Chaos (14 page)

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Authors: Barbara Huffert

BOOK: Chaos
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She should get up and walk away now, before he realized that
he had the power to hurt her. She could get someone else to drive her to the
damn airport. That’s it, she’d just leave now, while he still thought he had
some sort of hold on her body. She’d show him that she was strong enough to do
without the way her body responded to his. So what if he made her ache for his
touch. So what if he took her to heights she never knew existed before him. So
what if she’d probably never find this kind of passion again. No one played
Alyssa Campini without getting burned.

She was leaving. Now. Alyssa was filled with determination,
her jaw set stubbornly against the argument that was sure to come. When she put
her hands on his chest to push herself up, she made the mistake of meeting his
eyes. Shane was looking at her with what could only be read as need, a need
filled with tenderness. His arms tightened around her, trapping her on top of
him. Suddenly, all thoughts of leaving flew from her head. Instead of forcing
him to release her, she shifted toward him and bit his lower lip.

Shane was thoroughly confused since a moment earlier she
seemed absolutely furious with him. And he loved it. He felt as if he would
never completely understand the way her mind worked but, damn, was he going to
have a spectacular life trying. Shane nipped her back, before he caressed her
lip gently, erasing the effects of his bite. After they shared a deeply
passionate kiss, Shane smiled. “Squeeze me, Pix. Make me hard so we can enjoy
each other again.”

Needing no further urging, Alyssa complied. “Let me sit up,”
she asked, seeking to be impaled as completely as possible.

“That’s it, Campini,” Shane groaned when she started moving
on top of him. “God, I didn’t know pixies could cast spells. What did you do to
me that I’m this hard again so fast?”

“That’s a secret,” Alyssa giggled until the sensations
invaded her thoughts. When Shane bent his knees to help support her, she
wrapped her arms around them behind her back, thrusting her breasts toward him.
“Touch me, McKade.”

“Anything to please you, Pixie Queen,” he whispered as he
reached for her, claiming her pointed nubs with his fingers.

Later, when they were both spent, Shane released Alyssa,
knowing she wouldn’t continue to rest on top of him. He sensed that he had been
lucky to be permitted to hold her as long as he had.

“We’re such a mess,” Alyssa stated as they relaxed. “I need
a shower.”

“Can I recommend a nice, soothing bath instead?” Shane held
his breath, waiting for her answer. “I’ll massage your shoulders and take away
all your tension so you’ll be practically asleep when I dry you off and tuck
you in.”

“If I had any less tension,” she rolled to face him and
found she couldn’t refrain from running her hand across his chest, “you’d have
to carry me.”

Shane gave her a quick, loud kiss as he hopped out of bed.
“Okay, wait here.” He disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the water.
When he was satisfied with the temperature he added some oil that he knew would
help her sleep. As soon as the tub was full he returned to her side and plucked
her out of bed.

“I was kidding,” Alyssa squealed as she wriggled, pretending
to try to escape.

“I know.” He let body slide down against his after he
stepped into the tub. “I just like it when you squirm against me like that.”

“You can’t seriously want more.” She let him settle her
against his chest.

“I will always want more.” He began to sponge her. “My cock
may not always be capable, with the way you use me but I will always want you.
And, as we both know, there are other ways of satisfying you.” He cupped her
mound meaningfully.

“McKade,” she surprised both of them by pushing against him,
“I don’t know how you do this.”

“Do what?” He continued his lazy explanation, dipping a
fingertip inside before retreating to caress her engorged clit.

“Make me want you again even though I was sure I was too
tired until you touched me.” She let her head roll back onto his shoulder.

“Do you want me to let you alone? It is late and I really
intended this to be a quick but relaxing bath.”

“I can sleep on the plane.” She took the sponge from him and
placed his hand on her breast. “I’m far from relaxed, thanks to you and you did
say you’d relieve my tension.”

“It will be my pleasure. Hold my hands, Pix. Guide me to
what you want.” He sucked her earlobe and tongued it as if his mouth were between
her legs.

Alyssa twined her fingers with his. He was amazing. He
certainly didn’t need any guidance from her though. Every touch was already
perfect and it wasn’t long before she was shivering in release. This man was
too good to be real. He was also dangerous in ways that she had never thought
possible. Good thing she was about to leave because otherwise she’d get
addicted to the way he made her come so easily.

When Alyssa sighed against him, Shane was afraid they were
both going to fall asleep. “Not yet, Campini. I don’t want Brett to come in
here after we’ve both been reported missing and discover that we drowned
because we fell asleep in the tub.”

“Mm.” She was almost out as he flipped the drain with his

“All you have to do is stand up for a minute and I’ll do the

“McKade,” she protested as he tried to balance her and pat
her dry.

“Sh.” He carried her to the bed and took the towel.

“Hey.” She reached for him when he stood away from her.

“I’ll be right back, Pix. I just have to dry me too.” He
took the towel back to the bathroom.

As he started back to her, he heard, “Turn off the light and
come hold me.”

