Carolyn Davidson (23 page)

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Authors: The Tender Stranger

BOOK: Carolyn Davidson
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He rose from his place beside Erin, and his big hands almost enveloped the squirming babe. Roseanne tied off the pulsing cord in two places and cut it halfway between, then wrapped a soft flannel around the plump infant

“Here,” Quinn said gruffly, placing her in Erin’s waiting arms. The glaze of tears dimming his sight was apparent to the woman who shared the baby’s weight with him for a second. Then Erin held her daughter to her breast, gazing down at the blinking eyelids, the damp, dark hair, the mouth that worked as if seeking sustenance, and the hand that clutched at her mother’s finger with amazing strength.

“Elizabeth Rose,” Erin said softly, lifting her gaze to his. “Is that all right with you?”

Quinn nodded, kneeling by the bed once more. “Oh, yes.” His words were husky, his vision clearing as he beheld the woman who was his very heart and life. The bounty of love he’d been gifted with. Sweet bounty.

eISBN 978-14592-5071-0


Copyright © 1999 by Carolyn Davidson

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