Cataclysm (26 page)

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Authors: Karice Bolton

BOOK: Cataclysm
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“I think so, my dear. I think so…” She smiled.

“That would be a good omen,” I said.

Letting ourselves back into the condo, Matilda went straight to the bedroom to warm up as Arie and I plopped down to see the notes the last visitor left for us.

The guys came in the family room. Reaching for my iced tea, I watched Arie’s hand turn the page to our last visitor’s notes.

The page was spattered with blood red writing, and a heart encircling a name that I had never wanted to see again. I squeezed my iced tea glass until it shattered. My face draining of all color, Athen rushed to my side, as the blood began dripping from my fingertips down to our ivory rug.

“What’s the matter?” Cyril called from across the room.

“It’s…” Arie couldn’t bring herself to say the name either.

Athen held me tightly. The tears of what we were about to face ran down my cheek. This had to be it. How much could we all bear?

“What’s going on?” Cyril repeated.

I leaned away from Athen as he did his best to fix my hand. He concentrated on my torn flesh, doing his best to heal it as quickly as possible. I looked at Cyril and then at Arie, who looked as devastated as I felt.

“Our last visitor was Lilith.” My voice filled with disgust. It was all I could do to get those words out before the lump in my throat suffocated me.



We were at the pub all playing with our food rather than eating it. Nothing appealed to me, not even the poutine. The cherry wood booth, we were all huddled in, did a great job of keeping us secluded, but it also provided the perfect environment to allow us to sit and stew.

“It’s hard to believe she was in our condo. Do you think she’s still in Whistler?” Arie was the first to break the silence.

“I know she is,” I flatly replied. “I think it’s time I take care of her once and for all.”

Athen caressed my hand. “I’m not sure that’s what or who we should be focusing on at the moment. I know you’re angry, but your time will come, one way or the other.”

“I honestly don’t know if I’ll be of any use to anything we’ve got going until she’s gone.” I pursed my lips on accident and Athen touched them gently, making them fall instantly.

“You can’t let this anger sidetrack you from our goals. None of us like what’s going on with her, but one step at a time. You tell us that all the time, remember?” Athen’s voice was filled with understanding, but it did little to calm me.

“Yeah, but it’s different when I tell you.” I tried my best at smiling. “I know she’s waiting for me, and I might as well fight her when I’m ready for it, rather than be jumped like what happened to me a couple days ago.”

“Listen,” Arie began, “If we let her interfere with our plans that’s exactly what they want. Every little seed of anger they sprout in you, takes away the wisdom that usually guides our decisions. We’ve got to stay in control.”

“I’ll be in control, not to worry,” I sighed. “Between her and everything I’ve been seeing lately, I don’t understand why humans choose to be so cruel to others. Over the years, we’ve witnessed atrocities that shouldn’t even be imagined and to top it off they’ve been repeated.” The anger began flowing through every vein.

“I know, honey. It’s tough to think about, but as you’ve always told us we can’t give up hope on humanity.”

“Well, I think there was a time I truly believed it. Now, in all honesty, I’m not so sure. Before, I blamed things on horrendous dictators or groups channeling different types of hate – large-scale things. Lately, all I see are the same evil patterns, but they are precipitating themselves in children even! What is happening?”

“Ana, It’s always been like this. You just haven’t seen it before.” Athen grabbed my hand.

“I don’t believe it. I think it’s gotten worse. Rather than mortals enjoying their families or friends, it’s like they can’t wait to talk behind their backs once they leave. Or what about the hatred that’s being spread about online, using social media? It’s supposed to be where everyone can discuss and enjoy each other’s company, and instead, many hide behind it to slander and pick on one another. It’s like it’s given people a wall to hide behind so they can sling insults.”

“I don’t think that it’s gotten worse. I think the bullying and cruelness is more out in the open. They have a platform now and others think that it is acceptable behavior. They only had a voice amongst their friends before, now they can be cruel on a bigger stage, and they often get applauded for it.” Arie said, shaking her head, “I think we all know people have always had the potential to make cruel choices. Unfortunately, we are the point where they are being rewarded and enticed even more, but I don’t think it’s gotten worse. It’s just more out in the open.”

