Read Cassie's Choice Online

Authors: Donna Gallagher

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Cassie's Choice (11 page)

BOOK: Cassie's Choice
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In the mostly silent room, the muffled sounds only added to the atmosphere. Soft moans and throaty growls, the scrape of fingernails running along denim, lips meeting, the hiss of air drawn through busy lips into desperate lungs. It was surreal and yet so familiar to Cassie, a state of euphoria she had feared she’d never experience again.

She prised her lips from Riley’s, shook her head when he tried to pull her face back to his using the hand he had tangled in her hair.

“Wait, I need to catch my breath.” It took a great deal of concentration to get those few words out. Cassie wasn’t sure if it was because of her oxygen-deprived lungs or the fact that her heart was beating too wildly to send any blood to her brain.

“Do you need to slow it down, babe? Are we moving too fast?”

Riley’s voice sounded as breathless as her own. His face morphed from one of lust into concern. Concern for her. How could he have worried he was wrong for her when everything about him, everything he did showed her how much he cared about her well-being?

“No, the pace is just right, sweetie,” she replied, her voice a little more under control. “I just wanted to have a bit of space so I could undo your fly. You were holding onto me so tightly I couldn’t get my hand between us, and I really need to touch you.”

Riley chuckled, the sound low and throaty. “Oh, okay then. But I think I should warn you that I might not last. Just the thought of your hand on my cock… I’m already struggling not to come in my jeans.”

This time it was Cassie’s turn to laugh. “Smooth, Walters! Really smooth. You sure know how to sweet-talk a lady.”

“Just sayin’ it like it is, babe. You’ve always had that effect on me. I thought I’d just built up the memory of your kiss, over the last two years. What it did to me. That was until the other night. My imagination, my memory didn’t hold a candle to the real thing. If the kettle hadn’t disturbed us, I would have taken you right on my kitchen floor. I’m not proud of knowing that, by the way. But you wanted honesty.”

“Oh, Riley, I would have let you. New ground rule… Throw away that bloody kettle. Now how about we take this somewhere more comfy, like my bed?”

Cassie gave a little squeak, not expecting Riley would stand up while she was sitting on his lap. “I’m too heavy for you, I can walk, you know!”

“You weigh nothing at all and I’m not ready to let you out of my arms yet. Stop squirming and let me carry you. The quicker we get to your room, the faster I can get your clothes off.”

Riley had a point so Cassie settled back against his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt weightless. Her body mass may not have changed, but her heart was definitely lighter. She was happy, a happiness that had eluded her for years. Being in Riley’s arms, that was where she wanted to be.

Entering her room triggered something in them both. The desire to be together became a frantic need. In a tangle of hands and fingers, each tried to undress the other. Cassie fumbled with the fastenings of Riley’s jeans, her fingers not working fast enough, as Riley attempted to drag her T-shirt up over her head.

They were getting nowhere fast.

Riley sighed, and at the sound of his chuckling she paused. “What’s so funny?”

“This is… Why don’t we try this a different way?” he asked as he caressed her face, cupping her cheek in his palm. “How about I get out of these jeans and you slip off that T-shirt?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Cassie said as she stripped, the words slightly muffled by the fabric of her T-shirt as she whisked it over her head.

Finally they were both naked, Cassie’s eyes full with the glorious sight of Riley standing in front of her.

“You are so beautiful,” she whispered as she took a step towards him.

“I think that’s my line,” he replied as he matched her step forward bringing them together.

Cassie trailed a path from Riley’s nipple down over his rippling abs with her fingers, following the line of hair that led to his fully aroused penis. He had a swimmer’s body, tall and lean with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. She had always been fascinated by the size of Riley’s feet—it seemed like a silly thing to find attractive in a man, but she did. Riley’s extremities were all overly large. The one between his legs standing erect and pointing towards her could not be ignored. She wrapped her fingers around the hardness, warm and smooth to touch. She stroked it from base to tip. Heard his hiss, watched as his stomach muscles tightened just as his hand covered hers, halting her movements.

