Cavanaugh Rules (29 page)

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Authors: Marie Ferrarella

BOOK: Cavanaugh Rules
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She felt Ethan’s smile before she saw it.

Turning her head to look at him, Kansas saw that she was right. He was smiling. Grinning, really. Was he laughing at her, enjoying some private joke at her expense?

She could feel herself withdrawing. “What?” she demanded.

His smile seem to soften, or maybe that was wishful thinking on her part, a way for her to save face in her own eyes.

“You, Kansas,” he told her, “are just full of surprises.”

She could feel her defenses going up, and just like that, she was ready for a fight. “Meaning?”

“Meaning I don’t think I’ve ever actually been blown away before.” He stopped as if he was thinking, trying to remember. But there was no need to think, really. Because he already knew. “No, never blown away. Until now.” He combed his fingers through her hair, looking into her eyes. Despite everything, all those defenses she thought she’d just hastily thrown up, she felt herself melting. “You really can make the earth move, can’t you?”

What she wanted to do was lean into his touch. But she knew the danger in that. Instead, she rebuffed his words. “You don’t have to flatter me, O’Brien. We already made love,” she pointed out.

“I don’t
to do anything at all,” he told her. “I tend not to, as a matter of fact. Kyle’s the family rebel, but that doesn’t mean that Greer and I just fall docilely into step, doing whatever we’re told, following all the rules just because they’re rules.” His smile deepened as he looked at her, thoughts cropping up in his head that he was not willing to share yet—if ever. “You, Beckett, are a force to be reckoned with. But I already kind of figured you would be.”

He was doing it again, she thought, he was breaching her soul. But somehow the sense of alarm that should have accompanied that realization was missing. “Oh, you did, did you?”

He traced a light, circular pattern along the back of her neck and managed to send shivers down her spine. “Yup.”

“Is that because you think you’re such a red-hot lover?” she asked, doing her best to sound sarcastic. But her heart just wasn’t in it. Her heart was elsewhere. Hoping...

“No,” he answered seriously, his eyes holding hers. “It’s because I’m a pretty good judge of people.”

“And does this ability to correctly judge people help you guess what’s going to come next?”

“Sometimes,” he allowed.

“Okay,” she challenged, “what’s going to come next now?”

She could feel his smile getting under her skin as it spread over his lips. “Surprise me,” he whispered.

Funny how a whisper could send such shock waves through her system, she thought. “That,” she informed him as a sexy smile curved her lips, “is a downright dangerous challenge.”

“Oh, God, I certainly hope so.”

Then, before she could comment on his response, Ethan pulled her to him, his mouth covering hers. Silencing her the best way he knew how.

It was the best way she knew well.

Chapter 13

here had to be something.
Kansas insisted silently as she sat at the desk that, after more than a month of being here, she’d begun to regard as her own. She felt as if she’d been reexamining files forever.

It was late and everyone on the task force had gone home long ago. She’d even sent away Ethan, who had remained after the others—including the two extra detectives the chief had given them—had left, trying to do what he could to make the tedious process go faster. But another case he’d been working on had required his attention as well, and consequently he’d gotten next to no sleep in over two days.

He was beginning to resemble death walking, she’d told him, insisting that he go home. Ethan had finally given in about ninety minutes ago, leaving the precinct after making her promise that she’d only remain another few minutes.

A “few minutes” had knitted themselves into an hour, and then more. She was still here.

But there was nothing waiting for her at home, and she felt far too wired to actually get any sleep, so she reasoned that she might as well stay and work. At least if she was working, she wouldn’t be tempted to call Ethan, suggesting a really late dinner. That was, at best, thinly veiled code for what she knew would happen.

It wasn’t the thought of dinner that aroused her. It was the thought of sitting opposite Ethan in a setting where she didn’t have to remain the consummate professional. Where, mentally, she would count off the minutes before he would reach for her and they would make love again.

After that first night together, there had been several more evenings that had ended with their clothes being left in a heap on the floor and their bodies gloriously entwined.

And with each time that they made love, she found that instead of finally becoming sated, she just wanted more.

Always more.

At least if she was here, embroiled in what was beginning to look like a futile hunt, she couldn’t do anything about getting together with Ethan. Superman or not, the man did need his sleep.

As for her, Kansas thought, she needed to be vindicated, to prove to herself that she hadn’t all but destroyed her hard-won career with the fire department on a baseless hunch.

She was right, Kansas silently insisted. She could feel it in her bones. She just needed to find something, that one elusive, tiny trace of something or other that would finally lead her to the person who was responsible for setting the fires.

But so far, it didn’t look as if she was going to get anywhere. All the firefighters who had responded to the various alarms seemed to be above reproach. There were no citations, no disciplinary actions of any kind in their personal files.

