Read Changed Online

Authors: Jennifer Snyder

Tags: #Speculative Fiction, #Young Adult, #paranormal, #werewolves, #shifting, #supernatural

Changed (19 page)

BOOK: Changed
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Ah, don’t get your panties in a wad over it… I said the same thing to Shelby,” he admitted with a wave of his hand. “Well, everything except the spunk part.” He winked.

You’re such a jerk,” I said, rolling my eyes and shoving him in the chest, hard.

Save your strength; you’ll need it later.” He grinned. “Seriously though, I’ve got to implant myself as an available rebound guy into both of your

Dream on,” I muttered, placing a hand on my hip.

Arms open and waiting for whoever doesn’t win,” he said with a devilish grin, flexing his muscles as he walked away backward.

I shook my head and laughed, while moving to sit at a table nearby.


* * *


At 8:00 Jace pulled me from my chair and walked me out into the middle of the backyard where a few of the other pack members were dancing with their significant others. His warm arms wrapped around me tightly, and I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes, not wanting to see the stares of the others boring into me any longer or their unwelcoming expressions.

Jenna told me you were upset about not being able to go to prom this year,” Jace whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry.”

Don’t be; this is better,” I said, meaning every word.

I love you, Tessa.”

I snuggled in closer to him. “I love you, too.”

My heart began to pound and fear of the unknown snaked its way through my veins. My hands fisted the back of Jace’s dress shirt and a single tear escaped from my closed eyes. This could be the last time I held him. Everything I’d gone through up to this point may not have mattered if I didn’t overpower Shelby in just a few short hours.




The soft fabric of the robe Greta had hemmed cascaded down the length of me, flowing like a silver waterfall, leaving only the tips of my toes visible. My heart pounded so forcefully in my chest I could feel it pulsing throughout my entire body.

Two middle-school-aged girls shooed all the children inside as the rest of us formed a large circle around Nicolas. Jenna was to my left and Greta was to my right. Shelby stood directly across from me, her narrowed eyes forming slits as she glared at me through the distance. Jace stood beside his mother, just a few steps behind his father.

I squirmed beneath my robe, not sure if the itch I felt was from the coming change or hives from my overactive nerves. Minutes ticked away as I listened to Nicolas talk about tradition and what this Ordeal entailed. I’d tuned him out, unable to focus on anything besides the warmth now swimming through my veins.

I stood absolutely still, praying silently that I didn’t unintentionally fight the change this time and force myself to become easy prey for Shelby. The warmth hit my mind and I felt the fuzzy numbness overtake me. My eyes flicked to Jace as the burning sensation first stung me. Our eyes locked and he mouthed one word to me:

Closing my eyes I took in slow, measured breaths, trying to force myself to stay calm, but it did nothing for my building anxiety. This wasn’t something I could breathe away. This was the type of anxiety that only diminished after the thing causing it was over.

Ah, the change is upon us now,” Nicolas said, his head tipped back as he enjoyed the burning sensation coursing through his body.

My eyes shifted to him just as he dropped his robe, exposing his naked body for all to see. All around me others disrobed as well, following their leader’s actions. I felt my muscles begin to tighten beneath my skin and held my breath as I slid myself out of my robe. It pooled around my ankles like a silver puddle.

I bounced my eyes from face to face, struggling to maintain an eye level view of them all. Pressure weighed on my bones and sped toward my head, allowing me something else to think about besides the fact that I was standing in the middle of Jace’s secluded backyard with thirty-nine other people completely naked.

My eyes found Gavin and he flashed me a sinful grin as he dropped his gaze to take in my naked body. Embarrassment filled my mind, and I was sure my cheeks had begun to burn blood red. When he tore his gaze away from me and toward Shelby I finally felt I could breathe again.