“I won’t last.” Riley touched her on the chin with his free hand, gently lifting her head so she could meet his gaze. “Let me pleasure you first, I want to feel your silken walls hugging my cock when I come and I’m guessing that will be about nought point two seconds after I enter you. I really would love to take it nice and slow but, honey, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long it just ain’t gonna happen.”

Cassie didn’t have the chance to reply as Riley’s mouth descended on hers. With hungry lips and tongue, he took her more forcibly this time. She melted into his touch. Cassie flung her arms around Riley’s neck for support as his tongue wielded its magic inside her mouth.

Riley drifted his hands down her body—she shivered in response to his touch. He left the mind-blowing assault on her mouth and dropped his head towards her breast. As he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked, pleasure swamped her. She arched her back and moved her body closer to his, trying to push more of her breast against his lips and rub her throbbing pussy against something hard, his leg, his hip, his cock, she didn’t care, just wanted to find some release before she died from the aching need that was burning her from the inside out.

“Please, Riley, make me come. I’m going to go insane if you don’t.” Hearing the sound of his chuckles made it worse. The combination of Riley’s touch, the visual and audible sensuality of the moment was overpowering her senses. It was all around her, around them. Cassie could identify with Riley’s comments about not lasting long, of dreaming of this moment, being together again. Just one light touch of Riley’s finger or tongue to her clit would send her spiralling over that precipice and head first into a shattering orgasm.

He was struggling to keep in control, balls drawn tight and her body pressed against his cock the most delightful torture he had ever known. Her breasts were mashed against his mouth, and he loved every second of it. The main problem was trying not to shoot his load over her soft belly
. Get a grip. Hold on.
Words rattled around his head as Riley tried to find some control. But how could he when his brain was so full of Cassie that he couldn’t focus on anything but her? How she felt in his arms, her soft skin burning his own. Her pleas for him to make her come.

“Sh-h! Honey, I will. I will,” he said as he moved his hand down to her pussy, the heat coming from that heavenly place almost enough to singe him. “Spread your legs a bit, let me touch you.”

Cassie’s shifted her body slightly. With his finger poised to penetrate her labia he took possession of her mouth again, swallowing the sigh she emitted as he entered her wetness at the same time. Lips to lips. Tongue to tongue. He grazed his fingertip over her clit, swirling her own moisture over that sensitive nub. As Cassie’s body tensed, her hips grinding against the heel of his palm, her tongue’s movements accelerated in his mouth. Riley knew she was close to the edge. With a little more pressure to her clit, he maintained a steady rhythm and took her over.

Shudders racked her body and wetness flowed over his fingers from her orgasm. The little sounds of pleasure she made, muffled in volume against his lips, filled his heart with joy. Riley stayed with her, trying to prolong her pleasure for as long as he could. Finally he had to stop, though, and remove his finger from her wetness. He needed to use both hands to help steady her as Cassie’s body became limp in his arms.

“That was…amazing… Wonderful,” Cassie whispered softly, her words expressed in a stuttered, spasmodic way.

“Glad to hear that, honey.”

Cassie’s body jerked, it gave a little shake then her hands were all over him. Touching, scratching and rubbing him everywhere. She was kissing him, exploring his pecs with her tongue, driving him wild. Riley believed the sensations could not get any better, until she latched her lips onto his nipple. It was a full-on sensual assault. He was only just surviving it by the slimmest of margins. He was a loaded canon ready to explode. It was too much and not enough at the same time. When Cassie continued her exploration down his body and wrapped her lips around his cock, Riley’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. Reflex had him thrusting his hips, sliding his cock into her mouth.
Stop her.
He finally acknowledged the voice of reason shouting in his head. Dragging a handful of Cassie’s blonde locks into his fist, he tried to still her movements.

“Bed now,” the words came out as a growl, a demand, but Riley didn’t have time to waste apologising over them. He needed to be inside Cassie in the next minute or it would be too late.

Chapter Fourteen

Cassie moved quickly, the tone of demand in Riley’s voice enough to bring her right back to the edge again. She positioned herself in the middle of the bed, spread her legs in invitation and opened her arms in welcome. “I want to feel you inside me, filling me. Reminding me how perfect we fit together.”