The only unusual notation that she’d come across was the one in Nathan Bonner’s folder. He was the firefighter who had come on the job after she was no longer an active member of the team. The captain had inserted a handwritten note that said the man was almost too eager, too ready to give 110 percent each and every time. The captain was afraid he was going to burn himself out before his time. Otherwise, he was excellent.

She sighed, leaning back in her chair, staring at the screen and the database that she’d been using. Her methodical review had been eliminating suspects one by one until, instead of at least a few left standing, there was no one. From all indications, this was a sterling group of men.

They probably didn’t even cheat on their taxes, she thought, disgruntled. Too bad. When all else failed, the authorities caught racketeers and career criminals by scrutinizing their taxes. Income tax evasion was the way the FBI had brought down the infamous Al Capone. Her mouth curved at the irony in that. When in doubt, check out their tax forms.

She sat up, straight as an arrow, as the thought registered.

Why not?

She’d tried every other avenue. Maybe she
find something in their income tax forms that she could use. At this point, Kansas was desperate enough to try anything.

Pressing her lips together, she stared at the screen, thinking. Trying her best to remember. When she was in college, before she’d thought that the world began and ended with Grant, she’d gone out with a Joe Balanchine. Joe had an ingrained knack for making computers do whatever he needed them to do. Trying to impress her, he’d taught her a few things, like how easy it was to hack into files that were supposedly beyond hacking.

“Here’s hoping I can remember what you taught me, Joe,” she murmured.

* * *

It took her several unsuccessful tries before she finally managed to scale the electronic cyberspace walls and hack into the system. When it finally opened up, allowing her to access federal and state income tax data, Kansas felt almost giddy with triumph.

She realized that she should have taken that as a sign that maybe it was time for her to go home and get some sleep, approaching this from a fresh perspective tomorrow morning. But again, she was far too wired to even contemplate going to bed. If she went home now, she’d spend the night staring at the ceiling.

Or calling Ethan.

The latter thought had her chewing on her lower lip. When had that become the norm for her? When had sharing moments large and small with Ethan become something she looked forward to? This was dangerous ground she was traversing, and she knew it.

But right now, she was far too happy with this latest success to care.

With the firefighters’ Social Security numbers at her fingertips, she arranged them in ascending numerical order. That done, she quickly went from one file to another, using the seven-year window that had once been the standard number of years an audit could go back and hold the taxpayer culpable for any errors, unintentional or not.

Employing a general overview, she went from one firefighter’s file to another.

And one by one, she struck out.

She couldn’t find a single suspicious notation, a single red flag that an auditor had questioned. There weren’t even any random audits.

The euphoria she’d previously experienced faded as dejection took hold. Her eyes swept over the tax forms of the second-to-last firefighter, the numbers hardly penetrating.

This had been her last hope. Her last...

“Hello,” she murmured to herself, sitting up. “What’s this?”

Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t seeing something that wasn’t there—or rather, not seeing something that was, she focused on Nathan Bonner’s file.

“So you
have a skeleton in your closet,” she said to the screen, addressing it as if she were talking to Bonner. The likeable firefighter’s returns went back only three years. The same amount of time he’d been with the Aurora fire department.

According to the form he’d filled out when he joined the department, he had transferred from a firehouse in Providence, Rhode Island. She recalled seeing copies of glowing letters of recommendation in his file. But if that were the case, he would have had to have worked at the firehouse there. And earned a living. Which necessitated filing a tax form.

And he hadn’t.

Kansas went through the records a second time. And then a third. There were no returns filed from that period.

Maybe it wasn’t Rhode Island. Maybe it was somewhere else. She did a search, using just his name and inputting it into each state, one by one. A Nathan Bonner, with his Social Security number, finally turned up in New York City. With a death certificate.

She sat back, staring at the information. Nathan Bonner died in a car accident in January of 2001. He was seventy-five years old at the time. The Social Security number and month and date of birth all matched the ones that Bonner had claimed were his.


“Nathan Bonner” was a fraud, she thought, her heart launching into double time. This was it, this was what she was looking for. Bonner was their firebug. He had to be. She didn’t know why he’d gone through this elaborate charade or what else he was up to, but he was their man. She was sure of it.

Excited, she grabbed the phone receiver and was inputting Ethan’s cell phone number. He had to hear this.

The phone on the other end rang four times and then Kansas heard it being picked up. She was almost breathless as she started talking. “Ethan, it’s Kansas. Listen, I think that—”

“You’ve reached Ethan O’Brien’s cell phone. I can’t talk right now, but if you leave your—”

“Damn it!” Impatience ate away at Kansas. Was he sound asleep? She heard the tone ring in her ear. “Ethan, it’s Kansas. If you get this message, call me. I think I found our man.” Why hadn’t she gotten the number of his landline? At least when she left a message, if he was anywhere in the area, she stood a good chance of waking him up by talking loudly.

