Chance to Be King (9 page)

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Authors: Sue Brown

Tags: #Romance, #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Chance to Be King
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This was unfair. How could Eric be expected to concentrate when Thomas employed such sneaky weaponry? Eric cleared his throat. "Touching is… good."

"I like touching, as well." Thomas assured him as he stepped up close to Eric. "I like touching hot men and you are definitely the hottest man I have ever seen. May I?"

The fact he was asking permission as they stood naked together was oddly touching, even if Eric was trying to push away the image of Thomas touching hot men, lots of them. Eric nodded and bit his lip as Thomas' hand wrapped around his dick, their cold skin warming swiftly as Eric grew thick and full under his touch. Thomas' other hand slid around his hip until he was cupping Eric's ass, pulling him in closer. Then they were standing flush together, Thomas' hand trapped between them, the water lapping about their thighs. Eric wasn't paying any attention to the cold any more.

Thomas tilted his head; his eyes dark and blown as Eric bent down eagerly to kiss him.

The first kiss left him breathless and wanting more. The second kiss… he hadn't finished that yet. Thomas' tongue was in his mouth and his hand slid up Eric's back to tangle in his hair and pull him down closer. Warm, wet heat, and he wanted it everywhere.

"You're so fucking big," Thomas said against his lips.


Eric smiled, the grin captured by Thomas as he kissed him again. "Is that a problem?"


"Hell, no!" Thomas ground his hips against Eric, their cocks riding against Thomas' hand.

"Then shut up and kiss me." It was meant to be an order but came out as more of a breathless moan as Thomas' thumb slid over the head of his cock.

He obeyed as they stood in the lake, lips pressed hard against each other, tongues
exploring, learning the shape and taste of Thomas' mouth until he was dizzy from lack of oxygen.

"Very nice!" An amused voice broke into his lustinduced trance. They reluctantly broke away to see Di grinning at them from the shoreline. Eric was thankful Thomas didn't pull away from him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thomas was panting as he tried to drag oxygen into his lungs. He rested his face against Eric's shoulder as he recovered.

"I just came to deliver more clothes for Eric. If I'd known there was going to be a show I'd have arrived sooner."


"You can leave them in the kitchen and get the hell out of here."


Smirking at them, she said, "I'm quite happy to watch."

"Unlike you I don't feel the need to make out in public!" Thomas informed her loftily. Di coughed derisively. Eric felt Thomas' skin get hot against his shoulder. "I was sixteen!"

"And making out was the loosest possible term for it."

"We are naked in a lake and my dick is trying to drill holes in your hand— or it was. I think she has the upper hand, Tom." Eric's dick had wilted a little at being discovered but was still acutely aware of the hand wrapped around it and the hard length so close by.

Eric shivered as the cold permeated the heat of lust and embarrassment.

Thomas raised his head and looked at him. "Diane, fuck off now. We need to get out of the lake before our dicks get frostbite. I'll call you later."

"I could always give you your towels."


"Go!" They both growled at her, the cold water getting too much for them.


She caught the change in mood and moved off with nothing more than another smirk and "Later."

They stood wrapped in each other's arms until they heard her car move away. Then Eric sighed a little and gave Thomas a brief kiss on the lips. "Shall we get out of here?"

Thomas nodded. "The moment's been lost, hasn't it?"


thought Eric. He was starting to think it would never happen.

"'Ric?" Thomas' hand cupped his jaw, his thumb stroking him gently. "It's only postponed until we're warm and dry. I'm not letting you get away from me this time."

The small smile Eric gave him seemed to satisfy Thomas and they waded out of the water, Eric following to make sure he could watch the muscles rippling down Thomas' back. For a man who didn't work out, he was all lean muscle and he made Eric's mouth water.

"Like what you see?" Thomas seemed well aware of the hot gaze on his back as he bent down to pick up the towels.

"The view is stunning." Eric took the towel with murmured thanks and dried himself slowly, not taking his eyes off Thomas. The heat in Thomas' eyes was warming him even without the towel.

"Fuck," said Thomas, his voice unsteady.

Suddenly Eric realized he was the one in control now. Thomas wanted him to take the next step. Grabbing Thomas' towel, he pulled him closer. "Fuck, now," he agreed as he ran his mouth down Thomas' neck, licking and biting at the pulse point, feeling it throb beneath the warm skin.

