Chaos Theory (24 page)

Read Chaos Theory Online

Authors: Penelope Fletcher

Tags: #Romance, #Aliens, #Sci fi, #invasion, #alien romance, #scifi romance

BOOK: Chaos Theory
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Were?” Zeke questioned.

Some were lost in the fighting. We can be wounded and possess
no advanced healing capability. If anything we are physically more
vulnerable–” Igor shut his mouth when he realised he spoke of the
Hybrid weaknesses. “There were other ranks spawned in-between
these, but those genetic blends did not turn out … right.” He
grimaced. “There were grotesque mutations. Minds broken beyond
madness … or so we were told.”

Blue crossed his arms over his chest. Even Zeke sensed his
displeasure at the discussion topic. “My name is Blue.

Zeke had been in the presence of males like Blue before. Males
who were born to lead whether they wanted to or not. Lucky for
Blue, Zeke was a model soldier born to follow.

He had no problem allying himself with this group if they
returned the loyalty he had to offer.

Yes Sir. As I said, not all the males captured are being
paired with para-Symbionts. It is my hope that my friend Valiant
has been taken to a rumoured slave encampment in Quadrant1. It is
my personal mission to rescue him. I’m hoping I can convince
somebody, anybody, to help me. It won’t just be Val who’d need
rescuing. They took females and children too, maybe there are
people you’re looking for?”

Blue studied him. “Dangerous mission.”

Valiant wouldn’t think twice about coming for me. He’d come in
solo guns blazing if that’s what it took. I like to think I’m
subtler than that. If these Novae can use brainpower so can

A soldier that thinks,” Lara muttered. “The world really is

Kali stood and wandered closer to Blue, a hopeful look on her
face compared to the desolation of before.

Know what you’re going to say,” he murmured. “One man does not
change the tide. It’s too dangerous.”

That’s four people now,” she pushed. “My parents, Madeleine,
and now the Operative’s friend Valiant.”

Call me Z, ma’am.”

She gave him a smile that died. “Call me Kali. I’m no
different from anybody else here.”

Lara snorted. “Except you’re the only one fluttering those
pretty eyelashes at the Omicron to persuade him into rescuing your

With the absence of Kenshin, Igor felt it his obligation to at
least attempt smoothing Lara’s rougher edges. “Gently,” he

Stars, she won’t break. There is nothing wrong with me
speaking the truth we’re thinking. Only a Flush would have such a
sense of self worth to demand others risk everything on a

Kali spun on the Hybrid, hating her for pushing that
disgraceful derogatory term for HiCaste onto her. It was meant for
the pompous rich, someone who cared more for their self and
economic interests than life. “Saving the lives of my family is not
a whim. And who are you to look down on me and call me Flush,

Call me a lowlife because I know how to take care of myself if
it pleases you. It reinforces my point.”

Don’t call me names and I’ll do you the same

Lara sniffed, but caught Igor’s narrowed eyes, silently
demanding she tow the line. For her brother-Hybrids, she could –
for them. “As you like.”

Blue stared at Kali, knowing how much this meant to her. He
wanted to give her this badly to make up for … everything. She
needed this. Saving her parents and keeping her safe were actions
he could take to make her life better.

Blue?” Lara prompted. “Explain why this can’t

He hesitated, trying to find the best way to satisfy all wants
and objectively weigh them against the collective needs. Such a
thing was impossibility when the goals and desires of Humans and
Hybrids conflicted so massively.

We could try,” Blue said, eyes roaming over Igor’s receptive
expression then Lara’s decidedly unreceptive one.

She scrubbed a hand over her face then held up both hands,
pushing them all away. “Cosmic. I’ll go prep the weapons for our
mass suicide then shall I?”

Upsilon!” Breathing out hard, Blue frowned. Clashing with Lara
was not productive and not something he was interested in
disquieting himself about. She was the second strongest of the
group. He needed her on his side, but not clawing at it. He’d just
realised she’d used his name and not his title. Was she reaching to
him on a personal level? Blue hadn’t meant it to seem cold, but her
way was so blunt and confrontational. The Humans were twitchy
enough. He softened his voice. “Lara, don’t–”

She walked out the door shaking her head. “Don’t care a
continental, Omicron. I don’t want to hear it.”

The door to the weapons room slammed and the noise echoed
through the bunker.

Blue shut his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck.

Zeke cleared his throat. “Anybody else scared of


Blue’s touch was possessive as it ran over Kali’s body. The
crisp bed sheets bunched at her hips, and his hands rubbed her
lower back, worshiped the curve of her waist.

The room was cool and quiet. They were hot and

Silken hair tumbled loose over Kali’s back. A smile tugged his
lips when she made a throaty noise and crushed him to her. She
moved above him, her restless body exquisite in its motion. Her
head lolled when he nibbled the skin on her shoulder.

Blue learned of his Kali.

That her lips warmed when kissed. Her flicking tongue tasted
sweet. She smelt like oranges by the underside of her jaw. When she
moaned, chills rippled down his spine and curled his

Blue rolled them, trapping his prize, and fitted himself
between her legs. Her breathing deepened. She welcomed him, a thigh
rubbing his. It made his quads tense. Mischievous, a dainty foot
hooked around his ankle. The other leg drew up to cage him in, her
knee pressing into his waist.

It was as natural as breathing, being with her like this. The
beat of her heart echoed his.

Lush hair fanned over the pillow like spilt ink. The corner of
Kali’s mouth pulled into a coy smile that drove him crazy. Her
smiled died, and her stare pierced him. “I’m trapped here,

He ground his hips and her gaze slid out of focus; dark lashes
fluttering down to cover sparkling eyes.

