Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 (8 page)

Read Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 Online

Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #jesse, #new adult, #romance, #contemporary romance, #biker

BOOK: Carpe Diem - Jesse 3
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As the cab was probably already outside, I didn’t want to explain myself to Gio or anyone else, so I slipped out without anyone noticing. I didn’t even leave Gio a note. I just ducked out the door quietly and into the waiting taxi cab at the curb. As I sank back into the seat, I bit the inside of my mouth, wondering if I just blew the biggest shot of my career. I should have stayed longer. It wasn’t very professional, leaving without saying something to Gio. As the cab left the curb, I wondered if I’d ever see Gio again.

Chapter 11


cranked the steering wheel of my rental car hard and to the right, swerving in and out of a cluster fuck of crazy Italian drivers. As my wrist passed the top position of the steering wheel, I glance at my watch.
It was almost seven and I wasn't even close to the hotel yet. I wanted to get there before Niki and get things ready for her surprise. I leaned on the horn and a tiny sound bleated out of the little car. I slammed my foot on the accelerator and zipped between two cars. They were so close that the passengers could reach out the window and blow each other's noses.

Get the fuck out of my way

I craned my head out the window and yelled at the nearest car, “You drive like a tourist.” A dark haired man made an angry face at me as I cut in front of him. If I could race a dirt bike, I sure as hell could out maneuver these yokels any day. Obviously, they didn't know who they were dealing with.

When I finally got to the hotel I parked the sorry excuse for a car and dashed into the lobby, my arms loaded with boxes and shopping bags. Juggling several large packages, I managed to wrangle one finger free to punch the elevator button. A stately looking middle-aged woman in a black trench coat furrowed her brow at me, as I repeatedly pounded the button she had already pushed. I looked at her with amazement and wondered what had crawled up her ass? Didn't she know that you have to pound the shit our of elevator buttons when you're in a hurry? Everyone knows that rule.

I launched into the hotel room and dumped my purchases on the bed. Great. I had beaten her back to the room, and now I could strategically plan my surprise. I had bought something special to wear but, since I was running late, I decided to get dressed right away. I couldn't wait to see Niki's face when she burst in and I didn't look like my usual dirt covered self.

Fuck. I'm gonna do it.

I hurried to shower and dress, then filled the time nervously pacing the floor, tugging at my tie. These damn things were as tight as a frog’s ass in water. I checked my watch again. Thirty minutes past seven. Where was she? I had better not be stood up again. She had less than an hour to get ready and I knew how she liked to spend time on her hair and makeup. It didn’t matter to me at all if she messed with her hair and makeup, she was beautiful to me no matter what she looked like, but I knew all that kind of stuff was important to her and part of her fashion thing, too. I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket. Where the hell was she? I had my finger poised, ready to hit the send button, when I was interrupted by the jiggle of the door knob and Niki burst into the room, breathing hard.

“Traffic was crazy and...” She pulled up short and blinked at me wide eyed. “Am I in the wrong room?” Her hand flew to her breast and she gasped, “Oh my god, Jesse, are you wearing a tuxedo?”

I hammed it up and gave my best catwalk strut. “A Giorgio Armani tux.”

“I love it! And you look so good in it! Grrrr, baby. I won't be able to keep my hands off of you, tonight. But why are you all dressed up in a tux?”

I circled my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a quick kiss. “Just hurry and get ready. I have a very special surprise for you.”

She clapped her hands together with excitement under her chin and asked, “So what do you want me to wear? I didn't bring anything as fancy as that.”

“Look over on the bed.”

Her head turned slowly in the direction of the bed and her jaw dropped open. “What the...?” She stepped over to the bed where an evening dress was laid out, in a display fashion, with the fabric spilling out of the box like a waterfall. “Jesse, you didn't.” She picked up the dress and stroked it, admiration sparkling from her eyes. I guess I did well, for a dirt biker from upstate New York? She held it up to her body, sizing it up to see if it would fit, then examined the tag “It's perfect. How did you know my size?”

I pointed to the closet with her suitcase, “Well, your clothes are all right there in the closet.”

“This dress is gorgeous and it's just my style. You really know my taste in clothes. I love it.”

