Read Charity's Passion Online

Authors: Maya James

Charity's Passion (21 page)

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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I should thank him for this; he should know how much I appreciate him.

While he stands here in front of the wide window exposed to the late day sun, I reach over and undo his pants and quickly free his swelling member, jerking him toward the glass. His eyes roll up into the top of his head.

Once he's fully hard I drop to my knees and eagerly suck him into my mouth while I stare up at his face like the whore I love to be for him. He moans in appreciation and leans his hands forward on the window above me. His cock disappears down my throat over and over as I bob my head on him, enjoying the pressure I'm giving him.

"Christ!" He growls, trying not to thrust himself too deeply into my face and gag me.

I tug his pants down completely, running my hands over his incredibly sexy thighs as I gobble him up. I grab the base of him and suck him hard until he pops out of my mouth where I jerk him off again toward my face, teasing his release.

"Do you like my thank you?" I ask seductively.

Justin nods his head, "Hell yes!"

I run the tip of his cock along my face. "You're thinking about cumming on my face and watching it drip off my chin aren't you?"

His only reply is a deep guttural moan that makes me smile proudly.

When I stuff him back into the warmth of my mouth the taste of him ignites me. I'd only wanted to pleasure him, but now I want to cum too, so I slip one hand down my own shorts and finger my clit the best that I can in this position.

"Christ! That's so fucking hot," he says.

Suddenly he's lifting me to my feet and taking my clothes off in front of the window. When I'm completely naked he lifts me up onto his hardness, my legs around him as he presses me to the glass. I'm the one moaning now, his thick manhood filling me wonderfully.

He gives me the chills over my whole body, my nipples stiffening into him.

Our mouths collide passionately and his hands dig into the cheeks of my ass while he begins sliding himself in and out of me, moaning between thrusts. My fingers run through his blonde hair as I concentrate on the wonderful feel of him against me.

"Jesus fuck!" I squeal, taken by how deep he's entered me. I'm stretched wide by him and my wetness is running out of me in welcome rivers. "Make me cum, Justin. Fuck the orgasm right out of me."

My back is thumping against the glass over and over. The sound of it is exhilarating, proof for anyone that can hear it that I'm getting my brains pumped out. Swelling within me like a building scream, my climax approaches with ferocity, angry for having been penned in like a caged animal. It rages and fights for its freedom, forcing my pussy to clench and spasm around his girth. I bear down on him as if I can squeeze cum from his shaft.

It's too much when I feel the root of his cock smashing against my swollen clitoris, knowing there is no more of him left. I've taking every inch of him and my warrior ruptures blissfully.

He's cumming too. When my eyes land on his face I find that it's JP that I'm riding bareback and wet. His dominating persona glares at me devilishly. "That's right, cum on me Warrior. Give yourself to me," he growls.

Both of us explode, sharing the climax together until we are reduced to a quivering mass of content delight and we fall to the floor spent.

As we lie here, he quickly returns to his normal Justin personality, scooping me into the crock of his arm to keep me safe and warm. "That was hot," he says, making me giggle. "You always amaze me."

We stay there until we can pull ourselves to our wobbly legs. My girly parts are pleasantly humming and numb.

"I'm sure you're hungry by now?" He asks as he helps me stand.


"Then let's get ready."

Justin ordered a taxi that takes us to La Taverna Dell'Arte for dinner. Their ziti was outstanding, and their desserts even better. I loved how small and romantic it was inside, amplified by the dirty secret we had shared against the hotel window earlier.

After dinner we walk a bit, enjoying the night while we can, taking in some of the oldest parts of Italy. "I'll never get over you bringing me here," I gush happily as we walk.

Another couple walks by discussing something in Italian. It sounds wonderfully romantic, but for all I know they are bickering, or discussing politics. It doesn't matter, it's all about perception.

"I have to admit, I'm on a high right now watching you," Justin says. "I brought so much bad into your life; seeing you this happy is better than therapy."

I rest my head against his shoulder and hold his hand. I know this moment has to end soon: we're killing time. "We need to get back," I remind him.

"Yes, I know. Just a bit longer."

Eventually Justin calls our hotel and has them send a taxi. Now we're back in our room—and it's time for Justin to check in with the team.

Both of us are dreading the call as much as we're looking forward to it, just to get some news from home. We need to know what's happening.

Justin makes sure I'm ready, then he dials. Garrett picks up fairly quickly.

"Hey," he says.

"How's it going?" Justin asks. "What's the status, how is everyone?"

Justin turns and faces the other way, and now I can't hear Garrett.

There's an awful long silence, much more to report on since the last check in. Justin sits like a rock at the end of the bed, a hardened statue listening to news that isn't easy to listen to when you’re helpless.

His lack of reaction is freaking me out.

Before I know anything, I'm convincing myself that someone is dead. Marker found something we didn't see, a vulnerability in our system, and someone is dead because of it.

My hands begin to shake.

Justin takes a deep breath. "Yeah, tell me," he says in a serious, JP tone.

Seriously! A little fucking information here!

My stomach turns completely upside down.

I have to stand up. My nervous feet begin to carry me back and forth, careful to not disturb Justin. I want his thoughts where they should be, but holy shit I'm going to explode in a minute.

What didn't we see?

Who is hurt—or dead?

He shifts silently again.

John Roberts was already missing; maybe that ended badly. That poor, sweet man that stood around me ready to take a bullet in my place.