Biting off an oath, she hung up.

She contemplated her next move. Everyone liked Bonner. He was friendly and outgoing and appeared to take an interest in everyone around him. He was always willing to listen, always willing to go catch a beer at the end of the day—or lend money to tide a brother firefighter over to the next paycheck.

If she suggested that he was behind the fires, the rest of the house would demand her head on a platter. There was no way anyone was going to believe her without proof.

Okay, if it’s proof they wanted, proof they were going to get. She hit the print button, printing everything she’d just read. She’d need it to back her up.

Once that was done and she had collected the pages from the mouth of the printer, she tried calling Ethan again. With the same results. She hung up just before his voice mail picked up.

Frustrated, she deposited the papers she’d just printed into a folder. She wanted Ethan to see this. The sooner the better. He was, as he’d claimed, her partner, and he needed to see proof that she was right. That he hadn’t just backed her up only to have her take a dive off a cliff.

Humming, she got her things together and left the squad room.

* * *

She barely remembered the trip to Ethan’s apartment. She’d been there only twice before. Once to return his cell phone that first night—and once when he’d brought her to his place after taking her out for dinner and a movie.

Her mouth curved. Just like two normal people. That night they’d made love until they’d fallen asleep, exhausted, in each other’s arms.

Excitement raced through her veins, and it was hard to say what was more responsible for her getting to that state—the fact that she was convinced that she’d found their firebug or that she was going to Ethan’s apartment to see him.

By her calculation, Ethan had gotten about two hours’ sleep if he’d gone right home and straight to bed. A person could go far on two hours if he had to, she reasoned. God knew she had. More than once.

And she
Ethan wouldn’t want her to wait until morning with this.

Pulling up directly in front of his apartment, taking a slot that she knew had to belong to someone else who, conveniently, was gone at the moment, she jumped out of her car. She didn’t even bother locking the doors. She’d move the car later, but right now she had to see him.

Kansas headed straight for his door. It took everything she had to keep from pounding on it. Instead, she just knocked on his door as if this were nothing more than just a social visit instead of one that ultimately was a matter of life and death. They needed to catch Bonner before he set off another device.

When no one answered her knock, she knocked again, harder this time. Hard enough to hurt her knuckles.

“C’mon, c’mon. Wake up, Ethan,” she called, raising her voice and hoping that it carried through the door. Just as she was about to try to call him on her cell again, thinking that the combination of pounding and ringing phone would finally wake him, the door to his apartment opened.

“Well, it’s about time that yo—”

The rest of the sentence froze on her tongue. She wasn’t looking at Ethan. She was looking at a woman. A gorgeous blonde with hypnotic eyes.

She felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach. Just the way she’d felt when she’d walked in on Grant and the hotel receptionist.

Stunned speechless, Kansas took a step back. “I’m sorry, I must have made—”

That was when she saw Ethan approaching from the rear of the apartment. Where the bedroom was located. He was barefoot and wearing the bottom half of a pair of navy blue pajamas. The ones he kept at the foot of his bed in case he had to throw something on to answer the door at night, he’d told her.

“—a mistake,” she concluded. “I’ve made a terrible mistake. I’m sorry to have bothered you,” she told the woman coldly. Kansas turned on her heel and hurried away, leaving the woman in the doorway looking after her, confused.

She heard Ethan call her name, but she refused to stop, refused to turn around. She was too angry. At him. At herself.

And too full of pain.

Damn it, it had happened again. She’d
it happen again. How could she have been naive enough, stupid enough to think that Ethan was different? That he could actually be someone who was faithful? It was inherently against a man’s religion to be faithful, and she should have her head examined for thinking it was remotely possible.

Getting into the car, she didn’t even bother securing her seat belt. She just started the car and put it into Drive.

Kansas felt her eyes stinging and she blinked several times, trying to push back her tears, fiercely telling herself that she wasn’t going to cry. He wasn’t worth tears.

No strings, remember? You promised yourself no strings. Strings just trip you up,
she told herself.
What the hell happened?

“Kansas, stop!” Ethan called after her.

She deliberately shut his voice out. All she wanted to do was get away.


She should have never come here—no, she amended, she
have. Otherwise, how would she have ever found out that he was just like all the rest? Deceitful and a cheat. Better now than later when she—

Kansas swallowed a scream. Keen reflexes had her swerving to the left at the last minute to avoid hitting him. Ethan had raced after her and had managed, via some shortcut he must have taken, to get right in front of her. He had his hand on her hood in an instant, using himself as a human roadblock.

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