Chaos Mortalitus (30 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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There are heroes decorated throughout this universe, strangers divided by stardust, facing this battle through and through. In this moment ten brave souls sit together, in hopes that the injustices that have led to these coming days shall not have been in vain. We exist within infinity, we are the consciousness of eternity and the legends from these days will be forever embraced within the dogmatic rituals of divinity. For every battle that rages today and evermore, holds patiently the hopes of peace as they are exchanged by the ten legends led by a king called Mortalitus.


"We are joined here today to discuss our new orders from Lord Mortalitus. Under the command of Lord Mortalitus himself, General Sirec will lead Mandrinx, Rinkin, Demixil, Soharix, and Zenica in the attack to reclaim Edoxus. Their teams will lead our primary military units in this fight against the main Xxirian force." General Xenom Bairix explains as he stands relaying the orders to the rebels of this cause. Confusion and frustration take hold for those whose lives changed on the planet Seithux five years ago, when a man descended from the heavens above.


"WHAT?! Halex says slamming his hardened fist against the table. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! WHY DOES OUR KING NOT WANT US IN THIS FINAL CONFRONTATION?!"


"I understand your frustration Halex. These are the orders and I too will not be joining the attack on Edoxus."


"This is absurd Xenom! We fight together! We're supposed to be brothers in this! How can I face this without you?" Sirec asks with an uneasy tone for his friendship with Xenom has become an intense bond of brotherhood. "I am to lead these humans in the battle of Edoxus? Strangers? Against the most dangerous military force this universe has ever seen?"


Rinkin's heart begins to pace quickly as he stares at Sirec. "HEY! WE FACE THE SAME HARDSHIPS AS YOU SILOKIAN! OUR HEARTS ARE EQUALLY AS TRUE AS YOUR OWN!"


Sirec turns his view to Rinkin having sensed his rudeness. "Take no offense human. I merely do not know you. Am I to trust my life with you, above that of my truest family?" The large feline creature says offering a truthful notion in hopes to not cause confrontation among those Mortalitus has deemed worthy.


Tikik, now a young Mezarian woman, watches the ensuing conflict with a sense of irritation. "Knock it off! What's wrong with you two! Bickering on about who goes where and what glories will be achieved. Our Lord has told us countless times, reminded us that we must rise against this malice together. We must set the example of goodness for all beings in all places, friend or foe. If my king requires me elsewhere, then the decision is absolute." She says with a stern tone, wisdom beyond her years.


Having been scolded, Sirec realizes his concerns are quite trivial and reaches for the young woman's hand. "Forgive my ignorance sister. I have always envisioned this final stand together, for who will protect you child?"


"I am no child Silokian. The question you must ask is who will protect you when I'm gone?" Tikik says smiling at the large feline, giving him a wink of the eye to soften the mood.


Mandrinx looks on sensing a certain level of distrust for the team she has led to Avotha City to join this revolution. "I know that we're all newly acquainted Sirec, but please understand that we face this struggle same as you. My team will follow your orders in the face of any adversary. Edoxus is our ancestor's home world. We've come here to take back our birthright from the wicked, nothing more." Her words are genuine for the same desires burn within these newcomers.


Xenom Bairix stands among the seated warriors ready to finish his briefing now that their moods have settled. "As for the second team, I will lead Halex, Tikik, and Jasfire to the home planet of our king called Earth. We will begin inductions of the human planet into the Imperial Nations of Avothina. We will also be setting up a planetary defense along with a fleet from our military. This mission has been considered top priority by our king."


"I do not take orders from you Xxirian." Jasfire says with a cold tone.


"Jasfire! We follow the orders of Lord Mortalitus!" Zenica responds to her trusted friend, as the bond between the two is strong. Jasfire has her own distaste for fellow Xxirians.


