Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1) (8 page)

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Authors: Lauren Hawkeye,Suzanne Rock

BOOK: Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1)
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It didn’t make him feel very good.

Sighing, he pushed his fingers through his hair and headed back to his dressing room. Well, if Georgia wasn't going to have dinner with him, he might as well go out and play up his party-boy persona. He didn't relish the thought of going to the clubs, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay home. All week he had been coming home to an empty apartment, drinking beer and watching that damn sex tape over and over again, cock in hand. It was pathetic how one woman could saturate his thoughts both day and night. No other woman had ever affected him like this before. He needed to get out and let loose for a few hours. Perhaps with a few drinks and a few women, he'd finally be able to exhume Georgia's ghost from his mind.

Then perhaps, he could stop obsessing over what he had lost.




Chapter Seven


Stayed tuned for a list of the top ten most difficult women to work with in Hollywood. Hint: number one is a former child star who should be grateful to be making a comeback.

-Entertain Me TV



“I can't do this anymore, Sharon.” Georgia flopped into the chair in front of the mirror in her dressing room. “Every time I look at him, I think of… you know.”

“You signed the contract, Georgia.” Sharon's voice sounded stern through the cell. “You don't have a choice.”

“There has to be something else I can do. A commercial, a short film.”

“Sorry. There's nothing out there that will pay as much as this gig—or get you the credentials to build your name. You want to build your name, don’t you?”

Georgia sighed as her hair stylist started brushing out her hair.

“Don’t lie to me, Georgia. I'm not doing all of this for nothing. You either want to make a career in acting or you don't.”

“No, I do. I do. And I'm grateful.”

“Right.” Some ruffling of papers vibrated over the line. “Look Georgia. I have a meeting with a client. Besides, I'm not quite sure what to tell you at this point. Just soldier through the scenes and collect your check. In a few short months, filming will wrap and you never have to see him again.”

“Right.” Georgia felt like she’d been hit by a truck. “Thanks.”

“Cheer up. Think of all of the pretty things you can buy with your new money.”

Yeah, like her rent, and something more substantial than a salad from the supermarket.

“Good. Talk to you later, babe. Love ya lots.” Sharon made kissing noises on the phone.

Georgia couldn’t help but laugh. It was this thing Sharon did, just like everyone in Hollywood. It seemed as if everyone was fake-kissing and spreading love that they didn't really feel. That was one of the reasons why she had been so attracted to Cole in the beginning. Cole always played the cool party-boy for the public, but when they were alone, he was much more reserved and pensive. When they’d talked, she felt as if she was getting the real deal, not the image he was trying to portray.

Now? Now she didn’t know who he was at all.

Georgia sniffed as tears stung her eyes.

“Oh honey, don't cry. You'll get that eyeliner all over yourself.” The stylist spun the chair around and started dabbing Georgia’s cheeks carefully with a tissue.

“Thanks.” Georgia sniffed again as her gaze fell to the hairdresser's nametag. “Maria.”

Georgia felt ashamed that she had never thought to ask for the woman's name before now. As Maria cleaned off her makeup, she babbled about some club she and some other members of the crew were going to that night.

“You should come,” she said as she pulled the tissue away and stepped back. “It will be fun.”

“I don't know.” Georgia averted her gaze. “Dancing isn't really my thing.”

“That's not what I heard.”

Georgia stiffened, frowning as she met the woman's gaze. “Not what you heard?”

Maria dumped her tissues in a nearby waste basket. “I heard that back when you and Cole were dating, the two of you went out dancing almost every night.”

Yeah, and they drank every night, too. They got high. Those were some of the best times, and the worst times, of her life.

“You should come out.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on, it will be fun.” Maria grinned. “I’d love to see you shake it on the dance floor.”

She leaned in and winked conspiratorially. “It will be just the thing to get over whatever’s bothering you.”