No,” he argued softly. “You’re safe with me.”

Arching, she bared the slender column of her throat as she
gasped. Blue never knew the graceful line of a collarbone; the
fluttering of a pulse at the base of a neck could be so

Blue’s scalp tingled when her mind brushed his.

The impatient way she writhed beneath him made it harder to
focus, to breathe, and think. She reached between them and squeezed
him. The stroke was maddening. Small hands roamed his stomach, his
chest, and shoulders like they owned every inch touched.

Nails raked at his back. The sharp bite of pain heightened his

I’m bound,” she insisted. “Cold.” The nails dug deeper,
desperate, and needy. “Scared.”

He dragged his teeth across her wrist. A whimper of
encouragement was his reward. “No, beautiful, you’re

Blue slid an arm under her hips to tug her closer. He nuzzled
her neck and inhaled the fresh scent clinging to her skin. He
pressed kisses to her throat and licked that trembling pulse

His body burned for her. Need had him shaky as they joined.
The rhythmic surging soothed and enflamed, pushed him to the edge
of control, forced him to move faster.

Cupping his face, Kali crushed her mouth to his, searing him
to the core. She flexed her hips, moaned his name, and Blue

She sighed softly, holding him tightly.

Savouring the sensation of being inside her, Blue rested his
forehead on hers. He shifted to settle his weight, careful not to
crush her. They lay entwined, sated, and calmed. He stroked her
hip, and his rough hand rasped over sweat-slicked flesh.

He was happy.

Blue grinned and opened smiling eyes.

Happiness died.

Kali lay on the bed with her eyes closed. She was drenched in
greenish liquid, her wet eyelashes spiked. Hair stuck to her face
and neck, black veins cracking pallid skin. Eyes he knew to be
vivid and bold were dull and lifeless as they opened. The colour of
her hair leeched away, and the luxuriant brown became ashen

Bluish lips parted as she reached for him, and bloody tears
seeped from eyes red at the corners. “I’m trapped.” Her face
twisted in pain. Jagged nails dug into his shoulders.

Why won’t you listen

Yanked from beneath him, off the bed, she was dragged
screaming into the darkness.


Blue woke and jack-knifed up, a bellow of terror strangling
He battled with the covers until he
managed to untangle his arms and torso. Drenched in sweat, his
chest heaved as he stared around his bedroom. He scrubbed a hand
over his head as his eyes swivelled.

Soft light from his ComUni cast blue shadows. He could hear no
sound to suggest anybody else was present, nor could he feel the
spark of another mind. His sight was not perfect, but he would be
able to see if there was another body close.

The room was empty, so was his bed.

His breathing calmed. The tension in his shoulders eased, and
his legs relaxed.

Blue thumbed his forehead, grappling with what his body was
feeling, and what his mind clamoured for him to

Dreams meant nothing – just the random firing of synapses. The
only problem was, there was nothing random or nonsensical about
what he’d dreamed, not until the end, anyway.

Kali had been under him. His body had mated with hers. It felt
like he’d spent hours wrapped in her arms, but it could have been
no more then minutes.

Blue shuddered.

He wished it were real.

Feeling strangely uncomfortable, sticky, he looked down at
his lap and groaned.
had never happened before.

Throwing the sheets off, he cursed at the mess in his lap.
Sliding off the bed, he stretched until something cracked then
scooped it all up. Remembering the bunker was filled with people,
he slipped on loose pants before he padded down the hallway with
the soiled bundle.

No one would know, he was alone, but his cheeks were still hot
as he dumped the sheets in the wash.

Blue wiped the sweat from his brow, and managed a low chuckle
that came out scratchy. His throat was dry. From all the panting
maybe? Rolling his eyes at himself, he headed to the kitchen for

He paused when pale light from the CoolIt beamed along the

Blue leaned against the kitchen partition, and watched Kali
rummage around looking for something to eat. She already had a jar
in hand, and a spoon lodged in her mouth.

Humming quietly to herself, she rubbed her toes on her

His gaze strayed over her body and waited for the passionate
surge of arousal he had experienced in his dream.

He’d be waiting forever, it seemed.

She was dressed in a baggy top. Her legs were bare, and her
hair was up in that ponytail she loved.

Since the conversation with Kenshin, he’d been avoiding her,
as far as to duck into a room to hide when he’d seen her


He felt guilty.

Blue sighed. Scratched his chest. Regardless of what he did,
or did not feel, he should be taking better care of her. She was
owed that much after what she had been through.

Clearing his throat, he moved behind her and peered into the
CoolIt with a smile plastered on his face.

Kali plucked the spoon out of her mouth and stared at him with
wide eyes. “Bad dreams?”

Blue tilted his head. “Don’t know how to answer that

I couldn’t sleep, too restless. I was
hungry, and everything tastes
. Ken said it’s normal for
everything to feel vivid after a traumatic experience. It’s okay
for me to eat this?” She held up the jar. “We’re not rationing or

It’s standard. We have drums filled with LiquiNu that can last
for some time, and I can create enough ingredients in the MakeIt
for the FeedMe to last for at least another month even when we gain
a couple of more mouths to feed. You read my blog. Paranoia has
translated into prepared post invasion.” Blue looked at the jar she
held. “That’s one of Caesar’s concoctions. He likes to cook. He’s
thrilled people will want to try what he makes, even if he doesn’t
look it. He’s forever wound up with my lack of

Kali smiled stiffly before slumping.

Watching Blue and Caesar together casually, one might think
there was no love between them, but Kali had spent a long time
studying them during the rescue plans, and had witnessed a deep

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