my strength not to jump out of that car and beat the shit out of him. But then I remembered…” I paused.

“What?” James asked.

“That I’m the idiot who broke up with her and lied to her to make her hate me,” I said.

“What was the lie? What did you finally say to get her to leave? Because I know Charlie, and she doesn’t give up easily,” he asked.

“I told her that I cheated on her with Crystal Bryant,” I said quietly.

“Well, I suppose that would do it,” he said, shaking his head. “This was not your best plan, Daniel.”

I knew that he was right.

Over the next few weeks, I submerged myself in football and school. I was pretty down about what had happened when I went to see Charlotte. I had decided to see if I could talk to her over Thanksgiving, but I was nervous that she was going to get involved in a relationship with that birthday prick.

James came charging into our room. “Dude, is this the guy you saw with my sister?” he asked, proudly handing me his phone.

“Yes,” I said angrily. “Why?” I asked.

“That’s Nick Stevens. We met him at the race. He is on the team with her, but he has a girlfriend. His girlfriend gave Charlie a surprise party for her birthday that night,” he explained. “I just talked to her, and she was telling me all about her party, and how Nick’s girlfriend and her roommate surprised her. She had gone to the restaurant to decorate so that was Nick walking her to the car. Dude, he’s just a friend,” he said happily.

“Are you sure?” I asked cautiously.

“Yes, and I even joked and asked if she was seeing anyone,” he said, smiling, just waiting for me to beg to hear what she said.

?” I prompted him impatiently.

“And she laughed. She said she was busy with school and busy with cross-country, and she had no interest in dating. And that’s a quote!” he said, self-satisfied with his sleuthing.

I felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off of my shoulders.

“Well, you know what Wednesday is, right?” I asked, still cautious.

“Of course,” he said. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know yet,” I said, beginning to make a plan.

Wednesday was the anniversary of Charlotte’s mom’s death, so Tuesday night was the night that I traditionally stayed with her. I had planned to try to get together with her over Thanksgiving the following week, but maybe I could text her on Tuesday, I thought, just to let her know that I was thinking of her and make plans to meet the following week. That’s what I would do. I didn’t want to call her because I was afraid that she would get upset.

Charlotte had NCAA championships that coming up weekend before Thanksgiving, so I didn’t want to do anything to mess her up. She had done really well at her last two races, finishing fourth in one race and second in the other. At the collegiate level, that was extraordinary for a freshman. It was possible she would finish in the top ten at the NCAA championships if she ran a good race. I didn’t want to do anything to make it more difficult for her. She had a lot on her mind.

I was busy with school, and finals would be coming up after Thanksgiving break. I had the best grades I had ever gotten in my life, so I was pleased. Our football team had a shot to go to the Rose Bowl, and if we were lucky we would get to play USC. I kept my mind focused, and things were looking good.

When I woke up Tuesday morning, I felt a sense of urgency about Charlotte. We had always spent this day together. I knew that she would wake up upset. I would have given anything to be there with her. I wished I could just call and talk to her. I had no idea how Charlotte felt about me anymore. I knew that she would not just stop loving me, but I also knew that I had deeply hurt her, and I wasn’t sure if she would hear me out or if she hated me right now. The phone was not the best way to confront the issue. I wished that we could talk face to face, but that would not be an option.

I picked up my phone, and I texted her. It had been almost six months since we had talked. I was very nervous, and I wanted to make sure that I worded it correctly.

Hey, Charlotte, I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you today. I don’t want you to feel alone, and I wish we weren’t so far apart so that we could talk. I wanted to see if you would be willing to meet with me when you come home next week. I have some important things that I need to tell you, and I think it would be best to talk in person. Do you come home on Wednesday?

Hi, Daniel, I’m surprised to hear from you. Today is not a good day but hearing from you makes it better. Thank you for remembering. There are a lot of things that I want to say to you too, and I have some questions that I really need you to answer. I come home on Wednesday late afternoon. My plane lands at around 3:00 p.m. When did you want to meet?

Well, I’d like to meet today, but with you in California and me here, I will have to wait. Would you let me pick you up from the airport and take you to dinner? Or did you want to have your dad pick you up and we could meet later?

Since I don’t really speak to my father anymore, I think it would be great if you could pick me up because I was going to take a taxi so I didn’t have to bother Lenora. I will text you my flight information. Thank you.

You shouldn’t take a taxi alone, Charlotte, that’s not safe. Of course I will pick you up. I didn’t know that you and your dad weren’t speaking. I’m sorry to hear that.

How would you know about my dad when you don’t speak to me? And I do everything alone now, so taking a taxi is not that big of a deal to me.

I understand that you are angry with me. I hope that you will let me explain some things to you and that you will hear me out. I didn’t think you would want to speak to me, so that is why I haven’t called. Please don’t take any taxis alone, at least until I see you next Wednesday and we talk.

I wonder if your girlfriend would like you worrying about me taking a taxi? I do want to talk to you, and I will hear you out. Can I ask you something right now and could you please just give me a simple answer?

I will explain the girlfriend comment to you when I see you. I actually worry about you every day, Charlotte. Yes, you can ask me anything.

Did you leave pink roses, pink balloons, and Charlotte’s Web at my door on my birthday?


