Catching Dragos (12 page)

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Authors: Gail Koger

BOOK: Catching Dragos
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Horror filled Fabian’s eyes. “You’re the one that took down Herrera the Butcher?”

“That’s me. He’s doing life in a rather nasty Brazilian prison.”

“How did you get into Herrera’s compound?’ He placed a kiss on the thick red


“As a dominatrix. He liked being whipped.” I cradled Fabian’s bristled jaw with

the palm of my hand. “You into bondage, sugar?”

“Only if I get to tie you up.” Fabian settled his lips over mine, and with slow

exquisite care he kissed me.

Xero asked curiously,
“What you doing?”

“Ah. Well. We’re kissing.”

“What kissing?”

Fabian sighed.
“It’s how humans show affection.”

“What ‘fection?”

“Ask your grandmother,”
Fabian growled.

“Me ask.”

“The kid is definitely putting a damper on our sex life.”

“A little training will fix that.” Fabian’s hands skimmed over my body, exploring

my curves and lighting a fire in my belly.

Serafina’s melodic voice rang in our heads.
“Fuck her already.”

“No bloody way.”
He grabbed the soap, squirted some on the sponge, and started

scrubbing my chest.

Wow. What happened to my mind-blowing sex? No way I was missing out. I

picked up the bottle of soap and squeezed. A thick stream of antibacterial goo shot out,

covering his abdomen.


“What are you doing?” Fabian’s tone definitely wasn’t lover-like.

I stroked the liquid across his penis. “Making sure you don’t have demon cooties.”

He bared his teeth. “I don’t.”

My hand slid up his cock, then down.

Fabian’s pupils dilated.

“You were in close, intimate contact with Heather.” My hand slid sinuously up his

thickening flesh, then down.

“Just kissed her.”

“Better to be safe than sorry. Right?” I pumped my fist faster and faster.

Fabian’s eyes rolled back in his head. “Yesss.”

His penis pulsed in my hand. I loved the expressions of hunger, anticipation, and

love flitting across my mate’s face. Up. Down.

A hoarse, throaty cry broke from Fabian. “No cooties!”

“You sure? Those suckers are persistent.” I tightened my grip as an unbearable

ache built inside my body. Up. Down.

Fabian’s body arched and shook violently. “I’m. Good. Now. “

Hmmm. His voice was a bit squeaky and his breathing erratic. Getting his jets

blown had done him a world of good. I licked off the semen coating my hand. “Salty

with just a hint of chocolate.”

Fabian grinned. “Chocolate?”

“Yep, and I plan on spending some quality time with Mr. Happy.”

Fabian sucked in a ragged breath. “Mr. Happy?”

“Yeah. So, let’s get to it.”

“You heard the girl, get to it,”
Serafina ordered.

The evil bitch never stopped.
“Grams, can you teleport us to my condo?”


“It would be my pleasure.”
Presto! We were in my bedroom, which was warded

against anything magical. It also had a king-size bed and pink satin sheets. “Better?”

Fabian was suddenly kissing me like a starving man. Oh yeah, much better.

One second I was locked in his arms, the next I popped out of his grip like a

greased pig. I hit the floor and slid a good foot. Shit, I was still covered in soap.

He laughed. “You’re worse than one of those oiled mud wrestlers.”

“Easy to fix.” I got to my feet, grabbed Mr. Happy, and led Fabian into the


He opened the shower door and pulled me inside. “You got a thing for my cock?”

“You have no idea.” I turned the water on, gasping as Fabian used his tongue and

teeth to lave and nip my nipples. Damn. That felt good.

I cupped his tight balls and massaged them gently. “Like that?”

Fabian groaned. “Very much.” His hand slid between my thighs, and his fingers

deftly tormented my throbbing clit. His fingernail scraped against my nub, sending a

bolt of pure bliss careening through me.

My breath hitched. Lord Almighty. “I need you now.”

“Do you?” Fabian’s large hands speared into my hair, cradling my head and

crushing my lips in urgent, greedy kisses.

“Bed. Now.”

