Carolyn G. Hart_Henrie O_04 (12 page)

Read Carolyn G. Hart_Henrie O_04 Online

Authors: Death in Paradise

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Women Sleuths, #Henrie O (Fictitious Character), #Women Journalists, #Fiction, #Detective and Mystery Stories, #Contemporary Women, #Kauai (Hawaii), #Hawaii, #Mystery Fiction

BOOK: Carolyn G. Hart_Henrie O_04
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“Everything's different now,” Anders continued. “Back in the old days, the press was pretty much a toady to corporate America. But now environmental issues get the attention they deserve.”

Ignorance can be amusing. I wondered if he'd ever heard of the greening of America, if he had any inkling of how powerful the press had been in convincing at least one generation that war was wrong and people were more important than profits. Or, more profoundly, if he grasped the inconstancy of the public. And the press. This year's darling can well be next year's pariah, and it is also true of causes. One year the press worries about the plight of loggers, the next it trumpets the possible extinction of a rare species.

I met his gaze. “I told the world about a lot of different kinds of America, Anders. And so did my husband. Jonas Salk. Birmingham and Bull Connor. Watts. The Challenger. Habitat for Humanity. The good and the bad.” I refrained from pointing out that his mother's private fortune was very much the fruit of corporate America. And asking whether he liked being a rich woman's son with all the privileges that provided. I was still on my company manners. For the moment.

Anders gave me a condescending smile.

I smiled pleasantly in return though I understood exactly
how much pleasure it must give a terrier to take a rat by the throat and shake it.

Belle's gaze lingered on her son. She almost spoke to him, then, with a tiny shake of her head, she turned to his wife. Peggy's face mirrored Belle's uneasiness. Anders worried the women who loved him. Belle said briskly, “And this is Peggy, Anders's wife.” She patted Peggy's hand. “CeeCee introduced Peggy to Anders.”

“I'm so glad to meet you, Mrs. Collins.” Peggy's voice was high and fluttery. I had a sudden picture of her at fifty, anxious and awkward. She wouldn't be much changed.

“And what do you do, Peggy?”

She looked surprised. And pleased. “I have an antique shop, Mrs. Collins.”

So Peggy loved old and beautiful artifacts. And money, of course. Antiques require money.

I smiled and tucked another fact into my collection. Later I could sort through what I'd learned. But slowly, piece by piece, I was beginning to find out who these people were. And remembering—always remembering—that one of them was a murderer. I managed to keep on smiling.

Belle and I reached the piano. Joss still played softly.

Belle's face was suddenly pinched and weary. “‘September Song.' CeeCee loved it.” She reached out, touched her son's shoulder. “My son Joss.”

He dropped his hands to his lap. “Hello, Mrs. Collins.” He started to rise.

“Please don't get up,” I said quickly. “You play very well.”

“Thank you. I enjoy it. I'm glad you do, too.” He had all the charm his brother lacked.

“Joss is an actor,” Belle said without expression.

I glanced at her. There was a definite tightness to her mouth.

“Sometimes.” His good-humored mouth curved into a
wry smile. “Resting, at the moment. But available. I do soaps, television movies, big screen, stage. Whatever. I'm for hire.”

I smiled in return. “It's a tough life.”

Belle touched his shoulder. “Joss is also a wonderful writer. I'm trying to persuade him to come here. I can't think of a better place for a writer to live.”

“Not this writer, Mom.” He said it nicely, but his voice was determined. The blue eyes that gazed up at her held a mixture of defiance and sadness.

“Nobody who's alive would want to
here.” Then Gretchen clasped a hand over her mouth.

Belle drew her breath in sharply.

Wheeler came out from behind the bar. “Stuff a sock in your mouth, sis. And no more Mai Tais. How about you, Mrs. Collins? Let me fix you an island special.” He grinned at Belle. “Gretchen and I met Mrs. Collins at—” He paused for just an instant. “—near the tennis courts this afternoon.” He waved toward the bar. “One of my dad's legacies. I can mix drinks better than a licensed bartender. Coco locos, fog cutters, scorpions. Name your poison.”

“I'll take pineapple juice.” I stepped to the bar. “How about pineapple juice and ginger ale. With a squirt of orange juice and a squeeze of lemon.”

“Coming right up. I can even garnish it with an orchid.” He opened the refrigerator, picked out containers of juices.