"Do not take anything personal friends. Our king will lead us to this new day of peace. I trust in his orders, no matter what my heart may feel. I trust Mortalitus." Xenom says with a heavy sense of pride among his comrades for he knows the end is coming, a final storm before the calm. "Sirec and his team will lead our remaining military forces against the Xxirians on Edoxus. Their first goal will be to attack the sister planet to Edoxus currently located seven million miles from our primary target."


"Miitus?! The Xxirian training camps?" Rinkin quickly adds with a sense of hesitation.


"Yes Rinkin. We will first lay siege to Miitus and defeat our enemies with a surprise attack. The planet will serve as a staging ground for launching the full-scale attack on Edoxus. Let it be known, this will be the single largest attack in the recorded histories of the universe. Without Miitus, hopes for victory will be low." Xenom says shifting his focus from warrior to warrior as he reveals the plans to reclaim the galaxy known as Siivech.


"What of the Xxirian reinforcements throughout the cosmos? Mandrinx asks the Xxirian General. "What will we do?"


"Outlast them, to the bitter end. We cannot rest until the flags of darkness fly no longer. If we can defeat Lord Erazux at Edoxus, then his militaries through the universe will crumble piece by piece. We will finally lay claim to the universe under the leadership of our king, Mortalitus."


Sirec feels the spirit of courage in Xenom's words. "Then we go. To Miitus and then on to Edoxus." Within these moments the perseverance of good shall never falter in the hearts of these warriors.


"As for those of you who will be accompanying me to Earth, our unit will leave the for the human planet at star rise. We will begin preparations for making contact with the humans and reunite once Edoxus has been reclaimed and Lord Erazux is defeated. Till that day, we fight with honor standing together although apart. Here and now, we wage the last true war." Xenom Bairix speaks with conviction as the words are heard in the hearts of these rebels today. A sense of sadness lingers about for they will be separated by immeasurable distance yet remain closer in spirit within this approaching conflict.
Together we stand




Early in the summer of 2035 A.D. Tyler Morgan has become the man that time has forgotten as he is careful not to make a sound from his perch on a large tree root. The forests of Eastern Canada are filled with the sounds of nature and life in its most primal form. Ten years have made sure Tyler's life is filled with simplicity as these mysterious truths revealed in his lifetime still haunt his every moment. Lost is the boyhood dream of whereabouts unknown, found are the constant bouts of paranoia as destiny creeps about.


Patience is the name of the game as Tyler stalks his target, resting his rifle against the exposed tree root for stability. He watches a deer far off in the distance, completely unaware of his presence as he holds steady. The rifle's crosshairs come upon the adult male as Tyler takes a deep breath calming his heartbeat. In the definition of the moment he squeezes the trigger and fires the weapon from the late 20
century producing a clean shot through the neck as the animal falls to the forest floor thrashing about for a moment before succumbing to the fatal wound.


Tyler climbs to his feet and stares off into the distance as he dusts off his clothing. Gathering his belongings he heads for the deer carcass not far away. Thick humidity makes the feeling of the day slow and lethargic as he makes his way to the freshly killed animal. Springtime in the Canadian wilderness can be quite deceiving with sudden rain showers that can follow a daily routine. Kneeling down, Tyler opens his bag to remove the utensils necessary to carve what is needed of the animal. He sticks his blade into the belly of the animal to begin, as he can feel a sudden warming from the liquid that now coats his fingers.


Carefully, he filets the meat from the animal, packaging it as he goes for easier transport on the trek back to the cabin. Taking his time to be sure the deer's sacrifice is not in vain, for this will feed him for sometime. After finishing with the animal he packs up the packaged meat and wraps the carcass up to bury it in a shallow grave he's prepared. Patting the soil with a small old shovel, Tyler picks up the heavy pack filled to maximum capacity and begins to head back to the place he's called home for many years now.


