Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1)
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you want to go?” Jenna asks, linking her arm with mine as we round the corner toward Tremont. I don’t know why she asks me the same question every week; we always end up at the same place every Friday night. I peek back at the hustle and bustle of tourist attractions of the theater district just to make sure no one is behind us. My phone vibrates in my back pocket. It’s a text from Shane again. I’ve let the other two from earlier go unreturned.

Me: Hey! Sorry. Didn’t have my phone on me earlier. What’s up?

Immediately he responds.

Shane: Are you still working on your paper?

Me: No, I got a little done so now I’ve only got another 200 pages to go. lol

No sooner do I hit “Send”, I get a return text.

Shane: 200 pages? What are you writing? A book? Take a break and come meet me for a drink.

I smile, imagining his fingers zipping across the screen quickly.

Me: I don’t like to drink.

Shane: You don’t drink?

Me: That’s not what I said.

Shane: I’m confused.

Me: Typical blond.

Last time I looked, you’re blond, too and pretty damn hot.

I bite my lip, enjoying the banter
Jenna runs her fingers through my damp hair, reminding me that I’m overdue for a color treatment.She drags me along by the arm as I continue to text.

“C’mon, Rem! They’re starting soon!”

Me: Where are you?

Shane: Some bar called Tim’s, I think.

Me: You think? Are you drunk?

His text comes in at the same time as I send mine to him.

Shane: IDK.

I laugh as my fingers fly around and tap.

You don’t know where you are or you don’t know if you’re drunk?

I slip my phone into my pocket and keep my head down low as we push through the crowd. Our usual seats at the far end of the bar are occupied by a man and a woman.

“You’re in my seat, asshole,” I yell into the man’s ear as I step up to him. He slowly turns to face me. His black hair, long and shaggy in the front but short in the back, is brushed away to the side with a quick swipe of his hand.

“Screw you, little lady. I got here first.” The woman next to him just cackles and I snap my eyes to her.

“What are you laughing at? Don’t make me slap your pretty ass from that chair.”

“I’d love for you to slap my bare ass.”

The bartender’s eyes dart back and forth between us. Finally, he lets out a chuckle, rolls his eyes and walks away with a couple of bottles of beer from a local brewery.

As if I weigh nothing at all, I am swooped up and held against his body while he remains in his bar stool. Long, lean arms engulf me, securing me tightly in place.

“Dude! Get off me!” I laugh.

Simon mumbles in my ear that I’m late while Amara downs another shot of tequila before turning to face us.

“Is it raining out?” she asks.

Jenna and I look at each other with curiosity, wondering why she’d ask such a weird question.

I nearly fall off Simon’s lap when he moves abruptly to talk to me. “What are you girls having to drink?”

“The usual.” Jenna and I respond at the same time.

“Oooh…you’re living it up tonight!” His deep laughter teases me.

“Shut up!” I sneer as I take in his appearance. “You look like crap. You okay?”

“Fine and dandy!” He wipes his nose then raises his glass in salute.

I adjust myself so I’m sandwiched more comfortably in between Simon and Amara when I feel my phone vibrate against my ass.

“Jenna, can you get my phone? It’s in my back pocket. On the left.”

“Mmmm…I’d love to get it,” Amara offers, eyeballing me with a suggestive look.

“Ewww… you’re so gross!” This chick hits on me every time I see her, but she knows I’m a “dick not chick” girl. No judgment from me though. Whatever floats your boat!

Jenna hands over my phone and I see his name.

Shane: Not Tim. It’s called The Tam.

Air tumbles out of me on a loud gasp as I grab Jenna’s arm. “Shit! Jenna, he’s here.”

“What?” she shouts over the loud music that’s beginning to play. The piercing sound of the guitar fills the room.

“He’s here.”



“And? What’s the problem?” she asks nonchalantly.

My eyes open wide in an obvious, telling response.

“Oh,” her pink lips form a perfect circle.

My phone buzzes again.

My eyes dart around the bar, scanning every person as I look for the blond hair and blue eyes that I dream about even though I try desperately not to.

“Here you go,” Simons says before I thank him. I take the glass of seltzer splashed with cranberry juice and use the straw to pull the cherry out.

