Read Celtic Fury Online

Authors: Ria Cantrell

Celtic Fury (34 page)

BOOK: Celtic Fury
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“Make love to me. We will talk more about it later. Now, I need to feel ye’ and be with ye’. I need to love ye’, Ruiri.
I need to be filled with you.
”  His fingers rotated gently over her peaked nipple and she moaned, as her body reacted to his touch. He removed his clothes and joined her on the bed. She was awestruck with the beauty of his male body and remembering just how perfect he was
made her hunger for all of him. Her breath caught as she feasted on him with her eyes, knowing that her body would soon be the recipient of his touch.

She had held him in her dreams, not ever knowing if she would see him or touch him again, but seeing him again was like sweet bliss. He was the most delicious man she had ever laid her eyes on and he was hers. He was her truest
mate. And he still loved her!
She felt blessed to have this second chance. If she had denied loving Ruiri, her heart seemed to swell with love to prove her wrong. It was almost as if she couldn’t contain all the love she felt.

She needed to tell him, so she said softly, “Ruiri, I love ye’ with everything I am.” He nodded, barely able to speak. He tugged softly on her gown and he whispered huskily, “Lift yer’ hips up a little, sweetheart.”

When she did as he asked, she felt him ease her gown past her hips. Now it was his turn to feast on her, devouring her with his gaze. A sexy sigh left him as he looked at her lying there before him. He rose hard, looking at her waiting for him. She licked her lips in anticipation, seeing his erection rise before him. His hands skimmed over her, greedy fingers feeling every inch of her soft flesh. Rory leaned over her, kissing her belly, and resting his head on the gentle feminine swell. He breathed in her scent.

His arms drew around her hips and he murmured, “My God, I am with my Brielle again. I had not been a whole man without ye’, love.” Her arms held him, stroking his shoulders, feeling him relax against her. She loved the feel of him lying against her that way.

“Thank God he didn’t hurt ye’…thank God ye’ are safe here in my arms,” she said. Nuzzling against her belly, he seemed to relax and go very still. Brielle almost thought he had dozed off. If he had, she would not have awakened him, knowing how very tired he must have been. But then she felt his hand move lower and his fingers dipped between her thighs. He was met with her moist heat. She gasped, thinking he had fallen asleep, only to feel his touch.

“Oh, yes Beauty. That’s my girl…so responsive to me.”

She moaned softly. He kissed lower as he eased his fingers into her, first one, then opening her further with a second. When she felt him touch her like that, shivers surged through her.

Brielle parted her legs, welcoming his sensual touch. He turned, kissing over her soft curls. He said, “Feed me. . . I am so very hungry for ye’, Brielle.” As her legs opened for him to fit between them, his hands eased under her, softly squeezing her buttocks, and drawing her up to his lips. He could feel her heat before he ever tasted her and as he parted her, a moan left him from somewhere deep inside. His tongue circled her bud, tasting her sweet honeyed juices on his lips. Brielle arched up to his mouth, needing him; craving the feel of his mouth on her. She flexed her fingers into his shoulders. She got a second chance, and she vowed she would not waste it. Despite the erotic sensations coursing through her, she mouthed a silent prayer of thanks for this second chance to love Ruiri. She would never deny her love for Rory again, she promised God and herself. Rory savored her as his mouth both tortured and pleasured her. Brielle glanced at him and saw his eyes, intense and filled with desire looking up at her. She shuddered, feeling his fingers gently moving in and out of her as his mouth feasted upon her. She was quickly reaching that place where she would climax, but they both realized they needed to be one.

Before Brielle could come, Rory kissed his way back up her stomach and ribs. He suckled her breasts, bringing each peaked nipple into his mouth, drawing on them, feeling their velvety fullness against his tongue. Brielle was so excited and heated from not finding immediate release, she writhed under him; needing him so badly. He felt her hands touching his chest; his own nipples getting tight and hardening under her palms. He nibbled against the wildly fluttering pulse at the base of her throat; he felt her life. She was life…she was love. He also said a prayer of thanks for her life and that she was spared. He knew, at that moment, that she had been created for him to love. Her arms drew him up. Her legs curved around his hips, cradling him against her. She raised her hips slightly, which was enough to give him the access he needed to enter her.