Did you have someone set it there?

No, I set it there myself. I will explain on Wednesday. Good luck at the NCAA championships Saturday. You have had an amazing season.

I can’t believe you came here and didn’t see me. Let me guess, you will explain on Wednesday? You didn’t remove Stanford news updates from your phone?

Of course not, Charlotte. I have followed all of your races. Your times are insane! I am really proud of you.

You are? Well, it looks like Wednesday is going to take a while. I didn’t think you would care about my season. I have followed all of your games. You have had an impressive season yourself, Mr. Hollingsworth.

I have a lot to say to you on Wednesday. I hope you will be patient with me. I miss you.

I miss you too, Daniel.

Are you going to be OK today?

I’m better now. Good luck at your game Saturday. If you go to the Rose Bowl, maybe I can come to your game because it will be out this way.

Well then, I am going to have to make sure that we go to the Rose Bowl. Will you be able to sleep tonight?

I will wear my headset with you reading Charlotte’s Web. That’s the only way that I sleep every night. So I think I will sleep, Daniel.

You just broke my heart.

You broke mine a long time ago. I need to go to class. I will see you on Wednesday. Bye.

See you on Wednesday. Remember, no taxis!

I thought that went way better than I had expected. She missed me as much as I missed her. I could tell by her words. I felt so good. Just texting with Charlotte made me feel hopeful again. For the first time in six months, I felt somewhat like myself. Wednesday I would explain everything. I could have her back in my arms in a couple of days. I felt like I could conquer the world. I just needed to get through the next few days. I wondered if she would text me again before Wednesday. My mind was racing. I had to get to class and stay focused.




I was in absolute shock over my morning. I was sitting in class and filling Misty in on the entire conversation. She was giddy.

“What do you think it means?” she asked, whispering so that Professor Thompson didn’t hear us.

“I don’t know. But I don’t see how he can explain cheating on me. Could I have misunderstood him? I keep replaying that conversation over and over again. None of it makes sense. I’m just ready to have some answers,” I said quietly.

“Absolutely. And, Charlie, you obviously still love him,” she said cautiously.

“Well, of course I do. I will always love him,” I said firmly.

At practice I was on cloud nine. How could a few simple texts do that to me? It had been so long since I had had any communication with Daniel, and I literally ached for him. Every part of me missed him. The thought that I would be seeing him on Wednesday was very exciting, but it didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t be with someone who had cheated on me. But at least I could get some answers. I didn’t know what I wanted to hear, but we definitely needed to talk.

I woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Misty came running into my room and woke me up. I was soaking wet, shaking, and crying.

“Charlie! Charlie! Are you OK?” she asked, panicked.

I sat up, and it took me a minute to focus. I apologized for waking her, and told her I always had these nightmares on the eve of the anniversary of my mom’s death. She hugged me tightly, and she offered to stay with me. I told her that I would be fine, and she went back to her own bed. I hadn’t told Misty the truth about my nightmare. It wasn’t the nightmare where I wake up and my mom is gone, which I had had so many times. This nightmare was about Daniel. It was the eve of my mom’s death date, and I was sleeping in my old room with him as I always had on that night. But when I woke up screaming, Daniel had left me. I was alone. I missed him so much. I felt for my bracelet and my ring under my pillow, and I squeezed them in my hand. I pretended he was there with me. I put on my headset, and it got me through the rest of the night.

I was relieved when I woke up Wednesday morning. I had survived the night alone. When I picked up my phone, I was shocked to see another text from Daniel.

I just need to know if you made it through the night OK. Please just tell me that you’re OK.

I’m OK, Daniel. Thank you.

No nightmares?

I had a nightmare.

Same one as always?

No, it was different.

It wasn’t the one with your mom?


What was it?

I don’t think you want to know.

What was it?

You and I were asleep in my room in Indiana, and I woke up scared, and you had left me.

Oh my God. Charlotte, I’m so sorry.

I know you are.

I’m sorry that you were alone.

Maybe you can explain why I’m alone on Wednesday? Sorry, that wasn’t very nice.

Actually, I hope I can explain it to you on Wednesday. And I deserve anything you want to throw at me. I’m sorry about your nightmare, Charlotte.

I know you are. Thank you for checking on me. I’ll be fine now. I made it through the night. See you Wednesday.

Just concentrate on your race now. Good luck, Charlotte!

Thank you, good luck at your game. Oh…I’m on flight 354 out of San Jose, and I arrive at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday.

I can’t wait to see you.

Add that to the list of what you will explain, please.

I will. I promise.

My gosh, he was so confusing. I didn’t even care though. I was so happy that he cared enough to check on me. He seemed like the Daniel that I had known my whole life. I missed him so much. But right then, I needed to get through my race on Saturday. My season would be over, and I could start to think about Wednesday. I was hoping to get in the top ten and end my season strong. Our team was trying to get in the top five, and we all needed to do our part to make that happen. The competition would be the strongest that I had ever faced.

We left for Idaho on Thursday. We would get settled in our rooms and then run the course. We would have Friday to get more familiar with the course. I was excited. Everyone teased Connor endlessly about making sure that he had his racing flats. Then they went over every single item that I should have because I was the only freshman. I loved my team. They were lots of fun.

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