ChanceforLoveKobo (9 page)

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Elisabeth recognized the heat in his eyes as he zeroed in on the heart of her, bending to press soft kisses to her inner thigh.

She squirmed under him, wanting to move him along, but she knew from experience that he wouldn’t be rushed. As usual, he took his time until she was halfway out of her mind waiting for him to focus on the place that burned for him. Right when she thought she’d have to beg him, he finally gave her his tongue.
God, he is good at this

She’d spent an inordinate amount of time while they were apart reliving moments just like this one, when he used everything in his arsenal to shatter her defenses.

“God, baby,” he whispered. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed

Elisabeth fisted his hair, which she’d never been able to do before when his hair was so short, and arched into the strokes of his tongue. “Jared…
. I need you.”

“I’m here, honey. I’m right here.” He pushed two fingers into her as he focused on her clit, sucking until she came with a scream, the pleasure electrifying her entire body.

He stayed with her through the orgasm that seemed to go on forever, withdrawing only when she flopped onto the mattress, boneless and depleted from the powerful release.

She’d barely begun to recover when he was above her, arranging her legs around his hips.

“Are we still good to go ungloved?” he asked hesitantly.

They’d waited a long time before deciding to be tested so they could abandon the condoms. “Yes.” She was on long-term birth control and had been for a while.

“There’s been no one else.”

“I know,” she said but was nonetheless happy to hear him confirm it.

Moving slowly, he entered her, his gaze pinned to hers, which kept her from looking away even when the emotions approached overload level. “Lizzie… Feels so good.”

“Mmm.” She raised her hips, looking for more.

“All the time we were apart, the only thing I could think about was how I’d bear to live the whole rest of my life without ever touching you again.” His hand curled around her breast as his lips surrounded her nipple.

The combination of his words, the tight press of his cock pushing into her and the heat of his mouth on her nipple brought her right back to the precipice of release.

“Not yet, baby,” he whispered gruffly. He’d taught her how to delay her release to ramp up the pleasure for both of them. Curling an arm around her left leg, he picked up the pace, making delayed pleasure an even greater challenge.

Elisabeth clenched her teeth against the need to give in to the release he was building with every thrust of his hips. She could tell he was close by the way his eyes drifted closed, his lips parted and his breathing deepened, all signs she’d come to recognize during their time together.

“Lizzie,” he said, gasping, “I love you so much. I need you.”

She wrapped her arms around him, holding on tight as he took them both to the edge and then pushed her over as he came with a growl against her ear that gave her goose bumps. “I love you, too.”

Chapter 7

Still inside her, still throbbing with aftershocks, Jared raised his head and caught her gaze. She couldn’t believe the myriad emotions she saw in his expressive eyes. Mostly she saw the love.

“Lizzie… Marry me. Live here with me. Run The Chesterfield or do something else. Whatever you want. I’d give you anything, if only—”

Blinking back tears, she kissed him, lingering over the unmistakable taste of him. “Yes. Yes.
.” She kissed him again. “Any other questions?”

He shook his head, and made her laugh through her tears.

“In this case, head shaking is allowed,” she said.

“You’re really going to marry me?”

“I’m really going to marry you.”

“What about the money?”

“What about it?”

“I still have it. You still don’t want it.”

“If it means I get to have you, I’ll learn to live with it.”

“Will you let me pay off your student loans?”

“Absolutely not!”

“How about when you’re my wife? I won’t want your lousy debt weighing me down.”

Elisabeth smiled at the teasing glint in his eyes. “Too bad. You get me, you get my lousy debt, and I’ll pay it off myself. Eventually.”

“Are you always going to be this stubborn?”


He released a deep, dramatic sigh. “I guess I’ll learn to live with it.”

His play on words made her smile.

“What about the shelter, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t realize how important your work is to you and the many people you help.”

“I love that job and the people and knowing what I do makes a real difference.”

“You don’t have to leave the job if you don’t want to, Lizzie. We can live in the city. I’m sure I’d find plenty to do there.”

Elisabeth caressed his face as she realized the sacrifices he was willing to make so she’d be happy. “There’s a young woman who started working there about six months ago.”

“Aimee?” He also paid attention, which she’d appreciated long before she drove him away with the shake of her head.

“Yes, that’s who I mean. She’s terrific. I think she’d do an amazing job as the director—maybe even a more amazing job than I can do after so many years. It takes a toll after a while, you know? No matter how many people you help, there’re always more. It’s a never-ending parade of people in desperate need.”

“You opened my eyes to things I never paid any attention to before I knew you. That’s why I’d like to start a foundation, so you can continue to make a difference, no matter where we end up.”

“I think,” she said tentatively, “I’d like to end up here, with you and your new friends and your new business and this beautiful house. And I’d like to be part of your new foundation.”

new foundation. The Jared and Elisabeth James Foundation.”

“I like that. I like it a lot.”

He stared down at her, seeming to drink her in with his eyes. “You’re going to wake me up any second and tell me I’ve dreamed all this, right?”

She started to shake her head but stopped herself, which made him laugh. “No. You’re not dreaming. I’m here, and I want what you want.”

“Hold that thought.” He withdrew from her, got out of bed and walked across the room.

