Read Catharine & Edward Online

Authors: Marianne Knightly

Catharine & Edward (21 page)

BOOK: Catharine & Edward
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Cat paused as she thought over her and Eddie’s time together. “Yes, Mama, I’m sure. He
me, Mama. And I need him.”

Genevieve gave her daughter a soft smile. “Yes, I can see by your eyes that you mean it. Why didn’t you come to us sooner with this? Or even to me? I could have helped with your father. And, I confess, I was worried for a minute that this might have been some ruse to deal with my edict to you.”

Cat looked away, then back. “I thought about faking an engagement, Mama, I did. That edict, I suppose in my head I can understand it, but I don’t know if I ever will in my heart.”

Tears flooded Genevieve’s eyes. “I only wanted you to be happy, to be taken care of. To know love as I do. Your father was never very comfortable with the whole thing.”

“Neither was I,” Cat muttered.

“I know now it was wrong. You needn’t ever get married if you don’t want to, not even to Edward.”

“Eddie and I have been dancing around this for two years, Mama. Something happened between us a few months ago at the Holiday Ball, and it’s been growing between us ever since.

“You should know that I was the one who pushed us in the beginning. Eddie knew the challenges we’d face from the family, the press, all of it. He didn’t think he was good enough for me.”

Genevieve quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t he? Well, then perhaps he is worthy of you. He’s certainly not naïve, in any case.”

“Do you really think Papa and the boys will hurt Eddie?”

“I think they’ll do everything I’m doing now, making sure you’re happy and that he could keep you so.”

“Oh, Mama.” Cat hugged her mother, her face pillowed against her familiar, soft shoulder. “I’m so tired.”

Genevieve brushed back a lock of Cat’s hair, then began to run a comforting hand down her back. “Tired of what?”

“So much. My duties, for one. I need a break, and I’d like to take that time with Eddie.”

“Edward’s job – if he still has one once your father is through with him – is here in the palace. What would you do?”

She bit her lip for a few moments, considering, then decided now was as good a time as any. “Start my own fashion line? I wanted to once. I’d like to try, even if it turns out to be a complete disaster.”

She kissed the crown of her daughter’s hair. “You’ll be brilliant at anything you do.”

“You wouldn’t mind if I took a break?”

“No, of course not. Everyone needs a break.” Genevieve sighed. “Unless you’re speaking about your father and I. Kings and queens don’t get vacations, you know.”

“You’re really okay with all of this? Eddie and me? Everything?”

“Your father will see reason. It may take him a while, but he’ll see it. He loves you. He wants you to be happy.”

Cat stared at the door, wondering what was happening in the other room.

Chapter Nineteen

ddie listened
while all three men in front of him berated him, and questioned his judgement, his morals, and his manhood. Only the thought of his Catharine, likely enduring something similar from her mother, held his emotions in check.

Well, that and the fact the king himself was in the room.

He wanted to punch both Marcello and Alexander. One could get a punch in the face, the other would get one in his balls.

He hadn’t decided who was getting which yet.

Of course, even Eddie knew that you just didn’t punch the king’s sons while he was in the room. So, he’d wait for his chance.

“You don’t deserve my sister.” That was Marcello, the judge in the room. Eddie decided right then Marcello should get his balls punched.

“Abso-fucking-not,” said Alexander, the jury. Eddie wondered if people would notice if their future king had a black eye.

“You’re finished. You’re fired and banned from Valleria,” said King Gabriel, the executioner.

Too bad punching a king was tantamount to treason. “Before you make a hasty declaration, I suggest you speak to Catharine.”

“You’ll stay away from her,” Alexander said. “My sister shouldn’t have to see you again. I cannot believe you used her like this.”

Ding, ding, ding. They had a winner; Alexander should definitely get punched in the balls.

“Just wait a fucking minute,” Eddie said, anger making him forget not to curse with Gabriel in the room. “You want to say shit to me, say it. But you do not demean Catharine, or paint her to be some flighty female. We love each other. Something I thought the three of you had some experience with.”

Three sets of shoulders stiffened, but Eddie continued. “I’ve laid my life on the line for her, and I’d do it again. I do that for the people I love, whether or not I’m being paid to do it.” Eddie looked Marcello in the eye. “You know enough of my history to know that’s true.”

Eddie’s eyes darted between the men. “What you don’t seem to realize is that banishing me hurts her just as much it does me. Because she wants to be with me, and she
be with me. But she loves you and her family. You’re forcing her to make a terrible choice.

“If you gave her that ultimatum, she’d be happy with me, I’d make damn sure of it, but she’d always miss you. If the tables get turned, and she doesn’t go with me, then you’ll have her, but would she be happy?”

Now the men shifted on their feet, looking thoroughly uncomfortable.

Good. Eddie had managed to punch them all in the balls without lifting a fucking finger.

“I love her. I’ll always love her. You know I’ll always take care of her. You don’t have to like me, but you do have to fucking respect me.” Eddie shook his head. “I thought you already did, but that was my mistake.”

Eddie walked around the men to the door; not one of them stopped him. “I’ll be with the woman I love. When you’re ready to toss me out and forget I ever existed, let me know.”

* * *

at’s breath
caught when Eddie entered the room. She stood, knowing exactly what the grim look on his face meant.

“They didn’t approve, did they?” she asked softly.

Eddie walked in further, leaving the door open, and gestured to her with his hands. “Come here.”

She ran to him, her body colliding with his on a jerk. “Oh, Eddie.”

“We’ll be fine. Both of us. Whether we’re together or apart.”

She tightened her arms around him. “Eddie, no.”

Genevieve sighed. “I can just guess what my husband and idiot sons said to you. I’ll straighten them out.”

