Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers) (12 page)

BOOK: Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers)
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Not letting up with her pumping, she kissed him like she was starving. When she made a hungry growling sound in her throat, he could no longer resist touching her and slid his hands over her breasts, then rolled her nipples between his fingers and thumbs until she was gasping for air, too.

“I’ve dreamed of you my whole life, Chance, but never imagined it would be like this.”

His balls drew up tighter still. He was so close. “Like”—he inhaled—“what?”

If she answered, he didn’t hear her. His ears rang and his body thrust into her hand as he came in wave after wave until he was disoriented and light-headed. Placing his hand over hers, he took a shuddering breath. Holy shit, what she did to him. His statement from before wasn’t an exaggeration. Sex with this woman might very well kill him outright.

“Like that,” she said, wrapping her arms around his body in the warm water. “Like that first big drop on the roller coaster, only better.”

“Much better.” He kissed her, running his hands over her body under the water. And as he looked at her beautiful face in the moonlight, he realized that no matter what happened to him from this point forward, he’d be okay. He’d always have this memory to draw on. And hopefully many more just like it. A lifetime of memories with her.

Chapter Eighteen

hance pulled Gen closer on the makeshift blanket, wrapping around her warm, curvy body like he had so many times in his dreams. The circular skirt of the sundress was just large enough to keep all but their legs off of the sand. She’d drifted off within minutes of lying down, peaceful with no ghosts from the past haunting her.

was haunted, though. Eventually, he’d have to face Walter. With the influence Gen’s brother held over her, she might decide being with him wasn’t worth it. A lump of dread rose in his throat. No. Hopefully, she was ready now. Moving out had been a big step for her, but he wasn’t sure she was prepared to go the whole distance and stand up against her brother. Even if she were, it wasn’t a given he’d ever approve of Chance.

Maybe he should have cleared things up all those years ago. Perhaps he wouldn’t look so poorly on him now.

His current relationship with Walter was pretty much driven by past loyalty. Every time they met up, there was a stiff, distrusting air—like Walter wanted to believe what he knew in his heart about Chance from their childhood, but couldn’t get past the rumors. He’d thought Walter would have worked through that by now, would have looked inside himself to discover the truth.

Something bit his leg and he rubbed his other foot over it. Yeah, he probably should have cleared things up that night. His relationship with Walter would probably be much different.

Again, something stung his calf and he brushed it off with his foot, not wanting to wake the woman in his arms.

Hopefully, Walter would be reasonable when he found out Chance had broken his promise to stay away from Genny, and not act like he had a decade ago. Surely it wouldn’t get out of hand like that. They were all grown-ups, right? A sickening churn roiled his stomach. He hadn’t kept his word. Just like his Dad.

This was not like his dad. He’d broken a promise, yes, but not at someone else’s expense. It was just the opposite. The promise had hurt someone else. Breaking it was the right thing to do for Genny—and for him, too.

Gen rolled in his arms and made a frustrated huff, then kicked her legs before settling back into deep sleep. He propped up on an elbow and almost pinched himself. With her dark hair splayed over the fabric of the dress and one arm thrown over her head, she looked like a dream. The other arm rested across her flat belly, rising and falling in time with her relaxed breathing. And then there were those breasts. Perfect. Even better than he’d imagined after seeing her in that red dress seven years ago.

He ran his fingertips over her ribs, through her cleavage, and back down again, fascinated by her body’s immediate response. Even in her sleep, her nipples hardened at his touch. He traced a wide circle around one breast and she smiled, still not fully awake. As he spiraled his path tighter, smoothing over her areola in a gentle circle, her eyes fluttered open and her breath caught. Then she grinned.

He could do this forever. But he had to be careful. He needed to talk to Walter before he took this to the next level. It was best for both of their sakes to not have sex until she cleared the air with her brother and was ready to be her own person at last.

He could wait. She was worth it.

“Mmmmm.” She rolled to face him and put her hands on his face.

Waiting didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun until then, though. He reached for her, and she sat bolt upright, jerking out of his grip.

“Ouch!” She scratched her leg, then her shoulder. “Something bit me.” She jumped to her feet. “Really bit me.”

And then he was stung again.
He’d totally underestimated the fucking insects. They were a nightmare some times of year, but he figured they wouldn’t be a problem right now. Plus, he’d been distracted. Bugs were the last things on his mind.

