Charity Moon (18 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Kinney

BOOK: Charity Moon
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“She stayed with them for a few days while she regained her strength for her returned journey to the King. On the day of that last morning, they confessed their undying love for one another with broken hearts as Mia left on her journey, escorted by four of Micah’s elite.


“When they returned, they had a message from the King. He was so grateful for Micah’s actions in rescuing his niece that he extended an invitation to him as a guest of honor at a special banquet planned for the following week.


“Micah and his elite attended this banquet, which lasted five days, during which time Micah and Mia snuck off together to be alone, trying to savor their last moments together.


“On the last day of the banquet, the King announced his gift to Micah—Mia’s hand in marriage. Mia was ecstatic, but Micah was less so. He didn’t feel comfortable accepting the King’s gift without him knowing the full extent of his choice. Micah and his elite took the King into his private chamber where they shifted before his eyes, exposing their true nature to him. The King became angry and withdrew his gift. He was in the process of having them escorted out of his kingdom forever when more creatures forced their way into the kingdom and began to attack the villagers. Micah and his elite shifted and almost single handedly destroyed them all. Once again the King was so grateful that he announced his giving of Mia as his gift. He ordered those who had witnessed the events of the day to forget they ever happened and to never speak of it again in order to protect the pack’s secret.


“Mia returned home with Micah where they were married a few days later.


“They went on to have many children, but they were all girls. When Mia was in her fifties Micah had no choice but to take a second wife, her name was Esther. Micah was so in love with Mia that he only slept with Esther once, which produced a son. He then released her from her duty to him, even allowing her to remarry. Micah and Mia raised the boy together and lived a very rich and happy life until Micah died at the age of one hundred and five. Mia followed him two days later. It’s the first account we have of a heart connection, and the only one with a human, until now. Their symbol that formed in the end was two hearts, one inside the other, with a vine wrapped around them.”


“What did it mean?”


“No one knows.”


“Wow, Levi that was incredible. Are you sure that was a true story? It seems too amazing to have really happened.”


“Yes, it really happened. When I was twelve my father asked me to pick one of my ancestors to study. I chose Micah. He seemed to be the most heroic and hence became my hero from that point forward.”


“Well, I understand why. He sounds like he was an amazingly honorable man, and a great leader.”


“He was. Probably the best we’ve ever had. I only hope to be half the man—and alpha that he was.”


Reaching over, I gently stroked his face. “Levi, you are the most amazing man I’ve ever known. I know you’re gonna be one of those leaders, just like Micah, who’ll be talked about for centuries to come. Just think, maybe someday a young couple will snuggle by a fire and talk about you and me.”


“Oh, I have no doubt they’ll be talking about you. You know, Charity, you can go talk to Ruth, our pack’s historian. She’ll let you borrow our history book if you want to read the story for yourself. As a matter of fact, she’s already begun recording our story, as well.”


“You’re kidding me. Well, maybe I’ll just do that. Thank you, Levi for sharing it with me. It was definitely encouraging.”


“I thought it might be, and you’re welcome. Now, would you like to see a tour of the house?”




“I’ll even let you choose which room you want to be ours once we’re married.”


He took me on an extensive tour of the house, and of course I chose the most beautiful room with the biggest bed. But it was getting late so we decided that it was probably time for him to take me home.


We said our painful goodbyes at my front door, kissing so long and hard my lips were red and swollen, before I reluctantly turned and went inside. The house was dark and quiet. I took off my shoes so I could climb the stairs in silence. When I entered my bedroom, I walked over to my lamp, turned it on, and jumped as my door slammed shut behind me. I turned quickly to see Frank standing there, his eyes dark with desire.


“Frank, where’s my mother?” I asked, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.


“She had another headache, so I gave her some heavy painkillers. She’s out for the night. Now you and I can have
time. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way you look tonight.”


I glanced around, desperate for something to use as a weapon. As he took a step in my direction, I ran around the bed. “Levi!” I screamed as Frank ran after me. He reached his hands out, but I ducked away from his grip, only to slip as my rug slid out from under my quick feet, causing me to fall hard to the floor. I screamed out in pain as my ribcage smashed against the wooden floor. I continued to moan as Frank grabbed my feet and pulled me to him. Then I saw my window open, and like a shadow, Levi floated in. He grabbed Frank by the throat, jerking him into the air and slamming him against the wall, his feet dangling three feet from the floor. A deep, menacing growl rumbled in his chest.


“No, Levi, don’t kill him!”


He looked at me with anguish on his face as he struggled to tame the lycan within. He squeezed his eyes shut for a short moment and when he opened them again they were no longer yellow but his beautiful color blue. He turned back to Frank. “If you ever touch her again, and I will know, then I’ll rip your head clean off. Do you understand?” he growled.


Frank somehow managed to nod. When Levi released him, he fell to the floor, getting up faster than I thought possible and scurrying out the door.


As I looked up in amazement at Levi’s angry face trying so hard to compose itself, I realized in that very moment that I completely, without any doubt, trusted this man with my life—and more importantly—with my heart.


Levi rushed to my side. “Charity, are you all right?” His voice was strained. I knew it was hard for him to let Frank go, but his expression remained composed.