Bones popping and slight moaning noises sounded from those around me as we all began the change. My skin rippled as my bones beneath began to shift. Relief surged through me as I realized that I hadn’t fought the change this time… I’d embraced it as a wanted distraction from everything else swarming through my mind. I watched as my fingers began to curl and my nails lengthened.

I glanced across the distance to Shelby and watched as her perfect body grew more distorted by the second. Her button nose morphed into a muzzle and her back arched as she bowed down on all fours. My mouth grew dry as I wondered if there was some sort of a signal I should be waiting for before she pounced on me. Was there going to be a speech? An announcement?

My body twisted for its final time and I was down on all fours, my pelt bristling with the excess energy that coursed through me from not knowing what was to come next. Howls erupted from those surrounding me, making me shiver. A huge gray wolf with brown eyes howled the loudest.

On this night we have not only gathered in celebration of the Wolf Moon and the night our race was created, but we also have gathered for the first Ordeal in eighty-four years!
Nicolas’ voice boomed in my mind.

The others around me pounded their paws against the hard ground and howled in excitement. My eyes darted around, taking in all of them in their new form.

This Ordeal is between Shelby Killin, the Betrothed, and Tessa Morganton, the Chosen,
Nicolas continued.

Great, Shelby’s last name had the word
in it. This could be a bad sign. I shifted my weight and began to do the only thing I could think of to rile myself up—think of every time Shelby had pissed me off.

Due to the Ordeal being tonight we will have the Rite of Passage ceremony tomorrow night along with the Bonding Ceremony for whoever wins tonight’s fight,
Nicolas added, his brown eyes serious.

The night grew silent and eerily still. A hush had fallen over everyone, stilling their movements, and forcing their eyes to Nicholas and Nicholas alone. He stood in the center of us all, looking commanding and dominant. His brown eyes shifted around the circle, locking with each wolf for a brief moment. Then, his head bowed and jerked back up sharply as his voice boomed one word through my mind:


Nicholas barely had time to take a step back before Shelby lurched forward, startling me. I wasn’t sure why this surprised me, after all, hadn’t Jace once said that Shelby was not a kitten-type person, she was more like a tiger?

Let’s go! I’ve been waiting to tear your ass up for forever now!
Shelby shouted, her words echoing through my mind.

I started forward, but only managed a few steps before Shelby pummeled into me with such force she knocked me to my side. She was on me before I had time to recover. I kicked and bucked beneath her, but with the way she had me pinned it didn’t do much good.

C’mon, you’re making this too easy!
She sneered.

I kicked harder and snapped my jaws, catching one of Shelby’s front paws between my teeth. She yelped in pain and jerked back just enough for me to get my bearings and slide out from beneath her. Once I was back up on my feet, so was Shelby. A chuckle rolled through me from the emotion in her eyes—shock—she hadn’t expected me to make the first bite.

The two of us moved in a slow circle, eyeing each other carefully, waiting to make our next move. It was strange how I knew there were so many others around us, but because they remained so silent and still, they blended into the backdrop of the woods behind them and became forgotten. It was just me and Shelby.

I advanced forward, hoping to pin her beneath me like she’d done to me earlier, but Shelby was fast and sidestepped me just in time. When I turned around Shelby was on me, again, making quick little nips for my throat. Her teeth grazed me once, and I staggered backward with shock from the pain. Laughter glimmered in Shelby’s eyes, and it made my blood boil.

We both lunged for each other at the same time, the force of one another’s weight knocked us down to the frost-covered ground and the momentum made us roll. Shelby, once again, landed on top. This time she didn’t nip at me, instead she sunk her teeth into my shoulder. I yelped out in pain and my eyes darted around the crowd in front of me—they locked with Jace’s just as Shelby released. His eyes were warm and worried.

Shelby’s teeth came down for a second time while I was distracted, this time biting deep into my throat. A spasm of panic surged through me as I felt my lungs constrict, unable to pull in any more air.

My windpipe was closing.