Watching the beams of light break through the colorful wilderness he daydreams, walking about hearing the sounds of birds and animals with sweat beading from his forehead. After a half hours walk he breaks from the forest into a small clearing where his cabin is located. What was once a lonely existence has become the personal refuge of a man who still dreams of a friend lost long ago. Dreams of a destiny that might have been prevented if only he had never found that symbol and never delivered that package. The cabin is in good condition with Tyler constantly tinkering to help the days pass, biding his time with a slow yet meaningful existence.


Making his way around the back of the cabin he sets down the heavy pack revealing sweat lines on his shirt from the straps. Standing in front of an icebox, Tyler removes the locked chain and opens the unit to store the meat from today's kill. Carefully he pulls package after package stacking them inside the refrigeration area. Random thoughts bounce around in his head as he plans what he will have for dinner while the sun begins to fall with rainclouds rolling in quickly. Prelude to the heavens above as raindrops begin to fall with a steady rate, pounding at the riveted aluminum-covering overhead.


Shielded from the weather, he hears the streams of water droplets begin a steady flow behind him. Finishing loading the icebox, Tyler kneels down and picks up the pack, turning to head inside and start dinner. It was in this most fateful of moments that destiny had finally come to call, for not fifteen feet or so away stood something he never expected. Tyler's pack falls to the ground as he stares through the rain at a dark cloaked figure, the fire in its eyes reflecting through the downpour.


"Mr. President! We've found something Sir, in the surveillance footage of the project codenamed Discovery Sir!" General Greg Knight says as he suddenly enters the Oval Office as President Reynolds is examining a document. "It was right under our nose Sir! I can't believe we missed this, I just can't believe it!"


Jonathan shifts his eyes from his desk to one of his closest military figureheads. "I have no interest in Project Discovery General. I've made it clear that the site should be used with the cover of a naval storage facility for training missions. I want nothing further on the status of this facility; just make sure it stays under wraps. Let's just put this in the past where it belongs." Jonathan's patience has been bled dry with trying to understand the mystery of the pyramid from the stars. All these years and they're no closer to finding any code locked within, no secretive function. Seemingly a transport for the object codenamed The Payload, while the alien pyramid remains the true riddle.


"Trust me Sir. I understand your hesitation but a word if you will."


President Reynolds stares at the General, this decorated soldier and key player in the governments of 2035 A.D. "Out with it then Knight!"


"Sir, my teams were disposing of the surveillance footage from the pyramid monitoring systems like you had instructed. When reexamining all the footage briefly, we found something Sir, something we missed." Greg says revealing the new developments to the Commander and Chief with a wild look in his eye.


"What have you found?"


"One second Sir. Omega, please open one screen, mirrored views, fifty inches. Play top secret file 4205, code 26K5321." Greg instructs as a large holographic screen appears in between the two men.


"Displaying 3/10/2029, 6:10 P.M." Omega confirms the request as the screen begins to play the footage from that particular day.


The two men watch the video showing the surveillance footage and suddenly what Greg had found becomes apparent to Jonathan as he stares at the holographic screen. "Jesus! What was that?" Jonathan says staring in amazement at this unveiling. "How did we miss this?"


"At the time our top priority wasn't watching our surveillance footage of the object that had shown no activity, ever. Notice the particular date Mr. President?"


A look of disbelief grabs hold of Jonathan as he turns his gaze from the video back to Greg. "Son of a bitch! That was the day of his funeral. What is this thing Knight?"


"We don't know Sir." Greg replies. "It moves too fast to make out anything for sure. All we know is its there one second and gone the next Sir."


"Get General Scott here now! Omega, get me the pentagon!" President Jonathan Reynolds commands as the fires of this mystery begin to rage once more. "This isn't over yet!"


Some moments in life are by definition beautiful, born as gentle whispers, validating choices from lifetimes ago. They carry remembrance to far off places as this particular day changes the heart of my dear friend for all time. A feeling deep in your mind, a saga of the soul as the chill of fate blows through Tyler Morgan's hair. There before him stands a mystery, something from the dreams of destiny, something that has come for him specifically as he returns the piercing stare toward the cloaked intruder, whatever it may be.

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