I didn't want to tell her that all I had to do was pick an expensive store, make sure I got a female clerk, told her my girlfriend was into designer kind of clothes and she took it from there. I took a picture with my cell phone of the tag in one of her dresses then showed it to the clerk. I even showed Sophie, the store clerk, a picture of Niki I had on my cell phone. Easy peasy.

“And there are shoes too, look over there on the floor by the bed.” I had taken the shoes out of the box and propped them up on top of it, like I saw in the store window.

“Oh, Jesse, they're perfect. I think some of my fashion sense is rubbing off on you. But where are we going?

“Hush, just get ready.” I silenced her lips with another soft kiss. “You'll find out soon enough. Hurry up, you have about thirty minutes... no, twenty nine, now.” I smiled and watched her adoringly as she scurried off to the bathroom.

She talked to me while she dressed, calling out from the bathroom details about her afternoon.
Women. Always trying to multitask.
Men, on the other hand, have perfected the art of doing one thing at a time. It was better that way. Focus on one task at the time, making sure it was done to perfection.

I leaned against the wall near the bathroom and called back to her, “So, did you have a chance to talk to Franco Delmonico Spaghetti-o, or whatever his name is... the designer guy?”

“Franco Delmonte.” She corrected me. “Delmonico is a kind of steak, sweetie... but no, I didn't get to talk to him. They started the photo shoot right away and I had to leave.”

“Will you get another chance to meet him?”

She dashed out of the bathroom and went to get the dress from the bed. “Maybe. We'll see,” she said as she brushed past me, with a puff of air swirling her freshly sprayed perfume into my nose. I closed my eyes for a second to breathe it in and she swooshed past me again, back into the bathroom with the dress. “I'm going to need help with the zipper.” Her words were left floating in the air, along with her perfume, as she ducked in to put on the dress.

“Ten more minutes and we need to leave.” I said through the door.

The door sprung open and there was the most beautiful girl in the world. “Come on, I need your help zipping it up.”

I stood motionless, mesmerized by her in that dress. Its shiny black fabric hugged her body in all the right places, accentuating every curve and her breasts... I was taken aback, amazed at how gorgeous she was. She was pretty enough to be a model. That old fart, Gio, should be taking photographs of Niki. He had model quality beauty right under his nose and the moron didn't even know it.

“Wow. I did a good job picking out the right size, it fits You look gorgeous, baby. Let me pick my jaw up from the floor.”

“Do you think it's too tight?”

“Are you kidding?”

She slipped on the shoes and she was ready. I grabbed her little black purse, the one she used for going out, and handed it to her. “Here, take your purse and follow me.”

“Now are you going to tell me where we're going?”

“All in good time baby. Just come with me.”

I took her hand and led her out the door, and down the hall to wait for the elevator.

The two of us where alone, facing each other in the hallway as we waited. Niki ran her fingers up my jacket front and fingered the lapels while looking up into my eyes. “You've really surprised me, Jesse. I would say you are out of your comfort zone here tonight, buying me clothes and dressing up in a tuxedo. I would have thought you were too rugged for this kind of thing.”

My eyes fell to her perfectly shaped lips as she talked, but I didn't hear much of what she said. I was too focused on those lips and how much I wanted to kiss them. I brushed my thumb across the swell of her lower lip and lifted her chin to my kiss. Just when I was sucking her soft flesh into a sweet kiss, the damn elevator bell rang.

As our feet hit the sidewalk, Niki thought we were going to take the small rental car and she turned to the right to head toward where I usually parked it. She paused for a moment, admiring a black stretch limo that was waiting curbside with the engine still running.

“Nice limo.”

“It's our ride for tonight.”

“This limo is for us?”

“I asked for a Ferrari but they didn't have one.”

“This will do just fine. I can't believe it. This night just keeps getting better and better. What did I do to deserve all this?”

Our chauffeur, dressed in black, gracefully opened our door with a gloved hand and Niki slipped into the long back seat of the limo, looking like she was made for this lifestyle.

I slid in next and moved easily across the long slippery side seat, up to the area where there were racks of glasses, a mini-fridge and bottles of alcohol. “Look at all this booze and champagne. What a waste.” I said.

