Chameleon Soul (Chequered Flag #1) (21 page)

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Authors: Mia Hoddell

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Sports, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Chameleon Soul (Chequered Flag #1)
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Four Months Later-Abu Dhabi


“And the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and your new world champion, Teo Coates!”

The announcer’s voice rang out through the speakers and Teo came jogging out to the podium. He’d beaten everyone, including Aston. The rest of the season had been a clean sweep for him—pole position and winning every race. Even when Aston played dirty, Teo came out on top and I couldn’t be prouder of him. This was only the beginning of the payback Aston was in for, and I was sure he’d pay even further for what he did to me. Anyway, that was irrelevant, this was Teo’s moment.

When he received his trophy he raised it over his head with an uncontainable grin. The only place I’d seen him look that happy was in bed, and that’s not bragging.

I glanced around the crowd, not even bothered to be in the thick of it. I still had mini attacks every now and then, I wasn’t totally cured, but I knew Teo’s guys had my back. Over the last half of the season I’d grown to know and trust them. I had gradually begun to feel safe and I didn’t want to hide so much. We were a weird, dysfunctional extended family.

My smile faltered at the thought of the one person with whom I wanted to share my achievement. Dustin had been there with me every step of the way, and he should have been here with us. Over the last few months he’d distanced himself from me and Teo and we’d rarely seen each other. I hadn’t given up on him, but I respected his wishes, even if it hurt.

Because today was meant to be happy, I pushed the dark thoughts away and returned my attention to the ceremony only to realise the crowd had gone deathly silent. Everyone was staring at me and grinning, and I couldn’t figure out why. I looked at Mickey in question, feeling a blush rising in my cheeks, and he pointed up to the podium where my face was projected on the screen behind Teo.

“I hope you guys don’t mind me interrupting the celebrations,” he was saying, “but there’s something important I need to ask someone extremely special to me.”

His eyes found me in the crowd and when he dropped to one knee and produced a ring from somewhere in his racing suit, my jaw fell slack.

“Raine, I know you hate being the centre of attention and you’re probably going to kill me for this later, but I don’t care. You deserve to be in the spotlight and I want everyone to know you’re mine. I fell in love with you on that first day you beat me in karting when we were twelve.” The crowd sniggered. “Yeah, she beat me, I’m not ashamed of it. After that my love has only grown over the years. I’ve never met anyone that compares to you, Raindrop. You’re my other half and without you I wouldn’t be standing—or kneeling—up here as a world champion. I know it hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve always loved you. I need you, Raine, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I promised you forever so will you do me the honour of becoming my wife by marrying me?”

Stunned into silence, I was vaguely aware that all eyes were on me. However, my gaze remained locked on Teo’s. Someone thrust a microphone in my face, distracting me for a minute and I tried to grab hold of it with shaking hands. I almost dropped it and fumbled to pick it up.

When I looked up at the podium again, ready to give Teo my answer, he was nowhere in sight.

“What do you say, baby? Will you marry me?”

I smiled when I saw him standing in front of me, ring still in his hand.

“Yes! Of course I will!”

Instantly, he swept me up into his arms, his mouth against mine. I could hear the crowd cheering around us but it sounded like a distant hum with Teo consuming every one of my senses. He refused to relinquish my lips as he murmured against them for my ears only, “I love you, Raine Wilkins.”

He slipped the princess cut, sapphire ring on my finger his eyes never leaving mine.

“I love you too, Teo Coates, although you are dead for that stunt, even if it was kind of romantic.”

“You can kill me later after we’ve celebrated.” I could feel his smile against me. “But for the record, I plan on celebrating all night…and all morning…then maybe all day.”

I giggled. “We can celebrate as long as you want. You promised me forever.”



~The End~



***Sneak Peek***









Twisted Mind



Chequered Flag, Book 2










Releasing March 2016











Chapter One





“Elora, open the door.” My fist hammered against the cherry red wood in rapid time, and the door rattled under the constant pounding. “Elora!”

I stopped all movement for a second, listening for the slightest sign of life on the other side. I knew she was in there. Her car was the only one left on her parents’ driveway and Elora never walked anywhere. If she wasn’t going to let me in, I was seriously considering breaking the damned thing down because what I had to say couldn’t wait.

I’d driven straight from Teo’s race in Silverstone. Seeing Raine fight her fears for my brother brought everything in my life into perspective.

I wanted what they had.

I wanted someone worth fighting for, and Elora wasn’t that person.

Hell, I’d tried to make her it, I really had. However, it wasn’t working and I was stupid if I thought it ever would. Seeing Raine with Teo over the last few weeks had only forced me to confront what was really between me and Elora.


That was it.

There may have been lust at the start of our relationship, but it soon fizzled out. All that was left now was a doomed relationship filled with violence and an unhealthy rate of break-ups and make-ups. Everyone else had seen it, yet I had been dumb enough to believe her capable of change.

