Read Charity's Secrets Online

Authors: Maya James

Charity's Secrets (15 page)

BOOK: Charity's Secrets
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She's so
embarrassed and trying hard not to be. "I haven't narrowed it down
yet," Melissa confesses.

they need a little friendly competition between them," I tease, giving
Trisha an idea.

Trisha barks. I knew she would get it. "If she can't decide, let's make
them decide." She stands up quickly, before Melissa can stop her.

are you doing?" Melissa chokes through her surprise, her little doe eyes
wide and scared.

pretends to be innocent. "Nothing, just getting us drinks, something stronger
this time. Mind erasers?"

Both of
us scream "NO" at the same time, laughing at ourselves.

bombs it is, then," Trisha says contently as she turns away from us
without waiting for an answer.

the hell is a cherry bomb?" Melissa asks through a sharp laugh.

not sure," I answer. "But I'm guessing it's going to hurt."

is fucking crazy, you were right."

I tap
my wine glass against hers. "Told ya."

still laughing while we watch Trisha order the drinks. She suddenly, ever so
innocently, strikes up a conversation with the Four Guys. She knows them from
serving them, but she has an agenda now.

the fuck is she doing?" Melissa asks, her voice low and monotone. I've
heard her nervous voice before, but this time it really makes me laugh.

magic," I say nonchalantly. I can see a mix of fear and thrill in
Melissa’s face. She absolutely wants this just as long as at least one of them
is interested. Melissa grabs her glass and gulps it empty.

Justin still
makes me feel like that; those green eyes of his make me feel so small and so
big at the same time. I expect to be nothing, insignificant to his glowing
strength and attractiveness. He dominates a room by stepping into it, drawing
in all the attention. But that's not what I find in his eyes when I look; I
find myself there. I find him looking at me the same way I'm looking at him.
His eyes show me a softness they never show anyone else.

miss him.

phone is by me on the table, at least until I scoop it up and open its screen.
Maybe it's not cool on a girls night out, but I text him anyway.

fun with the girls, but I miss you. MWAH."

I put
it down, not expecting he'll see it for a while. But it chimes a moment later.

and adore you, Warrior."

makes me smile.

is heading back with our drinks, using a small tray. There are three larger
glasses and three shot glasses all perfectly balanced on her hand.

like Jager Bombs, girls. Toss the shot in and chug'em back." She picks up
hers waiting for us to toast with her so that we can't chicken out.

did you tell them?" Melissa begs impatiently.

ignores her. "Glasses up ladies."

I laugh
at Melissa's torture. I know its evil, but it's so damn funny. We oblige and
raise our glasses.

the Warriors," Trisha says.

We kick
back the drinks and the drinks kick back on us. "Holy shit!" I growl.

Cherry bomb." That's all Melissa could say before her voice cuts out,
still recovering from the alcohol burn.

We pile
the empty glasses back on the tray so that our waitress could take it away when
she comes by.

the way, those were on the Four Guys," Trisha tells us. "They

waved at us when we turned to thank them. Really, they waved at Melissa.

tell her before she pops," I say to Trisha.

She throws
her head backward and laughs. "I didn't have to say anything. They asked
me about her."

don't know what's more obvious right now, Melissa's blushing or her smile.

were already arguing over who gets to hit on you. I did tell them you were interested
and available, so they have to make up their mind soon."

did not!" Melissa snaps.

course I did," Trisha giggles. "I don't play around. I'm hookin' my
girl up. I told them we'd come say hello after we eat."

waitress came, a friend of Trisha's, and took the tray. She offered to get us a
bottle of wine for the table and she got Melissa a menu, too.

glanced over at the guys and all four of them smile at her. She's ecstatic and
trying to hold it in. We order and eat, and the flirtatious smiles continue the
entire time. One of them even paid for our bottle of wine.

the food was done, we went back to the bar. The Four Guys had kept a place for
us next to them as the place got busier. Trisha got Melissa right into the
swing of it, and the guys are falling all over her.

I sent
a text to Justin, telling him about the guys and how wonderful it was to see
Melissa having such a great time. He didn’t respond for a bit and I am trying
not to let that bother me, but I feel a little lonely without him.

A short
time later, with Melissa now surrounded by the guys and Trisha completely being
her cheerleader, I see Tony, Justin's driver, step into the Grill. He moves
straight for me, his short legs trying to keep up with himself, which freaks me
out before he even gets to me.

Collins would like to see you outside for a moment," he whispers so that
no one can hear him but me.

I nod,
thinking Tony is going to escort me. Instead he turns his short, stocky body
toward the bar and orders a soda.


I don't
know what I did, but Justin is obviously not happy with me. My mind reels. I
wonder if he doesn't like me and the girls talking to the Four Guys when he's
not with us.

Then I
remember the guy that had been watching me and Melissa earlier, and I think he
might have been working for Justin, keeping me safe. Maybe Justin just got word
about the man we met with earlier.