Shane swallowed the lump threatening to form in his throat.
She trusted him that much! If only she was ready to accept his heart too. “I’m
here.” He pulled her against him and caressed her back until he was sure she
was sleeping. “For the rest of your life, if you’ll have me,” he added, needing
to say it even though she didn’t hear him. “I love you, Alyssa Campini.”

Chapter Twelve


Alyssa laid her clothes on the bottom of the bed. She wasn’t
taking any chances. Chris, the female chief of the storm chasing team, warned
her that they might need to leave in a hurry. No way was Alyssa going to let
herself be caught unprepared. She had briefly considered sleeping in her
clothes but decided against it. Instead, she had showered, readied her cameras,
pulled out clothes and placed all her belongings next to the door. If Chris
called and said they were moving, all she had to do was dress, grab the light
and her cell phone from the nightstand and run out the door.

She debated for half an hour before giving in to her desire
to speak with Shane. Part of her needed to hear his voice as much as she needed
to breathe. The rest of her was working overtime to convince herself that she
was merely missing their recent intimacies. Sex with Shane had been
spectacular. Of course she would feel a little let down, deprived of the
sensations he caused, just by being in the same room.

“McKade,” Shane answered.

“Hey, stud. You sound tired. Is this too late?” Alyssa
wondered what he had done after he left her at the airport.

“Campini! God, am I glad it’s you.” She could hear him

“Miss me already, huh? I’ve only been gone twelve hours,
McKade. You need to get a grip or it’s going to be a very long month for you,”
she teased, not knowing how close to right she was.

“How could I not miss you, Pix? I’m lying here, wishing I
could feel your nipples pressed against my side like they were last night. I
doubt if I’ll sleep at all while you’re away.”

Alyssa forced a chuckle, wishing he weren’t just playing
along with her teasing. “Ever heard the old saying, good things come to those
who wait?”

“Yeah and I’m looking forward to your homecoming already,”
Shane sighed. “Everything go all right today?”

“Great.” Thank goodness, a safe topic. “My flight was fine.
Chris was waiting for me. And I’m sure you will be very pleased to hear this.
Chris told me that I’m to stick with Murray, no matter what.”

“Who’s Murray?”

“Murray is Chris and Brian’s seven-year-old son. They
homeschool him so he can travel with them and they don’t have to leave him
behind for months at a time. He’s done this for years. He told me that when a
storm comes, he’s to get in the chase car that carries all their high-tech
computer equipment. It hangs back more than the others to protect their
equipment and their son. Brian explained that I’ll get better shots if I’m not
as close as they are sometimes. I’ll be able to see the actual funnels. He said
if I’m too close, I’d miss that.”

“Thank goodness.” He sounded relieved. “I’ll be sure to pass
that along to Kiley when they’re back. I know that’ll make her feel more
comfortable too.”

“I thought you’d like that. You really do sound tired. What
did you do all day? I thought you were going to catch a nap.”

“I got called in for a strategy meeting.” Shane glossed over
the details. “Things seem to be heating up so I expect to be pretty busy the
next few weeks.”

Alyssa’s heart skipped a beat. “Just don’t forget what you
promised me, McKade!”

“I won’t. I have no intention of letting someone shoot me in
the head, Pix. I told you. I usually end up away from the center of things.”

“Yeah well, there’s always a first time for everything. It
would really piss me off…”

“No need for anger, my queen. I’ll be waiting for you with
my head in one piece when you get back.”

“Fine. Make sure you don’t forget that,” she said regally.
“Well, I just wanted to let you know that they found me okay. I’ll let you get
to sleep.” Alyssa suddenly felt sad, reluctant to hang up.

Shane hesitated. “Thanks for calling. I’m here if you want
to talk, Campini, any time.”

Why did his voice sound so funny? He must be even more tired
than she thought. “Yeah, thanks. See ya, McKade. Say hi to the Kid for me?”

“Sure thing, next time I talk to him, I’ll tell him about
you and Murray.” Shane paused. “Campini, stay safe, okay? My bed really does
seem empty without you tonight.”

A situation that she was sure he’d waste no time remedying!
“Same to you, stud.” She forced her voice to sound playful as she disconnected
the call. What the hell was wrong with her? They were just having some fun.
There was no need for the wave of possessiveness that hit her when she imagined
Shane in bed with someone else. They hadn’t made any promises. It was none of
her concern if he slept with every female who crossed his path. Why, then, did
the idea bother her so much?

* * * * *

“McKade.” Shane’s heart always pounded, no matter which
phone rang in the middle of the night. He really hated this feeling. He
promised to be more aware to spare his parents from this in the future. “Anyone

“Hey,” the Kid finally answered.

“Hey. Where’ve you been all week?” At least he was still
alive. “Campini called. She’s in Oklahoma at the moment and says hi.” He
proceeded to tell the Kid about her instructions to stick close to the storm
chasers’ son.

“So she’ll be okay?”

