Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1)
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“Oh God! I can see the bone,” I shriek. “You need at least ten. Maybe more.”

Anxiety spreads across his face when he realizes I’m telling the truth. His old eyes scan the restaurant and I’m sure he’s wondering how he’s going to finish cooking.

“I can cook,” Shane says, appearing out of nowhere.

Lenny and I both turn with surprise on our faces.

Shane’s eyes are wide with concern as he turns his gaze from me to the stream of blood trickling onto the floor. He clears his throat and swallows hard.

“He can,” I insist, knowing that we don’t have another option at the moment.

“You sure?”

“Yes, sir. I’m sure.” Shane offers a tight smile and a nod of his head.

Jenna grabs her bag and leads Lenny out the back door to take him to the nearest hospital.

“Do you really know how to cook?” I ask skeptically.

“Would I lie to you?” He cocks his head to the side and bats his long eyelashes as the dimple in his cheek deepens.

I tell him where to wash his hands while I reach for an extra apron.

“Figures,” I chuckle when I see the only apron left. The words, “Kiss the Cook” are written across it. It was the gift Jenna and I gave Lenny last year for his birthday.

“Here,” I hold out the apron as he dries his hands before quickly slipping it over his head.

A smirk appears on his face just as he finishes tying the black apron around his waist.

“What?” I ask because I don’t understand the look on his face.

“I think you should do it.”

“You think I should do what?” I glance over my shoulder when the bell rings as new customers enter the restaurant.

“Kiss the cook.” He smiles and those gorgeous blues light with humor.

“Are you kidding?”


I let out an exasperated sigh, roll my eyes and lean in to kiss his tanned cheek, but without warning, he turns his face and meets my lips. He pecks my lips once… twice and then wraps his hand around my back and pulls me close against him. The feel of his soft lips on mine sends chills down my spine. The taste of mint drives me crazy. With a mind of its own, my hand slides across the back of his head, my fingers grab his blond hair and I give in to his kiss. A needy moan escapes as my tongue slips into his mouth. I can feel his erection coming to life, hard and stiff.

“Remy,” he says.

I hum my response. I lose all sense of where I am.

“I think something’s burning.” I feel his lips flatten in a smile.

“Oh, shit!” I cry, releasing my hold on him when the smell of burnt eggs and pancakes wafts through the air.

“I’ll take care of it. Go take care of your tables.”

I smile quickly at him.

“By the way, you stole my mint, you little thief!”

Shane quickly moves into action, pulling the green order tickets down from the spinner to see what he needs to make. Orders are promptly made to perfection. We work together seamlessly, running Lenny’s diner during the breakfast rush. I catch him staring at me as I talk to customers or refill their drinks. An unfamiliar warm feeling fills my belly every time he smiles at me. I roll my eyes playfully and laugh when he calls “Order’s up” just like Lenny does. I like him…I like him a lot.

Finally when the last customers are gone, I flip the sign to “Closed” and lock the door before collapsing into an empty booth.


“Over here.” From my horizontal position along the vinyl seat, I toss an arm up and wave it around in the air.

“Tired?” He leans against the counter, watching me.

“Exhausted is more like it!”

“Relax. I’ll clean up.”

I give him a pointed look as I yawn. “Just give me a minute and we’ll clean up together.”

Two hours later, I open my eyes and sit up to find the diner spotless, completely immaculate. The floor is swept, every table wiped down, even the stainless steel and windows shine. I scoot out of the booth and go in back to find Shane. Lenny’s kitchen has never been so clean with everything in its place. The back door swings open and Shane rolls the mop bucket in. The sounds of Nickelback’s song
Trying Not to Love You
plays through Shane’s phone. He reaches for his phone and lowers the volume, keeping his eyes cast down.

“Hey. You’re up.”

I flush with embarrassment as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t realize how tired I was.”

“It’s fine. I didn’t mind.”

“Where’s Paco?”

“I sent him home.”

“Well,” I reach for the mop, “at least let me clean the floor.”

“No, I’ve got it,” he counters, pressing the lever down to expunge the excess water.

“Shane! C’mon. Let me do something.”

“I’ve got it.” He lowers his face to meet me at my level.

