Chained (Brides of the Kindred) (18 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Chained (Brides of the Kindred)
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“Th-then what?” She was hanging on his
every word—she couldn’t help it. Maggie didn’t know if she’d ever been so
turned on in her life and he still hadn’t touched her bare skin.

“Then what…” Kor seemed to be considering
the question. Maggie expected him to go on describing how he would taste
her—another act Donald disliked—but Kor surprised her.

“Then I’d tie you up,” he said, looking at
her speculatively. “Tie your hands behind your back, put you on your knees with
your legs spread. Push you down so that your ass was high in the air, your
pussy spread wide, all soft and sweet and vulnerable. But first…” He appeared
to be thinking. “First I’d put a blindfold on you. Then I’ve leave you there
for a little while, waiting all open and naked for me. You wouldn’t know what
was coming next—my fingers…my tongue…or my

The last word was a low, lustful growl
that seemed to do something strange to her insides. Maggie hadn’t thought she
could be more turned on but his words seemed to flip a switch inside her. Her
heartbeat kicked up another notch and she couldn’t seem to get a deep enough

“Oh,” she whispered, unable to make the
words come out louder. “Oh but I…I don’t think I’d like that.”

“Hell yes, you would, blondie.” Kor was
eying her speculatively. “Your heartbeat…your breathing…the way you’re soft
skin is all flushed and hot—everything about you screams ‘submissive.’ You’d
love to switch things around—try being the slave for a while.”

“No,” Maggie protested. “No, really…”

“Uh-huh.” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Then why is your pussy so much wetter now that I started talking about this?
Your little cunt is so hot and slick I could taste your juices right through
these panties.”

Maggie shook her head. “No…no, please…”

“Why not?” he growled. “I can smell your
sweet scent from here and seeing your pussy all shiny with honey is driving me
fucking crazy.”

“I…” Maggie shook her head. It was one
thing to let him kiss her panties as he had when they first came into the
banquet hall. But to actually let him spread her open and lick her there…it was
too much. Too close to cheating “Please, Kor,” she begged. “Don’t. Just…talk to
me some more. Just touch me.”

“Like this?” He pinched her clit gently
again and then began to caress the throbbing little bundle of nerves as he
leaned in close to her.

“Oh!” Maggie gasped. “Yes…yes, please!”

“Such a polite little girl,” Kor growled
approvingly. “Come closer, Maggie—let me look in your eyes.”

Maggie leaned forward, her eyes locked
with his strange, pale blue ones.

“What?” she breathed softly.

“Just want to tell you what I really want
to do to you.” Kor looked at her. “What I’ve wanted to do from the first time I
dreamed about you.”

“You…what do you…?”

“I want to fuck you, Maggie,” he whispered
harshly, his fingers still moving restlessly, caressing her clit through the
thin silky lace. “But I want to take my time doing it. Want to tie you to the
bed, your arms and legs spread, your sweet little pussy all open and wet for
me, just like it is now.”

“I…” Maggie’s heart was racing so hard she
felt like she couldn’t breathe. “I…we couldn’t.”

“Oh, yes we could,” Kor told her. “I’d tie
you down and lick you all over—and that includes your pussy,
have your legs spread apart—you couldn’t stop me from tasting that sweet little
cunt of yours. Couldn’t stop me from pressing my tongue deep inside you,
tonguefucking your hot little pussy until you came for me—came all over my

Maggie’s breathing was growing more and
more ragged and erratic. God, she couldn’t take much more! His eyes holding
hers were so intense and the way he was describing everything he wanted to do
to her in that soft, deep voice was almost more than she could bear. It was too
much—she wanted to look away yet she felt powerless to break his gaze.

“Kor,” she managed to whisper. “Oh, God…”

“And after you finished coming for me,” he
continued. “And I licked your sweet little pussy all nice and clean, then I’d
take you.”

“Take me?” Maggie murmured.

“Fuck you. I’d
you,” he

Maggie bit her lip. “Hard?”

“I wouldn’t be rough with you—I told you’d
I’d never hurt you.” He stroked her pussy softly, as if for emphasis. “But it
would be deep. And
.” He kissed her, his lips catching and holding
hers for a long, breathless time before he continued. “I’d take all night with
you, Maggie,” he promised, holding her gaze again. “And I’d look into your eyes
just like this while I penetrated your soft little body. While I filled your
pussy with my cock and claimed you as mine completely.”

Suddenly Maggie couldn’t take it anymore. The
pleasure that had been building inside her from the first moment Kor bent to
kiss her panties when they came into the banquet hall, suddenly seemed to

Her eyes squeezed tightly shut as her back
arched and her fingers curled into fists against his muscular shoulders. She
was pressing her pussy up to meet his hand, spreading herself wantonly to get
more of the delicious sensation of his fingers tracing her through the thin white
lace. In the back of her mind she knew it was wrong but she couldn’t seem to
stop, couldn’t seem to do anything but gasp and moan and come as Kor stroked
her open pussy through the panties, giving her exactly what she needed though
she would never ask for it.