“Wheeler, I have a lei for Mrs. Collins. On the top shelf of the refrigerator.” Belle smiled, but there was so little life and pleasure in that smile.

“Sure. Here we are.” He lifted out a lovely plumeria lei and handed it to his stepmother.

Belle slipped the fragrant wreath over my head. “Aloha.” Her musical voice made a lovely word even lovelier.

“Thank you.” I touched the cool petals. Welcome to paradise.

“There's a lei for Megan, too.” Belle held out her hand.

He handed his stepmother the second lei, and Belle smiled her thanks.

Wheeler swiftly splashed juices into a tall frosted glass.

Megan sauntered gracefully toward us. “For me, too?” There was a childlike pleasure in her voice as Belle dropped the lei lightly onto her shoulders. “Thank you, Belle.”

“Of course.” Belle brushed back a strand of Megan's lovely hair.

They stood close together, the young woman and the old, and I was once again struck by their resemblance—both fine-featured, both silver-blond, both tall and willowy.

Belle slipped an arm around her stepdaughter's thin shoulders. “Megan is our exotic creature. She's a model and spends her time in New York and Paris.”

“That sounds very exciting.” I smiled.

Megan's perfect brows arched. “Oh, people think so. But it can be very tiring. And I get

“Then eat,” Gretchen said crisply. She was standing near the buffet. She picked up a shrimp ball and poked it into a pink sauce.

Megan sighed. “I never get to eat. Carrots. And club soda. But they pay me very well.”

There was an odd silence.

Belle looked at her in concern. “Megan, you aren't starving yourself?”

For an instant, something dark and angry stirred in the model's deep blue eyes. “Of
I am, Belle. All models starve.” She held up one slim arm and it was simply a bone sheathed in skin, a Picasso-like rendition of a limb.

Belle stepped back, looked Megan up and down. “I won't have it. You certainly don't have to do that.”

“I don't have to. But I will.” Her vivid eyes flicked around the room, pausing just for an instant on each face in turn. “I”—and there was a marked emphasis on the pronoun—“don't have to ask anyone for anything. Ever.”

Belle started to speak, then, her face stiff, turned away.

Wheeler looked amused. He darted a sardonic glance at his sister, then picked up a swizzle stick and twirled it in a tall frosted glass. “Here you are, Mrs. Collins.”

There was a sudden babel of conversation.

A tiny smile of satisfaction curved Megan's perfect lips.

I looked at her with more interest. Yes, indeed, somebody was home. That would teach me—once again—never to succumb to first impressions. Or be swayed by stereotypes.

Anders gave a hoot of laughter. “Looking for a halo, Megan? They're in short supply around here. But you have a lei. That may not please you, though. Did you know plumerias were first planted around cemeteries? So plumeria's called the graveyard tree. And white means death, too.”

Belle was shaking her head. “It's the Japanese who associate white with death, Anders. Not Hawaiians. Plumerias are very popular for leis.”

Megan reached up and stroked the delicate blooms. “I don't know about you, Anders, but I'm not superstitious.”

“Don't tease Megan,” Peggy said quickly.

“Oh, I'm not teasing,” Anders said softly.

Megan crossed to her stepbrother and swiftly dropped the lei over his head. “It's just the thing for you, Anders. Enjoy it.”

Anders reached up. His hand closed tightly around the blossoms, crushing them, then he shrugged.

“That's enough, you two.” Belle waved toward the buffet. “Come now, let's have dinner.”

And what a delicious dinner it was: dainty steamed meat dumplings, egg rolls, and shrimp balls to dip in plum-brandy sauce; sea bass with pine nuts; spareribs with black bean sauce; bean sprouts and peppers; cauliflower with water chestnuts and mushrooms; and baked papaya.

I filled my plate with a sampling, not too much of any one food. I was more interested in the company. I took my
time finding a seat, pausing to admire a spectacular flower arrangement with a half dozen bird-of-paradise flowers. So I ended up at a table with Joss, Anders, and Peggy.

Joss set out to charm us.

“…could have happened to somebody in a situation comedy. But this was real life!”

Peggy and I looked expectant.

“Not very real,” Anders muttered. He made a little pile of water chestnuts, then began to eat one after the other, crunch, crunch, crunch. The sweet-scented lei still hung from his shoulders.