As I lay there, with Shelby victoriously standing on top of me, bleeding from the gaping wounds in my shoulder and neck, I pleaded with my eyes for Jace to do something. To save me. Even though I knew he wasn’t allowed to interfere, a small part of me couldn’t get past the fact that he was just standing by and watching.

Are you giving up, Tessa? I didn’t figure you were one to give up so easy… guess I was wrong
, Shelby said, before sinking her teeth back into the delicate flesh of my throat once more.

Blackness dotted the edges of my vision. I didn’t want to give up… I didn’t want to die… I didn’t want to lose Jace to
Lying perfectly still, I waited for the next moment when Shelby would look up to the crowd to gloat at how easily she’d taken me down, then I bucked underneath her, pushing against the ground as hard as I could. Shelby rolled backward off me and I acted, taking full advantage of her shock and utter surprise.

A growl escaped me and I lunged straight for her throat.

Something broke inside of me at the taste of her blood rushing over my tongue. I wanted more. Fueled by the rage from the torment Shelby had caused me since the moment I’d met her and the ever-present pain in my throat and shoulder, I continued to viciously maul Shelby with bite after bite.

The only thing that stopped me was a shuttering whimper that raddled from her body before she went completely limp beneath me. I took a few steps back, my throat burning with each breath, my shoulder and neck pulsating in pain. Shelby’s once beautiful snow-white pelt was now shredded and splattered with her blood. Sickness churned through my stomach as she lay motionless, her blue eyes glassy and unfocused.

The thought that I may have killed her frightened me more than anything in my life ever had. My wobbly legs gave out beneath me, and I crumbled to the ground where I stood.

It is done. Tessa has earned her place rightfully as Jace’s Alpha Queen
, Nicolas’ voice thundered through my mind cheerfully.

Each member took a step forward and howled in unison at the full moon before bowing their heads to me. I stared at them in disbelief and horror, unbelieving that I’d played a part in this monstrous night.

And now we run!
Nicolas said, excitement and adrenaline zinging through his words.

Wolves of every color charged away and through the darkened, foggy woods. A large black wolf hung behind and then came to my side. As I looked into its emerald green eyes I realized it was Gavin.

I knew you could take her. And I’m glad that you did, because I think I’ll have a better chance to be her rebound guy than yours. I’ve had more time to rub off on her.
I hadn’t known it to be possible, but Gavin winked at me in his wolf form before trotting away to catch up with the rest of the pack.

Five wolves stayed behind. One resembled Shelby in so many ways I knew that it must be Regina, and two others flanked her sides—one red and one black—Avery and Jolene. A golden wolf with amber-colored eyes nudged at Regina gently—Vivian.

The final wolf sauntered slowly to where I lay sprawled across the icy ground and I met his warm, familiar eyes dead on—Jace. He crouched down to my level and nuzzled my wounded shoulder carefully.

You did it. I knew you could
, I heard his whispered words in my head.

I turned away from him and vomited, my stomach heaving up everything I’d eaten at the party earlier and what seemed like buckets of Ginger Ale.

Some Alpha Queen she’ll turn out to be
, Vivian snidely remarked at my moment of uncontrolled weakness.

Don’t, Mother! She proved herself, which is more than you ever had to do for your place!
Jace shouted and even I winced back from the anger flaring within his words.

Shelby whimpered and her body twitched slightly as she came to. I couldn’t be here. I had to get away. I didn’t want to see the damage I’d done or hear her cry out in pain. On shaking legs I stood and limped to the side of the house, which was as far as I could go, before crumbling back to the ground in a mentally and physically exhausted heap.




I lay in bed on the smooth red comforter, curled into a ball, crying. A few hours ago I’d been forced to fight for my life while thirty-nine other bystanders watched silently. I knew what I was getting myself into when I’d agreed to come, when I’d agreed that Jace was worth it, and I wasn’t second guessing anything now. I just hadn’t expected to feel so much heartache and remorse, and for Shelby of all people.

BOOK: Changed
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