Cat Got Your Tongue? (9 page)

Read Cat Got Your Tongue? Online

Authors: Rae Rivers

Tags: #cat burgler, #art thieves, #security expert, #billionaire, #murder, #heist

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The moment Cole joined them, Mike’s soft and gentle manner disappeared, quickly replaced with the professional and stern business image he presented to his associates.

“Cole,” Mike said. “Good to see you in one piece.”

Cole nodded. “So you’ve heard the news.”

“I always keep tabs on my friends.”

“Ah. Even when they’re under attack?”

“Especially when they’re under attack.” Mike smiled. “I heard you purchased the Renoir on the weekend.”

“A real beauty.”

“I considered bidding on it myself. A very rare find, but it was a toss up with that and a Van Gogh that was up for sale at Sotheby’s.”

“So you bought the Van Gogh?”

“Just as well considering the drama you had with the Renoir.”

Cole’s eyes went a shade darker. “The Van Gogh might’ve been the better option.”

Mike flashed a smile at Alex. “I was talking to this lovely lady of yours and I find her rather enchanting.”

“Yes,” Cole replied, shifting his gaze to Alex. “She’s rather captivating, isn’t she?”

Mike nodded at a passing acquaintance and glanced back at them. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to catch the mayor before he leaves.” He turned to Alex. “Thank you for your time tonight.”

Her answering smile disappeared the moment he merged within the crowd. Her conversation with the older man had aroused her curiosity and had her instincts bristling.

“What was that about?” Cole asked her quietly.

She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“Ready to leave?”

Distracted, she nodded.

Chapter Nine

Their exit proved to be challenging.

The moment they stepped outside, the mob of reporters and photographers surrounded them. Lights flashed in rapid succession as several cameras were shoved in their direction in an attempt to capture a picture of them together.

They all wanted a piece of Cole Anderson and Alex wondered how he could stand it. She was familiar with the press, often having had to shield clients from the intrusive attention in the past. But this was different and Alex found the attention suffocating.

They elbowed their way into the car, relieved when the door slammed shut, muffling the noise outside. Once they were inside the limo and behind the safety of the dark protective glass that shielded them from the curious stares outside, both Cole and Alex took a deep breath of air.

“God, is it always like this?” Alex asked, exhaling.

“Most of the time.”

She could tell by his clenched jaw that he didn’t care for the intrusion into his life but had settled for it, knowing it came with the title and the territory of being one of the wealthiest men in the world.

“Perhaps we should up your bodyguards to two agents when you attend a more public event.”

Cole’s eyes flickered with amusement. “You think you can’t handle it on your own?”

Hm, she should have expected that from him. “I can handle it. Just thinking ahead and trying to be prepared, that’s all.”

“If you can handle a bullet and a cat burglar, this should be a walk in the park.”

“Bullets and cat burglars are familiar to me. You are an entirely new game.”

“I like games.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

Dark eyes zeroed in on her and he gave her a slow, predatory smile. “Scared?”


Their eyes met and the mood shifted between them. He was looking at her with an intensity that made her skin tingle and her pulse race. It was hard to focus on anything else when he looked at her like that.

Silence filled the spacious limo as an underlying heat prickled between them. He cast a leisurely gaze along the length of her, almost as though he was devouring her with his eyes, and Alex felt hot tendrils of electricity shoot straight between her thighs.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she breathed, hoping her voice didn’t betray her arousal.

“I can’t help it,” he murmured without shame. “You fascinate me.”

When he finally looked away, Alex focused on her breathing, relieved he’d diverted his attention to the passing scenery.

“You were familiar with several of the guests there tonight,” he commented.

“Mostly our shields along with some of my partners looking out for them.”


Alex smiled. “Clients. Shields is a term those of us in the profession use.”

“How many agents work for you?”

“Work with me,” she corrected. “We all own shares in the company.”

“But you’re the majority.”

“Yes. It was my idea, my company, and instead of recruiting them as employees, I sold off shares to six agents.”

“All men?”