“She keeps telling me that she will. We have to trust her,
Kid, even though it makes us nuts, worrying about her like this.”

“You’re really worried?”

“I’m always going to worry to some extent when she’s out of
my sight. Right now I’m much more concerned with you.”

“Me? Why? You don’t give a shit about me.” He sounded so

“You’re wrong about that,” Shane said sincerely. “I happen
to care a lot.”

“Why? You don’t even know me.”

“I know enough. I know you thought you’d stand a better
chance on your own. I know you hooked up with that bunch because you were
trying to survive. We both know you have to get out of there or you won’t stay
alive much longer. You aren’t a killer. You know that.” Shane let the emotion
he felt show in his voice. “I don’t know why, Kid but I feel connected to you.
I really can help you. Why won’t you ask me to?”

“Help me how? You gonna let me stay with you? No, you’re
gonna stick me in some home where they do whatever they want to kids like me.
Well no thanks. I’ll take my chances where I am before I let some old pervert
get me.”

“Are you so sure you’re not going to end up turning tricks
to do your part for the group you’re in?” Shane waited for that to sink in.
“Kid, if you said you wanted to, I would let you live with me.”

“Oh right. A cop who takes in kids from a gang. You’re full
of shit,” the Kid snorted.

“No. Let me tell you something about me. I’m damn close to
getting out of here. In fact, if it weren’t for you, I may have already

“You only talk to me ’cause she wants you to.”

“That was true the first few times but not anymore. There’s
something about you, something in your voice. Sometimes you sound like my kid
brother and his best friend used to.” Shane told him some of the things Jordan
and Brett had done over the years to get his attention.

“I’m not like them.”

“Not exactly. It’s just that they taught me a very valuable
lesson, one that I didn’t get entirely until recently. They taught me to listen
to my heart and trust what someone isn’t saying as much as what he is. There
are so many things that you don’t say but I can hear them anyway. You and
Campini both. You need me, Kid. She needs me. And I need the two of you. The
three of us should be together.”

“You mean like a family? Now I know you’ve lost it!”

“Just think about it. I have faith in us.”

“You tell her?”

“Not yet but I don’t think Campini is someone you just tell
that sort of thing to. I think we’ll have a better chance if I plant the idea
and let her think she came up with it herself.”

“Why do you always call her Campini?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m not ready to be on a first name
basis with her yet.”

“Yeah. You expect me to believe that you’re not already
getting some of that?”

“How old are you?”

“Old enough.” He actually laughed.

“Okay. Look, it’s none of your business but I’ll say this
once anyway. Yes, I’ve gotten some of that, as you put it but there’s so much
more to it than that. From now on, I’d appreciate it if you showed my lady a
little respect when you talk about her.”

“So are you in love?” He sounded like a silly little boy who
hadn’t discovered girls yet.

“Yeah, I am. And no, before you ask, I haven’t exactly said
so yet. I took your advice and told her that I’ll be waiting for her when she
gets home but the pixie queen isn’t ready to hear it yet.”

“Pixie Queen?” The kid agreed when Shane explained his
nickname. “That’s perfect. I bet she likes it too.”

“She does. Hey, what are you doing out in the middle of the
night like this? Aren’t they going to wonder where you got to?”

“Nah, I always roam at night. They don’t ask anymore.”

“You sure? I don’t want this to cause you problems.”

“I’m cool. I can take care of myself, you know.”

Shane responded even though the statement was rhetorical. “I
do know that. You’re doing great for now. It’s just that I’m afraid they’re
going to want more from you. The longer you stay the more you’ll be expected to
do. Kid, I told you I know you’re not a killer. I know you don’t want old men
yanking you and using your body. I know you don’t really want to sell drugs to
little kids.”

The Kid was quiet for a long time. “Yeah, well, I’ll do what
I have to do.”

“Okay but remember that you do have a choice. I mean it.
I’ll never lie to you. Call me and I’ll get you out of here. I’ll get both of
us out of here. We’ll convince the pixie to join us and start a new life
somewhere else. I told you about my brother. He just married Campini’s cousin,
Kiley. Man you would love her. She’s real sweet. She’s tried to take care of
Campini forever and I think she’s going to make my brother very happy. We could
get a house near theirs and she could look out for us too.”

“Just shut up.” The Kid sounded angry. “I wish… It’s not happening,
okay, so just shut up. I gotta go.” He hung up before Shane could say more.

“Good going there, McKade. Scare him off so he doesn’t call
again and you may as well just shoot him yourself,” Shane said to himself.
“Campini will flip when she hears how you had to be selfish, telling him what
you want in life. Forget it, McKade. If he ever calls again, you’re going to
let him tell you what he wants. He started to wish for something before he hung
up so you’re going to keep your mouth shut and listen to him. And, in the
meantime, you’re going to stop talking to yourself like this before everyone
thinks you’re nuts. Getting committed isn’t going to do anyone any good if that
boy decides to reach out like you hope he will.” With that, Shane forced his
mind to clear and tried to get back to sleep.

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