Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 (19 page)

Read Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1 Online

Authors: T. A. Grey,Regina Wamba

BOOK: Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1
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Telal was infamous to, well,
everyone. He was often on the news or radio trying to rally support for his
cause: allowing the demons on earth, opening the rift forever. He was also a
powerful businessman dealing in weapons manufacturing. And judging by the
amount of weapons his guards were carrying, she wasn’t surprised.

“He’ll see you. Follow me.”
Nerves fluttered in Chloe’s stomach. She and Tyrian followed the guard into an
elevator that took them up forty flights. She was going to meet the only
full-blooded demon allowed on earth in the entire world. She was probably
making too much of it, but she couldn’t help thinking that she was also about
to meet her new brother-in-law. She’d have to be sure to warn him. Not about
Lily, of course, but about hurting her. Besides, if he did anything to hurt her
little sister, then Chloe would have her vampire boyfriend kick his ass.

The elevator pinged and they got
off, led this time by a new set of guards. They escorted them down a long hall
to a set of wide doors with gold handles. Nothing else was in the entire

“Put your hands up against the
wall and spread your feet.” Chloe barely had time to obey before the guard
pushed her into the wall. Just as soon as he did it, Tyrian grabbed the man. A
strangled shout, then he was on the ground, holding the guard’s throat.

“What did you do?” she asked.

The second guard cocked his
machine gun and aimed it at them while speaking something fast into his

“He had no right to touch you
like that.” Almost too fast to see, Tyrian grabbed the gun from the second
guard’s hands, flung it to the other end of the hall, and had him lying on the
ground with a hard jab to the jaw. Chloe rushed to him.

“Oh my God, did you kill him?
He’s just doing his job, you know.”

“No, I didn’t kill him. Let’s

His voice was cold as ice and she
knew that something she’d said bothered him. He opened the doors himself and
brought them into the biggest office she’d ever seen.

The room was a big circle and
even though they were on the fortieth floor, she realized there were strangely
no windows in the room. It was empty aside from one man. One demon, she
corrected. He was not an
demon, but your typical one—if there was
such a thing.

Though he wasn’t really typical,
because he was a successful demon that lived
the rift. She briefly
wondered what his old demon friends thought about that.

He didn’t lift his eyes from what
he was writing until they reached his desk. “I take it you, at least, left my
guards alive, Tyrian?”

“Barely.” Chloe heard a tinge of
humor in Tyrian’s voice.

Telal Demuzi lifted his gaze from
his work and stood to shake hands with Tyrian. Chloe’s eyes rounded as she got
the first good look at the demon. She had never met one before, though she’d
seen pictures of them on the news, usually being cuffed and escorted back to
the rift. Those were usually rogue demons trying to break through the rift.
People died when that happened, one way or the other.

Chloe tried to picture her
spunky, goofy sister Lily with the demon—and nope, couldn’t happen. Her sister
wore bright clothes that
matched, which she thought looked
fabulous. Her hair was a messy set of curls that came from their mother’s side
and she often said the wrong thing at the wrong time—on purpose.

He looked right at her and it was
like the wind was knocked out of her. His eyes were pure gold, brighter than
normal with only a tiny pinprick of a pupil. His skin was golden like he was
coated in dark honey, and his hair was blue. Chloe shook her head, stared at
his thick mane, and tried to figure out if it was a dye job or real. She
blinked several times, thinking maybe she was just seeing wrong. His hair
wasn’t just any blue but a beautiful cerulean that reminded her of rich
tropical oceans and fresh glacial water.

“Yes, my hair is blue.”

She jumped, startled at the
strangeness of his voice. He pronounced his letters heavy, as if they were
difficult to say, and it reminded her of a heavy Russian accent.

“Why?” she asked dumbly. He
didn’t laugh at her or look at her like she was stupid, which she appreciated.
He only shrugged.

“My kind comes in many different
colors and forms. My brother, Alrik, has pure auburn hair. The women loved it.”

Chloe nodded. But she kept her
mouth shut and took a seat the demon indicated opposite his desk. Tyrian didn’t
sit. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back. Didn’t the man ever

“Tell me what has brought you
here.” The demon took a seat, drumming his long fingers on the desk.

“Francis Bellum has brought me

The demon stiffened, his body
going alert.

“I heard he died in a raid along
the Moroccan rift.”

Tyrian nodded. “He left specific
provisions in his will. I’m sure you’ve heard about it.” The demon looked down
at his desk drawer and Chloe wondered if that’s where her father’s letter was.
His strange golden eyes met hers with stunning force.

“This isn’t Lily Bellum, is it?”

“No, this is her eldest sister,
Chloe.” The demon’s chest sagged and she realized he’d been holding his breath.
He buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.

Chloe glared. “Hey, you don’t
have to act that relieved. You’d be lucky to get someone as great as me. You’re
even luckier if you get my sister. You don’t deserve her. She is the most
talented, funniest, and clever person I know. She can’t dress worth a da---”

“Chloe.” Tyrian’s voice cut
through her with its chill. Chloe scoffed and took to glaring at the demon.

“What do you want?” asked the
demon, a scowl at his lips.

“The Bellum sisters have summoned
something I have never seen before. It now stalks her and is trying to kill
her. I need your opinion on the matter.”

The demon steepled his long
fingers. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

Chloe sighed, then told him about
the entire ‘accidental summoning’ thing. She happily mentioned what the spell’s
purpose was—to get the men to leave them alone. She smiled brightly as Tyrian
cut her a cold look, but her body didn’t freeze at his cold glare, it did the
exact opposite.

