Celestial Beauty (3 page)

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Authors: Angela Castle

BOOK: Celestial Beauty
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Raz stiffened, the sensation
tingling down his spine. A strong subconscious connection existed between him
and his brothers, as with all Demos quads. Something wasn’t right. One of them
was… Not finding Zeb anywhere on the ship, he stopped to listen to his internal
senses. If Zeb was dead he’d feel the cut of their connection. This was
different, but that didn’t mean his brother’s life wasn’t in mortal danger.

He set down the laser cutter and moved silently back
through the ship. Keeping a low profile he peered around the torn edges across
the marshland, only to see Zeb’s boot slide out of sight around a set of
boulders, just at the base of the small mountain range, to the right of the
Jorval ship.

Damn, Zeb was in danger. Whatever it was, it took a
lot of stealth and strength or a lot of stupidity to knock out one of the best
Demos fighters known in the
. Raz unsheathed his knife. He’d have to be on his guard and hurry,
before who knows what the creature who’d just taken Zeb out did the same with

He tapped his wrist comm. “Code four, Zeb’s been taken
down, tracking assailant.”

Acknowledged, need back up at location? What are you
facing?” Kue replied.

Raz thought fast. Did he need his brothers’ back up?
It would take his brothers minutes to get to them. Better safe than sorry. They
still didn’t know what the Jorval had been transporting, and whoever had taken
Zeb down could have been from the wreckage or something else on this planet.

Assailant unknown, you’d better haul your asses out
here. Firepower may be needed.”

Acknowledged, hold tight, brother. Kue out.”


Foggy awareness filtered back into Zeb’s mind. His
training and years of experience of covert operations had prepared him for
every possible situation. Instinct told him to remain still and keep his
breathing steady, so not to alert the enemy. His arms were behind his back, so
he flexed his arm muscles, and felt the tightening of his bound wrists. He
restrained his snort. He ran his thumb over the raw fibre he’d been bound with.
It wouldn’t take too much for him to break free.

I know you’re awake.” That voice. Unmistakably female,
but soft, almost musical. Unable to contain his curiosity, he opened his eyes
only to stare into the same soft, pale blue ones, ones he’d remembered just
before blacking out, but these were filled with hesitation and fear.

Like a punch to his mid-section, the blow of the
pretty rounded face with pinked cheeks made him suck in a sharp breath. His
gaze ran down her shambled clothing. It looked like it had been fashioned from
different cargo coverings. Strips wound up her legs and across her body to keep
the makeshift clothing in place. Despite the dirt, the top of her hair shone in
the pale light, with a mixture of dark browns, gold, and red.

Zeb had seen images of a few of the human females on
Galafrax and had viewed them with indifference. Now, to be this close to one,
he was utterly stunned. No to mention she impressed the Fire Plains out of him,
by managing a surprise sneak attack to take him down. Doing a quick check, he
couldn’t feel that she’d harmed him other than the small dart, which his body
would have all too quickly worked out of his system.

I … I’m Zeb.” Zeb frowned at his poorly formed words.
He was a commander, had led many successful missions, faced many deadly
situations and survived. Never had he been at a loss for words, until now.

Obvious puzzlement made her brow scrunch as she
studied him. “You understand me?”

Pieces were now falling into place. Their instruments
were not calibrated to detect human life. If they had been they would have
picked up her life signs in an instant. Loc was right. They did need a new
fucking ship.

Yes, you were on the Jorval ship?”

Jorval? That’s what
things were called?” She shook her head and unhooked something from her belt.
He recognized a few of the Jorval weapons and tools. He noted her hands
trembling as she aimed the neutralizer at him. “Who are you?”

I’m Zeb.”

She rolled her pretty eyes. Behind his back he worked
on the fibres, which slowly gave under his careful tugging as his brain kicked
back into gear. “I am Commander Zeb Nova of the salvage ship
. I and my brothers are Demos
from the planet Galafrax. I know your kind. You are a beautiful human female.”

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise before narrowing
again in suspicion. “I am not beautiful!” The little growl in her voice
suddenly made her very sexy, but her words worried him. “I knew it! You know
I’m human. I just bet you’re here to salvage me, but I am not something you can
reclaim or salvage. I’ll tell you right now, Commander Zeb, I’d rather die than
be shoved in another cage!”

A mix of anger and compassion swamped him at her
words. He understood. She feared he was like the Jorvals, who mistreated the
human females they abducted.

We are not here for you. We are metal salvagers and
had no idea you were here. Believe me, we were having engine problems and
needed to set down to do repairs. My people know a lot about human females,
because they—” From behind her he spotted Raz, but before he could shake his
head in warning Raz leapt at his target.

A scream tore from her throat as Raz’s heavy body
slammed into her, knocking the weapon from her gasp, and sprawling under him.

Raz, you idiot, get off her. She’s a human female!”


Commander Zeb’s bellow made the red man on top of
Celeste freeze.

Human female?” the one called Raz echoed, before doing
what could only be described as a push-up, lifting off her, at the same time
still pinning her arms to the ground. His wide, curious golden eyes peered down
at her.

She gasped for breath. His weight and sudden ground
tackle had left her breathless and in a state of shock, and parts of her body
throbbed in pain. He let go of her wrists and sat back on his heels. From his
crouched position his molten, golden gaze swept her from head to toe.

A human female, and here I was thinking some beast
from this planet was planning on making a meal out of you, brother.” He
grinned, turning to his brother. “Are you hurt?”

A flicker of irritation showed in Zeb’s gaze as he
glared at Raz.