Georgia stared at her for a moment as she realized that Maria was right. Georgia didn’t want to see Cole, but that didn’t mean she had so stay cooped up in her apartment. If she went home now, she’d probably binge on reality television with a hot cup of tea and end up in bed having sex with her butterfly toy again. If she went out for an hour or two and had some fun, perhaps it would be just what she needed to shake Cole from her thoughts for good.

“I don’t drink anymore,” she said slowly.

Maria shrugged. “Neither do I.” She leaned in close and smiled. “Two months sober, thanks to AA.” She winked and leaned back. I hear that Diablo makes a mean virgin daiquiri. I swear it tastes like the real thing.

Georgia smiled, relief washing over her. “Okay, I’ll go then.”

“You will?” Maria’s eyes widened.


Maria clasped her hands. “This is going to be so much fun. Just wait until I tell Jessica.”

Georgia chuckled as she watched Maria scurry out of the dressing room.

“Oh!” Maria popped her head back around the door. “I almost forgot. You can meet us inside Diablo at eleven.”

“Will they let me in?”

Maria laughed. “Of course they’ll let you in. You’re Georgia Evans. You’ll be the life of the party!” Maria waved her hand in the air and left, closing the door behind her.

Georgia took off her dressing robe and started putting on her street clothes. As seconds passed, she became more and more excited about the evening.

Look out Hollywood. Georgia Evans is back.


“Those daiquiris are good, aren’t they?” Maria asked over the loud, discotech music.

“Yeah.” Surprisingly good. If Georgia didn’t know any better, she’d swear that they had alcohol in them. She had only been there for an hour, but she was already half-way through her goldfish-bowl-sized mocktail. With each sip, her anxiety started to melt away and she tapped her foot to the music. Perhaps it wasn’t the alcohol that had always loosened her up, but rather the act of drinking.

“You should dance,” Maria said.

“Maybe a little later.” Georgia replied as she poked her straw in the syrupy liquid. She used to be the first on the dance floor, but in that moment she preferred to watch. Maria was right—she’d had no problems getting into the club. Despite her long absence, the bouncer recognized her and let her in right away. It wasn’t until after she had entered the club that she realized that he had probably recognized her from the sex tape, and not any of the movies she’d done. It explained the lewd looks she had gotten from some of the people in line. Thankfully, no one approached her, however. She could deal with a few strange looks as long as people kept their distance.

“Come on.” Maria tugged her hand. “Just one dance.” A new song started, a more recent song she didn’t know really well.

“Come on!” Before Georgia knew it, she was dragged out onto the dance floor. Surrounded by gyrating bodies, Georgia could smell the sweat and feel the beat of the music. She started moving, slowly at first, then faster and faster as the tempo of the music increased.

“That’s it—you go girl!” Maria and her other friends, all members of the crew, surrounded Georgia and she swayed back and forth to the music. Georgia laughed as she dipped and swayed, joining in the others in their revelry. The music penetrated her system, increasing in volume and tempo, gradually pushing out her fears and apprehension. Lights shone brightly down on her, and the bodies around her became a blur. Georgia closed her eyes as the music flowed through her, penetrating both her mind and body.

One song lead to two, which lead to three. The crew-turned-friends swarmed around her, taking turns being her partner. Then, as the third song crescendoed, a loud voice rose up over the music.

“Hey, is that Cole Anderson?”

Georgia jerked her head around as the sea of people seemed to part before her. Yes, that was Cole.

On one arm he had a redhead dressed in a purple scrap of fabric masquerading as a dress. On the other was a skinny blonde with massive breasts spilling out of a leather crop top. Georgia thought she recognized her from one of the reality shows she liked to watch.

Georgia’s world, once a blur, snapped into focus as her stomach lurched.

“Hey, over here,” one of the crew members called out to him. “Cole!” He started waving his hand in the air, and Maria pulled him back.

“Andy.” She made a pointed glance at Georgia.

“Oh.” Andy cleared his throat.

