Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom (4 page)

BOOK: Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom
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He looked from the window to me, and then back to the window. “The kids okay?”
“No one was nearby when it shattered,” I lied.
“Where’s Tim?”
“Already asleep,” I said. “He’s
. We’re all fine.”
He studied me for a minute, then pushed a stray curl behind my ear. He stroked my temple, and I winced.
“You call this fine?”
I exhaled. I didn’t know if I’d been cut by the glass or scratched by the demon. “It’s just a nick,” I said. “No biggie.”
“It could have got you in the eye.”
I shrugged. It could have done a hell of a lot worse than that.
He squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry about tonight. I didn’t realize you’d be cleaning up a disaster area in addition to cooking a meal. Do you need any help?”
Okay, I’d been mildly irritated with him, but that faded right then. “I’ve got it under control,” I said. “Go do whatever you need to do. You’re the one on the hot seat tonight.”
He pulled me into his arms. “I really appreciate this. I know it’s last-minute, but I think it’ll pay off big-time.”
“Campaign contributions?”
“Possibly. But I’m hoping for endorsements. Two federal and two state judges. That’s a lot of clout.”
“How can they not be impressed with you?” I asked, tilting my head back to look at him. “You’re amazing.”

amazing,” he whispered in that soft voice that he really shouldn’t use unless he was planning to take me to bed. His lips closed over mine, and for a few sweet seconds I forgot about demons and dinner parties and rigatoni and—
The appetizers!
I broke the kiss. “The oven!” I said. “I need to take the appetizers out.” I couldn’t serve a federal judge burnt mini-quiches. I’m pretty sure that would be social and political suicide.
“I’ll do it. And I’d better cover that window. It’s supposed to rain.” He looked me up and down. “I’m already dressed, but you need to change. They’ll be here soon, you know.”
As if I could forget.
I peeled off my PTA
T-shirt on the stairs and slid out of my bra as I jogged down the hall to the double doors leading to our bedroom. Inside, I dropped the clothes on the floor, then shimmied out of my ratty sweatpants. I kicked the bundle out of my way, then grabbed the outfit I’d laid across the unmade bed. I’d picked up a cute little flower-print sundress during a T.J. Maxx shopping spree at the beginning of the summer (swimsuits and shorts for Allie, yet another growth spurt for Timmy). With its fitted bodice, tight waist, and flared skirt, it was both festive and flattering. Considering I mostly lived my life in T-shirts, jeans, or sweatpants, this was the first chance I’d had to wear it.
With one eye trained on the digital clock next to the bed, I shoved my feet into some light blue mules, ran a brush through my hair, and stroked some mascara onto my eyelashes.
I never got ready this quickly, but today I had incentive, and the whole process took less than three minutes. Didn’t matter. I could tell the second I raced into the kitchen that I’d taken too long. Way too long.
“What the hell is this?” Stuart said. He was standing just inside the pantry, so I couldn’t see his face, just part of his arm and the back of his head.
His voice didn’t help me, either. He sounded vaguely mystified, but that could as easily be a reaction to a new brand of cereal as it was to a dead body behind the cat food. If he was questioning my switch from Cheerios to Special K, then
That’s an incapacitated demon, dear. I’ll get rid of him by morning
would be an entirely inappropriate response.
I’d sprinted across the room, and now I put a hand (wifely, supportive) on his shoulder and peered around him into the pantry. As far as I could tell, there was no visible demon. Just dozens of trash bags blanketing the small room.
“Um, what’s the trouble?”
“This mess,” he said.
“Yes, right. Mess.” I was babbling, and I stood up straighter as if good posture would force more oxygen to my brain. “Allie,” I said, jumping on my first coherent thought. First Brian, now Allie. Had I no shame? “I’ll talk to her about this tomorrow.”
I could tell he wanted to belabor the point—my husband is a total neat freak—so I urged him out of the pantry and shut the door. “I thought you were fixing the window.”
“That’s why I went looking for the trash bags,” he said with a scowl. “Rain.”
“Right. Of course. I’ll bring you some.” I pointed to the clock. “Thirty minutes, remember? Less now.”