If it wasn’t for the fucking baby I’d have left her weeks ago. But, I couldn’t leave my child—born or unborn—alone with her. That wasn’t a risk I could ever take with a life so innocent and fragile. If I wasn’t around to take the hits, then who would?

Nonetheless, I could no longer be the victim. I wasn’t going to leave my child defenceless or without a father, and if I had to fight for custody I would. However, I was done taking her abuse. I had enough evidence to prove how abusive Elora could be and I wasn’t willing to put my child in a situation where it had to grow up in a household with parents who despised each other. I didn’t want it growing up hearing what violence sounded like, and I definitely didn’t want my child to
become the victim.

He or she wasn’t even born and already I was adjusting my life to accommodate them. A protective desire stronger than anything I’d ever felt burned within me. Whenever I thought of harm coming to my baby my rage was uncontrollable.

The fucked up situation between us needed to be resolved before the baby was born, and that was why I was standing on Elora’s doorstep, demanding she answer me.

“Elora, I know you’re home. Open the damned door.”

Finally a noise came from the other side—muffled cursing and the shuffling of feet. When the door opened, tortured eyes greeted me. Pain-filled and sleep deprived, there were faint red rings circling her eyes like she had been crying. For once her body looked frail. Her arms hugged her mid-section, but all of the actions appeared feeble.

My mind shot into overdrive, blowing my prepared break-up out of my head. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

Her body stiffened. It was only a minute difference, but I was deliberately scrutinising her movements, trying to figure out what had happened in the space of a day. I saw the slither of guilt as it filtered into her gaze before a single blink erased it.

“Elora, what’s going on?”

“Uh…we need to talk.”

A sickening apprehension churned in my gut. Nothing good ever came of those words.

Dustin, we need to talk about our relationship. I don’t think it’s going anywhere.

Dustin, I’m sorry I hit you. I’ll never do it again.

Dustin, please take me back. I’ll never do it again.

The past phrases that always started with the words ‘we need to talk’ wouldn’t leave me alone. Although, this time it felt worse than all of them. I couldn’t explain why, but the uneasiness seizing my joints told me she was about to turn my world upside down again.

Stepping around her, I made my way cautiously into the living room. Not able to bring myself to sit down, I remained standing and folded my arms. I widened my stance and fixed Elora with a steely glare. “Tell me what’s going on.
it the baby?”

She paced to the sofa and dropped down on to it with a huff. “It’s all taken care of, Dustin. There’s nothing for you to worry about anymore.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’ve taken care of everything.”

Icy tendrils started to creep around my heart, smothering it in paralysing fear as her words seeped into my mind. “What have you done, Elora?”

“You can go now. I’m not your concern.” She waved a hand at me dismissively.

My jaw locked and my nostrils flared. “What about the baby? That sure as hell is my concern. If you think for one second I’m allowing you to keep me from my child then—”

“There is no baby, Dustin.”





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As always, a lot of people helped me in the creation of Chameleon Soul. The Chequered Flag series had been in my mind for a few months before I started writing book one. My drivers refused to leave me alone until I began writing Teo’s story, and I’m so thankful to everyone who has helped me bring them to life.

First, and foremost, to my family. Whether it’s to talk me down off a ledge when things don’t go to plan or to celebrate when things go right, you guys are always there.

Secondly, to my betas, Kirsty and Lauren. Thank you for helping me work out the kinks in this story so I could bring the best versions of Raine and Teo to life.

Thirdly, to my wonderful publisher, Limitless Publishing LLC. Thank you for all of your hard work behind the scenes and for giving me the chance to bring this series to life. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. A special thanks goes to Lori for being a superhero when the unexpected happened. You managed to keep me sane and I’m glad to have you on my side.

To my brilliant editor, Felicia. Thank you for stepping in and making my manuscript all shiny and sparkly.

Also, a big thank you to my cover designer, TOJ Publishing Services, for creating an amazing cover I fell in love with as soon as I saw it.

To all of the authors I’ve met through Limitless and those I haven’t. You are a great support system and people I can turn to for help.

To all of the bloggers who share and promote my books. There are too many of you to name individually, and I can’t put into words how much your help means to me. I appreciate every single thing you do for me. You guys are amazing, thank you.

And finally, to my readers. Thank you for taking a chance on my work, sticking with me, and supporting me. Without you I couldn’t live my dream, and it means so much to me that you’re actually reading my books.



About the Author


#1 Amazon bestselling author Mia Hoddell lives in the UK with her family and two cats. She spends most of her time writing or reading, loves anything romantic, and has an overactive imagination that keeps her up until the early hours of the morning.

Mia has written over ten titles including her Seasons of Change series, the Chequered Flag series, the Elemental Killers series, and her standalone novels False Finder and Not Enough.

Her favourite genres are contemporary romance or romantic suspense, and with an evergrowing list of ideas she is trying to keep up with the speed at which her imagination generates them. She also designs book covers on her website M Designs.


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