Cats Meow (9 page)

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Authors: Nicole Austin

BOOK: Cats Meow
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Chapter Ten


Holding Becca in his arms had Micah tied up
in knots. A sense of peace and contentment warred with growing frustration and
searing desire. Hands down, the latter won.

He fumbled with the controls to turn off
the stove and lifted her. Becca’s arms wrapped around his neck as her legs
closed over his hips, perfectly aligning her warm pussy with his cock, which
jerked to attention. The material of her skirt bunched up, baring the creamy
skin of her lean thighs and capturing his gaze.

“I need you, Micah.”

“Soon.” He tugged at her blouse, pulled it
free of her waistband, fingers searching until he found her soft flesh,
smoother than the finest silk. “I’ve been going crazy seeing you but not able
to touch.”

He suited action to words, divested Becca
of her clothes and laid her on a cozy rug before the hearth. Firelight chased
shadows over the subtle hills and valleys of her body, teasing him with
tantalizing glimpses of the delicate delights he sought.

Starved for the sight of her, Micah’s
hungry gaze roamed her supple body noting the new glow to her skin, which
appeared to shine from within. Her breasts were fuller than he remembered, the
rosy nipples a deeper shade of pink. She was the same beautiful woman he
desired, yet there were distinct differences.


Her plaintive tone didn’t alter his course.
She shifted restlessly, reached for him. “I’m not done looking.” With one hand,
he held her wrists pinned above her head. “I could spend weeks staring at your
gorgeous body and never get my fill.”

“You will not!” She began to struggle
against his restraining grasp in earnest. “If you don’t touch me, I’ll kill

The idle threat, combined with her
scrunched-up expression, made him laugh. “Where do you want to be touched?” His
free hand glided along the elegant column of her neck, dipping into the hollow
of her throat. “How about here?” His fingertips softly traced her prominent
collarbone then down the inside of her arm and teased the side of her breast.
He circled the mound and decided he was right, it was fuller. “Or maybe here?”

Becca moaned and arched her back, thrusting
her breast against his hand, seeking a firmer touch. “Micah,” she pleaded.

Giving in to what they both wanted, he
cupped her breast, weighed and measured it against his palm. He tweaked her
pouty nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She sucked in a hard breath and
pulled back slightly, and he made note of her increased sensitivity.

“How about if I taste you too? Would you
like that, Becca?”

“Oh yes,” she groaned.

As responsive as ever. He loved it.

He trailed the very tip of his tongue
around her areola, which puckered tighter. When he blew a stream of warm air over
the damp tip, her entire body shuddered and arched higher. He took her taut
nipple into his mouth, sucked lightly and pressed the nubbin between his tongue
and palate.

Becca went wild, cried out, writhed. Her
hips bucked in an instinctive rhythm older than time, rubbing against his hard
cock like a cat in heat. One moment she was all soft and fluid motion beneath
him, incoherent nonsense spilling from her lips, the next she tensed, stilled
and moaned as an orgasm took her by surprise.

Jesus, that was hot.
He’d never seen a woman orgasm just from having her nipples sucked.
“So responsive.”

When the shudders subsided and she calmed,
Micah brushed damp strands of hair from her face. “You ready for more?”

“Mmm…” she mumbled. “Yes, more.”

While the release had taken the edge off
for her, Micah’s body was hard and ready. Still, he refused to hurry, wanting
to enjoy the time they had together, however limited it might end up being.

“Good.” He pressed her wrists to the rug.
“Keep your hands there, baby.”

“But, Micah,” she complained. “I want to
touch you.”

“Not now, baby. I’m on a short leash. If
you touch me this is going to be over before we even get started.”

Those big green eyes blinked up at him from
beneath thick lashes and he was lost. A warning growl rumbled from his throat.
The sound, more animal than human, would frighten most people. But Becca was
far from average. The extraordinary woman affected him in ways he couldn’t
comprehend, awakening needs and emotions he had no idea how to handle.

The only thing he knew for certain, felt
with every erratic beat of his heart, Rebecca Southerby was his. She belonged
to him, with him, the same way he belonged to her. The very thought scared the
hell out of him, but there was no going back. Not now, maybe not ever.