That got him moving, and in a whirlwind of male efficiency, he had the broken window covered in under fifteen minutes. “It’s not a very attractive job,” he admitted, finding me in the living room where I was arranging the tiny quiches on our tangerine-colored Fiestaware platters. “But it’ll keep the weather out.”
But not the demons
. I fought a little shiver and glanced in that direction, but all I could see was thick black plastic. I made a face and tried not to imagine a horde of demons crouched below the windowsill, just waiting to avenge their compatriot.
Enough of that. I forced the thought away, then stood up and surveyed the rest of the room. Not bad. “Okay,” I said. “I think we’re ready for battle. If we can keep everyone corralled in the living room, the den, and the dining room, I think we’ll be okay.”
“Oh,” Stuart said. “Well, sure. We can do that.”
Warning bells went off in my head, and I thought of the piles of sorted laundry in the upstairs hallway, the disaster area Allie called a room, and the wide assortment of plush animals and Happy Meal toys that littered the playroom floor. Also, I was pretty sure the CDC wanted to quarantine the kids’ bathroom, hoping to find a cure for cancer in the new and exotic species of mildew growing around the tub.
“You want to show someone the house?” I asked, in the same tone I might use if he’d suggested I perform brain surgery after dessert.
“Just Judge Larson,” Stuart said, his voice losing a bit of steam as he watched my face. “He’s looking to buy a place, and I think he’d like the neighborhood.” He licked his lips, still watching me. “I’m, uh, sure he won’t mind if the place is in some disarray.”
I raised an eyebrow and stayed silent.
“Or we can do it some other time.”
“Yes,” I said with a winning smile. “Some other time sounds fine.”
“Great. No problem.”
That’s another thing I love about Stuart. He’s trainable. “So who’s Judge Larson?” I asked. “Do I know him?”
“Newly appointed,” Stuart said. “Federal district court. He just moved up from Los Angeles.”
“Oh.” Keeping track of all the judges and attorneys that cross Stuart’s path is next to impossible. “You can show him the kitchen and the study if it’s important to you. But don’t take him upstairs.” I bent down and moved the fruit plate slightly to the left, so it lined up nicely with the row of forks I’d set out.
We didn’t decide whether a downstairs tour was on the agenda or not, because that’s when the doorbell rang. “Go,” I ordered. “I still need to put out the wineglasses.” I started running down a list in my head. Appetizers—
; wine—
; napkins—
Oh, shit
. Napkins.
I knew I had cocktail napkins somewhere in this house, but I had absolutely no idea
. And what about tiny plates for the appetizers? How could I have forgotten the tiny plates?
My pulse increased, gearing up to a rhythm that more or less mimicked my earlier heart rate when I’d fought the demon. This was why I hated entertaining. I always forgot something. Nothing ever went smoothly. Stuart was going to lose the election, and his entire political demise could be traced to right here.
moment. The night his wife completely screwed up a dinner party.
And forget using demons as an excuse. No, I would have forgotten the napkins and plates even without Pops. That’s just the way I—
“Hey.” Stuart was suddenly beside me, his lips brushing my hair, his soft voice pulling me out of my funk. “Have I told you yet how amazing you are, pulling all this together on such short notice?”
I looked up at him, warmed by the love I saw in his face. “Yeah,” I said. “You already told me.”
“Well, I meant it.”
I blinked furiously. My husband might be the sweetest man on the planet, but I was
going to run my mascara. “I don’t know where the cocktail napkins are,” I admitted, sounding a little sniffly.
“I think we’ll survive the tragedy,” he said. The doorbell rang again. “Pull yourself together, then meet me at the door.”
I nodded, calmed somewhat by the knowledge that my husband loved me even though I was a total domestic failure.
“And, Kate,” he called as he moved toward the foyer, “check the buffet, second drawer from the left, behind the silver salad tongs.”
Clark arrived first, of course.
And while he and Stuart did the political he-man thing—dishing about the upcoming campaign, bitching about various idiocies being implemented by the newly installed city council—I took the opportunity to round out my role as a domestic goddess.
I hauled out the cocktail napkins (right where Stuart said they’d be), brought in seven wineglasses (I’d used the eighth to kill the demon), and checked on the dessert.