It had to be her new moon,
because who in their right mind would want someone to look at them like that?
Like they had no care for what you were about to say. But Chloe knew that when
she talked, she was his sole focus, even if other things were going on in his
head. She also knew he liked her. Whether he realized that or not. Okay, maybe ‘like’
was a strong word. But he didn’t hate her.

The demon contemplated what she
told him about the spell she and her sisters had done. Finally he said, “I’ll
have to check into it but I can get back to you. Each sister said a different
line of the spell, but the demon goes only after you? That is interesting news.
I’ll see what I can dig up with my contacts.”

Tyrian grabbed a pen off the
demon’s desk and scribbled something down. “Call that number when you hear
something. I’ll be waiting. Consider this your top priority. I’m calling in the
debt you owe me.”

A look shuttered over the demon’s
face. Then he nodded and Tyrian was leading her out to the elevator. They
stepped over the crumpled bodies of the guards and got into the elevator.

“What debt does he owe you?”

He hit the button to take them to
the lobby.

“I asked you a question.” Still,
he ignored her. Something hot, wild, and completely pissed off came over her.

Chloe slammed her hand on the big
red button and the entire elevator shuttered to a hard stop. Tyrian cut her a
cold, hard glare that she ignored. She launched herself into his arms. For some
reason it didn’t surprise her that his arms came around her or that he held her

She pulled her mouth up to his,
excitement making her breaths come fast. “I want you.”

He blinked once then said, “Now
is not the right time.” Inside, she seethed. Where was the fire, the passion in
this man? She’d felt it, had even seen glimpses of it. Chloe was growing wet
and needy. And that something she needed was him.

“Right now is the perfect time.
I’m not leaving this elevator until one of two things happen.”

“You do realize I could easily
carry you out of here.” His chilly words hardened her nipples.

“If you do then I’ll take off my
clothes and show every single guard we walk past my tattas.” She wiggled her
chest to prove her point. The muscles in his body tightened and she thought
Be jealous, if only a little. She still hadn’t gotten over the whole
thing anyway. And she was petty enough that it felt good to know he was

“I am your Protector. I’m not
here to be your servant. I told you to find another warrior for your sexual
needs and I meant it. I will send word to the castle as soon as we leave. You
can have your choosing of whomever you want. Draven or Rayn perhaps?”

“I don’t want anyone but you.”
She wanted to close the distance between their lips. She was dying to kiss him
again, but she couldn’t. Not yet.

“You’re a fool.”

“Perhaps you’re the fool, Tyrian.
Like I said, I need you. I haven’t been touched in forever and I feel like I’m
close to asking the next man I see to take me,” she said with raw honesty. She
showed him the truth in her eyes and she felt his body coil even tighter.
Purposely, she didn’t add that it was his saucy behavior since arriving here that
had her so revved up.

“Take off your pants and let’s
finish this then,” he said.

Chloe’s eyes flew wide and then
she tossed her head back and laughed. Slowly she shook her head, feeling good
and light after the debacle that happened at the castle this morning. She still
had every intention of learning more about his
and his family,
but right now, she wanted something much more physical.

“Here’s what we’re going to do,”
she said, sliding down his body. He let her go and she dropped to her knees before
him, hooking her fingers in his pant loops. “You’re going to feed me your cock
and I’m going to suck it.” The hot flare in his eyes soothed the insecurity
that nagged at her that this was a bad idea. That she had no business trying to
pursue someone like him.

Her heart raced at being so bold,
and her tongue darted out to wet her lips at the thought of taking him into her
mouth. Her eyes locked on his as she reached for the button of his pants. She
started to pull it open, when hard hands grabbed her wrists.

Chloe looked up at his cold blue
eyes and tried to tell him it was okay, to let her please him. He shook his
head curtly and stepped away from her. A second later, the elevator was
coasting back down to the lobby.

Chloe stood on wobbly legs, caught
somewhere between humiliation and hurt. She almost let him get away with it.
Almost let him keep the reins.

Fuck that,
she thought, and slammed her
hand into the emergency break again. The elevator shuddered to another hard


* * *


Tyrian glared at Chloe, this time
anger shining in his eyes. The succubus was trying to drive him crazy. Why else
would she continually disobey him at the most simple of orders?

Just as he was about to release
the emergency break again, she sauntered up to him. That was the only way he
could describe it. She came up to him like a sexually aware woman that wanted
to learn all of his dirty secrets. How did she manage to make his heart race
when no other had in so long?

She stopped before him, resting
her soft hands lightly on his chest. He barely registered the pressure of it
before she grabbed his face and pulled his mouth down to hers. This was not
soft or gentle. She slammed her lips against his, as if she was trying to
imprint the feel of her onto his soul. He fought the urge to take her into his

In the next second, her tongue
was in his mouth. Soft, wet, the thoughts triggered something primitive inside
him. Something dark and dangerous that always lurked just beneath the surface.
She always seemed to tap into that so easily, so quickly. How did she do it?

Her hand cupped his throbbing
cock through his pants and a ragged groan left him. He tried to hold back, not
to give in, but it was as if a dam had broken and the water was flooding in. He
kissed her back just as hard, tasting every crevice inside her mouth, loving
the soft sounds she made in her throat. She squeezed him again, stroking his
length, her touch melting the wall he held around himself as if it were wax and
she a burning flame.

All his years of training did
nothing to prepare him for this. Her taste was sweet like a sparkling white
wine and her lips were soft as satin.

She tore her mouth away to feast
at his neck and his fangs dropped, throbbing in time to his cock. He wanted, no
needed, for her to bite him—needed to feed her in that primal way. But she only
bit at his skin with her blunt straight teeth, ran her hand along the ridge of
his cock up and down, up and down. Pulling forth liquid heat only she seemed to
find until it was nearly boiling in his veins.

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