I huff and put my hands on my hips, determined to block his way. “I have to do something. What can I do?”

“Fine. You can do something,” he finally concedes.

“Thank you!”

I reach for the mop so I can start cleaning the floor, but he pulls it back and stands there with a smirk on his face.

“What? You said I can mop.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Then what can I do?”

His smirk transforms as a devious grin spreads from ear to ear. “You can kiss the cook.”

Something in me snaps.
Kiss the cook.
With hurried steps, I close the space between us and smash my lips against his. I only hear the sound of the mop hitting the floor before the tidy kitchen is filled with the sound of our moans.

Shane lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist, needing to be one with him as he consumes me. His hands roam over my back, pulling me against his chest while the other hand cups my ass. He takes a few steps forward until I’m between him and the freezer door. I can feel how hard he is through his thin running shorts. I have the desire to rub myself on him to sate the buzzing between my legs.

Oh, God. Kissing Shane is nothing like I’ve ever experienced before. He angles my face, prompting me to open my mouth for him. His warm tongue slides in and teases mine. My thoughts wander about where else I’d love to feel his tongue.

I cross my arms and pull at the hem of my polo shirt, yanking it over my head. His eyes drop to my breasts before he slides the material to the side. The combination of his lips kissing and his tongue swirling around my nipple feels incredible. I look up into his lustful blue eyes and offer a silent nod of approval for him to continue. I want this. I need this.

I wrestle with the apron, moving it out of the way so I can run my hand along his length. The deep moans emanating from his chest encourage me to slip my hand into his shorts and stroke.

My name is whispered against my neck as he graces it with light kisses. “Remy, that feels so good.”

I move to kiss his neck until I finally reach his ear. “Shane, I want you.” I exhale loudly. “I want you so bad.” I feel as though I’m going to explode with desire for this man. We’ve skirted around going past a certain level of intimacy, but I’m done waiting. I want him.

He pulls back immediately and searches my eyes before attacking my mouth again.“Remy…”

“Please, Shane.”

Without warning, I feel his forehead press against mine as his breathing becomes heavy and labored. “Fuck...we can’t do this.”

Wait, what?
What’s he talking about? My eyes fly open. “What’s wrong?”

He flattens his lips against mine and kisses me chastely before he takes my lip between his teeth. “Baby, I want you so bad, but not like this.”

To hide my humiliation and shame, my body stiffens as I pull my gaze away from his face and lower my eyes. “Please put me down.” I swallow the lump in my throat.

He doesn’t move. “Look at me.”

I shake my head.


Again, I shake my head.

“I want nothing more than to make love to you, Remy. I’ve thought a hundred times about how you’d feel underneath me.”

I listen carefully to his words.

“You’re not some random girl I can just fuck and let go.”

Finally, I look up.

“I like you.” His voice is soft and quiet. “A lot.”

I stretch my palms along his face. “I like you, too.” I don’t know if the word “like” is a good description for what I’m feeling. I think about him all the time and wonder what it would be like if I couldn’t see him or talk to him. I’d miss him for sure.

“I like these a lot, too.” He smiles as he looks at my breasts.

“Oh, my God! You’re a typical guy!”

“You have the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen!”

“Tits? Oh, that’s awful! I hate that word!” With much success, I squirm to get out of his hold.

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know. It’s derogatory. It makes me feel like a piece of meat or something.”

He chuckles at my words as he lowers his head to kiss my breast.

“Call them what you want. They’re perfect.”

The sound of keys jiggling at the back door sends me scrambling to stand and reaching for my discarded work shirt.

“What happened?” Shane’s fingertips graze my shoulder where the purple mark is fading. The concern drips from his voice.

“Nothing.” I slip my shirt on over my head.

“It doesn’t look like ‘nothing.’”

“I’m fine,” I reply as I tuck my shirt in.

I turn to find Jenna walking in with Lenny following closely behind her. His left index finger is wrapped in bulky, white gauze.

“Lenny! Are you okay?” I ask, taking his hand in mine.

“Oh yeah, nothing a couple of stitches couldn’t fix.”

Jenna’s eyebrows shoot up in disbelief as she mouths the word, “Fifteen.”

