Cat Telling Tales (14 page)

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Authors: Shirley Rousseau Murphy

BOOK: Cat Telling Tales
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Vinnie made it almost to the white brick house, Tessa trying in vain to keep up. Passing Tessa, Debbie grabbed Vinnie by the arm, jerked her around, shouting. Clyde turned away, disgusted, and went to unload Debbie's car. Ryan looked at Joe, on the hood of the king cab. “What's Vinnie after, up there? Can she have been in that place? In Alain Bent's house? How could she have been?”

“Maybe she looked in the windows,” Joe said. “Saw furniture and beds.” He turned to look at Ryan. “Or
the kid been inside?”

“They only arrived last night.” Ryan's green eyes looked into his. “She's been with us all morning.”

Joe stretched out on the pickup's warm hood, wondering, his back pummeled by the cold wind, which smelled of rain. Together they watched the family saga as Debbie dragged Vinnie home, scolding all the way. Ryan scratched Joe behind his ears then picked him up, draped him over her shoulder in a manner few people were allowed, listening to his purr as they watched Debbie haul Vinnie into the house, and Tessa slip in behind. Debbie's angry scolding seemed overkill—what was she so mad about?


n the dumpy little kitchen, Debbie had torn open the wrapper of a loaf of bread and was hastily putting together sandwiches for the children, maybe hoping to keep Vinnie from whining any more about the white brick house. The kitchen counter was crowded with grocery bags that were still not unpacked except for the bread and peanut butter. Joe watched from Ryan's shoulder as Vinnie grabbed the open jar, stuck her fingers in, retrieving a big glob, and licked them clean, her small face pinched with anger.

Though Joe had come up looking for Dulcie, hoping she'd escaped whatever tight squeak she'd gotten herself into with that aborted phone call, he'd found no sign of her. No scent of her, nothing. Coming up the hill, he'd passed two cops he knew, dressed in blue coveralls with the water department insignia on the pockets and sleeves. They were kneeling together at the curb beneath a spreading cypress tree, pretending to examine a water meter, their position giving them a straightaway view beneath the branches to the meth house. Did Harper expect other members of that ragtag gang to return to their little home business? He had passed Ryan's sister Hanni, too, pulling her blue Chrysler van up to the one-car garage of her own remodel. Ryan was nearly finished with the exterior, had covered the gray board siding with white stucco and added a new tile roof as deep blue as an autumn sky.

Now as Ryan headed outdoors from her own cottage, away from the crowded kitchen and away from Debbie, Joe looked from her shoulder up the hill, scanning the rooftops for Dulcie. He looked past the rambling white house, but then quickly back as two dark streaks flashed across the roof into the shadow of the pines that sheltered the double garage; the sight of Dulcie, safe, made him inadvertently dig his claws into Ryan's shoulder.

“Hey!” she said, pulling his claws free.

“Sorry.” He patted her cheek with a soft paw. “Gotta go, explain later,” and with a leap into the overhanging cypress tree, he left her, heading up the hill from roof to rising roof, looking for his lady.

There, they appeared again, two dark shapes barely visible atop the garage, two pairs of sharp ears silhouetted against the low clouds. Racing to join them, he greeted Dulcie with nose pushes and purrs. “What happened to you? You were caught with someone's phone? I was in Harper's office when you clicked off.”

“Emmylou saw me.”

“Oh my God. She heard you using the phone? She—”

“She didn't
me,” Dulcie interrupted, “she saw me through the glass. When I saw her looking in, I pretended to be batting at a moth. She was outside, and I was talking softly, she couldn't have

“I hope to hell not,” he said crossly.

“We saw her on the street, going door to door asking about two lost cats. She came up into the patio, sat down on that low wall beside the camellias. Took a sandwich out of her pocket, unwrapped it, one of those dry-looking sandwiches in yellow paper. I was inside the house, it was a perfect time to phone, without losing her.”

“How did you get in?”

Dulcie smiled. “A basement window, all locked but the last one.” She lashed her tail smugly. “Broken, rusty lock, and when we pushed the window it swung right in. Come on, I'll show you.”

But Joe paused, watching Kit. All this time, she hadn't said a word, she sat apart from them, staring off into space. Watching her, Joe twitched an ear at Dulcie. “What?” he said softly.

“We were with Misto,” Dulcie said. “Her head's full of stories, that's all. He talked about Pan, too. He misses Pan, and he's worried because of the nursing home fire. Kit's worried for them both.”

