Celtic Fury (20 page)

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Authors: Ria Cantrell

BOOK: Celtic Fury
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The day was lengthening toward evening, so Brielle thought they would be turning to go back home. However, when they left the village and rode through a copse of trees, Brielle realized they were not quite returning to the keep just yet. The dappled sunlight peeked through the forest cover and Brielle breathed in the fresh scents of the ancient oaks and pines. The sudden shade made it a little cooler, so Brielle put her hood up and tightened her cloak about her. Rory led her to a hidden little crofter’s cottage, set back amid the trees, and he knew she would be warm soon enough. She was not certain why they were stopping here at this place, but she thought it may have had something to do with Rory's little secret exchange prior in the day.

Rory secured the horses and took her hand, leading her inside. Surprisingly, it had been kept clean and polished, but it was obviously not lived in.

“What is this place, Ruiri?”

With a little grin, he said, “I asked a couple of the town’s folk to come and clean the cottage and to freshen the bedding. I thought mayhap we could have a little lunch, get warm and maybe enjoy a little nap.” Ah, that was indeed the business he had been discussing when he had excused himself for a time.

“Hmm, a nap, ye’ll be wishin’ to take, is it?”

Smiling down into her sweet eyes, Rory said, “Aye, after I thoroughly
have my way with

She laughed at his honesty but quickly felt th
e desire rise up inside of her.
Feeling his arms slide around her, she ran her hand through his hair and said, “Sounds positively wonderful.” He kissed her hair and said, “Shall we start with lunch?”

Kissing his chest through his leine, she said, “Well, I dunna’ know. That nap sounds very inviting I think…still I am rather hungry.” She raised her eyes to his and he saw the smoldering passion there.

He said, “I am hungry…too. Just not exactly for food
at the moment
.” He traced her lips with one finger and when she opened her mouth and sucked on that finger seductively, he gulped. It was a completely seductive thing to do. She was learning naturally and he knew he had helped her unleash the sensual woman inside herself. She was a sensual woman and Rory was glad that side of her was being release. He was happy that he was the one to release it, for she bestowed her passion on him. It made him positively hard as a rock!

Brielle didn’t feel shy with him. In fact, she actually wanted to have a chance to play at seduction with Rory. She allowed him to remove her cloak and he unlaced the back of her gown slightly, but then she took his hands and kissed them, saying, “This is mine, Ruiri.”

He understood. His heart was hammering at the prospect of her taking control of the situation. She looked up at him and ran her hands over his shoulders, unpinning his plaid. She carefully undid the folds of his kilt, tossing his belt to the floor. Again he swallowed hard. Her eyes never left his as her hands skimmed up the sides of his hips. He gasped, feeling her hands, cool against his bare buttocks and he felt her nails graze his tender flesh there. His cock rose full and she glanced down at it. Looking back up at him, with a sexy smile on her lips, she allowed her gown to slip off her shoulders. Her breasts peeked enticingly from the top of her gown.

He wanted to take those dusky tips into his mouth and suckle until she was weak with wanting him, but as he reached down for her, she scolded, “Mine!”

Rory then allowed her to continue in her seduction. Her hands slid under his leine, easing over his stomach to his chest. Kissing him, she felt him hold her tentatively. He would give it all to her and not take away from her enticement, but he had to hold her…this time. But he would have a turn later and he would make her crazed with pleasure. He smiled to himself at the wickedly wonderful prospect.

Brielle lifted his leine up and helped him out of it. Rory watched her as she kissed over his chest. She leaned up and kissed his corded neck, nipping gently with her teeth to cause him jolts of pleasure. That sent fire into his loins and he felt his cock twitch against her thigh. Her hands touched everywhere and her mouth followed. He ached to touch her more intimately, too, still he let her have her way. He wanted her to be able to initiate their lovemaking, so in allowing Brielle to entice him, he fostered the trust and acceptance of anything she wished to do. He never wanted her to feel like something was not to his liking. In fact, he wanted to try anything she wanted. He looked forward to all the passion he knew they would share.