At last she collapsed, panting in a
heap…and that was when she heard the soft hooting.

“Wha—?” Her eyes flew open and she looked
around in disbelief. At least seven Sensorians, including the master of the
spa, were standing around her chaise lounge and making strange sounds like barn
owls. The other mistresses were watching with wide eyes.

“Kor?” she whispered sitting up and
pressing her legs together tightly. “What’s going on? Why are they making

“That’s their way of applauding, my dear
Lady Pope’nose,” Mistress Gin’gin whispered to her. “The Sensorian way of
expressing admiration for a Pleasuring very well done. I’ve only heard of it
happening once before—you should be very honored.”

“And all without removing your clothing.”
Lady Ponce’beast, on her other side, looked positively green with envy. “I was
joking about that, you know. But if your slave really does know a special
technique I’ll pay to have him work on me.”

“His technique only works on me—because
I’m really, uh, sensitive,” Maggie said quickly. “I’m afraid it wouldn’t be
much use to you.”

“Oh, very well.” Lady Ponce’beast sniffed.
“Well, at least let me memorialize the event. As Mistress Gin’gin said, it’s
extremely rare.”

And before Maggie could protest, she had
whipped out what appeared to be a tiny recording device and began taking
multiple pictures.

“Um, thank you but that’s enough. We
really have to get…to get going.” Maggie tried to stand but her legs were still
too wobbly. Kor had to help her to her feet.

“Careful, my lady,” he murmured softly as
he lifted her up with one muscular arm.

“Um, thank you, Kor.” Maggie couldn’t help
noticing that he was still staring at her in the intense, possessive way. She
dropped her eyes but then all she could see was the huge thick ridge of his
shaft, obviously painfully erect inside the tight black leather slave pants he
wore. Maggie swallowed hard and looked quickly away. God, what had she just
done? And had Kor been serious when he told her all the things he wanted to do
to her?

Suddenly the master of the spa, who had
been standing with the other softly hooting Sensorians, spoke up.

“That was a masterful performance, I must
say,” he remarked. “I was wrong to have doubted you, Lady Pope’nose.”

“Th-thank you,” Maggie stammered. Was she
really being congratulated on how well she’d had an orgasm in public? Could
this get any more bizarre? “It was all Kor—he’s really, um, amazingly good
at…at that,” she ended lamely.

“So I see.” The master of the spa looked
at Kor speculatively. “Although in our experience, only pleasure that comes
with true emotion behind it can engender such a response.”

“I—” Maggie didn’t know what to say to
that. Was the master talking about her emotion or Kor's?

“Which is why I wish for you and your
slave to accompany me now to the Remembrance Pool for an after dinner sweet. We
have Pillow Fruit.” He said it loudly and looked at Maggie expectantly, as
though he had just offered her some rare and delicious delicacy and expected
her to jump at the chance.

“Pillow Fruit?” Lady Ponce’beast
interrupted before Maggie could open her mouth to reply. “You actually got hold
of some real
Pillow Fruit?”

The master of the spa nodded. “I did. You
and the rest of the Mistresses in this rondula will be welcome to join Mistress
Pope’nose as her guests if you wish.”

“Oh yes, yes please,” Maggie said at once.
There was no way she and Kor could turn down a personal invitation by the master
of the spa himself. But maybe if there were enough people there, they could
slip out unnoticed.

“Well, I for one would be happy to come,”
Mistress Gin’gin said, smiling. "I've always wanted to try Pillow

The other mistresses in their little
grouping chimed in, agreeing that they would be pleased to go to the
Remembrance Pool as well. Lady Ponce’beast was the last to speak.

“I’ll come,” she said. “But I have
something to…attend to first.”

“Very well—it’s settled then.” The master
of the spa nodded graciously at Maggie and all her ‘guests.’ “If all of you
ladies would follow me to the back entrance of the Remembrance Pool, we will be
happy to accommodate you.”

Chapter Thirteen


Lady Ponce’beast snapped
at her slave. “This way—hurry up! If you make me miss the Pillow Fruit with
your dawdling I’ll turn on your pain collar and leave it on all night!”

“Yes, Mistress!” The unhappy slave
scuttled faster, almost running to keep up with her rapid footsteps.

Lady Ponce’beast raced—or rather walked in
a quick but dignified manner—to the small, private room built into the grand
staircase which swept up from the first level of the spa. Once there, she gave
a furtive look from side to side, making sure no one was around, before she
rapped quickly three times in succession on the small, round green door.

There was silence for a moment, then,
slowly the door swung open revealing an extremely corpulent Sensorian. He was
wearing a black uniform which could barely contain his bulk and sitting on a
small chair which looked like it might break at any moment. Behind him was a
tiny room with a small viewscreen built into one wall.

“Yes?” The look in his pink and purple
eyes was mildly interested.

Lady Ponce’beast took a deep breath. “I
need to make a call.”

