CassaStorm (3 page)

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Authors: Alex J. Cavanaugh

BOOK: CassaStorm
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Get up here before you hurt yourself
, the boy thought, yanking Bassan forward.

Propelled with great force to the front, Bassan’s feet barely had time to catch up with his body. He regained his composure and gasped as he caught sight of the pod room. The capsules emitted a vibrant, green glow, symbolic of the life they once carried. Bassan swore he could see the lights pulsating like a heartbeat. The numerous rows stretched far into the darkness.

There are thousands
, he thought, shielding so only the boy who’d pulled him to the front could hear.

My father said there are fifty rows of a hundred and each one carried a person.

Tearing his gaze from the glow of the pods, Bassan glanced at his friend. Drent’s eyebrows were raised and he offered a brief nod. Upon hearing Officer Mevine clear his throat, both boys turned their attention to the senior science officer.

“When this ship launched from its point of origin, each capsule carried an embryo,” said Officer Mevine, his voice no longer strained. “The capsules were filled with a liquid that provided oxygen and nutrition, and they were monitored by computers located in the control room.

“From our calculations, the people inside the capsules were almost adults when the ship arrived on Tgren. They were released and exited the ship through a supply room located at the far end.”

Officer Mevine pointed toward a corner of the room that lay shrouded in darkness. Bassan let his gaze wander across the room. He could almost see the thousands of confused Tgrens staggering on shaky legs to the beckoning exit. How strange the desert landscape of this world must’ve appeared to eyes that had only viewed the darkness of sleep.

“Are there any questions?” said Officer Mevine.

“Sir, what was in the supply room?” someone asked.

Officer Mevine straightened his thin frame, clasping his hands behind his back. “According to the records we’ve deciphered, the supply room contained basic clothing, food, water, and simple tools required for survival on this planet.”

That makes sense, Bassan thought.

“Officer Mevine, how did they know how to use those items?” a girl to his right asked. “Wouldn’t they have been like a newborn baby? Helpless?”

Bassan’s position placed him within close proximity of Officer Mevine, and he sensed a surge of excitement from Drent’s father. The science officer smiled and lifted his chin even higher.

“Every person’s brain was connected to a computer that fed them information over the duration of the trip. They were taught behavior, motor skills, language, and the basics they needed to function, survive, and procreate.”

A ripple of humor arose in those closest to Bassan. He ignored their childish thoughts. If the occupants of the pods were fed information, how did the data come to them? Were visuals involved?

“Did they dream?”

Bassan realized he’d spoken aloud. Clenching his fists at his sides, he berated himself for his impulsive words. A wave of ridicule from his classmates caused Bassan to shield his thoughts. Why had he asked such a stupid question?

Officer Mevine smiled and stepped closer. “They probably did dream, Bassan. That would’ve been the most logical means for inserting information into the brain.”

Buoyed by the answer, Bassan smiled in triumph. Drent’s father had just validated his idea in front of everyone.

You have a good idea now and then,
Drent thought.

Bassan nudged his friend.
I have lots of good ideas.

They were permitted ten more minutes to ask questions before their instructor announced it was time to visit the engine room. Disappointment tugged at Bassan’s chest. After viewing the pods, he had no desire to look at the ship’s propulsion system. He wanted to know more about the pods and the computers that controlled the capsules. If there really was a way to implant dreams into one’s mind…

I wish we could stay,
he thought.

Drent had turned to follow the others to the exit, but he paused. Casting a suspicious look at Bassan, Drent’s eyes narrowed. Bassan offered his most pleading expression, hoping to win over his friend and buy a little more time in the presence of the pods.

You really want to stay?
Drent thought.

A tingle of excitement ran down Bassan’s spine.

His friend stared at Bassan, his scrutiny indicating he was mulling over the idea. Bassan caught his breath, afraid Drent would brush off his request as nothing more than childish. He’d always tried to keep up with Drent, aware of the two years separating them in age. Bassan didn’t want to appear immature or unworthy of his friend’s time. Few shared their mixed heritage of Cassan and Tgren. Without Drent, Bassan’s list of friends would be very short.