Gazing into her eyes, he slowly inched inside of her, knowing that she would again be virgin-tight from not having been together those many days and he wanted to be sure she would not hurt. As he felt her easily yielding to him, he moved all the way inside her. She drew in her breath feeling him deep inside her again and she thought nothing else felt as wonderful as having him fill her. She moaned and said, “Oh Ruiri, I love feeling ye

inside me.” 

A sexy smile lifted his lips, “Oh, Aye? Ye’ are a wanton little thi
ng, Aye?” She actually giggled.
Oh God, how he loved that sound and he kissed her lips sweetened with laughter. Her hands moved over the sculpted muscles of his chest and her legs hooked around his hips, drawing him as deeply as possible inside her. She wanted to feel full
and completely filled with him. He sighed, feeling the comfort of being sheathed within her. She was so hot and wet
it was almost too much for him to maintain control. He murmured, “Ye’ are so beautiful. I love ye’ so much, Brielle.” 

“I love ye’, too, Ruiri.”

She rose under him, meeting his thrusts in perfect cadence. She tightened around him, causing him to moan with pleasure. Her inner muscles clenched around him, and feeling that perfect clenching around his shaft sent electric pulses through him. He repeated, “I love ye’ so much…dunna’ ever doubt it. Ever!” 

“And I…have never stopped loving ye’. . . not even for one second.” 

Rory filled her; body and soul. She needed to kiss him, so she drew him down so that she could touch her lips to his. She kissed him deeply, causing her to feel completely connected to him. The intimacy of the kiss coupled with their love making just united them deeper. Feeling his love and passion, she knew she could never again bear to be with out it again.

“Ye are my life, uh
it feels so good to have ye’ lovin’ me. T’is like a dream fulfilled.” 

Rory moved with her, creating the rhythm that built the delicious pressure that begged for release. He had missed her so much. Feeling the natural way she tightened around him, filled him with roaring desire. She rose up under him, arching to take every velvet inch of him and she continued to flex around him. Each time she did, he moaned softly and she knew he could feel each delicious contraction around his mighty cock inside her.

“Woman…that makes me wild…” She just smiled innocently up at him and clenched around him again, which bought her a delicious moan from Rory. He shifted, rolling onto his back, needing to feel her on top of him. As she straddled him, he stretched up inside her, full and thick. She arched her back in sensual pleasure. His hands splayed over her waist, gently drawing her to move with him. His eyes never left her, watching her rock and undulate with him. He loved the way her delicious breasts swayed with each sensual movement. He held her at the waist, assuring she would not even release one inch of him. He could feel her dripping hot wet essence over his thick shaft.

Her hands clasped his strong shoulders and Rory could not contain himself any longer. Watching her and feeling her, he needed release. He ached to come. With his head thrown back, a moan tore from his throat and he surged up into her, coming with a powerful release of a man who had been denied too long. Feeling his orgasm pumping into her, made Brielle pulse and ripple around him. She cried out his name and as his seed filled her, he watched his beauty also come in his arms. He wanted to assure her again, so he said, “I love ye’.”  He ran his hands up her sides, holding her as the waves of her climax pulsed, ebbed and then subsided. He drew her to lie next to him. He stroked her and kissed her and said, “Rest for a while Sweetheart.” Brielle had no need to rest at the moment. She was fired with the afterglow of loving Rory. Besides, she needed to tend
to his wound

She kissed his mouth again, but got up and went to the water pitcher, wetting a cloth. She went back to him and cleansed the blood from the cut on his arm. Then tearing a strip of soft linen from her own chemise, she wrapped a band around his arm. Her touch was feather light and so very gentle. He swallowed down the emotion he felt; visibly moved by her tenderness. She was so good at caring for him. She was his redemption. He drew her back into his arms, just holding her and touching her. She kissed his mouth and said, “I am so glad ye’ are safe.” 