“You okay?” He eyes me, pinning me with keen eyes. I hate that Simon knows me almost better than I know myself.

“Yep,” I hide my face in the glass and wish in this moment that I’d never cut my long, thick hair off. I was always good at hiding behind it even when I was a little kid. I could shield myself from things children shouldn’t see.

Another buzz.

The band plays another three songs and then takes a break. Jenna excuses herself to the bathroom, but I know she wants to meet up with the drummer. They’re friends…with benefits.

“Babe, you’re little, but you have a big ass. Sit here,” Simon pats his lap and slides me over onto both his legs. I give him a reproachful stare. Another buzz. I haven’t looked at my phone since Shane told me he’s here. I don’t know what I’m so afraid of. I see him almost every day, but here, like this, doesn’t feel right.

“Who the fuck is that?” Amara’s raspy voice interrupts my train of thought, causing me to look up and see what she’s talking about.Walking in our direction are two men. I swallow hard and take another sip when Shane’s squinted eyes open wide and even in the dim light, his eyes appear blue like the ocean.

“I thought that was you.” He smiles brightly, but then his face drops immediately, almost pained, when he notices that I’m sitting on Simon’s lap. He looks stunned and maybe a little angry.

“Oh hey!” I grab my drink and remove the tied cherry stem from my mouth. Carefully, I disentangle myself from Simon’s lap to squeeze in between Amara who leans in and whispers something about sharing. Shane takes a small step back as he looks at Simon again. I tap Simon’s shoulder to get his attention before he burns to smithereens from the stares Shane is drilling into the back of his head.

“Simon,” I say when he turns. “This is my friend Shane. Shane, this is Simon.”

If Simon wants to be more obnoxious and blatantly rude, I don’t think it would be possible as he drags his eyes from the top of Shane’s head to the bottom of his black boots and simply nods, uttering, “Sup.” No friendly handshake. No “Hey, how’s it going?” Nothing.

“Hi, I’m Amara.” She extends her hand to Shane. I want to really slap her pretty ass off the chair when she holds his gaze a little too long, offering herself without a single word. My heart starts to beat faster with jealousy even though I have no right to be. None! None whatsoever!

“Hi.” Shane returns the handshake and pulls his eyes away from hers. He looks at me before introducing his friend Collin as Jenna walks up and breaks up our little staring contest.

“Jenna, you know Shane and this is his friend, Collin.”

“Hey. What’s up?” Her smile is bright and cheery; her light brown eyes linger on Collin before she taps Simon and asks him to pass her drink. He does so without so much as a quick pause of his conversation with a skinny cocktail waitress.

“I thought you don’t drink,” Shane says with a hint of accusation.

“That’s not what I said and besides it’s seltzer and cranberry. Want some?” I chuckle even though I’m a little taken aback by his tone. I don’t owe him anything, especially an explanation about the contents of my glass.

As the band makes their way back up onto the stage and Shane finally looks away from me, I draw my eyes away from his face to finally notice what he’s wearing. Dark denim covers his long legs paired with an unbuttoned black shirt that hides the grey V neck T-shirt. I find myself staring at his chest, wondering how the hard muscle would feel beneath my fingertips. His dirty blond hair looks like he’s been running his fingers through it. A surge of jealousy shoots through me again at the thought that maybe
didn’t run his fingers through his hair. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m going to get some fresh air,” I state and Simon immediately swings around, causing Amara to yelp when his legs crash into her.

“I’ll go with you.” His eyes flash to mine as he starts to stand. He’s being overprotective again and as much as I shouldn’t be, I’m annoyed.

“No, I’m good.” I give him a warning look that says to back off. Shane is harmless; I’m not worried about my safety. I am, however, worried about my heart that’s been beating a thousand times faster since he’s arrived. Blood rushes through my veins, pooling down below, making me cross my legs to diffuse the throbbing.

Shane leans forward. “Want me to go with you?”

My eyes close briefly and involuntarily when his cologne invades my nose and his breath tickles my ear. I open my mouth to say yes, but nothing comes out so I nod instead. Shane’s hand wraps around mine as he leads me through the crowd toward the exit sign. I take a quick look back to see Jenna talking to Collin. Simon narrows his glassy eyes, scowling at me as his head moves from side to side slowly. I want to run back, hug Simon and reassure him that I’m fine. He doesn’t need to protect me…not from Shane.

