Charity Moon (28 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Kinney

BOOK: Charity Moon
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“Charity, do you really think that’s true?”


“Well, all I know for sure is you prayed and now we’re together again. That’s all that matters, right?” I touched his face gently, stopping my fingers at his dimples.


“Yes. That’s all that matters to me,” he said, pressing his lips to mine in a sweet, gentle kiss.


“All right, you’ve already had your moment. Now it’s time to share her,” Ashley butted in, hugging me fiercely. “After all, you’re not the only one who was scared to death. But one thing I’m curious about,” she said, pulling away and looking down at my dress. “Why did God heal your dress too?”


“Oh that’s easy,” I smirked at her. “He was avoiding another death.”


  “Another death? What do you mean?”


“Well, if Irena saw what that man did to my dress, after all the sleepless hours she put into it, she would’ve killed him right then and there.”


We all laughed, with Irena’s booming laughter taking center stage.




We celebrated for hours, dancing, eating, opening presents then dancing some more. It turned out to be a wonderful evening. For one thing, God not only healed my chest, but as a bonus, healed my previous injuries as well, even my cracked rib.
And He didn’t even have to bite me, go figure.


“You are so beautiful,” Levi said to me as we slow danced. “I never imagined you could look more beautiful than you always do, but I was wrong. I promise I will always take care of you, Charity. Tonight I was distracted and didn’t see the danger in time. Tonight could’ve turned out differently.”


“Levi, it wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known that someone could get through.”


“Yes, Charity, I could’ve and should’ve known. It’s my job to know. My mistake was almost the end of us.”


I put my hands on his face, caressing it softly. “Listen to me, this was not your fault. All of this was supposed to happen, at least that’s what I believe. We saw a miracle performed here tonight. How often can someone say that? The events that happened here will change things for a lot of us in ways we can’t even know now. But—if I
died tonight, know that I would’ve died a very happy woman having loved you, even if our time was short.”


“I know we’ve been blessed in a short time with more than most people ever experience in their lifetime, but I’m selfish, I want more—much more. I want a long and full life with you, with lots of happiness and lots of children.”


“I want that too, and tonight you were blessed with more, we both were. Let’s not take it for granted.”


“I’ll never take you for granted, Charity, never. I love you so much. When I first became alpha, I knew I had to take a bride, but I never imagined it could feel like this. When I first met you I was so tortured by you, your beauty, your strength—and that kiss! I was haunted by that dang kiss!”


“Yeah—best sixty bucks I ever made.”


“Yeah well, I saw your face in my dreams every night after that. I spent hours watching you from the woods behind your house, making sure you were safe, watching you journaling on your roof. I never thought I would find someone I could love like this. I never even thought it was possible. And now, I still can’t believe it.”


“Well, you better believe it, ‘cause I didn’t get all dressed up for nothin’. I’m yours, and it looks like we’ve been given a second chance. And I, for one, am gonna make the most of it, so why don’t we ditch this party so we can start a party of our own?”


“Oh baby, you read my mind. Everyone! Thank you for a wonderful experience! We’ve both enjoyed spending this time with you, but now we’re leaving! You’re welcome to keep celebrating as long as you like! Goodnight!” he finished, and cheers broke out as he scooped me up in one swift motion and carried me out the door before anyone could say a word in response.


He carried me all the way across the facility, turning down a hall and stopping at the end in front of a single door. He kissed my lips as he opened it and carried me through.


I was amazed. It was a beautiful room and much bigger than the other room. It had a gorgeous sitting room with a wide-screen TV, a kitchen, and possibly the biggest bed ever made. “Levi, it’s the most elegant room I’ve ever seen in person. Can we live here?”


He laughed. “Well, I
the alpha, and your wish is my command. I live now only to make you happy.”


“Really? Well, I wish for you to put me down now and kiss me senseless.”


“With pleasure, but first I have something to show you.” He sat me on my feet and took off his tux jacket, pulling off his bow tie and unbuttoning his shirt.


My pulse quickened, my heart pounding heavily between my ears.


He pulled open his shirt, and there, on his upper chest, was a small marking the size of a quarter. It was a heart and above it were the small words ‘It’s for Charity’ scrawled in cursive.


Aside from getting my ring, that must’ve been one of the things he left out to do during the early morning hours. My eyes filled with tears. “Levi, it’s beautiful. Thank you.”


He peered down at me, his deep blue eyes bubbling with passion and oozing with anticipation. “Everything is for you now, my heart—my life—it’s all for you. Now—about that kiss.” When he kissed me it was different, not the safe, guarded kiss as before. He tilted his head slowly, moving his lips to my chin—neck—then capturing my mouth with his. He kissed me deeply, leaving me breathless and warm inside. He gently took off my veil and tossed it on a chair. He pulled out the diamond clips holding my hair up and smoothed it out, letting it fall loosely down my back, and gazed into my eyes with such love my heart skipped a few beats. He tilted my head up and kissed me gently on the chin as he unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor, eyes bulging as he took in the sight of my lingerie.


“Charity Drake, are you trying to kill me?”