“That’s forbidden,” the night porter said
flatly. “As you well know, Mistress.”

“Yes, but I can pay the price.” Lady
Ponce’beast tugged at her slave, dragging him closer. “You know I can.”

“Very well.” The Sensorian nodded. “Get on
with it then.”

“You heard him!” Lady Ponce’beast shoved
the hapless slave under the skirt of her purple dress. “Get on with it! And
make it

Afterwards, when the Sensorian was nicely
pink, he allowed her the use of the small viewscreen at the back.

“Not too long, Mistress,” he cautioned.
“And if a supervisor comes by you’ll have to cut it short and hide or we’ll
both be out of the spa.”

“Of course. Just give me some privacy.” As
he shut the door, she was already typing in a communication code.

Lady Ponce’beast waited impatiently until
the viewscreen flickered to life. On it, a slender woman with blonde hair with
multicolored blue streaks in it suddenly appeared—her long time friend, Manda

“Yes?” she said frowning. “Oh, it’s you,
Yoli! What are you calling me for? I thought you were at the

at the spa, Manda,” Lady
Ponce’beast hissed. “And I’ve had the very bad fortune to meet your good friend
Lady Nola Pope’nose.”

“Oh dear.” The other woman put a hand to
her chest. “Poor Nola. She can be rather…opinionated sometimes. I do hope she
isn’t bothering you!”

“Bothering me? That’s an
understatement—she’s hideous!” Lady Ponce’beast hissed. “First she had the
nerve to disarrange my hair. Then she paraded her fancy slave all around—who is
no pain collar—
I might add.”

The other woman held up a hand to stop
her. “Wait a minute—no pain collar? That doesn’t sound like Nola.”

“I didn’t think so either—not from what
you’ve described,” Lady Ponce’beast said. “In fact, she’s actually
to her slave—says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and never orders him around. The way
she acts you’d think
the one in charge. I could almost
believe she was a closet submissive.”

The other woman’s cheeks went red and she
coughed into her hand. “Well, that certainly doesn’t
like the Nola
Pope’nose I know but we haven’t been in touch in the last few months. What else

Lady Ponce’beast made an irritated
gesture. “Oh, she went on and on about not knowing what the Pleasuring was,
pretending she was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do. She had
completely fooled. And
she and her slave put on this incredible
performance where he made her come without taking off a single stitch of her

“What? Are you sure?”

“I was right beside her—I saw the whole
thing first hand. But that isn’t all—the Sensorians actually gave them a
standing ovation—imagine that!” Lady Ponce’beast was nearly seething with
irritation and jealousy. “The master of the spa said that such a fine
performance comes only with true emotion—is this friend of yours foolish enough
to fall in love with her slave?”

“Nola? In love with a slave?” Manda said
blankly. “She’s the
person who would do that.”

“Well is she the type to make her
fall in love with
You know, that ridiculous kind of mistress who’s
always too kind and actually forms a
relationship with a male
who ought to mean nothing to her?”

Manda coughed again and looked away for a
moment. “Actually, Nola is
the last person I would think would
engender love in a slave. It doesn’t sound like she’s acting herself at all.”

“The master of the spa
her and everyone else in our rondula back to a private reception at the
Remembrance Pool for
Pillow Fruit,”
Lady Ponce’beast said bitterly. “Can

Manda’s eyes lit up. “Pillow Fruit? I’m so
jealous! Are you going to go get some?”

Lady Ponce’beast crossed her arms over her
breasts pensively. “I
to but I almost can’t bear it. If I have to
see that little blonde head of hers bobbing around in the Remembrance Pool
while her ridiculous slave—”

“Wait a minute,” her friend interrupted.
“Did you say

“Yes, she has blonde, curly hair which
doesn't suit her at all. I can't
what she’s thinking. Oh, and
she’s not nearly as thin as you described her either. In fact, she’s quite
plump.” Lady Ponce’beast sniffed and patted her own ample hips. “And what are
those strange oculars she wears on her face? You never mentioned she had
problems with her eyes.”

Manda Sha’rak frowned. “Nola Pope’nose is
blonde and she’s
plump. And as for oculars—I don’t know what
you’re talking about. Her eyesight is very sharp—sometimes
sharp. Do
you have an image?”

“Of course.” Lady Ponce’beast held up her
recording device and turned the screen toward the viewscreen so that her friend
could see it. “Well?” she demanded.

“Oh my…” Manda shook her head. “That’s
Nola Pope’nose. Not even close.”

“Seriously?” Lady Ponce’beast demanded. “Oh
my Goddess, Manda—I knew it. Somewhere down inside I just
little bitch was an imposter. I’m going to inform the master of the spa at

“No, wait.” Her friend shook her head.
“Let me make some calls first. We have to find out what happened to the real
Nola. Where can she be?”

“I don’t know,” Lady Ponce’beast snapped. “But she’s
Don’t take too long, Manda. I can’t wait to expose this little fraud…whoever
she is.”

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