“Si, amore mio.”
In thirty seconds flat, Fabian had me toweled off and on those silk


I nibbled my way down his chest. I loved his spicy taste. The way his muscles

danced beneath my touch. God, it had been way too long.

“I never fucked Heather.”

Bringing up the demon bitch was one hell of a mood killer.
“I believe you.”

scraped my teeth over his left nipple, smiling when he shivered.

“My entire life I have searched for you.”
He sucked on my right breast.


My body trembled with hunger.
“Really? Why?”

“My entire life I’ve had visions of you. I always knew you were meant to be mine.”

circled my navel with his tongue.

“That’s got to be the worst pick-up line I’ve ever heard.”
The brush of his mind against

mine was unbelievably erotic. It was as if Fabian was touching my body everywhere at

the same time. The sensation created an intense torrent of raw lust. My core pulsed with

hunger as his ferocious arousal matched mine.

He flipped me on my back, caging me with his arms.
“I will never lie to you.”

Images whirled through my brain. It was me. As a child, a teenager hovering over

my father’s hospital bed, pleading with him not to die.
“You’re saying we were fated to



I kneaded his very fine ass.
“I’m a one-man kinda woman. You get the wandering eye,

and Mr. Happy will be no more. Got me?”

Fabian nipped my nose.
“Tesoro, there is only you.”

“Good answer. Now please fuck me.”

Sliding down my body, Fabian licked, nibbled, and feasted on my pussy. “You

taste better than chocolate.” His tongue speared inside me. The friction had me

thrashing beneath him.

“Oh God. Oh God. That’s fan-fucking-tastic.”
His fingers pinched my nub, and I

screamed as multiple orgasms shook my body.

Fabian’s penis stroked my swollen folds lazily.
“Ready for more?”

“God, yes.”
I quivered in anticipation.

With one smooth thrust, Fabian buried himself deep inside me.

My eyes crossed. I was stretched taut, filled with cock, and it was wonderful.


He flexed his hips, and I gasped as the delicious slide of his flesh sent pleasure

sizzling through me. Fabian’s testicles slapped against my hot skin as he drove deeper

and deeper until we were as one.

Sweat slicked my body as my hips rose to meet the next plunge of his body. I took

Fabian’s mouth in a fierce kiss.
“Mine. All mine.”

“Come for me, amore mio.”
His fingers twisted my pulsating clit.

My senses imploded into a million shards of ecstasy. Incandescent silver bathed

our bodies as the mating bond locked us together for all eternity.

Fabian made a low guttural sound and bucked violently. His seed bathed my


Wrapped in his arms, I struggled to get my breath back. “That was truly awesome.

Don Juan has nothing on you.”

“It takes practice. Lots and lots of practice.” Fabian murmured against my neck.

“And so modest about it.”

Miniature fireworks began exploding around the room.

“Holy crap!” They were shaped like hearts.

“At last. It is done,”
Serafina crowed.

“Huh? Grams warded my entire house. How is Serafina getting through them?”

“She’s very, very good.” My pissed-off mate shouted,
“Enough, Nonna!”

The fireworks stopped.

“I apologize for my grandmother’s actions.”

“It’s okay. What’s done is done.” I yawned. “I’m surprised Grams didn’t try to

stop her.”

“Unlike my grandmother, Grams is probably working on a way to stop Rossi.”

Fabian pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Sleep, amore mio.”

My eyelids grew heavy and I drifted off.


Chapter Thirteen

A tremendous roar jerked me upright in bed. “That sounded like a T. rex!”

“No. It’s a demon.” Fabian slid out of bed, his sword held ready.

A mental giggle had me looking over the edge of the bed. “It’s Xero.”

Two bright pink bows in her hair, Xero wiggled in excitement.
“Grams says you

come now. Evil one has Hasais.”

“Okay, we’ll be right there.”

Xero returned to Grams.

I glanced at the clock. We had gotten a whole four hours’ sleep. “I thought it took

twenty-four hours to raise the dragons?”

Fabian shrugged. “If Rossi found and sacrificed a virgin, he would have enough

power to pull it off now.”