I grab
my coat and slip away unnoticed as the girls are laughing. The door handle
makes my hand tremble. Justin's limo is parked along the side road on the
corner. I can't see in, not through his dark windows, but I head for it anyway.

fucking shoes sound too loud.

why is it taking so damn long to get there?

I can reach the door. I pull it open and lean down. I can see him, but his face
doesn't tell me anything.

on in," he says. That was definitely his JP voice.


I get
in and close the door nervously. It's very warm inside.

his hands are reaching up under my dress and grabbing my panties. I hear the
fabric tear. He literally rips them off me.


up," he demands wickedly. His smile alone wakes my sexual urges. His
fingers slide through my soft folds, and my clit instantly swells.

going to make you cum. I'm going to smack your ass and ram my fingers into you
until you're finished. You're going to explode all over my fingers, and then
you're going back in there with your friends as if nothing happened. Your ass
will still be stinging. Your clit will still be throbbing. But you're going to
be smiling, and that's all I want from you."

pulls my clit from its hood and rubs it with a thumb, strumming it like a
guitar string. A passionate fire roars to life in my stomach and groin. Justin
grabs my leg and turns me half over, my face buried into the seat. He lifts my
dress all the way up to expose my ass.


sting makes me moan as it drips around my thigh into my openings.
"Again!" I plead.


spreads my ass and thighs and forces his other hand through my crevice. He
finds my wet opening waiting eagerly for him, wanting him to fill it with his
plunging fingers.


rams my G-spot, stabbing at it in unexpected, relentless jabs that make me shout
in pleasure.


love the way your skin feels in my palm and how red it gets," his voice


It feels so fucking good and I can't stifle my screams. I can only hope no one
is walking by the car.

fingers move so quickly I can feel my pussy shaking and my G-spot howling. He
squeezes my burning ass as if he has no control, and I'm pretty sure he


was one last spank and now he's flipping me back. He knows the rhythm of my
body. My climax is pounding, making my body quake. I'm close and he knows it.

pulls his fingers out of me and shoves them in his mouth, reveling in my taste.
He sucks them dry and rams them back in again.

is a fire in his eyes now. He knows we don't have time to play, and he just
wants me done and satisfied.

skilled and tremendously strong hands bombard my pleasure zones. Two fingers
are in me stroking my G-spot up and down while his others hold me open to him,
stretching and exposing my clitoris, rolling it under the vigorous pressure of
his fingertips.

for me!" Justin demands.

My ass
can still feel the sting of his hand as it hits me, arching right off the car

cumming! Aw fuck, I'm cumming! Don't stop!"

won't, Warrior. Let it happen. Cum for me!"

I do
exactly as he said and let it happen. My juices rush out of me like a river,
dripping over his fingers. My hips buck up and down, humping his working hands.
I grab the seatback for leverage.

fuck, fuck!" I scream as I finally hit the peak, feeling everything flow
out of me under a wave of relief and wonderfulness, amazed at how incredible he
can make me feel. My hips slow, matching pace with my breathing, until I have
control of myself again.

takes his hands off me. The look in his eyes makes me swoon. Without words, I
sense his love and desire, his animalistic lust, and I know I will always feel
wanted by him.

smiles deviously. "Now get the fuck out of my car."

makes me smile.

back to your friends and try to hide your orgasm. With your ass burning,
soaking wet between your legs, and your face and chest completely flushed red—see
if you can hide it."

I kiss
him and get out, heading back to the Grill unable to stop my tattling smile.
I'm not going to be able to hide it.

it! I'll wear it with honor.

walked back in with my head high. They're still talking to the guys. No one had
seen me leave, or even noticed I was gone, but Trisha sees me coming back in.

were you?" she snaps, confused. She steps closer to me, noticing my grin.

sees me, downs the end of his soda, and blows by us without any acknowledgment
at all.

stopped by," I tell her blissfully.

dirty slut," she breathes through a wide smile of her own. "I'm so
fucking jealous. He gave you an orgasm, didn't he? I can totally see it; holy

waiting for her to get mad.

just perfected girl’s night out!" she cheers. "Get the juices flowing;
get your drunk on, food, then have your man take care of your business and then
have him get the hell back out of the way. You're a true warrior, girl."

throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. Of course I hug her back as I
laugh at the ease in which she makes insanity sound perfectly normal.

how's it going over there?" I ask, motioning toward Melissa.

lets me go. "She has them eating out of her hands like hungry puppies.
She's a damn natural."

one of them pulling ahead yet?" I ask, referring to the men.

the one sitting closest to her, they seem to be talking the most. Turns out he
has family in Pittsburgh, and that's near your home town or something."

yeah. That's only thirty minutes away," I tell her.

apparently that's where he's from and he goes back there all the time. They're
talking about places they've both been to, things they have in common. The
other guys are conceding to his victory," Trisha laughs.

awesome! We need to find out what he's doing New Year's Eve."

on it," Trisha says.                                                                   

We move
back over to the group and start working it for Melissa until she has Tommy's
number. Once that's taken care of, we leave them at the Grill. It's girl's
night out; we can’t waste it hanging with guys the entire time.

BOOK: Charity's Secrets
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