Cast Off (20 page)

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Authors: KC Burn

BOOK: Cast Off
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The back of his legs hit the bed. Finally.

He flipped them around and pushed Rick back on the bed. Their lips separated and Ian felt the loss like the loss of a limb.

Staring down at Rick, sprawled against the blue sheets, his cock pulsed in his jeans. His boyfriend—and he loved using that word—was so fucking sexy.

He stroked a finger down Rick’s face, skimming over the collar of the shirt to those peaked nipples, so temptingly visible; the sheerness of the shirt added something delicious. It was all there for Ian to see, and yet, he still ached for naked skin. After giving those hardened tips a gentle rub, he moved his hand to trace the faint line of fuzzy hair that delineated the path from Rick’s belly to groin. The edge of Rick’s pants was low enough to show a faint hint of the trimmed bush barely constrained by the waistband. The temptation to slide his hands under that waistband and yank, freeing Rick’s cock, was almost irresistible.

Rick might not mind if Ian pounced, ripping clothes and indulging in wild, animalistic sex. Ian might still succumb to that desire, but he wanted their first time as a couple to be something memorable—special. Perhaps that was pathetic and sappy, but he couldn’t help it. His mom believed in romance with a capital R, and she raised all her kids to at least respect it, if not want it. Turns out, they all did, even though he’d never imagined that would be the case for him.

He tamped down his raging lust and straddled Rick. With arms braced on either side of Rick, he dropped his head and sipped gently at Rick’s soft lips. Rick moaned and let him lead the way with tender kisses. A glint of gold stubble on Rick’s jaw called to him, and he moved his lips over the slight roughness, nibbling at a strong jawline before brushing their cheeks together. This time, the low moan was his.

Moving on to the tender skin of Rick’s neck, he mouthed and sucked gently, Rick writhing and panting below him.

“Harder,” Rick demanded.

“It’ll mark.” Ian’s cock, however, could see no downside to that happenstance.


With a growl, Ian opened his mouth over Rick’s neck and sucked. The long, low moan that tore from Rick’s throat almost made him come in his pants. So fucking sexy.

Pulling back, he stared at the reddish mark, an unaccustomed sensation of pride filling him. That was his mark on his boyfriend and there was no denying the atavistic notion of “Mine!” ringing in his brain.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He started on the buttons of Rick’s shirt, unbuttoning them one by one and licking at the flesh revealed by the parted fabric.

Rick made an attempt to undress him, but Ian shifted downward and put Rick’s hands back at his side. Instead of lying there and letting Ian do everything, though, Rick moved his fingers into Ian’s hair and caressed his scalp. There was no pressure, no sense of Rick trying to direct him, only the vague impression that Rick just needed to touch back.

Ian placed a hand over Rick’s belly and spread his fingers, easing the last of the burgundy fabric off Rick’s torso. With Rick’s golden skin bared to Ian’s gaze, the pink flush of arousal that stained his chest and neck was readily visible.

He bent again to kiss the dark-blond treasure trail underneath Rick’s navel. Resting his throat against the hot, hard bulge of Rick’s trapped erection, he licked at Rick’s lower belly. Fingers clenched in his hair at the extended teasing, tugging sharply each time Ian found a ticklish bit.

Finally the heat and musky scent of Rick’s cock became irresistible. Ian was desperate to free his own cock and assumed Rick was in a similar state.

Running his tongue underneath the waistband of Rick’s pants, he encountered the bare, moist head of Rick’s cock. They moaned in tandem at the connection of tongue to cock. If Rick wasn’t ready to explode for
right now, Ian might be a little pissed that he was going commando.

He sat up and wrenched Rick’s pants open, reveling in the erection that sprang free.

“Please,” Rick whispered.

“So, some total stranger rates going commando, do they?” Okay, maybe he was still a tiny bit pissed off.

Instead of looking abashed, as Ian had expected, Rick gave him a wicked smile. “I was going commando at Finn’s.”

Ian’s mouth opened and he shuddered. If things had gone differently tonight, and if he’d known Rick was deliciously bare under his pants, he might very well have had Rick up against the wall of his parents’ bar.

“Oh, God. I’m so glad I didn’t know that.”

Rick frowned. Ian replayed his words and realized that perhaps that they hadn’t come out quite as complimentary as he’d intended.