“I texted you a few times,” Shane says when we’re finally outside under the green awning. His pacing back and forth makes me a little dizzy. Joey, the doorman, gives me a quick wink to either say hello or let me know that he’s watching out for me.

“Sorry. My phone died,” I say, looking down to concrete sidewalk to hide my lying eyes. “Collin seems nice. Army buddy?”



“How long have you been here?”

“Not long.” I shrug, wanting the focus to be on him, I ask, “How was work?”


“Football practice?”


“Any reason you’re giving me one word answers?” I tease as I try to ward off the tension I feel coming from his body.

“Nope.” He laughs quietly before turning to face me. “This,” Shane looks around, “this isn’t me. Going to loud bars to find someone to hook up with isn’t really my thing. Not anymore.” I get the impression he wants to separate himself from the drunks inside.

“I know what you mean.” I offer a tight smile. “But you did ask me to you for a drink, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but we could’ve gone somewhere quieter,” he offers hesitantly.

I make the mistake of looking up at him. I’m not sure what I see reflected in his eyes, but whatever it is, it’s really intense and I know I could lose myself in him.

“Is he your boyfriend or something?”

There’s no doubt that he’s referring to Simon, especially after finding me on his lap and his less than friendly greeting.

“God no,” I state firmly. “We’re just friends. He’s like a brother to me.”

He simply nods.

“And besides it would be wrong of me to text you like crazy if I had a boyfriend, don’t you think?” My eyes round like saucers and my eyebrows rise up in question.

“I would hope so.”

“Shane, I’m…”

“What?” he asks abruptly and looks down at me.

“Nothing.” I shake my head and smile. “Let’s take a walk,” I pull him by the arm and guide him further down Tremont. With a quick gaze over my shoulder, I make sure that we’re alone.

Time slips by as we stroll along the streets of Boston, talking about nothing and everything at the same time, until an empty bench outside the park entrance beckons our weary legs to rest. It’s incredible how comfortable I feel around him. It’s nice to be just me.

“I love being in this city and yet finding some peace and quiet.” I stretch my arms back behind my head, letting my eyes drift closed. I inhale and exhale quietly and reopen my eyes when I feel the weight of his stare. “What?” I ask, noticing that he’s mirrored my position even down the legs crossed at the ankles.

“You broke the rules of the game.”

I huff. “Fine. I
being in this city and yet finding some peace and quiet, even though I

We sit quietly for some time until I declare it to be his turn.

He lifts a hand and caresses my cheek with his knuckles before tucking a short piece of hair behind my ear. “I like

My eyes close at his words and then slowly reopen to meet his heavy gaze. Three little words. Those three simple little words send butterflies dancing in my belly and have my mouth opening to repeat the words back to him.

Again he caresses my face then takes my chin in his hand, drawing me in. Time stands still, every moment in slow motion. My eyelids become heavy and close when I sense his lips inch closer. Those butterflies in my belly take flight once again. The anticipation causes me to breathe raggedly.

“Shane,” I sigh. Silently I beg him to kiss him.

As if he has all the time in the world, Shane grazes my lips with his own, gliding back and forth gently, invitingly. I sigh when he finally presses his mouth against mine, offering a closed kiss; letting our lips be introduced for the first time. Our mouths move effortlessly, succinctly, as our tongues slip through and make their acquaintance. I can feel his breath hitch as he angles his head to plunge his tongue deeper into my mouth. His hands cup my face as if he’s extracting every ounce, every fiber of my soul. My body reacts immediately as my hands tug at his hair, pulling him closer.

With strong hands, he lifts me and spreads my legs spread wide to straddle his thighs, never losing the intimate contact. His hand slips beneath the thin material of my tank top and rubs against the bare skin of my back. Heat follows his fingers. Unashamedly, I moan into his mouth and drag my fingers along his neck when I feel his stiffness at my core. Kissing this man is more than just kissing; it’s as though I’m surrendering myself completely. This connection between us is undeniably intense. It’s surreal, but most of all, it’s ours.

BOOK: Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1)
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