Cassandra's Challenge (73 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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Back in the limisins Victoria climbs into
Cassandra’s lap. Wrapping her arms around her, Cassandra pulls her

“Hey, it’s okay.” She rubs her back. William
puts an arm around Cassandra, pulling them both close. Victoria
looks up at him with subdued eyes, so unlike the little girl. The
ride back to the Palace is quiet.

“Victoria.” The Admiral rubs her back as the
limisins enters the Palace. She looks at him. “Do you want me to
carry you?”

“We’re back already?”


“You have a gathering to go too.” They’d told
her what would be happening today.


“I can walk.” When the limisins stop guards open
the door. Entering the Royal Suite they are greeted by Hutu.

“Sir, I took the liberty of preparing a snack
for the girls. It is in the formal dining room.” Hutu sees the
sadness in Victoria’s eye. “If it’s alright with you I’ll take them

“That would be fine.”

“Thank you Hutu.” Cassandra kneels down to
Victoria. “I’ll see you later okay?”

“Okay.” William helps her up as she watches Tori
leave. Suddenly they hear both girls exclaim. “TORTA!” Smiling at
William she shakes her head.

“You’re going to have you hands full once their
done.” Cassandra tells Javiera.

“They maybe in a fudge coma, it’s a good idea.”
Javiera smiles at Cassandra.

“Marat.” William turns as he enters.

“The Wing is secure Admiral.”

“Cassandra…” William touches her back, letting
her know it’s time.

“We’ll keep her safe.” Leander reassures her.
Nodding she turns to William.



Cassandra’s taken this walk before, from the
Royal Wing to the Public, she thought there’d been a lot of guards
then, but today there were triple the number. She looks at the
guard standing in front of the hidden door they’d used after
Dadrian’s attack. William notices and gently touches her arm.

“We can still go back.”

“No. But thank you.” She covers his hand with
hers. “I’ll be fine.”

“Remember what I said.” He gives her a hard

“I’m not leaving your side.” Six guards are at
the doors of the Public Wing. They watch the four approaching,
three males, one female. While the Sargent recognizes the Admiral
he still consults his list, making a notation of the time they

“Admiral, Princess.” He gives them a nod then
turns to the guards, ordering them to open the doors.


Entering the Public Wing Cassandra is amazed at
the amount of people contained there. She’d been in several rooms
and of course the ball room before, but all doors have been opened,
connecting all the rooms and gardens, and still it’s full. With
William’s hand on the small of her back she allows him to guide her
to a spot where he feels she will be secure.


Queen Yakira notices her Challenger enter the
room, along with everyone else. It isn’t that she’s simply dressed
in white, looking like a beacon, a tribute to the ancestors. It’s
that she has no security, just the Admiral and his two sons.

Prince Audric also notices. He’d been having a
hard time disguising his glee at the death of Dadrian, now he has
no problem. She arrives with
security? Did she have no
fear of him? He destroyed her planet. He’d destroy

Cassandra can feel the rage directed at her.
Scanning the room her eyes settle on Audric. She knew she’d been
right, she allows her eyes to move past him, dismissing him.

“What are you doing?” William leans down to
whisper, he’d felt her tense.

“Irritating.” She whispers back, Kyle and Lucas
exchange glances.

“Assemblyman Bevington nice to see you again you
too Kira.” Cassandra address William’s friend.

“Princess, Admiral.” Bevington gives them a
slight bow.

“Nestor, you remember my sons, Lucas and

“Of course, Lucas I hear you’re quite the

“Thank you sir.”

“And Kyle, in the Hall of Records, it must be
very interesting.”

“I enjoy it sir.”

“Kira’s hoping for such a position when she

“Really?” Kyle looks at the pretty girl
currently blushing at her father’s side. “You’ll have to let me
know when you are applying, maybe I can help.”

“That would be wonderful, thank you.” Kira’s
voice is subdued but Cassandra can see the sparkle in her eyes.
Looking at Kyle she sees it isn’t one sided, hiding her smile she
looks and sees William has also noticed.

While they talk servants circulate with trays of
drink. William selects one then hands it to her.