“Here.” He took her hand. “Our cottage is just a short distance away.”

He gathered their clothes. After a quick run through the sand, which might have been his favorite part of the trip, they made it to the porch. Watching her run naked in the moonlight was going to be a hard act to top. Though as passionate as she’d proven herself to be, she could probably pull off a winner.

With that thought causing his dick to throb, he led her though the door, not even bothering to flip on the light. He knew every cottage on the island like the back of his hand. Like he wanted to know her body.

“Were those mosquitos?”

“The locals call them no-see-ums.” He started the shower. “Kind of like gnat-sized mosquitoes. Some times of year they’re terrible. Fortunately, this isn’t their high season.”

“Thank goodness.”

“How bad are your bites?” He tested the water and found it warm.

“Can’t you tell by looking?”

He pulled two towels out of the cabinet and hung them over the bar near the walk-in shower. “The lights are off.”

“Oh… They’re not so bad. Some on my legs. One on my backside, I think.”

He pulled her into the shower separated from the rest of the bathroom by a short wall. Along the back, there was a built-in bench, barely visible in the moonlight creeping in from the high window.

“Let me see.” He turned her around, back to him.

“I thought the lights were off,” she said over her shoulder.

“I want to look at you in
way.” He ran his fingers from her shoulder blades, down to her middle back, but before he could get lower, she turned and caught his hands.

“Nuh-uh. If you’re going to do this my way, really do it.” She felt her way up his chest and looped her fingers under the strip of spandex still around his neck. He’d forgotten about the blindfold completely. “Put it on,” she ordered.

And here he’d thought the run through the sand was the sexiest thing ever. He slid it over his eyes while she followed his actions with her fingers, checking to see it was firmly in place.

She turned her back to him. “As you were.”

“Where was I?”

She giggled as he pretended to be totally confused, bumping his palms into the walls and then reaching around to grope her breasts, acting like he didn’t have a clue what he had in his hands. She squealed when he gave her breasts a squeeze, then he pulled her back against him in the warm water. Her ass pressed against his dick and made him groan. “Gen…”

“Did you figure out which end was up yet?” she teased.

“I’ll show you what’s up.” He nudged her from behind and she gasped, then turned to face him.

“Is there any soap?”

He patted the wall to his right and found the bar of soap, then handed it to her.

For the first time, he was tempted to cheat and adjust the blindfold so he could peek under it to watch her. Not knowing what she was doing was maddening, and honestly, exciting beyond words. Was she washing herself? Was she…? He hissed a breath through his teeth as she took him in her soapy hands. Well, that answered that.

“Shit, Gen.” He braced himself on the wall as she stroked up and down, her soapy hand sliding easily over his hardened flesh. “Yeah. That’s…”

And she stopped, just like that.



He turned his head to hear her over the shower spray. She fumbled with something on the ledge—maybe putting the soap back.

“Is the stuff in the bottle shampoo?”

“It is.”

“Turn around.”

“Bossy woman.”

“You like it.”

“I do. Not gonna lie.”

She smeared shampoo on his head and scrubbed in circles, her nails gently raking his scalp as warm water sprayed their bodies. No one had ever washed his hair before, and it felt amazing, sending tingles from his scalp all the way to his fingertips.

“Hand out,” she ordered. He complied, and she filled his palm with liquid. “Your turn to shampoo my hair.”

He knew that she came to about his shoulder, so he accurately located the sides of her head on the first try, spreading the shampoo to the ends, then massaging. She groaned and he grinned, loving her enthusiasm.

She then handed him the bar of soap.

“What’s this for?”

“Claire’s right. You and your brother are cavemen. It’s for washing, Chance.”

He scrubbed himself down as she followed his progress with an occasional touch. He removed the blindfold long enough to wash his face before she insisted he put it back on.

“Caveman clean.” He thumped his fist to his chest. “Now, me show you how caveman washes woman.”

She giggled.

He started with a leisurely scrub of her neck, and by the time he’d worked his way down her body to her feet and rinsed her, she was thoroughly clean, two orgasms richer, and slumped onto the built-in bench of the shower, panting. Pleased with himself, he stepped under the shower spray and rinsed. The knobs squeaked as he shut off the water, and cool air replaced the hot spray.

He reached in the direction of the towel bar, but was stopped short as she blocked his arm. “Let me show you how a woman thanks her caveman for washing her.” She turned the water back on and his skin warmed again.