"Lube and condoms are inside." Thomas was clinging on to Eric's shoulders to steady himself.

It seemed natural to lift him up, Thomas' legs wrapping around his waist. Eric exulted at the startled squawk and the fact he was strong enough to pick the other man up. "Better go inside then." He nuzzled and worried at Thomas' neck, his jaw, and finally capturing his lips in a messy, sloppy kiss.

"Fuck!" Thomas' power of speech seemed to diminish with each bite and kiss.


Eric smirked against his neck.

Thomas hissed a "Bastard!" in his ear but otherwise he seemed preoccupied with giving Eric a taste of his own medicine. The journey back to the house was punctuated by hisses and moans from both men as their cocks slid together, precome aiding the friction.

The dogs followed but for once Eric wasn't concentrating on his pets. He stumbled into the house, pushing Thomas down on the large table and virtually crawling on top of him. "Lube?"

Thomas flung out an arm and awkwardly pulled at the drawer under the table. Eric leaned over and took out the lube and condoms, raising an eyebrow at Thomas.

He flushed under Eric's smirk. "I was hoping, okay? Are you going to fuck me or am I going to have to do it myself?" Thomas' hand went to his cock, stripping it roughly.

Eric knocked it away. "Mine!"
"Fucking take it then!"

Not so much giving up the control then as moving things along, Thomas was going to be a toppy bastard, Eric realized, even on the bottom. He'd just have to shut him up. Sliding down and swallowing his dick? Oh yeah, that worked. That worked real good. Thomas was knocked into silence as his hips bucked up.

Thomas' "Please," was but a whisper of sound as his fingers tangled through Eric's hair. Eric pulled off and looked up. "Please, what?" Thomas' eyes were open and glazed, a flush spreading down his chest. "Fuck me."


God, yes. Maybe. Once he'd had another taste, got the feel of his man in his mouth.

"Your man?"
Okay, he hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"I like that idea," Thomas bit his kiss-swollen lips.

Eric moved up and kissed Thomas hard, sharing the taste of him. "So do I," he said as he settled between Thomas' legs, pushing them wider apart. He looked around for the lube, finding it tucked beneath one of Thomas' hips.

Squeezing some of the lube into his palm, Eric spread it over his fingers, Thomas watching the whole time. Eric reached over and took Thomas' hand, tangling their fingers and covering them both in slick.

"Why…?" Thomas frowned slightly.

Eric didn't answer, just pushed their hands down behind Thomas' balls. Thomas' eyes widened as he realized what Eric wanted. Slowly they pressed in, gently working their fingers until Thomas was pressing down on them, harsh whimpers escaping him.

"Please, 'Ric, fuck me."

Only too eager to oblige, Eric withdrew their fingers, capturing Thomas' gasp of loss in his mouth. Keeping their fingers entwined, Eric pressed in, letting Thomas get used to the feel of him; the tight, slick heat around his fingers had given only a hint of what was to come. Thomas was silent again; the only noise his breaths in Eric's ear. Slowly Eric began to move, short, shallow thrusts Thomas couldn't control.

It wasn't enough. Thomas tried to move, to cant his hips, seeking more but Eric pressed him down.

"Please, you bastard, please—" Thomas begged. "Please what?"
"More, I need more."

"Like this?" Eric pulled back until he was almost out. Thomas almost sobbed at the loss.

"Or like this?" He thrust back in, pulling Thomas underneath him and tilting him so that he grazed his sweet spot. Thomas' eyes rolled back.

Over and over Eric reduced the man beneath him to mindless need, writhing on his cock. Eric's hips snapped forward and Thomas gave a shout as he came, his ass clamping down around Eric's cock as he covered his belly and chest in white streams.

The feel of Thomas riding out his orgasm pushed Eric over the edge. He gasped out Thomas' name as he pushed in deep, shaking as he came, feeling Thomas soothe and stroke him through his own climax.

Eric collapsed on top of him, his chest heaving as he tried to get his breathing under control.

Thomas kissed the top of his head, his fingers stroking his face as they lay there for a while. "Gotta move, big man. This table's fucking uncomfortable," he said eventually.

"'M okay," Eric mumbled sleepily.


"That's because you're on me, you great lug. Off!"


Eric found himself tumbling onto the floor as Thomas bucked up hard. "Hey!"

The dogs leaped up and jumped all over him, tails wagging excitedly, delighted to find their human on the floor with them.