“I only meant I wouldn’t have been able to resist you. I would have wanted to put you face-first against the wall so I could push into you.”

Rick squirmed a little, like he’d imagined the exact same scenario. Ian’s fingers clutched restlessly against Rick’s hips, enjoying how much his words made Rick squirm, how they coaxed tiny beads of fluid to the slit atop his dick.

“Greased you up if you’d brought a little slick.” Rick’s rosy skin flushed a little darker, and his eyes flickered to the bedside table where a pillow pack of lube resided, presumably the exact same one he’d carried in his pocket to the bar. Ian grinned at Rick’s careful planning and grabbed the pack. He slid Rick’s pants off and spread his legs wide then squeezed some lube on his fingers and matched words to action.

“But if there was no slick, I’d have to go down on my knees, spread your ass, and use my tongue to open you right up.”

Nothing less than an agonized wail left Rick’s lips and Ian grinned. Oh, yeah, he was going to enjoy trying
out later. At the moment, he was barely able to restrain himself from ripping Rick’s pants off and plunging inside him. He didn’t have the control left to drive Rick crazy with lust that way, although it seemed avoiding all touch of his cock was doing a pretty good job.

He wiped his fingers on his jeans, uncaring that they’d need washing, and dug around in his own pocket for a foil square that he placed on Rick’s stomach.

“Then, I’d pull out my handy-dandy condom and roll it on my cock.” Ian flicked open his jeans and yanked the fly apart. A black jock constrained his own hard cock, and he tucked the waistband under his balls, freeing his rampant erection. He opened the condom packet in record time and put it on. He positioned Rick’s legs over his arms, raising and spreading them at the same time.

“Then I’d slide right in.” Ian’s last word was barely more than a grunt, the sensation of being squeezed in Rick’s tight heat almost unbearably good. Rick squirmed, trying to get more of Ian inside or trying to get some contact on his dick—either way, it shredded the last of Ian’s control.

He pulled back and thrust in hard, again and again. Rick grunted but met every thrust, sweat making their skin slippery.

“Touch me, dammit.”

Ian still retained a tiny bit of control and grinned at Rick, deliberately ignoring his demand. Rick could have wrapped a hand around his own dick, but as with most things so far, they were on the same page. This one was all on Ian, and they both knew it.

He changed the angle of his thrusts and Rick bared his teeth. “Ian, dammit.” Rick squeezed his internal muscles in frustration.

Suddenly, the precipice Ian had been skirting for the past few minutes appeared in front of him and he couldn’t stop himself from barreling over. His hips jerked uncontrollably as he emptied himself into Rick, white noise in his ears as Rick’s body wrung a mind-blowing orgasm from him.

Boneless, he slumped over Rick. When his mind cleared a few seconds later, Rick was trying to thrust himself against Ian’s side, his whole body vibrating with his approaching orgasm. Ian shook his head and slid carefully out of Rick, who cursed him and pounded a fist against his shoulder.

“So fucking close, Ian.”

Ian didn’t bother replying, he just opened his mouth and sucked Rick’s cock all the way in.

Rick keened and thrust, cock jerking and spilling salty cum down Ian’s throat. He swallowed every drop, then kissed the mushroom tip before he moved to curl up beside Rick.

“Bastard,” Rick muttered between harsh breaths.

“So you don’t want to do that again?”

“Of course I do. Bastard.”

Ian grinned against Rick’s nape, reveling in the scent of sweaty, sated man. “So, when I said earlier I was glad I didn’t know about the state of your underwear….”

He waited, and as he expected, Rick tensed in his arms.

“Well, if I’d known, tonight might have gone a little differently, and I might have been balls deep in your sweet little ass when my dad came out to look for me.”

Rick held himself stiff, as though he wasn’t sure how to respond, but then he started to laugh. Ian laughed along with him, and they shook the bed from the force of their mirth.

“Oh, man. He might be accepting of your sexuality, but I’m guessing he wouldn’t want to actually see you fucking a guy.”

Ian snorted. “Please. He wouldn’t want to see any of his kids fucking anyone. Especially not outside where we could scare away potential customers or possibly need to get bailed out of jail. No matter whether you’re a guy or a girl, I would have gotten a lecture on safe sex and respecting my partner.”