Maybe it's something even worse, someone even more innocent—Trisha! Please don't let it be that.

We had her under protection, even though she has no idea, mostly by Garrett himself. It just made sense. But there are gaps, shift changes, it can't be Garrett twenty-four hours every day.

Turn, pace, turn, pace.

The lights through the window are a beautiful slap in the face of contrast, and I feel like all of Naples is disrespectful for moving on without us at this moment. Our friends could be dead but the lights outside keep coming, people continue about their business.

I'm just as bad; if something happened to anyone back home, it might have been while I was stuffing my face at dinner as if there was nothing going on.

Finally Justin speaks, "No changes. Stay on target," he says. He hangs up the phone and I can sense the anger in him already.

I've stopped pacing; not sure when I did that. The silence eats at me.


Justin's eyes meet mine. "Marker found the beginning of our trail. We've made so many changes since then that it means nothing to our safety, but I don't like it. He shouldn't have gotten as far as he did."

"What happened?" I ask.

More anger on him now.

"He found our decoy. That couple that crossed into Canada for us, he caught up to them." Justin pauses, swallowing obvious guilt. "She's okay, but he's in an ICU; they're not sure he will make it. Marker beat him until he was sure neither of them had what he wanted."

I sit down on the floor hard as the breath is stolen from my chest for an instant. It's our fault! "He's not going to make it, and it's because of us."

I don't know what to do with it. My guilt is overwhelming and Justin knows it. He's around me in a second, comforting me even when I know he feels the same terrible drain.

"Remember this is what they do. He was trained for this, accepted the possibility. That's doesn't make it easier to choke down, I know, but it is a fact," Justin says softly.

My hitching chest eases somewhat, allowing my lungs to expand. Then a wave of self-preservation washes over me.

"Can he get us, Justin? He got to them—can he find us?"


"Why not?" I ask.

"We vanished after the switch, remember? Those two went on as a decoy. They accepted that. It was not easy for Marker to find them, but not impossible either. That's the whole point of a decoy. No one knows where we went from there, not a soul, especially not Marker."

Listening to his voice, my moment of panic vanishes. Justin gets me off the floor to the edge of the bed.

"There's more, isn't there?" I ask. "I see it in you; you haven't told me everything yet have you?"

His shoulders slump.

"What is it?" My heart is thumping. "Just say it."

Justin takes a deep breath. "No one has heard from Malcolm or Lena since yesterday."



train from Naples to Rome Tuesday that got us here in an hour. Naples had so much to offer, we actually toured Mount Vesuvius and I will never forget it, but this is Rome and it made me cry all over again.

We've taken pictures at the Coliseum and the Pantheon, and right now we are staring at the Trevi Fountain in amazement, at least I am. It's gorgeous and my starving eyes are consuming every morsel.

"Justin, it's so much bigger than I imagined. I had no idea."

He smiles at me and I can measure the absolute pride he has for being the one to show me this.

It's evident in his voice as well. "In the middle there, that's Triton's guide, Oceanus, on his half-shell chariot," he tells me. The statue that he's talking about has a long beard and one hand holding a wand while the other is holding a cloth over its groin. "Abundance is the one pouring the water, and Salubrity has the cup with the snake. The status are Carrara marble and I believe everything else is travertine."

I hug my arms tighter around him as I listen, impressed again by his memory.

There's are also two very beautiful Mediterranean women standing not far from us that are blatantly eyeing Justin up as if he is the dinner they will be eating soon, and I'm trying to make it very clear that he's with me. At this point I'm thinking they know and don't care.

Justin hasn't said a word about them, as if he hasn't even noticed their attention, but I know better. I remember the hunter he was before we meet, the stories Trisha had told me about. He may have himself under control, but those old instincts to sniff out easy and willing prey are still in there. That just makes it all the more meaningful as I feel his arms squeeze me back and his lips on the top of my head, a message for me as much as it is for the two hoe bags.

He's all mine!

We ignore them until we forget they even exist, slowly walking around the water and staring at the fountain from different angles taking in everything it has to offer.

We had dinner not very far from there in a restaurant I will never be able to pronounce. The food was good, but it was the desert we had really come for and the reason the place was packed full of people.

I had attempted to order tiramisu, my usual favorite, but Justin stopped me abruptly. "Cannoli! Trust me," was all he'd said. Thank Christ I had listened; it was the best I'd ever tasted.

On the return back to our hotel, we walk, holding hands through the busy streets of Rome, taking in the sounds and smells one last time before we move on to Florence. We stop and watch the street performers on Via delle Muratte.

"Are you enjoying, Warrior?" Justin asks full of hope.

"I really am. I haven't even been able to realize how exhausted I must be."

He laughs.

A light breeze tugs at the sundress I wore today. Justin has told me at least a dozen times how pretty he thinks I am in it and it catches his glance again.

I blush, happy that he still makes that happen.

"I adore you," he adds out of the blue. Then he touches my face lightly on the side.

For a moment I just think about that. "These moments take us completely out of our reality and I suppose that is the point. We have been more like ourselves these last days then we have been in months. The constant pressure of Brian Marker floats away, even the stress of Senator Lewis and Panther lifts away, and I can taste what life is going to be for us," I confide to him.

His face agrees with me. "Before I met you, I really worried about what it would be like not to have Panther to fill my mind. The thought of retiring someday was horrifying. That seems so incredibly stupid to me now."

It's my turn to laugh.

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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