“I know what you mean, Arie. I guess I’m now starting to see what everyone has seen for a long time. I never understood cynicism before, but it seems to be creeping into my thoughts quite a bit. I don’t understand being mean for being mean’s sake, and I don’t think I ever want to,” I said.

“I think some mortals have so little power in their lives or are so miserable inside, that the only way they can fulfill their sense of well-being is to put others down. Those kinds of people have always existed. We tended to ignore them, but I think that’s often the start of something larger.”

“Well, maybe we can’t ignore them any longer.” A long breath escaped that didn’t bring the relaxed state of being that I hoped for.

“Let’s get back and get some sleep,” Athen whispered. “I didn’t expect this Whistler trip to end like this.”
“Me neither,” I said. “I haven’t even gotten to see Karen.”
“I know. Nothing is as it should be,” Athen replied, helping me up from the table.



Sleep came quickly, but it was riddled with nightmares and fantasies. The first images flooded through me were of Lilith.

The feeling of my fingers wrapped around Lilith’s throat, while I dangled her over the glacial cliff, thrilled me beyond belief. The fear in her soulless eyes staring back at me, as I grinned at her, created a vibrancy that I couldn’t hide. The quivering in her voice echoed through the wind. This was the moment I had been wishing for.

“How does it feel, sis?” I hissed.

A gurgling was all that escaped.

“Did you enjoy destroying all of those mortals? Are you happy with the attention you got?” My voice howled with the wind of the mountains. I squeezed my grip a little tighter. I knew I could end her with one crush, but I enjoyed the process a little too much to do that so quickly.

“I…I’m.” A wheeze tried to escape from Lilith’s mouth as she did her best to choke out her words. Her feet began flailing as she realized I had no intention of letting her down.

“Is there something you wanted to say?” I lessened my grip a smidge around her throat, repositioning myself on the off chance she might gain enough strength to break free.

“I’m sorry.” Were the words that escaped from her lips before I woke up from my dream.

My entire pillow was drenched in dampness. I tried to force myself back to sleep so I could end her once and for all. Disgruntled, I turned over to see Athen sleeping. His breath was so steady. He looked at peace. I thought back to Lilith’s many failed attempts to interfere between Athen and I, allowing the anger to continue to swell inside of me. I knew it wasn’t healthy to have this kind of hate for another, but she was nothing but pure evil. There had to be a pass on that kind of situation.

As my body won over my mind, I fell back to a dream world like no other, but this time it was filled with nothing I expected.

Athen and I were on a beach together and there were all sorts of toys spread around some floral towels we laid out. There was a Barbie on one of the towels, and a life-size baby doll right next to that. I felt Athen’s hand wrap around mine as if this was something we both understood.

A girl’s laughter rang through the air behind us as Arie called after her. Cyril’s voice, pretending to be stern yelled, “Okay, missy! We don’t have enough energy for this.”

Smiling, Athen looked into my eyes and pulled me against him.
“Pretty incredible, isn’t it?” His eyes filled with pride.
“Everything is. It’s unimaginable, actually,” I mused. “Really unimaginable.”

“Always said we had to dream big, my angel.” His words carried me into another dream I wouldn’t remember and didn’t need to. This one was enough to haunt me for quite sometime. It was too bad that this one couldn’t be true.

Chapter 25



I knew this was my chance, and I wasn’t going to let it escape me, regardless of what we had planned. Finishing Lilith had to be done. I could no longer let myself be plagued at night by her. The conditions were too perfect to let fall to the wayside. I thought of it as a gift.

A huge winter storm made its way to Whistler, and it would disguise anything that might be of questionable sound or sight. Even if there were a few mortals placed here or there on the glacier, there was no way they would see anything. I would make sure of it.

Matilda was following me down the hall everywhere I went. She didn’t want me out of her sight, and I wondered how much she sensed right now. Being so close to the main battle, combined with the immediacy of this one being thrown into the mix, had to be causing stress beyond us four. I was sure Matilda sensed it.