“Are you telling me you can't have any of it?”

“Well, Coach says we're not supposed to drink while in training, but I guess I could have just one.”

As the driver slowly pulled away from the curb, Niki moved up on the long side seat opposite me to examine all the bottles. The warm blue LED lights in the interior reflected off the glass of the bottle she pulled from the rack and she read the label, “Hennessey?”

“Where's the Jack Daniels?”

She studied the selection again and pulled out another one. “There's Glenfiddich.”

“No Jack?”


“Oh, what the hell, give me a Glenfiddich.”

“That's my dad's favorite.”

“Really. Guess I had better try it, then. If I'm having an argument with him, which I'm sure we will, I can say, let's have a Glenfiddich and talk later.” I laughed. The thought of me and Mr. Milani hanging out, throwing back a few, just didn't mesh in my mind. I was pretty damn sure he wished I would get run over by a bus. The two of us were like apples and oranges.

“Right now, I don't think you're on my dad's ‘favorite list.’”

“Is hate too strong of a word?”

She laughed and said, “You know him well. But don't worry about it. If I had followed my dad's advice I wouldn't even be here, right now.”

Niki was right and I wanted her here, close to me, pressed up against my chest, not sitting across from me, perched on the edge of her seat. She handed me a glass with a shot of Scotch over ice, which she found in the ice bucket. I tipped my glass and watched her pour herself a drink, admiring how her long hair fell over her shoulders. My eyes trailed down to where the ends of her hair curled, right at the crest of her smooth round breasts which sufficiently protruded from the top of her evening dress in an, oh so sexy kind of way. I looked around the limo interior and was struck by a thought. I ran my hand over the smooth black leather seat. “Hmm, this limo is cooler than I thought.” I leaned forward and in a low voice said, “There's even enough room to get down and get nasty in here. Let me know if you feel the urge to talk dirty to me.”

She giggled and slid over onto my lap and she whispered in my ear in a teasing voice, “Baby, tell me what you want me to do to you.”

I let my head roll back against the seat.
. That made my cock hard.

She whispered, her hot breath blowing in my ear. “I could suck you off.” A shiver danced up my spine, all the way to the top of my head.

She started nibbling on my ear, while her hands slipped under my jacket, dipping down into the waistband of the front of my pants. “Um, the driver might see.” I whimpered in a faint voice, quickly losing any resistance to her touch as she continued to chew on every available inch of my skin. When she pulled back to speak, I didn't want her to stop.

“Who cares, we're in Italy.” To my relief she pressed her mouth to mine again and mouthed the words against it, “We're not going to get arrested for a blowjob in Italy.”

I loved it when she talked that way. The thought of seeing Niki's head in my lap, bobbing up and down on my cock... I think I made a gurgling noise in the back of my throat, just thinking about it. And then I really did make that noise when she pressed her hand firmly against my raging hard-on.

“What the hell, carpe diem.” I pushed her off of me, just for a second, just long enough to slide the two of us down the long polished leather side seat to the far back of the limo.

I grabbed her legs and spread them apart, as I slouched back into the seat. Moving swiftly and quietly, she hiked up her long dress and straddled me, pushing my tuxedo jacket open with both of her hands. The bare skin of her legs was smoother than the leather limo seats and felt soft to my touch as I ran my hands up and down her outer thighs, pushing up as far as I could to feel her sweet ass. She kissed me long and deep and my thumb caught the edge of her thin lace panties. They weren't much, just a wisp of fabric, the thong kind that showed off her butt cheeks. I could easily push her panties to the side and enter her, right here, right now. Up under her dress, where no one would see.

I breathed heavily into her ear and crooned, “I could fuck you right here, baby.”

She was pushing her pussy against me, grinding against my hard cock through the fabric of my pants, wiggling and twisting into my kisses between gasps. Her long hair fell forward, all around us, a privacy curtain for our kisses, trapping our steamy exhales which came in panting breaths.

Oh God. I might come right now just from dry humping her. Doing it in the back of a limo was freaky-hot. But the thought of shooting my wad all over this expensive tuxedo, then having to get out of the limo as the driver held the door open, changed my mind.

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