She kissed lower, slowly moving to her knees. Her lips wandered over the flat plane of his stomach, which caused him to actually suck it in deeper, as her kisses sent shockwaves through him.

Looking up at him, she said, “Mmm, look at how big ye' are. I would like to kiss every inch of you.”

Rory held his breath; wanting her to proceed. She moved her lips tauntingly over his thighs, gently nipping the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs in the process. While looking up at him, her eyes locked with his, she moved her lips to the base of his cock. She kissed it ever so gently. She felt Rory go very still. She figured if it felt sublime for her, it must feel good for him, to have her mouth do the things her body naturally did. She watched his larynx move down as he observed her.

“Ah, yes, Love? Should I kiss ye’ here?” A muscle worked in his jaw and he just nodded. She giggled and the magical sound drew his eyes down to her. She was happy in her playful seduction and it warmed his heart.

Her lips tentatively kissed over his length and then she just opened her mouth and took him deeply inside. His hands flexed on her shoulders and he threw his head back and moaned. She watched him as her mouth sucked, her tongue flicking against the sensitive head. His strong neck was tipped back and he had a look of pleasure etched in his expression. She suddenly only wanted to please him. She wanted to take him to heights she had only just begun learning existed. Her hands gripped his hips and her mouth took him deeper still.

He found his voice and said, “Oooh, Lass, ye' dunna' know what that does to a man.”

His voice was husky with desire and emotion. She felt that now familiar wash of desire inside of her as well. She could feel the hot wet response happening quickly. As her mouth moved rhythmically up and down his shaft, she felt him holding her shoulders. She interspersed taking him deeply into her hot little mouth with swirling her tongue around the softer tip, tracing the opening with it. He moaned again, from somewhere almost deep in his chest.

She murmured, “Mine…” Rory was hers and that thought sent warmth spiraling through her.

Brielle would see all his demons gone by loving him with her heart, soul and body. She looked up at him and saw he was once again watching her. She raised big sexy eyes to his gaze and swirled her tongue around him again. He drew her up into his arms, stopping her from continuing. She looked puzzled because it was apparent he had been enjoying what she was doing.

He just smiled at her and said, “Sweetheart, that is wonderful, but it is making me…very excited and I want ye' so much.” He held her tightly against himself and he could feel her nipples grazing his chest. He was awash in sensation and felt as taught as a drawn bowstring. He needed her badly. It had gone to fever pitched so quickly. He kissed her and scooping her up in his arms, laid her on the bed. His plaid was caught beneath her. He felt a hitch in his heart as she was swaddled in his plaid. There was no more clan division. Here, surrounded by his colors, she was his woman! He removed his boots and watched her sit up to remove her gown and chemise. She offered herself un-shyly to him. He joined her on the bed.

He touched her face, gazing into her eyes and he said, “I need ye


“I feel yer’ need, my love and it is mirrored only by my need of ye'.” 

“I dunna’ understand this thing that is between us…”

She kissed his jaw and whispered, “No?  It is love Ruiri.” 

“I had loved afore… but this…this is different. It is different with you.” 

“Aye, Ruiri. I can ne’er be the same as the person ye' loved long ago, but I know she wants ye' to love again.”

“And I do. I feel free to love ye', now. I do love ye', Brielle; with all my heart.”  Her lips wandered over his chin and down his neck.

“Then love me now. Love me with yer

body and let me love ye'. Be one with me.” 

Rory moved her over him. His hand softly reached out and touched her breast. He moaned, just touching her. He whispered, “Oh, so beautiful…” He kissed her neck and shoulder and then lifted that same breast to his hungry mouth. She began gently rubbing against him, teasing him and he released her breasts.

“Oooh, lass, ye are very wet. I can feel yer’ heat against me.” His hand slid between them and he slipped it between her thighs.