He met her gaze, staggered by the depth of
emotions playing across her delicate features. The breath caught in his throat.

“It’s okay. I want you to let go.” Rebecca
hated the idea of him holding anything back from her. She wanted it all. Every
ounce of passion and desire. “I want all of you.”

Especially your love.

Not knowing how he’d take such a
declaration, she kept it to herself.

The future was uncertain, but she wanted to
take a chance with him. She didn’t want to consider not having Micah in her
life, in their child’s life. He was theirs, and she’d fight to the death to
keep him.

He faltered, appeared wary. She preferred
him strong and confident. “I want everything, Micah. Make love to me.”

He swallowed, hard, rose to his knees. A
protest lingered on her lips, shattering as he pulled the elastic band from his
hair and shook out the dark blond strands. With slow, deliberate motions he
unbuttoned his shirt and uncovered his strong chest.

Riveted, she stared as he stood to remove
his socks and shoes. She held her breath when his long fingers paused at the
waistband of his jeans, coming to rest next to the substantial bulge held
captive by the denim.

What is he waiting for?
Her gaze shot upward, meeting his intense stare. Rebecca melted,
her entire body going soft and liquid beneath the heat of his dark eyes.

The rasp of his zipper was loud in the
quiet room. She kept her eyes trained on his face, unable to glance away from
the sexy determination etched into his solid jaw. He bent to take off his jeans,
breaking eye contact, and allowing her gaze to lower.

The man was a masterpiece, carved by a
skilled artisan. Tall, broad-shouldered, classic V-shaped torso narrowing down
to lean hips and strong legs. His thick cock hung heavily, a pearl of fluid
beading at the head. Longing to taste him, she licked her lips, smiling when he
groaned, “Later.”

“You’re no fun.”

He shrugged. “I showed you mine. Now it’s
your turn. Spread your legs, baby. Show me that pretty pussy I’ve been dreaming

Feeling bold and powerful, Rebecca drew her
knees up then let them fall to the side. He sucked in a harsh breath, driving
her further. She trailed her hands over her body, stopping to shape her breasts
and rub aching nipples before continuing on. He followed her movements as her
fingers reached the juncture of her thighs.

She circled her slick clit with a
fingernail, pressing into her own touch, then dipped lower and spread herself
wide while plunging two fingers deep. It was good, but not enough. She wanted

“Micah,” she gasped. “Make love to me. I
need your cock in me.” Her fingers moved faster, thrust harder.


The guttural growl struck a chord of fear
and excitement within her. Rebecca looked up at Micah, noting his elongated
pupils. If she wasn’t mistaken, the downy blond hair covering his body had
gotten thicker. Her worry about his screwed-up DNA had lingered at the back of
her mind and now zoomed to the front. A frisson of unease trickled down her
spine as he knelt between her widespread legs, his expression hard and savage.


His gaze didn’t rise to meet hers,
remaining on her pussy instead.

“I’m up here.”

That brought him up short, a sheepish smile
gracing the curve of his sexy lips. “Yeah?”

“Umm…that thing I said about letting go,”
she bit her lip. “I’ve reconsidered. You change on me, go all hairy and feral
while we’re making love, and I’ll—”

What? What would she do? How the heck
could she level a threat that would have any impact on a man more than twice
her size?

“You’ll do what, baby?” he prompted.

An idea came to her and she went with it
even though she didn’t have the surgical skills necessary to follow through on
the threat. He wouldn’t know it to be a blatant lie.

She narrowed her eyes at him, tried for an
intimidating look but figured it failed when his smile grew.
Irritating jerk!

“I’ll neuter you.” She nodded, satisfied by
his frown and furrowed brow. “You keep a tight leash on the lion, Micah. I’m

He threw back his head and roared with
laughter, shaking so hard she thought he might fall over. When he finally
recovered, his response angered and embarrassed her. “Bestiality doesn’t do it
for you?”

She sat up, spine ramrod straight, put both
palms on his chest and shoved. “That’s not funny!” He didn’t budge, but his
laughter did end abruptly.