“No need, my dear.” Gabriel walked in, followed by Marcello and Alex. “I’ve been a fool, Edward. I don’t appreciate how I found out about this. You both should have been upfront and honest with me.”

“Papa–” Cat began at the same time Genevieve said, “Gabriel–”

Gabriel held up his hands. “However, I was wrong in the way I handled it.” He sighed and walked over to Cat, who loosened her hold on Eddie.

She stepped to Eddie’s side and her father took her hand. “You won’t understand, perhaps not until you have your own daughter, but a man loses something quite beautiful when his daughter builds a new life, one that doesn’t include her ‘Papa’ as much.”

Cat squeezed his hand. “I’ll always need you, Papa. Married or no.”

Gabriel kissed the back of her hand, then let go and faced Edward. “It may take us some time to become accustomed to you both as a couple. That’s our failing, not yours. The press, everyone will only know that we approve the match.”

Her father approved!

“Both of you?” Eddie asked with a glance to Genevieve.

“Yes, both of us.” Genevieve took her place by Gabriel. “We were shocked to learn of the two of you, but we can see you’re both sincere. The public will, too.”

“You were right, Bash,” Marcello said. “What you said to us, you were right. You’re a good man. I know it, and I’m sorry for the way I acted.” Marcello held out his hand, and Eddie shook it.

Marcello approved!

“Me as well,” Alex said. “I apologize. You deserve respect, and you’ll get it. From all of us.” Eddie shook his outstretched hand as well.

Alex approved, too!

“You’ve already earned my respect,” Gabriel said. “I know it wasn’t easy to speak as you did to us. That itself shows how much courage you have.” After a beat, Eddie shook Gabriel’s hand, too.

Tears welled in Cat’s eyes, but she held them back.

They approved; her family approved of Eddie.

Eddie cleared his throat. “Thank you. I understand what you three said was difficult as well, and I appreciate it. I have to ask, though: am I still fired?”

The three exchanged glances before Marcello spoke. “You want to stay, Bash, you can, but you’d need to move to another division. Protecting Cat doesn’t make sense anymore.”

Cat cuddled closer to Eddie. “We’ll talk about it, and let you know what he decides.”

Alex and Marcello smirked, while Eddie gave her a bland look. “You have something else in mind?”

“We should talk about it, and we will.”

“Do I get a say in this discussion?”

“Of course you do. You get to talk, but only after I speak first.”

The others in the room laughed, except Eddie. “Is that right?”


“We’ll see.”

Cat narrowed her eyes, but held her tongue. Her family had just accepted them as a couple; she didn’t want to have a fight with Eddie in front of them.

At least not yet. Maybe after their wedding. Definitely not before. She knew her family would stand by their word, but she also knew she’d better not push their luck.

“Let’s leave the lovebirds alone,” Genevieve said and ushered them from the room, closing the door behind them. “I’d like a word with you three.”

Cat didn’t have to see their faces to know they winced. She couldn’t hold back the smile that came bursting through.

“What are you smiling about?” Eddie asked once they were alone again.

“Just enjoying the fact my mother’s going to scold Alex and Marcello, and maybe even my father.”

“Oh? Well, I suppose that is amusing. You know what’s not amusing?” She shook her head. “Decisions made about my career without consulting me first. I do not find that amusing.”

“Were you going to keep protecting me?”

He pulled her into his arms. “Always, but I’m not getting paid for it any longer.”

“Well, what did you want to do?”

“What did you want me to do? I know you, My Lady, and I know that look. You’re plotting something.”

“I’m a princess; of course, I’m always planning something. There’s always so much to do.”

“I said plotting, not planning.”

She looked down at her hands, which rested against his chest, before facing him again. “I spoke to Mama.”

“About my career?”

“No, about mine.”

“Oh. What did you talk about?”

“Me taking a break from royal duties and starting my own fashion line.”

“You’re not afraid anymore?”

She shook her head. “No. It was foolish to be afraid of my dreams, and I’ll like to try to reach for them now. The thing is, I don’t need to do that in Valentia. I don’t need to stay here in the palace. If you wanted to go back to Chames, I could work from there.”

He blinked. “You wouldn’t want to live in Valentia? In the palace, near your family?”

“Truthfully, I don’t really care where we are as long as we’re together. Though I wouldn’t mind a field of soft lavender nearby.”


“Would you be happy there?”

“I’ll be happy as long as you’re with me. I could work with my boys, take on extra security jobs.” He tangled one of his hands in her hair. “You’ll never be without. I’ll make damn sure of it.”

“I don’t doubt that for one second.”

“You really want to start your own fashion line?”

“Yes. Though I think I’ll focus on wedding dresses first. Since I’m designing my own, I might as well design a whole collection.”

He grinned, his white teeth flashing through his dark beard. “Just make sure I don’t see any of them.”

“Will your sister mind if I move in, and work on designs and things there? I don’t want to upset her.”

“We can convert our old house into an office.”

“Oh, Eddie, are you sure? I know that house holds a lot of memories for you, for all of you.”

“We have bad memories there, it’s true, but there were a lot of happy memories as well. It’s time to remember those, and make some new ones. Besides, the property’s mine, too, and you’re welcome there as long you’re sleeping in my bed.”

“That’ll be forever.”

He tugged her even closer. “Thank Christ.”

“I’ll still have to travel occasionally for royal duties, and I’ll need to stay in Valentia at least through the wedding.”

“Then I’ll stay, too. You’ll need someone to protect you.”

“You’ll be my Royal Protection agent again?”

He leaned in closer. “I’ll protect you always, My Lady. Always.”



Want more royals?
Royally Ever After (Royals of Valleria #7)
will be available in summer 2016.
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BOOK: Catharine & Edward
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