Chair Yoga for You: A Practical Guide (4 page)

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Authors: Clarissa C. Adkins,Olivette Baugh Robinson,Barbara Leaf Stewart

BOOK: Chair Yoga for You: A Practical Guide
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With feet flat on the floor, challenge the left and right sides of the brain by tapping the heel of your left foot at the same time that you tap the toes of your right foot. Switch to right heel and left toes.


Start with feet flat on the floor, and then rise up on your toes. Roll around to the outside of your feet, back to your heels, and to the inside of your feet. Repeat several times, and then reverse directions.


With feet hip width apart, point toes toward the sky. Hold for a few seconds, then bring the toes down and lift both heels. Hold for a few seconds.


Use this sequence as a way to warm up. Take your knees apart slightly wider than hip width. Inhaling, sweep your arms out to your sides and overhead. Exhaling, place your hands on your thighs as you lean forward, flattening your back. Inhale and then exhale as you fold over, letting your hands rest on your shins or the floor. Inhale and come back up with a flat back, bringing your hands back to your thighs. Exhale as you sit back in your chair and relax.



When people are put into positions slightly above what they would expect to achieve, they’re apt to excel.

—Richard Bronson

For all the postures below, sit toward the front of your chair. Take three to five breaths per exercise. Most importantly, do not hold your breath while doing any postures.



Hold the sides of the chair as you stand halfway out of your seat. Let the hips and thighs hover above the seat of the chair. Take hands to prayer position or extend them out straight in front of the body. Hold for a couple of breaths, and then sit carefully back onto your chair.


With arms out at your sides in a T-shape and palms facing the floor, slowly make small circles in a forward motion. Try to keep the shoulders down and relaxed. Start making the circles bigger. Without lowering the arms, switch directions, starting with small circles. After several breaths, make the circles bigger. Shake the arms gently after you bring them down to your sides.


Sit up tall. Inhale and lift your right arm straight up beside your ear and let your left arm hang down by your side or gently grasp the side of the chair. Looking straight ahead, exhale over to the left. Hold for three or more breaths. Return to center and then switch to your left arm. Repeat at least twice.


Plant feet firmly onto the floor with legs wide apart and toes pointing slightly outward. Inhaling, raise your arms out to your sides, then overhead, crossing your arms. Exhaling, lean forward, letting your arms sweep down and out to the sides, then to the space between your knees, with hands briefly crossing. Inhaling, sweep arms out and up in a circling motion overhead. Continue to flow up and down for as many rounds as you like.

Variation: Keep your torso more upright throughout the flow.


Inhale and place your fingertips on your shoulders. Exhale and move your left elbow down to your right knee. Inhale up to your starting position. Exhale and move your right elbow to your left knee. Inhale and return to your starting position. Repeat several times.

Variation: Raise your knee as you exhale your elbow to your knee.


Sit tall with your feet wide apart. Place your right hand on your left knee as you lean slightly forward. Turn to the left and place your left hand on your hip. Hold for two or three breaths. Turn to the right and repeat.

Variation: For a deeper stretch, exhale as you slide your right hand down the left leg as low as possible.

Note: We describe the Warrior Poses in order from Warrior I, to Warrior II, to Reverse Warrior, and then to Side Angle. These poses flow nicely together. Once you become comfortable with the Warriors, try practicing them in various orders.


Spread your legs wide apart. Turn to your right, pushing your left leg back and pressing the ball of your foot onto the floor. Straighten your left leg as much as possible. Raise both arms up, aiming your fingers and gaze to where the ceiling meets the wall, or higher. Hold for a few breaths.

Variation: Turn your palms up.


Starting from Warrior I, turn your torso, allowing the hips and shoulders to face forward. Bring both arms down to shoulder height with your palms down. Let your toes point slightly to your right, and then press the outside edge of your left foot onto the floor. Look just past the fingertips on your right hand. Try to relax your shoulders and keep them square. Hold for a few breaths.

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