Elisabeth propped herself up on one hand to take full advantage of the view of his very fine ass flexing as he moved to the dresser. Then he turned around, and the view got even better. She licked her lips, filled with delight that she had the whole rest of her life to look at him any time she wanted to.

“What’re you looking at?” he asked with a playful grin as he got back in bed.

“My very sexy fiancé.”

His face went totally blank, leading her to wonder what he was thinking. “Hearing you call me that… I just… It’s amazing and humbling. We never got to the ring portion of the program last time.” He reached for her left hand and slid a square-cut diamond ring onto her finger and then kissed the back of her hand. “Most people would say I have everything any man could ever want—more money than I can spend in a lifetime, three beautiful homes, cars that make me happy when I get to drive them. I can go anywhere I want, do anything I want, and I never again have to worry about money. But know this, Elisabeth with an S… None of that means a goddamned thing to me if I don’t have you.
. The rest is just stuff.”

Elisabeth’s heart pounded erratically as his words registered. “The ring is beautiful.” And it was… On either side of the stunning center stone were smaller diamonds in a platinum setting.

“I’m glad you like it. I showed restraint.”

“Which I appreciate,” she said with a smile. “The ring is gorgeous, but your words… They’re the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard, and they mean more to me than anything else you could give me.” She leaned over to kiss him, lingering when he responded with unexpected ardor. “And you’re everything to me, too. I realized that when I watched you walk away from me that night, knowing I’d hurt you when that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do. I hope you know that.”

“I do now.” He wrapped his arms around her and coaxed her into another kiss that made her head spin. “You know, it’s possible what happened on that rooftop will turn out to be the best thing that could’ve happened.”

“How’s that?”

“It gave us both the time and perspective to understand what we really want.”

“You already knew what you really wanted. I was the one who messed things up.”

“It wasn’t just you, Lizzie. I knew you were skittish about the money and the lifestyle, so dazzling you with the rooftop and the tuxedo and the Bentley and the out-of-the-blue proposal was the wrong approach. I can see that now. I should’ve seen it then. Less is always more with my girl.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. Any woman would’ve been thrilled with such a romantic proposal.”

“Any woman except the one who matters most to me. She’s one of a kind, unlike any other.”

Smiling at him, Elisabeth propped herself up on her hands and leaned over to pepper his chest with kisses and little nibbles that she knew drove him wild. Pleased by his deep breaths and quiet moans, she continued down, giving his abdomen the same attention, running her tongue over the cuts that outlined muscles that quivered in response.

She loved the way he responded to her, how he made her feel that anything and everything she did to him was exactly what he wanted. Because he was a guy, there was one thing he loved above all others, and it was the one thing Elisabeth had never done for anyone until she fell madly in love with him.

As she kissed her way down the front of him, she remembered the long-ago night when she’d asked him to show her how he liked it. The priceless expression on his face had been a memory she’d returned to over and over again during their weeks apart.

She wrapped her hand around the thick base of his cock and squeezed, drawing a gasp from him that became a moan when she took him into her mouth. He’d taught her how to take him into her throat, how to suck on the sensitive head and how to use her tongue to bring maximum pleasure. After weeks of wondering if she’d ever get to see him again, let alone touch him so intimately, she wanted to show him how much she loved him.

Judging by the moans of pleasure, the thrusts of his hips, the tight clench of his hands in her hair and the trembling in his legs, he loved what she was doing. The one thing she didn’t love, however, was letting him finish in her mouth, which was why his efforts to remove her became more frantic as she redoubled her efforts, intending to go all the way this time.

She took him deep and swallowed as she added vigorous strokes of her hand, drawing a loud groan from him.


.” His hands tightened in her hair. “Baby, stop… You don’t have to… Oh my

She didn’t stop. Rather she kept going until he exploded into her throat, thrusting and crying out from the powerful release she’d drawn from him. His reaction left her feeling victorious and thrilled with the way he gasped for air as she kissed her way back to his lips.

“You totally wiped me out, baby,” he said between kisses.

“If I know you, you’ll recover in no time.”

He surprised her when he gripped her bottom, his fingers delving between her cheeks to find that pleasing him had also pleased her. His touch electrified her, and the discovery had him hardening between them as if he hadn’t come just five minutes ago.

This, Elisabeth thought, was how they were together—insatiable, endlessly creative, happy to spend long hours alone together with nothing to do but find new ways to pleasure each other.

With his hands under her arms, he moved her up to better align their bodies for what he had in mind.

“How can you be ready to go again so soon?”

“It’s you, baby. You turn me on just by breathing.”

Once upon a time, back when she first knew him, she might’ve thought that was a line coming from a seasoned playboy who knew how to tell a woman exactly what she wanted to hear. But after a year with him, she knew better. He meant every word of what he said to her, and she’d gotten to the point—over time—where she believed him when he told her no other woman had ever touched him the way she did.

Elisabeth sat up, straddled his hips and eased him into her, gasping at the pressure against already sensitive tissue. She was always sore after they made love, but sore in a good way—the best possible way. Wincing from the pinch, she lowered herself down slowly.

“Easy, baby. I know you’re sore.” His fingers circled her clit as he sat up and drew her nipple into his mouth, both of which helped to hasten his entry.

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