But it was too late. Georgia stood transfixed as Cole’s green gaze swept through the crowd and landed on her. Surprise lit his features, followed quickly by something dark and predatory. Dropping his arms, he left the protesting women behind as he made his way through the crowd toward her.

Georgia wanted to move, but found she couldn’t. As a new, slower song started up, the crowd around her pulled back, and within seconds Cole was next to her.

“Don’t touch me.” She took a step back and eyed the exit.

“Don’t be stupid,” Cole whispered close to her ear. “There are cameras everywhere. Dance with me.”

“I can’t.”

“You have to now. Everyone has seen us together. If you walk out on me, you are just going to feed the rumor mill.” After plastering on a smile and waving to the crew, he navigated her to a different part of the dance floor.

“Let go of me.” Her words were saying one thing, but her body another as she melted into him.

“I’d love to, but I’m afraid if I do, you’ll run off. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not be the center of tabloid gossip any more than I already am.”

Georgia glanced around the crowd and noticed that everyone in the room was staring at them. All of them had seen the sex tape, she realized. All of them knew that she and Cole had broken up and were working on a project together. She had been standing in line in the grocery store yesterday and had read a headline suggesting that there was trouble on the set. The dancers were probably wondering if they were going to create a scene.

Someone pulled out their phone and snapped a picture.

“Put your arms around me, Georgie,” Cole whispered.

Slowly, reluctantly, she did as she was asked and forced her gaze to his. “I don’t want them to take our picture.”

“Can’t be helped. We’re in public, remember. They can do what they want.”


“Dance with me for this song, and then I’ll lead you safely out the back. And for fuck’s sake, Georgia, try not to look as if you’re going to the dentist. You’re going to ruin my rep.”

Georgia swallowed the lump in her throat as Cole pulled her up against him.

This—this was what killed her every time on set. Her mind knew that being with him could only bring her pain, but her body…

Her body wanted to reenact that sex tape. Right here, right now.

Slowly, she placed her arms around his neck and let herself sway. When he looked into her eyes, when she saw that familiar flicker that told her just what he’d do to her if they were alone…

Would it really be so bad to take some pleasure from something they both wanted so badly?

“Cole.” His face said that he wanted to kiss her. He didn’t, and it frustrated the hell out of her. Urged on by some indescribable force, she pressed her lips to the hollow of his collarbone.

“Georgia.” He pulled back, just a whisper, the lights of the club flickering over the lean planes of his face. “Are you making a move?”

She didn’t reply, instead touching her fingers to her lips.

“Cole! Over here!” Flashing lights that had nothing to do with the strobes in the club started to flicker around them, and Georgia jerked back.

“Georgia! Did the sex tape bring you back together?”

“Are you going to make a new tape?”

Georgia’s head spun as Cole waved to the crowd. “Sorry guys, we’ve got to make it an early night. Filming and all.” He smiled for a picture and tugged her toward the back entrance.

The room seemed more crowded than before, and Georgia found it difficult to breathe. Smoke rose up, mixing with the colored lighting and making Georgia feel as if she was in some sort of dream.

People started closing in, but Cole somehow managed to navigate them through the sea of endless faces.

This was what the pair of them had always hated about their celebrity in the past. They could never simply

He pushed past one of the club’s security people and slammed his hand on the bar of the door. Georgia yelped as he dragged her down the stairs and out into the alley in the back of the building.

She sucked in great mouthfuls of fresh air as the world seemed to right itself. The crowd—wow. That had been intense, and for the first time she really understood why the studio so badly wanted her and Cole to pretend they were together for publicity’s sake.

And she knew that as soon as they were away from the crowd, he was going to demand an answer to his question.

“Are you making a move, Georgia?”

Cole straightened and looked around. “We don’t have much time.”

“What do you mean?”

The door to the club burst open and several dancers spilled out into the alley. “There they are! Cole! Georgia! Please, just let us get some pictures!”

.” One of the bimbos Cole arrived with strutted closer. “Were you going to leave me all alone in there?” She ran a long, blood-red nail from the base of his neck to about mid-chest.

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