Joe shifted uneasily, wishing Kit had never told Misto about Pan, that she had never upset the old cat. The tortoiseshell was so damned impulsive, as unpredictable as the leaps of a grasshopper. Well, what was done, was done. He said, “What about Emmylou? What did she do when she saw you?”

“She looked puzzled to see a cat in there, and when she finished her lunch she walked all around the house, looking to see how I got in. I watched from above, from the windows.” Dulcie smiled. “I'd kicked the window closed when I jumped, she didn't have a clue, she went right on by. The next thing I know she's at the front door and it sounded like she had a key, trying to get inside.”

“But she—” Kit began, suddenly paying attention.

“That's when Kit appeared,” Dulcie said.

“I watched her from the roof and the key wouldn't turn,” she said. “She tried and tried and seemed really sure it was the right key, so maybe Alain Bent changed the locks when she moved and Emmylou didn't know and—”

“Where did she get a key?” Joe said. “From Hesmerra? Did Hesmerra have it copied when she was with the cleaning crew? Maybe on her lunch hour, then turned the keys in as usual at the end of the day?”

“Why not?” Dulcie said. “Maybe Emmylou found the key in the burn, maybe knew where she kept it?”

did she?” Joe wondered. “What did she do when she couldn't get in?”

“She sat down on the patio wall,” Dulcie said, “sat there looking at the house as if deciding what to do next.”

“But then Ryan's pickup came up the hill,” Kit said, “and Debbie's car behind it, and when Emmylou saw them she slipped away through the backyard and that's the last we saw of her, she vanished like when a rabbit smells a coyote, and there's something else, too. Debbie's been inside, you can smell her and the little kids all around the door on the threshold and then inside the house.”

Joe said, “I'm guessing they stayed there, maybe one night, maybe more, before they ever showed up at our place.” He told them about Vinnie saying there were beds to sleep in, up there in that house, and then racing away up the hill.

“What's Debbie up to?” Dulcie said, looking down the hill to where Debbie was hauling in a last load from her car. “What would she want in Alain Bent's house? How did . . . ?” She looked at Joe. “It has to do with Erik. He and Alain were partners—or were they more than partners?”

Joe smiled. “If they were, maybe Erik had a key. Say Debbie found out they were lovers,” he said, “found a key she suspected was Alain's . . . How tempting to copy it and then do a bit of snooping, get the goods on him.”

“But why?” Dulcie said. “She wouldn't need to know he was sleeping around, to get a divorce in California.”

“Maybe for child custody,” Joe said. “Except,” he said, “who'd fight to keep Vinnie? Maybe some other reason. Looks like Alain was into some real estate scams or maybe, who knows, Erik and Alain together. Debbie wants to know more, to make some mischief for them. She decides to get into Alain's desk, into her personal papers. Who knows what she'd find, what trouble she could make? She could have come down here from Eugene any time she chose. Catch a commuter flight, round trip just for a day while the kids were in school and nursery school? But as it worked out, she drove down, left Eugene for good.”

“With Alain's key in her pocket,” Dulcie said. “Alain
beautiful, so slim, and her dark sleek hair done up in that fancy chignon, and her elegant suits. You've seen her pictures, of course Debbie would be jealous.”

“Beautiful,” Joe said, “and as cold as a mannequin in Saks's window.” He looked down into the wide front patio with its angles and nooks and lush plantings, its different level walls and neatly tended flower beds. “Alain might have been fired and moved away, Perry Fowler might not be in touch with her any longer, but she isn't neglecting her property. Maybe she does have it listed, with another firm, and they're seeing that someone's watering.”

“And pruning,” Dulcie said. There wasn't a dead bloom or fallen leaf anywhere, and they could see fresh cuts where the red geraniums had been clipped back. “Or could Emmylou be taking care of the yard? When Alain moved away, could she have hired her? Was that why she was here? Maybe . . . maybe when she was pruning she found a key hidden under a flowerpot, the way people do? Found it just today, and thought she had a way in? She
homeless, she
need a place to stay. She finds the key and thinks she's found a place to crash. Only, Alain has changed the locks.”

“Maybe,” Joe said. But something about the scenario was off. As little as he'd observed of Emmylou, he wasn't sure she'd be bold enough to move into someone's house, when workmen might be scheduled to come in, or maybe other Realtors, to have a look, if the house
going on the market. The garage roof was in shadow now, around them, the clouds low and heavy above them. Moving closer together with their backs to the chill wind, the three cats tried to sort out what they knew about Alain Bent: She was Erik Kraft's sales partner, and maybe his lover. She'd not only been fired, but moved away, maybe before her other scams caught up with her. How much
Debbie know about Alain? What had she been after, when she broke in?