Joss smiled at the ladies, ignored his brother. “I was on 101 and the traffic was snout to butt and we kept stopping. And stopping. I tried to make a couple of calls, but the static was busier than a porno site on the net.”

Peggy's eyes widened.

Joss grinned at her. “Kitten, it's a big bad world out there.” His drawl was deliberately provocative. “Anyway, there I was, stalled. I don't like to waste time. So I decided to work on my lines for an audition the next day. Can't get in trouble for that. Right?” He paused for dramatic effect.

Anders rolled his eyes. “Joss, don't you ever make yourself want to puke?”

But Peggy and I watched attentively. We were a good audience.

Joss flipped up the collar of his sports shirt, mussed his hair so that a thick blond strand fell across his forehead, jutted his face forward.

It was generations ago but I wondered if Joss had ever heard of Richard Widmark, once the Hollywood king of menace. There was that same aura of horror about to happen, made doubly horrific because of Widmark's gentlemanly appearance, as befitted a one-time English professor.

“I got you now. You won't get away from me. Not ever,” Joss growled. “See this knife?” He raised his hand and a
knife glittered. It was only a table knife, but he seemed a deadly figure of menace. It was the look in his eyes, the tautness of his muscles, the way his fingers gripped the knife, held it aloft, as if at any moment it might flash down in a violent arc.

“Ooooh,” Peggy shivered.

Joss's face was suddenly transformed, a merry gaze, a brilliant smile. “Nice, huh?” His satisfaction was open and charming.

“Very good. But on the freeway—” I prompted.

“Never again on the freeway. Believe me. There I was. Practicing. Not bothering anybody. And there's this gorgeous gal in a red Porsche, stopped right next to me. And you know what she did?”

“Called the cops on her mobile phone.” Anders sounded bored.

That didn't bother Joss. “Damned if she didn't,” Joss agreed. “Guess her model was pricier. No static. Anyway, the next exit a shitload of cop cars came on and I spent two hours at a substation asking them for Christ's sake to look at my script! But all they wanted to talk about was the bone-handled hunting knife I'd been brandishing.” He leaned forward, his scowl pugnacious, jabbing a forefinger. “‘All right, buddy, explain this knife. What's this knife
?'” He straightened his collar, returned the knife to his plate. “Can I help it if I like good props?”

“And good food and good whiskey and
-good women,” Anders muttered, pushing back his plate. He'd eaten very little. All the water chestnuts.

Joss scooped out a spoonful of mashed papaya. “Anders, go soak your head. It might improve your outlook on life. We're all sorry for the little kitties and doggies who don't have homes, but somehow we bear up.”

“At least I know what real life's all about.” Anders's voice was hard-edged.

Joss clapped his hand to his heart. “Oh, poor me. Lost in the canyons of Hollywood, adrift on a sea of celluloid.”

“And enjoying every minute,” I observed.

He grinned. “You bet I am.”

“Now, Joss, it's fine for you to do what you want to do, but you have to admit that Anders's efforts for animal rights have made a huge difference,” Peggy said earnestly. “Why, there was an article all about him in

I finished my last bite of cauliflower, savoring the faint seasoning of soy sauce. It seemed to me that Peggy's comment didn't need an answer. Instead, I looked at Joss. “How long have you lived in Hollywood?”

Just for an instant, fine lines creased the corners of Joss's eyes. He looked much older. “Several years.”

The maid deftly removed our plates and offered us coffee. I shook my head.

“Several years,” Anders mimicked. He put two heaping teaspoons of sugar in his coffee. “Now you can come closer than that, bro. How about you dumped Janet and hit the road the week after CeeCee died.”

Joss's eyes were cold and hard. “You never quite have your facts right, Anders. For the record, Janet dumped me. And it's been a while.”

Peggy squirmed in her chair, bent close to me, and whispered, not very adroitly, “Janet was Joss's wife.”

Anders watched the steam rise from his coffee like a diviner studying a portent. “Yeah, after CeeCee died, everybody got to do what they wanted to do, go wherever they wanted to go. Belle had a guilt trip. She'd pretty well kept us around in Dallas—working for the foundation. Of course, she meant it for the best. But after CeeCee was gone, Belle let everybody do what they wanted to do. Joss headed straight to Hollywood and Gretchen to D.C. and Megan to New York and Wheeler to Seattle.”

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