“Whoa, don’t get upset, Becca.” His ran his
hands up and down her arms in a soothing fashion. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have
laughed, but you looked so serious and I wasn’t expecting what you said.
Created some pretty crazy images in my head.”

Oh great. Now she had some wild visuals
forming in her mind and had to fight back her own smile.

She didn’t resist as he laid her back on
the rug. “If I start to shift you can shoot me with the tranq gun, but I’m sure
it won’t be a problem. Seeing you bare and spread open for me…damn, baby.
wild. Not the lion, Becca. Me.”

He took her hand, wrapping her fingers
around his warm cock, which was harder than steel. She tightened her grip and
stroked him from base to crest, his rough groan restoring her confidence. “Come
up here. I want to taste you.”

“Uh-uh. My sweet tooth is craving you.”

She affected an innocent smile and batted
her eyelashes at him. “Why can’t we both have what we want?”

His eyes darkened, shimmered. The pupils
elongating again, but this time she wasn’t afraid, realizing it meant she’d
turned him on. “I love the way your mind works!” His breathing became more
shallow, and she noticed a plump vein in his forehead pulsing.

The obvious signs of his increased arousal
stimulated her own. Muscles softened and her blood turned hotter than molten
lava, flooding her erogenous zones.

Micah captured her mouth in a scorching-hot
kiss that had her toes curling into the rug as she pressed tight against him.
He stole her breath, replaced it with his own. Their tongues tangled, tasted,
demanded more until the necessity for oxygen broke them apart.

Catching him off guard, putting all her
strength into the movement, Rebecca rolled them over. Once on top, she turned,
straddled his face and playfully wiggled her ass.

Hell yeah!
The position gave Micah a great view of her wet, pink folds. Her puffy little
clit peeked out from beneath its hood, a temptation he didn’t even try to

He grasped her hips, preparing to settle in
for a nice, long feast. Becca, having the same intention, sucked his cock into
her mouth, taking him deep. He gasped, swore, struggled not to come as she
sucked hard and teased his most sensitive spots with her devilish tongue.

“Jesus, ease up, Becca. I want this to last
more than ten seconds.”

She mumbled something around his dick and
the vibrations nearly did him in. Bolts of fiery lightning seared his spine,
and his balls tensed. Micah gritted his teeth, clamped his eyes shut and fought
his body’s instinctive urge to thrust. He wasn’t able to participate until she
came up for air.

Pulling her hips, he launched an equally
devastating sensual assault on her senses. He followed a simple battle
plan—give her as much pleasure as possible. He started off with slow, tender
licks, letting her salty-sweet flavor explode over his tongue. Allowing the
intensity to build, he followed her direction, paying attention to what
elicited the strongest response.

Rebecca gave no quarter, showering him with
lavish attention, driving him to an edge he refused to cross. Not before her.

The instant she tensed, the walls of her
pussy spasming, her cries rising to the rafters, he let go, following her into
ecstasy. She drank down every drop of his release before collapsing, draped
over his chest, right where she belonged.

If he could manage not to mess things up
and keep her there, he stood a chance at grabbing the brass ring.

Rebecca continued to surprise and delight
him with new discoveries. His release took the edge off, but Micah still craved
something deeper. Something…more.

She took the lead again, guided him into
loose and lazy movements. It started with sweet arousal, made a slow and steady
climb to a deep intimacy he’d never known had been lacking. There was no rush
to reach the finish line. The ultimate goal wasn’t to get off. None of the
frantic, wild, pounding sex he’d found so pleasurable in the past.

Becca touched him in ways no other ever
had. In her warm embrace he learned the meaning of making love. The strong
connection forged with each measured, deliberate joining. The soul-deep sharing
of emotions through shared passion. The satisfaction of bringing each other to
a pleasurable release.

She taught him what it meant to fall in

Hell if that wasn’t some scary shit!


After they recovered, Micah reheated their
dinner. The chili, which had smelled so good and stirred her appetite an hour
before, now made Rebecca’s stomach churn. Sitting before a warm fire, naked,
wrapped up in a quilt with Micah should have put her in a romantic mood. It
would have if her conscience hadn’t picked that moment to kick into high gear
and start gnawing on her insides.

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