“If you’re so sure that a woman can pull off this job as well as a man could then why hire all men? Why not women?”

Alex shrugged. How could she tell him that she found it hard to work with women? Besides her absentee mother, she’d only grown up with men around her. She felt out of her depth when dealing with women but at complete ease around men. She’d forged strong friendships with her male partners over the years and they were like brothers to her. Alex liked the simplicity of working with men. She was able to be direct and speak her mind without worrying about hurting any feelings. It kept things simple for her and it was familiar.

“There aren’t a lot of women who do what I do,” she answered. “I chose the best with the six agents I have and so far, we make a remarkable team.”

“And you’re all simply friends?”

“Unless two of the guys have developed a fondness for each other and haven’t told me, then yes,” she replied with a grin, “we’re all friends.”

She suspected he was trying to gauge if she was involved with any of her partners, but she left it at that. It wouldn’t hurt to leave a little to his imagination. He was playing havoc with hers so it served him right.

“Where are you planning to put your Renoir?” Alex asked, deciding to change the subject.

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“Perhaps we should think of relocating it to an unspecified location.”

His eyes flashed with renewed anger and Cole reached into the small bar fridge for a bottle of water. Popping the cap, he offered it to her but she shook her head. “The Renoir’s staying at the townhouse for now.”

“He’ll come back for it, Cole. We’ve spoken about that.”

“I almost want him to try,” he said in a low, cold undertone.

“You don’t want to mess with people like that. Was one shootout not enough for you?”

“It’s my painting. My home.”

“What about your life? Does that not mean much to you?”

“And what makes you so sure he’ll return?”

If Steven was after the Renoir and the demand for the painting was as serious as the money to back it, he’d return. No doubt about it.

“Because there’s a buyer that wants your painting and I’m certain he’ll send the cat in to try again.”

“And how would you know that?”

Alex used pure willpower not to look away. “Because I know how these guys work, Cole. I’ve been in the protection business for a long time.”

“How do you know so much about art?”

Careful. “My mother’s always had an interest in art and it rubbed off on me.” She’d had no choice. As a little girl, she’d loved to read but the only books available in her home were books on security systems, artworks, and art heists. Not the ideal collection for a young girl, but it had sparked a love of art and set the foundation for a career she loved. “I’ve always had an interest in art; as far back as I can remember.”

“Have you collected any pieces yourself?”


“Why not?”

She scrambled for an answer. “For starters, I’m seldom at home to enjoy them.”

“Do you always stay at your clients’ homes?”

“Often. It’s easier that way. When did you start collecting your pieces?”

“When the money started coming in.”

“And what was the first piece you bought?”

Cole smiled at the fond memory. “A Michelangelo.”

“Really? Where is it?”

“My gallery at Jupiter Island houses most of my finest pieces.”

Alex suspected his gallery would be magnificent, any art collector’s dream. Ancient armor, weapons, eighteenth and nineteenth century paintings, tapestries, statues…yes, she could imagine what Cole would stock and it would be spectacular to see in person.

“You go there often?”

“I’m heading there in a few weeks. I have a project that requires my attention.”

“Extending your empire?”

He flashed a killer smile. “Of course.” He sipped his water and checked his watch. “I didn’t realize you know Mike Willis.”

“As I said earlier, he was a previous client of ours.”

“What were you discussing with such intensity?”

So he’d been watching her. “He wants to employ a bodyguard again.”

“Is he thinking of employing your services?”

“Yes, but I’ll be sending one of my partners to meet with him.”

He cocked a brow. “You’re not meeting with him?”

Alex grinned. “My hands are a little full at the moment.” So maybe she’d made a slight understatement.

His lips curled in amusement. “Glad to know you consider me a priority.”

“Would I have any other choice?”



His cheeky grin widened and he glanced out the window. “Why does he need a bodyguard?”

“I can’t discuss that with you.”