I don’t know how Lenny is going to manage this place for a few days until his finger is healed up.

A high-pitched whistle slips through Lenny’s thin lips. “Looks good in here,” he says, appraising Shane’s work.

“It was all him. I can’t take any credit.” I throw my hands up in the air.

Shane rolls his eyes, “Don’t let her fool you. It was both of us.”

Jenna’s eyes dart between the two of us.

Lenny tells us that his brother-in-law is going to help out for a while as he inspects the grease bins that have been emptied and wiped clean.

“You ever cook before?” he asks Shane.

“I worked at a restaurant back home all throughout high school and then I cooked a little in the service.”


“No, sir. Army.”

Lenny nods his head as he lifts the sleeve of his white T-shirt, displaying a faded eagle tattoo with the words, “82
Infantry Division” underneath. I’ve never seen Lenny look as proud as he does right now.

“Nice,” Shane says. I wait for him to show the tat around his bicep, but he doesn’t.

There’s an awkward lull when all conversation stops.

“Well Len, if you’re all set, I’m going to head home.” Jenna says, looking at the time on the clock.

“I’m good. Go on home. I’ll need you in early tomorrow though.”

“What? Why?”

“I lost a day’s wage and so did you.” Lenny grins.

“No way! You are so paying me for today! I took you to the hospital and stayed with you while you whimpered like a baby when they stitched you up!”

“I didn’t whimper.”

“You absolutely whimpered,” she objects.

Jenna looks at Shane and says a quick goodbye before she pulls me in for a hug, whispering in my ear, “So did you do it?”

I tense, wondering how she knows I almost had sex with Shane a few minutes ago. “What?” I ask.

“Oh, come on! Did you or not?”

“Did I do what?”

“Kiss the cook.” She laughs and releases me.

My face turns pink. “Goodbye, Jenna.”

I want to do a whole lot more than just kiss the damn cook.

“Bye, Lenny.See you Monday.” I wave as I wheel my bike through the back door while Shane follows closely behind. His laughter in response to something Lenny whispered piques my curiosity.

“What was that about?” I ask, keeping the bike between us as a barrier. I would’ve hoped that my desire for him would have been quashed when Lenny and Jenna came in, but seeing Shane stand there, so confident and sexy, has me ready to drag him to the nearest corner in the alley.

He shakes his head and smiles at me, resisting the urge to laugh again. “Can’t tell you. I promised him.”

“You’re going to keep a secret from me?” I feign being deeply hurt and clutch at my chest. “I’m wounded.”

He gives nothing in return but a grin from ear to ear. I love that grin. It’s cute and playful.

“Fine! I can keep secrets, too.” I swing my leg over and straddle the bike frame.

“That’s not fair. He made me promise.” He moves to stand in front of me so I can’t move forward.

“Well, I can promise that you’ll never know what I can do with my tongue.” I raise my chin contentiously.

“I know very well what that sweet tongue can do, little thief.” The proximity of his face makes me close my eyes and tilt my head, preparing for the soft touch of his lips.

He presses his lips against mine, letting his tongue slip out and lick my bottom lip. “So sweet.” He pecks my nose and moves back to look at me. I scan his face and chest, taking a moment to appreciate the strong arms that grip the handle bars.

“What are we doing later since I can never get a
night with you?”

I shiver as a wave of guilt consumes me. I hate keeping him at bay every Friday, but I don’t really have a choice. “I don’t really have any specific plans. Why?”

“Want to come over to my place? I’ll make you dinner and then we can do something fun.”

Yes, please!
“What’d you have in mind?” My heart speeds up at the thought of having “fun” with him.

“We could go go-carting or to play mini-golf,” he suggests with complete seriousness. The idea of driving a death trap doesn’t sit well with me and I haven’t been mini-golfing in years. The last time I went was when David took me.

“Uh… sure, I guess.” I try to hide the disappointment in my voice and fail miserably.

“You don’t want to go or you don’t want to go out with
?” The apprehension is clear in his tone.

I laugh. “Of course I want to go out with you! But honestly, I’d rather not do either one of those things.”

BOOK: Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1)
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