“You have no idea how much I want the same thing,” Riley replied as he struggled with the pocket of his jeans. “Condom… Where the hell is my wallet?” “

The sound of frustration in Riley’s voice made Cassie laugh. She rolled over and opened her bedside drawer then searched around until her fingers found the foil square. She lifted it up. “Would this one work okay?” she asked then tore a corner from the packet with her teeth. “Come here, baby, I’ll put it on for you.”

Riley snatched the rubber disc out of her grasp “Not a chance, I’d come before you got it rolled on.” As he covered himself he didn’t even pump his cock once, just shoved the condom on hurriedly. He crawled towards her, Cassie mesmerised by his every action, until he was hovering over her.

“This is going to be over real quick, but I promise I’ll make it up to you later, more than once,” he said.

And finally Riley was there.

One thrust and his shaft was seated fully inside her. That initial entry was a sensation Cassie loved. The tightness of her pussy walls stretching to accommodate and welcome him, joining them as one, always felt like a special moment to her.

The base of Riley’s cock rubbed against her clit and she was on the ascending build towards another orgasm. ”I’m going to come again,” she whispered into his ear.

He began to move, first slowly with a smooth, even rhythm. Cassie wrapped her legs around his waist and with her arms clung onto his shoulders for support as she joined in his movements. A dance they had shared so many times before.

“You feel so good. So tight, we were made for each other,” he whispered. “It always felt like this for me. I wish I had told you.”

Riley’s words touched her heart. He was right, they were made for each other. Making love to Riley was always so special for Cassie, not just a reciprocal need for sexual gratification but a spiritual joining—and just like Riley, she had been too scared to voice those thoughts before.

“That’s over now, behind us. I know now and I feel the same.” She caressed his cheek with her hand as she tried to remove the regret from his mind. “Make love to me, Riley.”

Their movements became faster, more frenzied, hips pumping and grinding against each other, the feel of Riley’s strong back under her roaming hands, the firm and masculine texture of his butt cheeks against her palms, as at first she massaged them, then clung to them while Riley thrust into her more frantically.

“Come with me,” he all but grunted.

She could see in the way he clenched his jaw, the way those usually full lips now drew back against his teeth, that Riley was just holding back, all in an effort to wait for her to join him. So they could ride the wave of pleasure together. It was what sent her flying, Riley’s pure determination to pleasure her before he took his own.

“Now. Come now,” she pleaded before bliss robbed her of the ability to speak.

* * * *

She lay beside him, their bodies still slick with perspiration from the recent round of lovemaking. The fourth time that day if Cassie didn’t count the times Riley had brought her to a screaming orgasm without wanting anything in return.

The time they’d made out in the shower had been her favourite of the day, so far she decided.

Watching Riley on his knees, her leg lifted over his shoulder, as he’d held her labia apart with his fingers, doing delicious things to her pussy and clit with his tongue—definitely memorable. The way Riley had devoured her hungrily, drinking in her juices like his thirst would never be quenched, was such an erotic picture. Let alone how it felt.

“God damned awesome!”

She’d mumbled the words aloud and Riley stirred. Obviously she had woken him, which was a shame, because Cassie had enjoyed the sight of him lying in her bed. Riley’s naked body stretched out for her appraisal. She had taken advantage of the opportunity to reacquaint herself with every inch of him.

Cassie had seen plenty of muscular male bodies—spending time with Pippa and Rook automatically put her into the world of buff male specimens. Hanging out around the pool at Brodie James’ house meant chests and ripped abs were abundant. It was Riley’s sleek swimmer’s body that did it for her. He was muscled, and there was a definite six pack happening on his firm abdomen. She took a moment to walk her fingers up over each ridge.
Just like climbing a staircase to heaven
. In her opinion Riley’s physique appeared more natural than that of the pumped-up muscles of the footy players. He obviously worked out—how else could he maintain those ridges?—but he wasn’t all beefy.

Cassie also really loved the area between his waist and hips. That deliciously, deep hollowed groove that led all the way to his groin. She had always fantasised about filling that space with champagne, or better yet melted chocolate, and lapping it right back up again. “Mmmm, I have such a great imagination.”

BOOK: Cassie's Choice
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