Read Champion of the Heart Online

Authors: Laurel O'Donnell

Tags: #romance, #historical romance, #medieval romance

Champion of the Heart (37 page)

BOOK: Champion of the Heart
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Lord Ruvane turned his attention to Fox, who sat beside him. “I was wrong to question the outcome.”

Fox glanced at Jordan. Her elaborate blue velvet dress was fringed with expensive gold. Her hair had been combed until it shone like polished mahogany. She had pulled her hair back behind her head and curled it into a circular braid. A crown befitting a royal lady. She was the most beautiful woman Fox had ever laid eyes on.

She turned to him as if sensing his stare and cast him the most beguiling smile.

Fox set his hand on top of hers as it lay on the table. An immediate jolt shot through his body to the very bottom of his toes. Did the mere touch of her hand have to send that kind of arousal through him every time? He smiled back at her, already knowing the answer to his own silent question.

“The true winner of the tournament shall wed my daughter!” Lord Ruvane heartily proclaimed as he raised his goblet in salute. “Fox Mercer has proven himself to be a man of impeccable character. I welcome him into my family with open arms.”

The hall erupted in wild shouts of approval and agreement. Fox thought he heard Pick’s big voice leading the group. Of course, Fox mused, his cheerful shout could have been because Lord Ruvane’s speech was over and the drinking and revelry could commence once again.

Jordan turned to Fox as the talking resumed throughout the Great Hall, happiness shining in her eyes. “Betrothed,” she said, the word rolling sensually from her lips. “What do you think of that?”

Fox chuckled low in his throat. “I think I can’t wait until the wedding night.”

Jordan smiled in agreement giving Fox a half-lidded look that promised pleasures beyond his imaginings.

God help him, but Fox wanted her alone with him now, to touch her and caress her in ways only lovers understood.

Suddenly, a loud gasp of awe filled the room. Fox glanced up to see a man lowering a sword down his throat. Another man was juggling hot pokers. A third was cuffing a large bear, mock wrestling with the animal. The room was suddenly, almost magically, full of exotic performers. Jugglers tossed bags of beans in the air and caught them with their teeth. Soft harp music filtered over the entire assembly.

Fox’s gaze moved past the entertainment and over the crowd. Farmers and their families feasted on mutton and veal. Merchants sipped ale and gorged themselves on spiced potatoes. He spotted Beau and Pick seated in the middle of a dozen men. Pick swept his arm before him in a grand gesture and Fox knew he was retelling some tale, exaggerating his skill and prowess, no doubt. Beau shook his head, smiling slightly.

Fox grinned warmly at the sight. He was grateful all of his friends had been unharmed in Evan’s schemes.


Fox lifted his gaze to find Lord Ruvane standing before him. “I do hope you can forgive me for everything. I can be a pompous old goat at times.”

Fox nodded at him. “If you are willing to entrust your most valued treasure to me, then I can do no less.” His eyes again lighted on Jordan, who gave him a vibrant, glowing smile. Fox lifted her hand to his lips and bestowed a kiss to her knuckles.

“I would entrust her to no one else,” Lord Ruvane whispered and bent to kiss Jordan’s cheek. He looked back over at Fox. “I can see in her eyes that you are the true champion of her heart.”

Kara suddenly emerged from beneath the wooden table, giggling. She raced past Jordan, followed by Mary Kate, who was screeching with glee. The two children raced off and little Jason poked his head out from beneath the table.

Jordan waved him out. The boy paused before her, panting. “Did Kara and Mary Kate come this way?” he wondered.

Jordan nodded and pointed toward the kitchens. Jason scampered away from them. Jordan looked up at Fox.

“Do you think our children will be as precocious?” Fox wondered.

“Without a doubt,” Jordan said, watching the children weave through the crowded hall until they disappeared behind a group of soldiers.

Fox seized Jordan’s hand, pulling her to her feet. Jordan let out a startled cry, but she let Fox lead her out through the crowded kitchens and across the hall. He stopped in a secluded corridor and stepped closer to her, moving her back to the wall, then bent his head, claiming her lips.

When they separated, Jordan whispered, “My lord, is this the appropriate place?”

“Now that you will be my wife, there is no inappropriate place,” he responded, bending his head again to hers.

“I told you we’d find him here!”