“I am glad ye’ are too, honey. I couldna’ bear to think ye’ were harmed. It nearly destroyed me.”  Nuzzling her cheek to his chest, she said, “I am safe now, in yer’ arms, Ruiri.”  His arms tightened about her and he said, “Aye, Angel and if I have my way, t’is how ye’ shall stay. While I live I vow to protect ye’ and keep ye’ safe. While I live, ye’ will prosper and thrive.” 

“I am so lucky to have a second chance to love ye’, too. I thought I had lost ye’ forever.” 

“Ye’ will ne’er lose me.” 

She kissed over his left breast, feeling the wonderful steady beat of his heart beneath those honed muscles.

“I am so sorry for denying my love fer ye’, Ruiri. I thought only to protect ye’.” 

“I know, honey. Ye’ are too good and kind to have meant to hurt me. I knew the truth in my heart.” 

“I hoped ye’ would, but when I sent ye’ my words of love, ye’ didn’t even flinch…like you didna’ hear them.”

“I know. I needed to act out
your own
ruse to protect ye’ as well. I thought if it looked like I believed ye’, ye’ would suffer less danger. But know this, Brielle, yer’ words hit me. I wanted to take ye’ into my arms and crush ye’ against me. It was torture to not turn to ye’ and hold ye’, and profess my love to ye’.”  

Resting her cheek against his breast, she said, “Ruiri, I need to tell ye’ something…”

“What is it, my beauty?” 

Brielle kissed his flesh beneath her cheek and as she was going to speak, there was a loud knock on their door.

“Just a minute
Rory called. He got up and threw on his clothes. Brielle also dressed hastily and went with Rory. Caleb was there looking strained and distressed.

“It’s Liam…His fever suddenly has spiked. The wound looks like it has festered. I dunna’ like it. It came upon him so quickly. He was resting one minute and feverish the next.” 

Brielle and Rory exchanged looks and Brielle felt the weight of guilt hit her like someone had taken a mace to her chest. She blamed herself for Liam’s state. Rory said he would go seek a healer or ask about a person who could help. He took his leave quickly to seek help. Brielle followed Caleb into where Liam had been laid. She checked the wound and found it to be indeed inflamed. She bathed it again and put a clean dressing over it. She then dabbed his face with a cool wet cloth. His brow was beaded with sweat. She spoke to him softly in Gaelic, begging him not to die. She hoped Rory would return quickly with help. She was so afraid for Liam. She and Caleb sat vigil, just trying to do anything to bring down the fever by applying cool clothes to his body.




It was late into the night when Rory finally returned. He looked exhausted; his face set grimly.

“There was no one that would help me. My plaid marked me as an enemy in these parts. We need to get him home. Morag will know what best to do.” 

Caleb shook his head.

on, we canna’ risk moving him. We shall have to take turns sitting with him so that we can lever if he worsens.”

Despite his exhaustion, guilt plagued Rory. It was his fault Liam danced with
eath this night. Grief and exhaustion etched his handsome face and he said, “Well da, go on and rest. I shall sit with my brother.” 

“Nay Ruiri, t’is my fault he is hurt. Let me stay with him. I owe him my life.”  Rory kissed Brielle’s hair and he said, “T’is not yer’ fault. Ye’ would have never set to hurt him. It was an accident
he choked on his own guilt.

“Go take yer’ rest, Beauty.”  She shook her head “no” and she kissed his cheek, saying, “Ye’ are exhausted. I will wake ye’ in a few hours. Rest for a while.”  Brielle set a chair next to the bed Liam was lying in. Caleb retired to a pallet, feeling tired, but not certain he would be able to find rest with his son in crisis.

Some time later, Shawn had returned to the inn. He had gone back to Campbell Keep to help MacDougal finish the fight. Brielle raised tired eyes to him as he explained what the MacDougal had done.

“The keep is yers’ Lady. The
MacDougal saw to that.” 

“Then…my other brother is also…” 

Shawn shook his head.

“Nay, Brielle. He was nowhere to be found. We have arranged for a Christian burial for Roderick. The MacDougal sends his regrets to ye’. He said he did what he had to do, but he is still sorry for yer’ loss.” 

BOOK: Celtic Fury
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