I laughed. “No, not yet. I’ve got other plans for you tonight. Which reminds me, I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain, now it’s time for you to fulfill yours.”


“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”


“Well, follow this wolf man. It’s time for you to rock my world, and I better not be disappointed.”


“Oh, that I can promise you.” He howled so loudly I thought the whole world could hear before taking me in his arms and kissing me again.



Chapter Twenty-Three


When we arrived at school Monday morning, we were giddy at the idea of being husband and wife and secretly at that. Not to mention we were exhausted from spending more than thirty straight hours in our room, secluded from the rest of the world and barely even eating.


Mrs. Hildebrand, our English teacher, had given us an assignment for a term paper, so when Saturday arrived, after lunch at Happy’s, we found ourselves at the Drake House working on it together. Levi and I, along with Ashley, Josh, Jared, Jordan, Ian, and Cody were all sitting at a table in the huge dining room working on our papers, when Hector escorted six women in to see Levi.


“I’m sorry to disturb you, Sir, but these ladies wish to speak to you in private. They say they’re all that’s left of a pack that was attacked by vampires.”


“Thank you, Hector, but whatever these ladies need to say, they can say in front of my wife and friends.”


When he said that, I noticed one of the women looked at me strangely, as though sizing me up, and I instantly shut her down with a look of my own.


The one that stared at me spoke, “My name is Selena. I’m the surviving alpha female of my pack. These are the only other survivors of what’s left of our pack. Our husbands hid us when the vampires attacked. My husband told us to come here if anything happened to him. Sadly, he was killed.”


Funny, she didn’t look sad. I hope she didn’t think she was going to come and seek refuge with my new pack, and my new husband


“We’re hoping you will be gracious and allow us to join you. I, of course, will humbly submit to your wishes.” She bowed then gave me a quick smirk. I wondered if Levi saw it
. And what did she mean by “submit to your wishes”?


She was very beautiful, petite and thin, with long, jet-black hair. Actually, they were all beautiful, all six of them.
Hmm, six of them, six of my men, what are the odds?


“Serena, I’m flattered that you chose this pack, but the east pack would be more suited for your needs. Wesley, their alpha, is still unwed and seeking a bride. I, on the other hand, have recently wed.”


“No, I’m afraid not.”


“Oh, you’re going to be afraid,” I said as I stood and started toward her, but Levi sprang from his seat and grabbed me around the waist.


“Charity, let’s hear her out,” he demanded.


Selena continued, “My husband was very clear. He told me to come to the Drake House. He said the leader of the east pack was cruel. He didn’t want me under his rule. Please don’t force us to go there, please,” she begged, and I almost believed her—almost.


“Calm down, Selena. You can stay here, for now, until we can confirm your story, then we’ll discuss this again.”


“Thank you, Sir.” She bowed with a smile, and then Hector led them out of the room.


“Levi, I think we need to talk,” I spoke through clenched teeth as I pulled him out of the room and down the hall. We went into the library and shut the door behind us.


“Please tell me you were just trying to make them feel better and you’re not considering letting them join us.”


“I’m just trying to make them feel better. Charity, they just lost their husbands.”


“Oh please, did she look like she was a grieving bride to you? She’s full of cow manure, and you better not let her become your wife or I’ll kill her!”


“Now calm down. It’s too soon to start talking like that. Let me do some investigating, then we’ll talk more about this.”


“Levi, please send them away. I have a very bad feeling about this. Something’s not right here, please.”


“They’re just some grieving women. Everything will be fine. I’ll counsel with my father. You go back and work on your paper with the others.” He kissed me on the forehead and left the room. I went reluctantly back to join the others. 


How could this be happening?
I wondered
. We’ve only been married a week and someone’s already wanting to share my husband. Well, anyone who wants my husband better be ready for a fight. No one threatens my marriage without my permission.


I stayed close to Levi the rest of the evening. At dinner, I noticed Selena watching us closely, and I poured on the love thickly.


“What are you doing?” Levi’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.


“I’m not sure what you mean.”


“You know exactly what I mean. You’re even wearing your ring. You’ll have to remember to take it off before you get home. I’ve never seen you this insecure before.”


“Me—insecure? I think you’re confused.”


“Charity.” He pronounced my name slowly, giving me a stern look.


“Fine, but don’t look at me like that. It’s just that that Selena chick keeps looking at us. I just want her to know you’re mine. I think she’s up to something bad, and I don’t trust her.”


“Well, do you trust me?”


“Is that a trick question?”




“Oh, of course I trust you.”


“Well, then you know that I’m very cautious, and I have a lot of people watching my back, not just my wife.” He smirked.


“I’m watching more than just your back,” I said with a wicked grin.


“Really.” He stared at me for just a moment before taking my hand and leading me out of the dining room. Faster than I could count to ten, we were crashing on our bed in a frenzy of passion.


After an hour or so there was a knock on our door. Hector came in, once we were decent, and told us that Joseph had some information about Selena. After Hector left, Levi got dressed quickly.


“Wait for me, Levi,” I said, jumping into my jeans.


“Just wait here. I’ll let you know everything later.”

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