Hardly, it takes more than a neutralizer to harm me.
Be more worried about her, ice for brains!” Commander Zeb still sat by the rock
she’d managed to prop his what felt like a hundred ton body on. He now rubbed
his wrists, which were now free of their bonds. She could have sworn they were
tight. She swallowed hard, realizing she’d underestimated his strength, and had
not once had control of the situation.

Fuck, I am royally
screwed now.

I suspected but never…”

It was happening all over again. Fear sliced deep
through her.
Fight, escape, run before
they shove you into another cage or do something even worse.
Sucking in a
deep breath she struck, while Raz’s attention was on Commander Zeb. Ignoring
the throbbing pain in her left foot, she curled up her right leg, before
slamming her food as hard as she could into Raz’s crotch.

Alien or not, from his pained grunt and curse, she’d
hit a tender spot. No way was she waiting around to apologize or kiss it
better. As fast as her half-starved body could manage she scrambled backwards,
leaping to her feet, and bolting like the frightened rabbit running from the

Not watching where she was going made her run smack
into something very solid, ricocheting off a broad solid chest, but two steely
arms shot out and grabbed her before she could fall back on her rounded arse.

Whoa there, where’s the firestorm?”

She glanced up and gasped. Her head spun, seeing
another identical face. From her peripheral vision, she saw Zeb and Raz stand.
Raz’s face was slightly pinched, and he was rubbing where she’d kicked him.

Triplets?” she wheezed out, still trying to fill her
lungs with air.

Quads actually.” Another identical red man appeared,
and he holstered the weapon in his hand. “Is it really a human female?” The
fourth one peered down at her, eyes gleaming with keen interest.

Cut it out, you two. Can’t you see she’s scared to
death?” Zeb snapped, still looking irritated.

Raz snorted. “She’s scared? The little she-demon tried
to un-Demos me. My poor rod may never be the same again.” He didn’t sound
angry, more amused.

Any creature cornered and fearing for its life strikes
out. Third law of nature. Toughen up, Raz, she barely tapped you.” Zeb shoved
Raz’s shoulder and moved in on where the other one still held her.

She struggled, panic flooding her. They were going to
seek their revenge on her and hurt her.

Easy, beautiful, we’re not going to harm you. I swear
on my honour as a Demos soldier.” Zeb inclined his head slightly, his face
relaxing into a handsome smile.

Technically we’re not soldiers anymore,” the fourth
brother said, and he, too, smiled down at her. “Hello, pretty, I’m Loc, and
he’s Kue.”

She glanced up wide eyed at Kue, whose hands on her
arms felt like steel bands.

Celeste’s head spun, not knowing what to make of the
quads’ banter. It was like a nightmare which had morphed into a bizarre comedy

Semantics, Loc. The oath still stands, once a Demos
soldier, always one. The fact is we are men of our word, and we promise no harm
will come to you.” Zeb waved his hand at his brothers. As far as she could see
they all had identical features, apart from their clothing and haircuts. Her
nose scrunched. She was even more confused, not by Zeb’s promise she wouldn’t
be harmed, but why he kept calling her beautiful.

Why wouldn’t they hurt her after she’d drugged one and
kicked the other? What were they going to do to her now she was caught?

Easy. Deep, calm breaths, don’t worry about Raz. He’ll
be fine. You did nothing wrong. You’re just frightened,” Zeb said taking her
arms from Kue and gently but firmly turning her to face him. “Damn, you’re
trembling, little one. Please do not fear us. We are friends, not enemy, do you

Finally his words began to seep into her fear fogged
They aren’t going to hurt me?
“F-friends?” she spluttered feeling more the fool with each passing moment.

Zeb’s smile was kind and sympathetic, easing some of
her fears. She stilled her struggles and drew in deeper, slower breaths. She
moved her gaze over the four brothers. “Y-you’re not going to put me in a

All four faces darkened at her words, their eyes
glittering with same lethal danger she’d noted in the first two brothers, the
moment she’d seen them, even from afar.

No, beautiful, no cages. I wouldn’t mind killing those
who did.” Zeb’s eyes glittered with deadly promise.

What we do have, lovely, is hot baths and food, soft
beds on our ship, including our promise of safety. Our ship is old and needs
throwing on the scrap pile, but my soft bellied brothers can’t do without their
creature comforts.” Raz’s half smile made him look more roguish.

Celeste blinked in disbelief.
Is he
flirting with me even after I kicked him in the balls?

You’re not angry at me for…” She felt heat rush up her
neck into her face, and lowered her eyes.

No, lovely, I’ll be sore for a while, but I
understand. I’m sorry I jumped on you and frightened you. Are you hurt at all?”

She shook her head. “I … don’t think so.”

We only want to take care of you, I swear on my
commander’s life.” Raz waggled his dark eyebrows playfully, but she just stared
at him.

He is flirting
with me!

I’ll put you in the brig for that, Raz,” grumbled Zeb.

Technically, we don’t have a brig either.” Loc’s
helpful comment earned him a sour glare from Zeb. Loc didn’t seem to notice as
he continued to grin goofily at her.

It looks like you’ve been living rough, but we’ll take
you under our protection now. We’ll see to all your needs, so you don’t have to
worry anymore,” said Zeb.

The one called Kue moved in closer. “Come with me.
I’ll escort you to our ship, if that’s all right. I’d like to check on your
health. I must say I am impressed, not only did you survive through that crash,
but from my data the Jorval ship crashed fourteen Galafraxian days ago. Jorvals
are known for using food modulators.”

There were food packets, but I … I’ve almost run out.”
She glanced at each of them, still very uncertain around these muscle bound,
handsome and red, human-like men.

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