Throughout all of this, I kept looking toward the flimsily repaired window, half-expecting to see a demon army come crashing through. But all seemed quiet. Too quiet, maybe?
I frowned. On a normal day I’d say I was being melodramatic. But I no longer knew what normal was. For fourteen years, normal had been diapers and bake sales and Bactine and PTA meetings. Demons—especially the kind that are ballsy enough to just out-and-out
—were not normal. Not by a long shot.
And yet years ago, that had been my life.
It wasn’t a life I wanted back. Wasn’t a life I had any intention of letting my husband or kids see.
But here that life was. Or, rather,
it was—in my pantry, dead behind the cat food.
It wasn’t the dead demon that bothered me so much (okay, that’s not entirely true), but it was its words that had really thrown me—
You may as well die, Hunter. You surely will when my master’s army rises to claim victory in his name.
I rubbed my bare arms, fighting goose bumps. Something was happening here, something I didn’t want to be a part of. But want to or not, I had a feeling I was already in it up to my eyeballs.
“Katie?” Stuart’s voice drifted in from the living room. “Do you need help, sweetheart?” Elizabeth Needham, another assistant county attorney in Stuart’s division, had arrived a few minutes ago, and now she and Clark and Stuart were doing the war-stories thing. Stuart’s offer was genuine, I’m sure. But I could tell from his tone that he was also voicing a request that I get my butt in there and join them.
“I’ve got it, hon,” I said. “I’ll be right there. I just want to call Allie and say good night.”
Stuart didn’t answer, so I couldn’t tell if he thought that was odd or not. It was. Allie stayed with Mindy and Mindy stayed with us on such a regular basis that Laura and I were basically surrogate parents for the other’s kid. I knew Laura would call if anything was out of the ordinary.
Reason, however, was not part of the equation. I wanted to talk to my daughter, and I wanted to do it right then.
I dialed and waited. One ring. Two rings. Three, and then the familiar click of Laura’s answering machine. I waited through the message, tapping my fingers on the counter as Laura spelled out her family’s vital statistics—name, phone number, can’t get to the phone right now, yada yada—and then finally I heard the high-pitched little beep. “Laura? You there? Give Cary Grant a rest and pick up. I want to tell Allie something.”
I waited, still tapping on the countertop. “Laura?” I stopped tapping, noticing that I’d now chipped the manicure that had managed to survive a demon attack.
Still no answer, and I could feel that cold rush of panic growing in my chest. Surely demons hadn’t gone after my daughter. . . .
“Come on, girl,” I said to the machine, fighting to keep the panic out of my voice. “I need—”
I shut my mouth and my eyes, exhaling deeply as I realized what a fool I was being. Not demons.
Ice cream
. Makeup might keep Mindy occupied for hours, but my daughter was a different breed. Forty-five minutes, tops.
“Never mind,” I told the still-open line. “Just have Allie call me when you guys get back.”
I checked the clock. Seven-ten. If they went to the mall, they wouldn’t be back until at least eight. I could keep my paranoia in check for fifty minutes.
Stuart stepped into the kitchen just as I was hanging up the phone. “Anything wrong?”
He said it in a tone that suggested he almost hoped there’d been some horrific tragedy—because that would explain why his hostess wife was camped out in the kitchen ignoring her guests.
“I’m sorry.” I slammed the phone down. “Just mommy paranoia.”
“But everything’s all right?”
“Fine,” I said brightly. He was angling for an explanation and I didn’t have one to give. The oven timer dinged and I lunged for a hot pad. Saved by baked Brie.
I’d just slid the Brie onto a plate and passed it off to Stuart when the doorbell rang again.
“Well,” I said. “We’d better go see to our guests.”
I led the way out of the kitchen, my baffled husband following. In the living room, Stuart slid the plate onto the coffee table next to the fruit as I breezed past on my way to the front door, an efficient hostess smile plastered to my face.
I opened the door to reveal one of the most distinguished men I’d ever seen. Despite his years—I guessed he was at least sixty—he had the bearing of a self-confident forty-year-old. His salt-and-pepper hair gave him an air of distinction, and I was absolutely certain that this was a man who never second-guessed his decisions.

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