“Oh, oh,” I moaned, grabbing my ribs.


He picked me up and carried me to my bed, laying me down gently and feeling my ribs very carefully.


I winced.


“You’ve re-injured your cracked rib. Let me get your pain medicine. He went into my bathroom and got a cup of water. After I took the medicine, I reached for my nightgown lying at the foot of my bed, making him turn, as I got undressed and under the covers. Twenty minutes later the pain had subsided and soon I was fast asleep, cradled securely in Levi’s tight embrace.


I woke to the sound of my alarm clock at six a.m. and groaned as I slowly sat up in my bed. I glanced to my left to see Levi sitting in a chair next to me, rubbing his sleepy eyes.


“You stayed,” I commented with surprise.


“Of course I did. I kept watch over you while you slept. I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving you. How do you feel?”


“Sore, but better than last night. Thank you, Levi. Once again you saved me from Frank.”


“Well, he’s just fortunate I didn’t kill him. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about him bothering you any more though.”


“Are you serious? Well, if that’s true then it’s worth the pain I’m feeling now.”


“Do you feel well enough to go to school today?”


“I think so, though I just might be a little slower than normal.”


“Well, why don’t you go get in the shower. I’ll go home, get showered and changed, and meet you back here in time to bandage you up, then you can ride to school with me.”


“That sounds good. I would like to go home with you after school today. Irena and I need to work on the wedding plans.” I turned to get up and moaned in pain.


 Levi jumped over the bed and was in front of me in an instant. “Why don’t you take some pain medicine? I would feel a lot better if you did.”


“Well, it might make
feel better, but it’ll make
groggy. I’ll be fine once I get moving.”


“Okay then, I’ll be back to get you soon. I love you.” He kissed my forehead and though he’s big, slid effortlessly out my window—my eyes trailing longingly after him.




Chapter Fourteen


In the few seconds it took for us to cross the parking lot, my group of friends grew from six to twelve as Levi and his friends joined us.


Delaney kept her eyes on the new guys while also managing to keep one eye on Toby and his growing irritation. Toby kept his eyes on Delaney while also keeping them on the guys she was flirting with. Stacy kept hers focused on Jordan. Ashley kept hers fixed solely on Josh, and Levi and I kept ours honed in on each other, with Missy trailing closely behind.
What a bunch we are


Levi was very much aware of the pain I struggled unsuccessfully to hide. I gave him a reassuring smile, and though he smiled back, the concern never left his eyes.


Later, as I made my way to the cafeteria, Ashley came bouncing happily down the hallway toward me. “What’s up? You seem perkier than usual,” I remarked.


“Oh I am. You’ll never guess what’s happened.”


“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s happened?”


“Levi just promoted Josh to beta of the pack. That means he’s second in command. They’re going to have a ceremony initiating him in after the dust settles from the wedding. Isn’t that exciting? I’m so happy for him.”


“Yes, actually that is exciting. He deserves it.”


“He does—doesn’t he?”


“You really like him—don’t you?”


“Yeah, I really do. Do you think he knows?”


“Ash—you wear your feelings on your sleeve. He’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to—and then he still would. Besides, he probably just heard you anyway.”


“I know, right?” She giggled.


When we arrived in the cafeteria, I noticed my friends gathered at our usual table. Ashley skipped alongside me as we approached them. “Listen guys, Levi and I are an item now, so we’ll be joining them from now on.” I picked up Toby’s tray and carried it across the room, sitting it down on the table next to where Levi and his friends were sitting. As my friends picked their seats, Delaney, enjoying Toby’s annoyance, chose the seat in the center of the guys. Levi motioned for me to take the seat next to him.


“I hope you don’t mind, but I got your lunch for you.” He took my hand and gently pulled me down beside him.


“Thank you,” I said as he pushed the tray of food in front of me. People had started to murmur as they studied us sitting together, hands intertwined.


I picked up a cheeseburger and took a bite. “So, what are they saying about us?”


“Well,” he said, wiping mustard off the corner of my lip with his thumb, “the girls are jealous of you, the guys are jealous of me, and everybody else is just jealous.” He smirked, bending his head down and kissing me, just to give them something else to talk about I’m sure. “Mmm, raspberry mixed with cheeseburger, an interesting combination,” he teased.


“I heard about Josh’s promotion.”


“I was just about to tell you that. I guess Ashley told you.”


“Yeah. She’s very excited for him.”


“Well, he’s my best friend and a very loyal one at that, and his combat skills are excellent.”


“I’m glad you have him to watch your back. It makes me feel better.”


“I wish I had someone to watch yours.”


“Hey! Have you seen
combat skills? I can take Josh on my worst day.”


He laughed. “You know, I almost believe you.”


When we entered Art class, Mrs. Reed had our portraits displayed about the room. “Now class,” she began, “before I give you a chance to go around and observe each other’s work, I would just like to say that all of you did exceptionally well, so well in fact, this class won the contest.”


Cheers spread throughout the classroom.


“However,” she continued, “there are two of you whose work has stood out above the rest. I would like to acknowledge them in front of the class. Levi and Charity, would you two come up front please?”

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