Read Charity's Passion Online

Authors: Maya James

Charity's Passion (32 page)

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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"I missed you, Warrior, and I've had all night to think about what I want to do to you."

I'm trembling, having an overdose of anticipation. My thighs yearn to squeeze around him.

"What are you going to do?" I ask with my voice quivering as if this is our first night together.

He laughs lightly, but the gushing result of it is huge in my warrior parts.

"Is that your answer?" I ask.

"It's all you need."

Justin allows me to lower my arms as he takes one of my hands to lead me to the windows. I can see several long straps hanging there and I get a twinge of excitement.

One ankle is strapped after the other, then my wrists. I'm facing out over the tail end of lower Manhattan and Justin pulls the ties until I'm spread open wide, exposing every millimeter of my womanhood. He turns on the overhead TV and the camera tracks us so that I can watch us when I look over my shoulder.

Right now I can see myself, my own round ass above my spread legs.

Justin lays his hands on me again. One of them glides down my back and then through the valley of my ass, rubbing straight through to my smooth mound at the front.

"I need your touch," I breathe. I sound like I'm crying, and I nearly am.

"I don't want you to need for anything," he says. He suddenly drops to his knees behind me and slips several fingers into my heat up to their knuckles.

Finally my warrior has something to bear down on as my juices runs down his hand. I squeal, "Oh Christ! Thank you!"

I feel his fingers wiggling inside me, torturing my G-spot. The warmth of his tongue slides across my ass cheek until I feel his hungry teeth. His other hand squeezes my flesh into his mouth and he bites just barely hard enough for me to suck my next breath in through my teeth.

"I know you were bad tonight, and I'm feeling bad myself. There needs to be some wonderful retribution," he teases.

His hand
on my ass right where his teeth had been.

"Oh Jesus fuck! Smack it again please!"

"Is that how you ask?" Justin teases.

I try to calm myself, but his fingers are still stroking magic places inside me. "Please, smack my ass again," I beg, speaking slower this time.


His hand collides with my skin. The fucking echo is magnificent even though the music in the room. Justin squeezes my ass, pulling me open even further and I feel his tongue contact me at the backside of my knee and casually run up the back of my leg.

More of my endless fluids run down his hand and he pulls his fingers out of me, bringing them to his mouth where he licks them clean.

"God! The taste of you is incredible."

His fingers slide back into me and I desperately want to cum on them; my warrior begs me to tell him to smack my ass and thrust my pelvis against his strong hand.

Reading my level of passion, Justin reaches his other hand around my hip and thrusts his middle finger onto my clitoris. He rubs it up and down in time with his other hand and the fireworks are lit.

I lean forward against the glass; my legs cannot hold me up as they turn to shaking jello.

His fingers, both inside and out, speed up. "Do you have to cum?"

I nod, "Yes. Please let me."

His fingers go faster, letting me know it's okay, helping me. I can feel his stiff cock against my calf, reminding me how badly he wants me.

"Fuck!" I shout, spitting a little on the glass.

I feel his teeth again, threatening more than a nibble, his tongue circling on the bulge of flesh between his jaws.

The fireworks explode from my pussy. My cum flows over his knuckles, drenching both of us, and my legs give out completely.

I scream in the throes of pleasure. On the screen I watch him giving me an orgasm and its fucking hot.

He drains me to a quivering spent mess gasping against the window, and when he moves his fingers on my clit, my whole body twitches. Justin slides his strong fingers out of me and stands. His massive cock aims straight into my throbbing tunnel of thick wetness and he grabs my breast, pinching the nipple aggressively.

I feel a hand twist up into my hair and he pulls my head back. "Don't think for a second that you're done cumming."

His hardness samples my inside for a few well controlled thrusts, and then he vanishes. I hear him at the back wall grabbing toys off the hooks and heading back to me.

"I just need a moment to recover," I tell him.

"No you don't," his low voice rumbles.

I hear something begin to vibrate loudly.

"I'm so sensitive," I plead. "I need to let it pass."

Ignoring me, Justin slips our C-shaped toy in me while I'm still dripping; its forked tongue hugs my clit with its vibrating end humming my G-spot.

I'm not recovered at all, and it’s like an electric current zapping my most sensitive place.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I scream, raising and pulling at the straps as if they will offer any slack at all.

Despite the intensity, I feel my warrior rejoice, wanting the sting to make me climax again.

Justin leans against my back, pressing me to the window again with the wide tip of him, still drenched from my cum, forcing its way into my backside. He's careful not to push to fast or too far, letting only half of himself into me.

His right hand finds its way to my throat and wraps around it. There's no pressure at all in his hand, he just likes to feel the vibrations of my guttural moaning as his hips gently rock him in and out.

"Fuck me, Justin. Fuck my ass!" I growl, giving him what I know he wants.

My clit is screaming now, the vibrator sending wild sensations into my spread thighs.

Justin pulls himself out of my ass gently and grabs something else he brought with him from the wall. I feel a rubbery paddle my inner thigh. He has it placed against my skin so that I'll know what's coming, and the thought of it starts a strong thumping in my chest. He runs it up my hip and then up and down my back, tantalizing me with it, promising me.

He taps me with it gently, one inner thigh at a time, to start a pleasant tingle, but when it disappears I know to expect more. It snaps loudly across my ass, sounding much worse than it is; the feel of it is wonderful. A red hot sting swirls around my flesh and demands that I cum.

"Again!" I demand. "Do it again."