He wanted to rip off the blindfold. To watch her while she said sexy things like that. And—she pulled him to her by the hips—and see her when she did sexy things, too.

“You’re not peeking, are you?”

“No.” But he wanted to. His fingers itched to remove the fucking thing.

He groaned as her breath fanned across the skin of his penis. Sitting on the bench in the shower, she was at just the right height to—

She flicked her tongue over his skin.

“God, Gen.”


“Hell, yeah.” His head fell back as she circled the head with her tongue, and he groaned again when she took him partway in her mouth. “I need to see you.”

She pulled him from her mouth with a
. “Nope. Forget it. Go with the senses you have. Focus on sounds. Let your ears see.”

Torture. It was sheer torture not knowing when or where she’d touch him next. From her mouth on his shaft to her hands cupping his balls, every touch seemed new and unexpected. And to think this was how she experienced the world all the time.

When she set a rhythm with her hand in time to her mouth, he felt that familiar tightening of his balls and the low tingles in his back.

Then, as he braced his arms on the wall over her head to keep from losing his balance, she took him deeper in her throat and made a sound that vibrated from her mouth through his whole body. “Ah, shit.”

It was all he could do to not thrust into her mouth. She made him wild. And happy. He couldn’t recall a time in his adult life when he’d felt this free. “Gen,” he said as she pulled back and then took him deeper. “My sweet Genny.”

She moaned in her throat again, and he gritted his teeth, wanting more than ever to rip off the fucking blindfold and watch her. Instead, he focused on using his ears, like she’d suggested. The hiss of the water as it came through the showerhead and the way the drops splattered on the tile. The gurgle of the drain. The sensual, wet sounds of her taking him in and out of her mouth. The rasp of his own harsh breathing and the hammering of his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

All of these noises combined made a symphony so erotic, it took him right to that edge. “I’m gonna… Gen. I’m…”


And that was permission enough. His orgasm raged and he fought to remain standing. “Gen, Gen, Gen,” he chanted until the spasms subsided, leaving him weak-kneed and light-headed.

And still the water cascaded to the tile with a hiss, and the drain gurgled, and eventually his heart no longer pounded like a jackhammer in his ears. “Oh, Gen.” His breathing slowed and he could finally stand upright without the aid of the wall.

“Is the caveman happy?” she asked, rising to her feet, then reaching up to touch the blindfold.

“Happy?” He took her in his arms. “Ecstatic.” She removed the blindfold, but he kept his eyes closed, loving the feel of her. “Fucking amazing.”

“Me, too.”

She tucked her head against his chest while the warm shower rained down on them as if washing away the rest of the world. Only, he knew that when this amazing week was over, the rest of the world would still be there, like it always had been. And right at the forefront would be Walter. Until they got past that hurdle, nothing was certain. As much as he’d like to pretend this little fantasy bubble were reality, he knew better. They needed to come up with a plan.

o tell me about the wedding,” Gen said, slipping into a comfy bathrobe she’d packed at Claire’s house. She pulled a toothbrush from the bag and turned on the sink.

“This is sort of the warm-up act,” Chance answered from somewhere outside the bathroom. “They’re getting married in a private wedding with no one attending but their very best friends, but in order to make Mom happy, they’re having a huge blowout reception next month at the Waldorf Astoria, where she and dad had their wedding.”

“Yeah. I knew about the party next month. My family received an invite and I thought it was weird the wedding was private.” She dipped the toothbrush in the stream of water, coated it with toothpaste, and set to brushing.

The air stirred, and she knew he was back in the bathroom with her. “It was a compromise. Mom would have dragged the planning out forever, making everyone miserable, and Will and Claire wanted a ceremony right away. When they found out churches were all booked up for over a year, sometimes two, they decided to have the ceremony here on the island and let Mom do whatever she wanted for the celebration afterward.”

She rinsed the toothpaste out of her mouth and cut off the water. “Yeah, your parents are always up for a big party. I especially loved the ones at your house over the holidays because of the chocolate fountain.”

“Well, Mom’s not happy about this at all, but the deal was, she stayed out of the wedding planning, and Mia and Claire and my brothers would let her have her way with the post-wedding party. Needless to say, it’s going to be a blowout with a who’s-who list a mile long. I’m sure Michael will be happy with the PR opportunity for the company, and Will is used to that kind of scene.”

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