"You all right there, 'Ric?" Thomas grinned down at him, looking amused and fucked out; it was a good look on him and Eric felt just a little smug.

Grinning inanely, he lay back on the cold flagstones, too tired to move as Toby and Millie breathed in his face and nudged at his hands.

* * * *

Thomas made Eric rest on the sofa for a couple of hours in the afternoon while he made some calls. And despite his protestations, Eric was asleep within minutes of switching on the TV.

Sometime later Eric woke up on the sofa again, feeling overly warm and aware of a nagging ache in his lower back. He'd slept really well and the migraine bothering him for the past couple of days had disappeared, leaving him clear-headed and rested.

This time, however, he wasn't on his own. Sometime during the afternoon he'd ended up stretched out along the sofa, wrapped around Thomas who had joined him, unawares. The other man was spooned up against him, still fast asleep, huffing slightly as he breathed.

Trying not to disturb the man in his arms, Eric shifted slightly so he could look at him as he slept. Thomas murmured in protest but didn't wake up, just buried his head deeper into the crook of Eric's arm and settled again. He was stunning, Eric realized, even close-up with every imperfection on display. From the first moment Eric laid eyes on him, he'd never really got past staring into Thomas' eyes. Now, he took his time to explore his bone structure, the long lashes splayed against his cheeks and the crazy pattern of freckles across his face.

"Like what you see?" Thomas murmured his own words back at him. The lashes had lifted just a little, the sparkling blue muted in the half-light.

Almost the same answer. "Yeah, very much," admitted Eric. He didn't say anything else, just made a sound, captured by Eric's mouth, then wriggled. Eric went to pull back, to let him go but Thomas went with him, capturing his head so that he could pull Eric back down for another kiss.

This time it wasn't so chaste. Thomas' lips parted under his and they explored each other's mouths eagerly. Eric was reeling under the feel of the warm, solid body reacting in his arms. He could feel Thomas hardening against his hipbone as he pressed closer into Eric's body, setting up a slow grind that threatened to send Eric over the edge. It was too soon. Eric wanted more than a few kisses and dry humping.

Taking hold of Thomas' hips, Eric maneuvered his lover so that Eric lay in between his legs. Both men gasped at the feel of their erections sliding together, even with the layers of fabric between them.

"Guess we should have stripped first," Thomas commented, slightly breathless.

Eric raised himself on one arm and tugged impatiently at their sweats. A bit of squirming from Thomas and then they were naked, at least the relevant parts were. Eric watched as Thomas' eyes rolled back as Eric's cock slid against his balls. "Fuck."

"God, yeah," Eric drawled, bending back down for a long, drawn-out kiss.

But they weren't going to last long enough to get to the main event. They weren't going to last at all, judging by the effect the soft noises Thomas was making were having on Eric's dick, together with the delicious friction of coarse hair and bloodhot skin.

How could anyone stop looking at this man for even a second?
wondered Eric as he stared down at Thomas. Flush spreading over his face and chest, sweat breaking out and tricking down his neck, and didn't Eric just have to lick that up to taste the salt beneath his tongue. Eric wanted to growl and mark the skin, biting each freckle and marking Thomas as his. He worried at the pulse point in Thomas' neck.

"More, harder," Thomas begged, his expression strained.

Jesus. That was it. Eric was biting down on the spot, making Thomas cry out and push up against him. Thomas' hands moved restlessly over Eric, pushing up under the borrowed t-shirt to scrape against his nipples, teasing the hard nubs until Eric thought he was going to go mad. He slid a hand between their bodies to wrap around their cocks, gratified by Thomas' sharp hiss as he jacked them together for the first time.

Leaning over Thomas, Eric propped himself up on one elbow, watching his lover's reactions as he brought them closer to orgasm, until he was too close himself; his balls tightened as he hardened just that impossible bit more, and he shot, warm spurts between his fingers running onto Thomas' belly. Thomas followed, unable to suppress a loud cry as his come mixed with Eric's to create a crazy, sticky trail on his stomach.

Chest heaving as he recovered his breath, Eric's arms trembled as he tried not to squash the man beneath him. Thomas stared up at him, suddenly tugging Eric down to lick at the sweat on his temple.

Both men laughed as there was a distinct squelch between them. Eric tried to pull back but Thomas wouldn't let him go. Instead he mouthed Eric's neck, following a trail from his ear around to the base of his neck.

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