“There aren’t that many virgins out there.”

“Nuns,” Fabian replied.

“Ick. I don’t even want to think about that.”

Grams’s power surged through me. A second later, a whirlwind of sparkling gold

lights engulfed us. When it faded, we were dressed in armor complete with chain mail

hoods and heavy gold shields.

“Grams? What’s going on?”
Roars and the sounds of a battle filled my head.


“The witches are a little busy right now,”
Rossi answered.

His face set in grim, angry lines, Fabian vowed,
“You’re a dead man.”


I quickly grabbed a bottle of healing potion. I had a feeling we were going to need


A big fanfare of bugles sounded. One minute we were in my bedroom, the next

we were standing in the middle of the Renaissance Festival jousting arena.

Rossi chortled over the loudspeakers. “Showtime.”

Spotlights suddenly lit up the night.

The grandstand was packed with hundreds of eager spectators.

Fabian bristled. “Mio Dio.”

This was bad on so many levels. “Do you have Excalibur?”


“No! Shit. Can’t you summons it?”

“I’ve tried, but Rossi is blocking my magic,” Fabian said savagely.

The cold fist of reality punched me in the stomach. Without the sword we would

be crispy-fried in the first five minutes. “Link with me, and we’ll try together.”

Fabian’s mind joined with mine, and in unison we chanted, “
Dicitur pretiosa

materia mox. Abeu intereo

Nothing happened.

“Again,” Fabian said.

I nodded and gave the spell everything I had. “
Dicitur pretiosa materia mox. Abeu

.” Excalibur appeared in my hand. I let out a shuddering breath. “Oh, thank


“Your armor is fire resistant.”
Grams’s voice was a faint whisper in my head.

“Are you and Serafina okay?”

“For now. We have four of the Hasai contained, but we can’t hold them for long.”

“You must break Rossi’s spell or all is lost,”
Serafina added.


Nothing like having the lives of our grandmothers resting on my shoulders.

do my best.”

Serafina snapped,
“Your best?”

Fabian gave me a reassuring hug.
“We’ll stop Rossi, Nonna.”

Going up on my tiptoes, I brushed my lips over Fabian’s. “If this goes south, I

want you to know I’m very fond of you.” I couldn’t bring myself to use the L-word yet.

“I’m very fond of you too.” Fabian planted a hard kiss on my mouth. “But we’re

not dying tonight.”

Rossi cackled, “Ladies and gentlemen. Are you prepared for mind-blowing special

effects and a pyrotechnic spectacular?”

The crowd cheered.

“It’s time we take Rossi’s head.” Fabian’s voice was taut with venom.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Rossi shouted, “Behold the dragons!”

Three Hasai dragons circled overhead, filling the night sky with cascades of


The crowd went nuts.

Dammit, Rossi had enchanted the poor souls.

A blinding light hit us.

“The Dragos dragon slayers.”

The spectators shouted, “Kill the slayers. Kill the slayers. Kill ‘em.”

Right on command, the Hasais swooped down and blasted us with their fiery


We took refuge under our shields. Intense flames swirled around us.

The heat was becoming unbearable. In sheer desperation, I chanted, “

nec facile utaiunt


The holocaust of fire blew back and engulfed the closest Hasai. It

disintegrated into ash.

There was dead silence, and then the audience erupted into catcalls, boos, and


“Huh. The dragons aren’t immune to their own fire. Imagine that.”

“Looks like there’s another way to kill them too.” Fabian pointed to another


Xero was perched on top of its head; her pink ribbons fluttered in the wind.

help, Myee.”

“No, sweetie! It’s too dangerous.”

“Grams put spell on Hasai. Me boss of it.”

“Oh, dear God. Is she nuts?”

Fabian sighed. “Probably.”

As if possessed, the Hasai dived toward the announcer’s booth and blasted it with


When the fire vanished, an extremely pissed-off Rossi stood in the middle of the

smoldering remains. His comb-over had been reduced to charred tufts, his eyebrows

were gone, and his armor was a blackened ruin. Rossi raised his hand and released an

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