Fox groaned against Jordan’s lips and slowly separated from her to turn toward Beau. Pick, Scout, and Smithy followed. Fox turned to Beau. “Just because you’re now my captain of the guard doesn’t mean you can disturb me at every opportunity.”

Beau laughed. “Actually, Pick and I were having an argument. Pick thinks we have to call you
m’lord Fox

“It is my title,” Fox replied.

“Are you serious?” Beau gasped. “After all my years of service?”

Fox gazed down at Jordan, a smile on his lips.

A cacophony of giggles echoed through the hallway, announcing the children as they raced down the hall toward them. Kara grabbed Jordan’s skirt, circling her and Fox. “Jason won’t leave me alone!”

“Is Castle Mercer going to be our home now?” John asked as he reached Jordan, looking a bit nervously at her. “Forever?”

“Forever,” she assured him. “You can even help us rebuild it.”

John beamed her a magnificently happy smile. “Can I be Fox’s squire?”

Fox nodded. “I would have no one else.”

The corridor erupted in argument.

Beau complained, “Who will be my squire?”

“I wanted to be your squire!” Jason groaned, pausing in his tormenting of Kara.

“Fox promised I could be his squire,” Mary Kate called.

Fox sighed and lifted his gaze. Through the doorway he saw his father standing proudly amidst a group of nobles, all shaking his hand and congratulating him. Fox smiled. His father would once again enjoy the company of flesh and blood friends. His dignity had been restored. He didn’t have to pretend anymore.

Michael stood nearby, talking to another monk. A smile split his lips, and Fox thought it odd how he couldn’t remember the last time Michael had smiled.

His brother, his father, his friends. All happy. And he, the happiest of all!

And it was all because of Jordan.

His arms tightened around her. She had been worth waiting for. Ten years of loneliness and a future of joy. It suddenly seemed fair. There would be no more loneliness. There would be no more ghosts.

There would only be love.

None of them would ever live in darkness again.



The End



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Thank you for choosing
Champion of the Heart
. I hope you enjoyed Fox and Jordan's story of love. Look for my other romance ebooks:


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I hope to entertain you with new exciting tales in the near future.


Laurel O’Donnell



About the Author



Laurel O’Donnell has won numerous awards for her works, including the Holt Medallion for A Knight of Honor, the Happily Ever After contest for The Angel’s Assassin, and the Indiana’s Golden Opportunity contest for Immortal Death. The Angel and the Prince was nominated by the Romance Writers of America for their prestigious Golden Heart award. O’Donnell lives in Illinois with her four cherished children, her beloved husband and her five cats. She finds precious time every day to escape into the medieval world and bring her characters to life in her writing.






A Knight of Honor Bonus Preview


Taylor Sullivan is a raven-haired hellion fleeing the tragic flames that destroyed her family. She arms herself with a quick sword and a sharp tongue, hiring herself out as a mercenary, willing to do whatever it takes to survive.


Slane Donovan is a knight of honor, sworn to uphold his oath and his word. He seeks the woman who wears the Sullivan ring, determined to bring her back to Castle Donovan to fulfill a promise made to his brother.


When he finds the fierce young beauty, her sensual innocence enflames his heart, threatening to destroy the very essence of who he is and the vows he has sworn to uphold.


But there are others who seek the Sullivan woman as well, men who pose a far greater threat. Slane must protect his fiery mercenary companion from attacks, but can he protect himself from her undeniable charms?








A Knight of Honor - Prologue



England 1340



aylor Sullivan wondered if her mother had gone mad. No one in her right mind would be wearing a bright vibrant smile like the one that lit her mother’s lips, not in a situation like this one. How could she smile in the face of such unspeakable horror? Taylor wondered frantically. Her own body shook with fear. She had to clasp her small hands tightly in front of her so her mother wouldn’t see her fingers trembling with terror and misery.

The black gown her mother wore contrasted sharply with her pale alabaster skin, making her flesh look almost ghostly white. Her brown hair was tied back tightly into a thick braid that hung down the length of her back, dangling to and fro as she walked toward Taylor.

Dangling like a rope.

Taylor dropped her chin to her chest, unable to look at her mother’s radiant face.

“Oh, darling,” her mother murmured and reached for Taylor’s hands. “Why such a sad face?”

Suddenly unable to control herself, Taylor hurled herself toward her mother, flinging her arms around her mother’s shoulders and hugging her as tightly as she could.

With a startled laugh, her mother returned the embrace.

BOOK: Champion of the Heart
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