Drent lifted his chin and turned toward the senior science officer. “Father? Bassan would really like to see more of the pod room. It’s his latest obsession. Can we stay here with you?”

Officer Mevine’s gaze shifted to the doorway. Transferring weight from one foot to the other, the science officer rubbed his fingers on his thighs in an uneven rhythm. Bassan held his breath as Officer Mevine’s attention returned to the boys. No words were exchanged, but he sensed a private conversation between father and son.

Please let him say yes, he thought.

Drent’s father frowned and Bassan prepared for disappointment. Officer Mevine’s head jerked toward the doorway and he snapped his fingers. “Officer Tarcon, a word with you?”

Bassan grinned at Drent.
I don’t know what you told him, but it worked!

I just used the magic words.

What words?

The commander’s son.

Bassan’s stomach sank.
Why did you have to say that? You know I don’t like to use my father’s rank.

Well, you should learn to use it more often!
Drent crossed his arms, his scowl penetrating the hair hanging across his face.
We’ll always be the odd ones out. We have to use every advantage we can get.

His friend’s accusation caused Bassan to take a step backward. He didn’t have long to ponder Drent’s words, though. Officer Mevine rejoined them, bringing a hand down on each boy’s shoulder.

“Your instructor has given permission for you to remain here under my supervision. Officer Tarcon will retrieve you when your class finishes with the engine room.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Bassan.

“Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm,” said Officer Mevine, patting his shoulder. “This has been one of our greatest discoveries. We’ve learned so much from the computers that controlled these capsules.”

“Sir, may I see them? The computers I mean?”

Drent’s father nodded. “I don’t see why not. This way.”

Bassan and Drent followed Officer Mevine out of the room. Pausing in the doorway, Bassan scanned the rows of pods one last time. Thousands of people, all lost in a dream…

Come on!
thought Drent.

Pumping his shorter legs, Bassan caught up with his friend. Officer Mevine turned right and vanished. Bassan expected another room but discovered an ascending hallway. The slope was gentle but he still had to hustle to keep up with Drent. They reached a landing and Officer Mevine paused before continuing up the next ramp.

“I’m coming, sir,” Bassan said, determined to keep up. “Sir, do you really think our ancestors dreamed while in the pods?”

“Dreams and more. Their brains processed information and increased in knowledge during the trip to Tgren.”

Blue rings of light guided them up the ramp toward a brighter light and Bassan’s excitement grew. None of his classmates could claim they’d seen the pod’s computer system!

They reached the next level and the tunnel turned again before opening into a large room. Bassan noticed several open doorways to his left and eyed them with curiosity. He almost ran into Drent and had to regain his footing as he sidestepped his friend. Now facing the right side of the room, Bassan discovered a more interesting view.

“This is the master control room for the capsules below,” said Officer Mevine, gesturing toward a line of alien consoles.

The hair on Bassan’s arms rose. The numerous, crescent-shaped consoles lined a glass wall, their glowing lights bathing the long room in a glittering array of colors. Large screens flashed in rapid succession, their data changing in the blink of an eye. Beyond the consoles lay the most incredible view. Bassan gasped as he realized the computer room overlooked the endless rows of pods.

“Each console controls a different aspect,” Officer Mevine said, moving to the nearest computer. “Life support, physical growth, mental input—everything was programmed and controlled from this very room.”

Eager to hear and see more, Bassan moved to the science officer’s side. He glanced down the row of consoles, noting other officers present in the room. Their wary glances indicated recognition of the commander’s son. Feeling uneasy, Bassan’s attention shifted to the control panel in front of him.

“This one was programmed to monitor and control basic life support,” said Drent’s father. His fingers touched a corner of the screen. The images ceased to fly by in rapid succession. Bassan peered at the alien calculations now displayed.

“This displayed the oxygen count in the subject’s blood stream.”

Bassan listened with interest as Officer Mevine ran through the various systems. The images on the screen made no sense. He certainly couldn’t read the alien language or understand the information. He wanted to learn one day though.