Grabbing the snow gear out of the guest closet, I heard Athen walking down the hallway. There was no stopping me from doing this, and he recognized that, but he still wasn’t happy about it. Spinning around to see him, I was completely mesmerized by his energy.

“How’s it going?” he asked gently. “Need any help?”

“Pretty much set, I think.” We both knew now was not the time to bring up the do’s and don’ts of such a battle. It had to be done, and we might as well enjoy one another’s company. Same kind of philosophy as never going to bed mad, I guess.

“I love you,” Athen’s voice hit me hard. I had to destroy Lilith. I couldn’t lose.
“I love you too,” I whispered. “I’m gonna be fine. I promise.”
“We’ll be close by. If you need anything, we’ll be there in under a minute.”

“I know, sweetie. I appreciate that. I only hope I can finish her off myself so it can be over with once and for all.” Saying it out loud felt good. It felt tangible.

“You’ll be able to.” He nodded, pulling me over to sit next to him on the bed.

“I sure hope so.” Was all that escaped.

I had spent so long with her in the back of most of my thoughts. It was hard to believe that soon I might actually be able to experience peace. I could end her from this realm and the next. There are very few ways a demon can be ended and not reincarnate, and it just so happens, one of those ways is for a blood relative to do the deed. It seems like the perfect use for the weak lineage between us two. Couldn’t think of a better way to end our relationship.

“Purgatory doesn’t seem bad enough for her does it?” he ventured, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

“Not, nearly… But it will have to do,” I said, my head against his chest. Feeling both the comfort of his embrace, and Matilda’s weight on my foot, gave me the last boost of energy I needed to begin my journey to the top of Whistler.

“I think I should head up there. My pack is downstairs. The sooner the better, right?” The anxiety began building within the walls of my abdomen. I couldn’t wait to match my dreams and make it a reality. As I lifted my toes, Matilda let out a few snorts and snores when she shifted to her next resting spot.



The pure white snow was in stark contrast to the pale turquoise glacier, and I had to let myself not get distracted by the beauty of it all. I knew Lilith would be here any minute, if she wasn’t already spying on me. I couldn’t afford to not be on point. Regardless of how confident I felt about our plan, I had to be on guard for whatever she might bring to the encounter as well.

Turning to scan the glacial bowl that I was in, I saw the other mountain peaks were spotted in wildflowers and alpine trees, doing nothing to help me spot her. She could be perched in any of the trees just as my family was. The coldness of the steel blades, I had securely fastened along my body, alerted me to the gravity of the situation.

She’s coming up behind you,”
Athen’s voice channeled to me.

Spinning around, I saw Lilith walking up the trail to where I stood. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was one of the day hikers this area was known for. I kept silent. I wanted her to be the first to voice her intentions. I knew what mine were.

“Amazing view, isn’t it?” Lilith’s voice made a tingle move up my spine.

I only nodded at her.

“Azazel wanted me to destroy you. I, of course, told him I couldn’t do that. You’re my sister, after all.” Her lips curled into the evil grin I remembered all too well.

“What’s your point?” I shot back at her, crossing my arms.

“I don’t think you understand the amazing life you could have, if you came over to our side willingly. I don’t have to answer to anyone. I’m in charge of my own faction. The immortals and mortals are at my disposal for any task I want to watch happen. It’s extraordinary,” her excitement oozed through every syllable.

“How’s that supposed to be enticing?” I anchored my feet firmly into the dirt, ready for an attack at any moment. If the only way to get Lilith alone was for a possible recruitment session, I didn’t care. I’d listen to her disgusting spiel.

“The power, my dear sister. Don’t you get it?” she laughed.

“I guess I really don’t. You said that you don’t have to answer to anyone? I’d say that’s nowhere near close to the truth. Lilith, you kiss the ground Azazel walks on. You do whatever he wants you to do. You probably are the same with Asmodeus too.” It was hard not to run at her, but I had to wait for the right moment. “I wouldn’t call that power.”

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