“Oh, yes. Love, so wet!” She moaned feeling him touch her. His fingers circled her, wanting to entice her, but she was already prepared to take him. He shifted her, drawing her hips forward and he felt her lower herself onto him. She was so wet that his cock slid easily inside her, and she sheathed him perfectly in one deep stroke. His hands eased over her back.

He loved looking into her eyes while they made love. It was so intense to see the love in her gaze…love that was meant only for him. Rory also loved watching her react to him as her excitement grew.

“Brielle, oh my Brielle. Ye are so beautiful…and more so when ye love me.”

Rocking over him, she said, “Ahh Ruiri, love me. Fill me.” She felt him so deep inside her. She marveled that it had only been a day since he had claimed her as his, but it felt infinite. How could it only have been a day? 

Aye, only a day, but now and forever

Forever Ruiri.”

Their hearts spoke to each other, as their voices needed no words. She felt him surging strong; his length filling her. He could feel her clenching around him. It was making him quickly reach that point toward release. His mouth devo
ured her, hungrily kissing her.
She moaned into the kiss and he could feel her dewy reaction. She was so wet, he almost thought her essence was dripping from her like sweet nectar. How he wanted that on his tongue! In fact remembering that he had felt her, he licked his fingers, tasting her sweetness. He whispered close to her ear how he wanted her honeyed flavor on his lips. That made her blush, but she smiled, despite her blushing response, because she remembered how very much she had enjoyed it and how she had her first orgasm from just that very thing. He kissed her and nibbled, causing sweet shocks to course through her. She was sighing, “Ruiri, oh, Ruiri,” mewling with pleasure.

“Yes, my love. I feel it too. Let it happen. I want ye’ to come, Sweet Angel.” 

His words, like caresses, took her to the edge. Her hips moved against him and she clenched around his shaft, rippling around him and she moaned, “With me…come with me…”

As she pulsed around him and she experienced her climax, he watched her come in his arms. That finished him. He tensed and then released; filling her with his hot molten seed. Feeling his release, Brielle cried out again.

He felt her trembling in his arms and he soothed, “Yes my love, feel me deep inside you. I am one with ye’.” 

She arched back, holding onto his shoulders and her sweet hips pumped against him as wave after wave of delicious ecstasy coursed over them both. As the last drop of his essence filled her, he gently shifted her onto her back and moved over her. He kissed her passionately; deeply, letting his tongue imitate the gentle thrusting as he continued moving slowly within her as he still remained somewhat hard. Her little moans told him she did not want it to end just yet either. He kissed her again and felt the velvet of her tongue caress into his mouth.

He whispered, “Oh, love, I canna’ get my fill of ye’. I crave to be one with ye' again and again.”

“Oh, aye, Ruiri, I do too.”

“My beautiful, passionate angel. Oh, God, how I love ye’!”

Brielle reached up to kiss him. Her heart was filled near to bursting with love. As Rory finally withdrew from her, he took her into his arms and held her. She rested against him, one leg drawn sensually between his two powerful thighs. She felt thoroughly sated and relaxed as if her entire body had been caressed. Rory breathed in her scent, filling his lungs with her fragrance of soft wildflowers and the sensual scent from having loved her. She was soft in his arms. He stroked her shoulder gently and lovingly cupped a breast.

“What says ye to that nap, my love?”

Sidling to him, she purred, “Mmmm, sounds perfect.”

He pulled a fur about her and he felt her nestling close to him. He liked the feel of her leg over him. It was possessive but sensual, too. It was like she was saying he was hers and she was not going to release his body from her hold. She loved the feel of his hand stroking her. Her lips wandered over his neck and she relaxed with him. It wasn’t long before they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms in the afterglow of their lovemaking, spent from their passion.



Chapter Eighteen


Roderick Campbell was in a blind rage. Even the messenger before him seemed daunted by the tirade as Roderick screamed with obscene expletives. He threw his tankard to the floor, splattering his ale on the rug and tapestries. His face was nearly purple with anger.

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