Still focused on the science officer’s words, Bassan scanned the console. The crescent screen was angled for easy viewing, although he had to stretch on his toes to see the screen. It was the framework that caught his attention. It appeared to be crystal-like stone rather than metal. Bassan lifted his hand to touch it and then snapped his arms behind his back. He knew better than to touch anything, especially with Officer Mevine present.

When Drent’s father reached for the far side of the screen, Bassan stepped aside. His view no longer blocked by the console, he found himself staring down at the glowing pods. The rows of rounded capsules, their green lights pulsating with energy, mesmerized him. What was it like the day all of those pods opened? Thousands of people, caught for years in a dream, all gaining consciousness in one moment. Every dream had dissolved as those people experienced real life for the very first time…


The sound of his name snapped Bassan back to reality. He looked up and discovered Officer Mevine staring at him.

“Sir?” he said, his voice cracking.

“Did you have any questions?”

“No, sir,” he said, responding out of habit. Bassan caught himself, feeling foolish for his inane reply. “I mean, yes sir. Did the computer tell the people what to do when they awoke?”

The science officer rested a hand atop the console. “We believe it gave them instructions. We surmised that the alien race wanted the people to begin their new life and with as little recollection of this ship as possible. They most likely awoke with a strong urge to gather supplies and exit the vessel. Considering their confused state, it’s no surprise Tgren’s ancestors forgot this ship once they set foot on the surface.”

“Except in their dreams,” Bassan mused, his gaze traveling to the view out the window.

“Father, you said the Tgren’s language was programmed into their minds as well?” said Drent.

“The first Tgrens were given a complex, working language, unique to their race.”

Bassan looked up at the science officer. “But similar to our own?” he said.

“The dialects are different, but the Cassan language is the most similar of the known races.”

“So are we the same race?”

Officer Mevine stepped away from the console, his chin dropping to his chest. “There are minor differences. We share a similar physical structure—”

“An alien race could’ve seeded the Cassan world as well?”

“No ancient alien ship has been discovered on Cassa—”

“But that doesn’t mean we aren’t from the same race, does it?”

Officer Mevine’s brows came together and Bassan sucked in his breath. He’d interrupted the senior officer. Not once, but twice. He knew better. Father would be so angry.

The science officer’s left hand came down on Bassan’s shoulder. He trembled and prepared for a reprimand. Officer Mevine placed his right hand on Drent’s neck and pulled the boys closer. Leaning down, the science officer placed his face within inches of Bassan’s face.

“You boys are proof that Cassans and Tgrens possess a similar heritage,” Officer Mevine said, his voice as soft as his expression. “Believe me, I’d like nothing more than to establish that fact in the records once and for all. But our genetic codes aren’t identical. And until a similar alien ship is discovered on Cassa, a common ancestry will never be accepted by the general population of either race.”

Pulling his thin lips into a smile, the science officer thumped their backs. “But who knows? Perhaps you are the beginning of a new race? Your abilities just might surpass that of either Tgrens or Cassans.”

Those words shot straight into Bassan’s heart. He and Drent weren’t freaks, but a new race? His imagination ran wild with the possibilities.

And what if Cassans and Tgrens weren’t the only races to merge? he thought, excited by the idea of other half-breeds. What if there are more of us? A lot more?

“Officer Mevine?”

Releasing Bassan and Drent, the science officer straightened his frame. “Yes?”

Bassan stepped aside as an officer moved to Mevine’s side, computer tablet in hand. His attention shifted and he stole another glance at the glowing pods. Edging closer to the glass, he stared at the capsules. The Tgrens were a seeded race, but what if they weren’t alone? What if they did discover a similar alien ship on Cassa?

“Boys, this requires my attention,” said Officer Mevine, cutting into Bassan’s thoughts. “Wait for me by the tunnel.”

Drent grabbed Bassan’s arm. Choking on a protest, Bassan let his friend drag him away from the window overlooking the pods.

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