“Thank you.” Her eyes widen slightly as she
looks past him. Turning he watches Dr. Bliant approach.

“Admiral, Princess Cassandra.” Bliant nods. “May
I present Assemblyman Ugolsky of the House of Healing.”

“Assemblyman Ugolsky.” Cassandra nods.

“Princess, I apologize to present myself to you
at such a time. I took advantage of my nephew’s relationship with
the Admiral.”

“Your nephew?” Cassandra raises an eyebrow to

“My mother’s sister’s husband Princess.” Bliant
informs her.

“I see. No apologizes necessary Assemblyman
Ugolsky,” She turns her attention back to him. “At times like
these, meeting new people helps take one’s mind off senseless

“I couldn’t agree more Princess and since the
formal gatherings have been canceled…”

“With all due respect Assemblyman Ugolsky, I
don’t feel this is the proper setting for that type of discussion.
It would be disrespectful not only to the deceased, but to King
Jotham and Prince Barek.” Her eyes tell him she would brook no
argument on this subject.

“Of course Princess.” Ugolsky nods his esteem
for the woman increases. He’d wondered if she’d take advantage of
the situation.

“How is Victoria?” Bliant asks changes the

“She’s adjusting.” Cassandra gives him a warm
smile. “She’s discovered fudge torta.”

“Oh really.” Bliant smiles at her.

“She’d eat it at every meal if she could.”

“Wouldn’t we all.”

“Princess Cassandra.”

“Assemblyman Terwilliger, Madame Terwilliger.”
Cassandra acknowledges. “I’m sure you know Assemblyman Bevington,
his daughter Kira, Assemblyman Ugolsky, Dr. Bliant, the Admiral’s
sons Lucas and Kyle.” Greetings are made.

William watches as Cassandra makes small talk
with some of the most influential people in the Assembly, if not
the planet. Making it look easy. Across the room he sees King
Jotham and Barek enter. They stop and speak to several on their way
to them. As they approach, people step aside. There is much
speculation about the Prince dying in the Royal Wing.

“Majesty, Prince Barek.” The Admiral speaks
first. Nodding to them, Cassandra does the same.

“Admiral, Princess.” The King acknowledges.
“Kyle, Lucas, your presence is appreciated.”

“We would be nowhere else but your side
Majesty.” William replies looking his friend in the eye.

“Princess, your presence is especially noted,
I’m sure you had misgivings.”

“Majesty?” Cassandra shoots a look to William
then back to the King. Suddenly all ears are listening.

“With all you’ve been through because of….” She
cuts him off.

“It has been difficult Majesty, senseless death
always is.” Cassandra isn’t sure what she should say, so speaks
from the heart. “I am truly sorry for the loss of your son Majesty
a parent should never out live a child. My Grandmother told me it
was the most devastating moment of her life, the day my mother
died. She never truly recovered she always believed there should
have been something she could have done to prevent it. But the
truth is we are all responsible for our own decisions.” She
continues to look at Jotham. “Remember the happy times you had with
your son, Majesty, be grateful for what you still have, it will
help ease the pain, I know.”

Silence greets Cassandra’s comments to the King,
she suddenly realizes the room is silent, and that she may have
revealed too much of herself.

“Thank you Princess.” The King’s voice is gruff.
Turning he continues on his way. Barek stays a moment longer. She
meets his look.

“My father tells me you think I’m conceded,
irritating, and intrusive.” He says in a dry voice.

“You’ve forgotten competent and a jerk.” She
replies in the same tone, receiving a quirk of his lips.

“Yes. Admiral, Lucas, Kyle.” He nods to them
then follows his father.


William removes the glass from Cassandra’s hand,
replacing it with another, looking in her eyes only he sees her
doubt. Her doubt that she may have said too much, revealed too
much, of herself. Leaning down he whispers so only she can

“It was fine.” Cassandra nods. His hand at her
waist gives her a reassuring squeeze.


Audric is furious. The little bitch, thinking
she can console the King, that she has any right to even speak to
him. And the Admiral, standing there touching her, never leaving
her side, thinking he can catch him. What a fool to let a woman
turn his head, even one that looks like that. He knows that Dadrian
attacked her the night of the ball, yet there wasn’t even a whisper
of it.