Rick chuckled and turned to face him. “Maybe we ought to try it next time. Might be a thrill.”

“Sure, sure. A thrill for you, maybe. You just want to see me get my ass handed to me by my dad.”


The lackadaisical shrug didn’t fool Ian one bit. Rick would have loved to watch that. As much as he wanted to give Rick whatever he needed to be happy, he wasn’t quite sure he could bring himself to get caught fucking by any of his family members.

A cooling sensation on his dick reminded him of the spent condom, and he levered himself out of bed.


Rick stretched, catlike and sexy, before he pointed at the left-hand door.

When he returned, Rick hadn’t moved, hadn’t covered up. Ian might have been up for a second round, but there had been too much emotional turmoil and he was exhausted. He crawled into bed and tucked Rick against him like they’d been sleeping spooned together all their lives.

“No sneaking out on me this time, got it? We’re together.”

“Even if no one knows it?”

“Even if no one knows it. This relationship is for us, and we can make our own rules about how it should go.”

“Okay, then, darling. I promise not to sneak out of my own house.” Rick cuddled into his arms.

The sleepy contentment emanating from Rick reassured him that he wasn’t at all upset to be falling asleep with a boyfriend. With his first boyfriend.



shifted in the sheets, the sounds of Ian banging about in the bathroom unfamiliar and pleasing at the same time. The day stretched before them, with nothing to do but please themselves. A lazy day with his boyfriend. Rick had never imagined spending a day like this, mostly because he never expected to have a boyfriend. They’d woken late after the emotion-laden night, whereupon Ian had proceeded to fuck his brains out, again. Rick was nothing more than a limp noodle this morning. A limp noodle who felt surprisingly weightless. Between the orgasms, Ian’s acceptance of his past, and assurance that he was willing to work with Rick’s hang-ups, was a freedom and intense contentment.

Although he’d had other guys in his bed, he’d never allowed any of them to sleep there or stay the night. If guys stayed over, there was no easy escape, and there was an implied intimacy Rick had never been interested in fostering. Sleeping with Ian had been different than expected. Safe, comforting, and relaxing. And he wasn’t going to give it up anytime soon.

Would Ian want to stay over on the weekends from now on? Rick wouldn’t mind, and he loved his place. He’d be willing to stay at Ian’s, but he couldn’t honestly say he wouldn’t bolt early in the morning if he were there. Leaving like that would likely make Ian furious, and Rick was starting to enjoy the relationship they’d started. For the good of their relationship, he’d have to convince Ian that sleepovers had to be on Rick’s turf.

Ian came back from the bathroom, stark naked and warm from his shower. He slid into bed, breath minty and fresh, and Rick frowned.

“Darling, you brought a toothbrush? I’m not usually that easy.” Because that was weird, wasn’t it? How could Ian assume he wouldn’t have slammed the door in his face or called the cops last night?

“Give me the benefit of the doubt,
.” Ian put a little mocking spin on his words. “I used your toothpaste and my finger. If you don’t mind, though, I could keep a toothbrush here, maybe a razor.”

It took him a moment to figure out how he felt about that. Surprisingly, it felt as right as letting Ian stay overnight. He had to commend Ian. Letting them become friends first had done wonders to make this all okay. Better than okay. Good, even.

“I think that would be okay.”

Ian smiled, a sweet smile that made him look younger and not as jaded as he often did. Then, completely heedless of Rick’s own lack of toothpaste use, Ian kissed him.

Rick pulled back before the kiss could develop into anything deeper. He had a date with the shower and a toothbrush before they had sex again.

His stomach growled as he got out of bed, and he paused for a moment. Ian laughed and grabbed him about the waist, kissing his empty belly.

“Go shower. I’ll try to drum up some breakfast.” Ian gave him another belly kiss before smacking him on the butt. “Go on.”

Somewhat bemused, Rick found himself in the bathroom, preparing to hop in the shower. No one had ever made him breakfast before. Then again, that was probably reserved for guys who actually spent the whole night, which Rick had never done until now.

He showered with a grin. The whole boyfriend thing was shaping up to be a very good thing. He refused to give in to the deep-seated fear that this was nothing more than the calm before the storm. He’d been through enough stormy weather. Didn’t he finally deserve a little sunshine in his life?



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