Cole tilted his head to look at her, his eyes narrowing. It was clearly something he’d never heard before and he regarded her in silence, his gaze burning into her. Alex didn’t need to be a mind reader to know he wasn’t pleased.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said firmly and straightened in her seat. “Even though my focus is on you right now, I still have responsibilities and other commitments.” The limo had pulled up at the curb of his townhouse, and she reached for her heels and her purse, annoyed with his reaction. “We’ll be spending a lot of time together and there’ll be a lot of things I can’t discuss with you. I can’t have you throwing a silent temper tantrum every time I won’t tell you what you want to know.”

His intense glare softened, and she saw laughter in his eyes.

“Feel better?” he asked.

at me?

Shoving her door open, Alex shifted in her seat. “You may be used to calling the shots, Cole,” she said, glancing back at him, “but in my line of work, there are lines that can’t be crossed.”

“Like sex?” His smile was pure naughtiness.

Hell yes. “Like sharing client information!” she snapped and climbed out of the door closest to her, not waiting for Warren.

“Glad we cleared that up,” he called after her with a low chuckle.

Chapter Ten

Cole watched her cute, angry backside disappear into the house and up the stairs. Still grinning, he shook his head.

For such a petite woman, her attitude was way bigger than she was. Granted, he shouldn’t have baited her with the sex comment, but the sexual tension and attraction that existed between them was so thick he hadn’t been able to resist.

She was strong, independent, and unafraid to speak her mind. He found it refreshing and far too arousing. Just thinking of her sent his libido roaring.

A few days ago, he’d needed the bodyguard in her. Tonight, he wanted the woman.

His gut clenched at the admission, and he looked around for a quick distraction.

A drink. That should do it. And a cold shower.

Shrugging off his jacket, he went to pour himself a drink and on a whim, decided to pour her one too—a peace offering. He had been an ass and owed her an apology.

And he couldn’t resist seeing her again.

Her bedroom door was open and she was in the process of unpinning her hair. Even with the frown, she looked beautiful and for a brief moment, he stood in the doorway and absorbed her.

God, she’s beautiful.

Sensing him, Alex turned around, her hair cascading in a pile of soft curls around her shoulders as she pulled out the last pin. She paused and looked at him, sizing him up.

“Peace offering.” He rattled the ice in the glass, very aware of the sparks that still sizzled between them, despite their brief argument.

She sighed and went toward him, accepting the drink. Fixing him with a fierce stare, she lifted the glass to her mouth, challenge dripping off her posture.

Eyes locked with his, she sipped her drink without saying anything, but he sensed a crack in her resistance.

Hell, it was inevitable. For both of them.

He took a step forward, sensing her struggle, studying her conflicted expression of denial and desire, and felt the last of his own resolve weaken.

In one fluid movement, he disposed of their glasses and closed the distance between them.

“Cole,” she whispered, staring up at him, and he wasn’t sure if it was an attempt to push him away or draw him in.

Capturing her face in his hands, he dipped his head to hers, and kissed her.

Slow and teasing.

One kiss meant to sample forbidden waters sparked the fire that silently burned between them and he knew it would take an ocean of strength to walk away from her now.

Dragging his mouth from hers, he tipped her head back so he could read her eyes.


She gave a delightful little scowl but didn’t pull away. “We shouldn’t.”

“You sure?”

For an agonizing moment in which he feared she’d push him away, she stared at him in silence, but just as he was about to step back, she shook her head.

“Thank, God,” he breathed as his arms came up around her and his mouth found hers in a hard, heated kiss.

The kiss that followed was so intense and powerful that it rocked him to the core.

Instead of withdrawing, she cried out for more. She groaned when he captured her mouth with his. She gasped when he nibbled her earlobe and whispered his name when he trailed soft kisses across her cheekbone, her chin, and her neck.

She was all fire and woman and he wanted to ravish her.

The tension mounted, almost unbearable, and as he devoured her, his kisses became more demanding.

And suddenly it wasn’t enough. He ran a single finger along her shoulder, hooked the strap of her gown, and pulled it down her arm. The material loosened to expose a naked breast and raw, primal pleasure washed over him.

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