Both cheeks are burning and I want more.

"Oh my God, Justin, I love it."

My next orgasm is starting. Justin smacks me with the paddle quickly, alternating cheeks, while I watch us on screen. We look like animals lost in the obsession to climax, and its hot and exciting see. His beautiful, muscular body wielding his mastery over my controls.

"Don't stop!" I shout. I can't tell if it's the vibrator or the spanking drawing out my climax—either way it's here. The primal release begins deep in my chest and rises as an animal-like growl of lust.

I've never had spasms this powerful. My entire body twitches and convulses as if I'm having a seizure. More spit spatters across the glass as I lose all control and my vaginal muscles pump and squeeze thick streams of cum that drip from my labia into a tiny puddle directly below me.

The paddle crashes on my ass until my orgasm is nearly complete and I'm exhausted. My thighs are dripping wet with my own fluids and drained from the workout they've just endured.

Justin tosses the paddle away and I expect he'll slide the vibrator off me now, but he doesn't. He moves close again and he guides his hard organ through my legs into my throbbing opening, burying himself deep inside me along with the toy.

"Justin! Oh my God!"

Another orgasm suddenly takes me, sweeping me off my feet before I am ready. I'm physically devastated, hanging upright only by the straps, letting the city watch me through the breath-fogged glass.

"Cum, Warrior. Let it happen. Give in to it and let it happen."

I stop fighting the sensitivity and my orgasm washes over me like a warm light. When it recedes from its pinnacle, another is right behind it reaching for a new height.

He pulls my hair up and kisses my neck while penetrating me from behind. His thickness ravages me, riding my string of orgasms like rolling waves rushing toward the beach. He pulls out to his tip and relentlessly rams it back pelvis deep, filling me to my extreme capacity so much that I feel I could almost split open.

While our bodies collide, I can no longer tell when one orgasm ends and a new one begins. I keep myself relaxed and they keep coming. My clit is throbbing and swollen tight, jealous of the pounding my vaginal walls are taking, but enjoying the deluge of rapid vibrations it's receiving.

Justin's cock pushes the toy, grinding it into my pulsating pleasure spot, and his orgasm erupts with an untamed furry. His manly growl fills the room, announcing his victory while his hips pound me, knocking me into the glass. I feel those strong hands of his squeezing into my thighs, ramming me against him with insatiable desire.

My unappeasable string of orgasms hasn't ended and my voice is wailing loudly. Even after Justin is finished, I'm still moaning and writhing with gratification.

He grabs the toy, wiggling it in me to be certain that I have nothing left. The vibrations hum through my nervous system, spreading like a burning fire from my pussy.

"Take it out of me, please," I beg. "I can't take anymore."

Finally, he gently removes it. And when it's completely out, I'm still throbbing and buzzing, my warrior jubilant at having been conquered. I heave in gulps of air and let myself effortlessly dangle from the straps. I like the city seeing this, how this amazing man can finish me to the core.

Justin's hands tenderly settle on my skin and begin to caress me everywhere, massaging some strength back into me so that I can stand on my own.

His lips press gentle kisses up my back until he reaches my neck. I tilt my head toward him. "That was absolutely amazing."

He smiles and kisses my lips lightly.

"Can you promise to do that to me for the next fifty or sixty years?"

"That's why I'm marrying you," he replies











all him again!" Garrett demands.

Justin dials and waits.

My heart is already racing. This is not good, not fucking good at all, and someone is going to end up getting killed.

All three of us keep glancing at the door, watching for Lena, praying that she didn't come rushing in.

"Do you think he's really doing this right now?" I ask.

"To save her?" Justin says. "Absolutely. I don't think much can stop him—not even us."

He hangs his phone up and shakes his head. "He's not going to answer. We need to get there."

"No," Garrett orders. "
need to get there. I'll have Malcolm meet me, but you don't do that anymore—not even for Lena. You need to be with her when she finds out how this goes down. Good or bad, she will need you two."

"He's right," I say, and I know Justin is aware of that already, but I need to reassure him. This isn't just anybody, this is the woman that was his friend, and sometimes almost his mother.

"Go," Justin says. "But stay on the headset, we'll run ops through here. I need to know everything as it happens."

Garrett marches to the office door, passing by Sylvester without even noticing the barred teeth in the panther hologram. He closes the door slowly and tries to cross the office without drawing any unwanted attention.

Justin is scared. He doesn't show it, but I know it's there. His hands are balled into fists.

A few minutes later Garrett is out of the building and has his headset on. Malcolm is on his way to meet him there.

"This part sucks," I say softly, standing behind Justin and kissing the top of his head.

He takes my hand, now understanding what it was like for me all those times I was on ops watching him place his life in danger.

Waiting is a bitch.

With nothing else to do, we watch Sylvester pace and release his silent roar in endless loops. Our eyes meet a few times and we uselessly tell each other to stop worrying until it's time, both of us knowing it's all past time.

Malcolm is first on site before Garrett. He performs a visual survey while he waits, but the result is not good.

"No vehicles," he says. "It's quiet."

"I'm coming in now," Garrett says. We can hear his car door shut behind his strong voice, the urgency palpable in his tone.

"I see you," Malcolm responds. "The front gate is clear."

"Maybe we're early; maybe we beat them to the site," I say hopefully.

"No," Justin replies. "We're too late. The site guard at the gate is missing—he was probably part of it." He's always right, and the dread in his voice breaks my heart.

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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