“And what's Emmylou Warren's connection?” Dulcie said. “Will that lead back to Hesmerra and maybe to Hesmerra's murder?”

Joe looked down into the patio of the silent, locked house. He rose, nudged Dulcie, and the three cats skinned down a bougainvillea trellis to the warm paving and headed for the basement window.

Pushing the little window open, they peered down into the dark cellar. Its cold breath chilled their noses; it smelled of damp cement, sour earth, and mouse droppings. “How deep?” Joe said, frowning down into the blackness. “Looks like about seven feet. How did you get out? The boxes?”

“Yes,” Dulcie said. “I pushed that stack of boxes over,” she said, glancing down at the dark cartons piled against the wall directly beneath them. “I could just see them there in the corner where more daylight comes in; my shoulder's still sore from shoving them. The labels say ‘dishes' but who knows what's packed in them. They smell sour, like old clothes.” Slipping in through the window, she dropped down onto the stack, and to the floor. Kit followed, and then Joe, each one careful not to tip over their means of escape.

The cellar was L-shaped, following the lines of the house above. The dark corners and the spaces behind the furnace and water heater were thick with cobwebs, and garlands of cobwebs hung down from the floor joists. Three folded aluminum chairs leaned against one wall, their plastic seats frayed, and gray with mildew. There was no scent of Debbie or the little girls down here, and they padded up the dusty wooden stairs. Leaping at the knob, Dulcie curved her paws around it, swinging and kicking until the door flew open.

The house was dim, the rooms lit coldly as the coming storm gathered. They had come up into the front entry, the basement door at right angles to the more impressive front door with its deep carvings, and that did indeed smell of Debbie and the children. A smear of chocolate candy had been smashed into the grout between the floor tiles.

Across the tile entry, six steps led down to a sunken living room, which was only half furnished. The clay tile floor was bare, but Dulcie could imagine richly colored throw rugs. There was a creamy leather couch but no end tables or coffee table or lamps. White walls, vast windows looking out on the lowering gray sky and the trees and roofs below, white ceiling crossed by burnished oak rafters. The house was silent, no hush of footsteps, no thump or rustle of someone hurrying their way, summoned by the sound of the cellar door. Already, Kit had left them, racing down into the sunken room to look at the fireplace wall.

The entire wall was painted in an intricate mural, a floor-to-ceiling scene in rich colors, though Joe and Dulcie couldn't see the subject clearly from the angle where they stood, up on the dining balcony. Moving out from beneath the carved table and chairs, Dulcie leaned out through the rail, to look.

“Medieval,” she said softly. “Oh, my. It's beautiful.” Below her, Kit sat in the center of the room looking up at the mural, her fluffy tail wrapped around her, twitching with excitement, her front paws kneading at the tiles in nervous concentration as she absorbed each detail of the ancient scene. From the look on her face, Dulcie knew the tortoiseshell was already transported back into time, how many centuries ago?

“It's a beautiful home,” Dulcie said. “Even if Alain was fired, it's strange she'd leave this, and leave the village, when Molena Point's doing better than much of the country. Couldn't she get a job somewhere else, another real estate firm? You've seen the ads. The high-end houses are still selling, some of the really wealthy people are doing just fine. Where else could a Realtor make better money?”

Joe said, “Word gets around. If she was pulling scams on her buyers, who else would hire her?” Out through the wide living room windows, they could see down the hill to the roof of Ryan and Clyde's cottage, Ryan's truck still parked at the curb. Two blocks over was Hanni's deep blue roof, her own van parked halfway into the garage, and two blocks to the right of Hanni's, forming a rough triangle, the meth house stood forlorn with its curled shingles and overgrown yard. A neighborhood in transition, people forced to move away, uneasy events among the homes they left behind, dramas that could well fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw. Was a pattern taking shape here that would lead directly back to Hesmerra and to the fire, and to the poison that killed her?

Below them, Kit sat with her back to the view, her attention centuries away on a narrow, cobbled street between houses built of wattle and thatched roofs, a medieval street that must speak deeply to the tortoiseshell's romantic dreams. To Joe, dreams of the past were pointless, ancient history was, after all, forever gone and useless, and uncomfortably he turned away. Silently Dulcie followed him, amused and annoyed by her practical and hardheaded tomcat.

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