“Audric!” Queen Yakira hisses at him.

“Yes?” He realizes he’s been ignoring her.

“I wish to speak to the Challenger.”

“I will send word.” Audric motions to a

“No.” Yakira stops the guard. “We will go to
her, on our way to give our regrets to King Jotham.” She starts to
move across the room, her guards clearing a path, Audric

William watches the group approach, his eyes
flash to Lucas and Kyle. They both immediately understand. As do
Bevington, Ugolsky, and Bliant. William puts a hand on Cassandra’s
waist as she talks with Madame Terwilliger. With a slight nod she
continues the conversation until Madame Terwilliger notices the
approaching Queen.

Cassandra’s eyes are politely blank as they meet
the Queen’s. She waits.

“Princess Cassandra.” Yakira finally speaks.

“Queen Yakira.” Cassandra gives her a slight
nod. “Have you been introduced to Admiral Zafar’s sons, Lucas and

Yakira must acknowledge them or appear rude.
“Gentlemen.” She gives them a slight nod.

“Majesty.” They nod back.

“I was disappointed at your early departure from
the ball.” The Queen’s eyes are hard. “There were many
disappointed.” Her tone accusing.

“If I owe apologizes Majesty, I will give it to
those in question, not to you, you chose to leave the conversation
when you didn’t like the answers.”

you!” Audric takes a step
towards her, Kyle steps in front of him.

“I don’t believe I was speaking to you,
Audric.” Cassandra’s eyes are as icy as her tone.

“Princess, you will give my spouse the respect
he deserves.” Yakira demands.

“Respect is earned not given Majesty.” Cassandra

“You judge
, when you stand with
man!” Audric is infuriated at her slight. Everyone
within hearing distance stiffens. Yakira watches as Cassandra’s
entire being freezes in cold rage, except her eyes, they’re

I stand with has
every medal on his chest. None were
to him to make him
feel more like one. He is Royal by blood, by birthmark, he doesn’t
need to be
a title. You will show him the respect he


“Queen Yakira.” Deffand interrupts before Audric
can response. “King Jotham would like you to join him in the other
room, at your convenience of course.” Deffand gives her a slight
bow. His eyes shoot to the Princess whose eyes are still locked
with Audric’s.

Yakira is still watching Cassandra, her defense
of the Admiral, given in a cold even tone, reveals no emotion. But
none hearing it doubts the rage. She truly believes in the Admiral,
cares for him, she isn’t using him.

“Of course Captain.” Yakira acknowledges the
King’s guard. “Audric.” She holds out her hand. When it is not
immediately taken her eyes shoot to her spouse. She sees his are
still locked with Cassandra’s. “


Who did this little
think she was!
He’d destroyed her entire planet, he’d destroy her, and the man who
she thinks he should
. He’d do it slow, starting with
the child, watch her suffer knowing she’d caused it.


He looks to his spouse, she’d only given him a
token defense, allowing this Challenger to humiliate him. Seeing
her hand, he realizes everyone is watching him, waiting. Pulling
himself back in he puts a slight smile on his face, not realizing
it makes him look feral.

“Of course, my dear.” Audric takes her hand,
leading her away.


Everyone watches Cassandra take a calm drink
from her glass. Her eyes met the Admiral’s at the slight touch of
his hand on her back. She turns back to Madame Terwilliger to
continue their conversation.

Umbarger is impressed, beyond impressed. He
hadn’t believed his nephew. He’d described the Challenger as
beautiful, confident, loyal, and one who stood. He assumed he’d
exaggerated. He hadn’t.

Her total belief in the Admiral is undeniable,
as is his commitment to her. They were glaring opposites of Queen
Yakira and Prince Audric. A marriage arranged by her family after
the death of her intended.

Umbarger isn’t the only one to notice. Admiral
Zafar is respected throughout the Houses. He’s commanded many of
their children, doing his best to make sure they got home, and when
they didn’t, would write a personal note. He is the hero of the
Battle of Fayal. His capture of the Regulian battle ship, the
Rappen, resulted in vital information being obtained, saving
thousands of Carinian lives. Audric’s disrespect had not gone over

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