Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends) (16 page)

Read Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends) Online

Authors: Iris Abbott

Tags: #Iris Abbott, #Montgomery Family and Friends, #Florida, #romance, #Contemporary Romance, #Fiction, #Teacher

BOOK: Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends)
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“Oh I don’t mind at all, Caroline.”  He began rinsing dishes and handing them to her to stack into the dishwasher.  “If I help with the chores maybe you’ll be more inclined to model your new lingerie for me,” he said in a hopeful voice.  “The saleslady at the shop volunteered, but somehow I couldn’t picture anyone but you gift wrapped in turquoise.” 

Caroline swatted Kyle with the dishtowel.  “Maybe you should have taken her up on that offer, because that’s as close as you’re going to get to any turquoise wrapped
,” Caroline promised with a smug smile.

Kyle threw up his hands and slowly backed out of the kitchen and away from the dishtowel.  “We’ll just see about that,” and he turned and walked out of the kitchen. 

Caroline should have felt relief at the reprieve, but instead she felt the tension inside her tighten a notch.  She recognized the look Kyle had been wearing when he exited the kitchen.  He was going to be turning up the heat.  There was no doubt about it.  It was going to become even more difficult for her to resist and suddenly Caroline found herself wondering why she would even want to resist such a sexy man.  Whatever their past problems they must have worked through them.  After all they had reconciled.  That must mean something.


Caroline woke the next morning with another trademark lavender, rose, and champagne colored gift bag on the pillow next to her.  She was literally holding her breath as she unveiled the black sheer mesh teddy with tiny spaghetti straps and the matching panty.  They would have been absolutely indecent if not for the strategically placed lace insets that covered her breasts and other feminine areas.  It was exquisite, but it meant war!  It was time to fight fire with fire. 

That evening she greeted Kyle and Sarah at the door.  She was almost giddy with the knowledge of what she was about to do.  She hugged Sarah and asked the teen about her day.  While the teen happily chatted away Caroline winked at Kyle and made sure the bottom of her fitted sweater rose enough above her low-cut denims to show off the sheer black mesh below.  It obviously worked because halfway through Sarah’s explanation of the biology lab she’d worked on that day, Kyle sputtered and coughed.

Caroline gave him a couple of hard whacks across the back and smiled.  “You better be more careful there, Kyle.  You sound like a man who’s bitten off more than he can chew!”  Caroline linked arms with Sarah and led her toward the stairs.  “So tell me more about this biology experiment,” she encouraged.

Her tinkling laughter trailed behind her and wrapped around Kyle like a soothing blanket of warmth.  His mind had all but shut down letting his body take over when he saw the sexy black material of his latest present to Caroline peaking from beneath her sweater.  The need to have her under and around him was almost suffocating.  It was beginning to take over his life to the exclusion of everything else.  He’d even cancelled a meeting after lunch today so he could make another trip to Seductive Dreams Lingerie.  The saleswomen were starting to recognize him on sight.  He had the ultimate seduction planned for the next evening which just happened to be Friday.  Now he just had to endure one more night of knowing Caroline was right next door, but not in his bed.


Caroline woke up the next morning and was disappointed that there wasn’t another pastel gift bag waiting for her.  She was getting used to opening those pretty gift bags which contained even prettier lingerie.  Her spirits were lifted when Abigail called and invited her out for a latte before she had to pick Sarah and Jay up from school.  After what seemed like just a few minutes of general chatter between two females, Abigail looked at her watch. “My goodness, we’ve been talking forever why don’t you come with me to pick up the children?”

“That would be fantastic,” Caroline agreed.  Secretly she hoped seeing the school she’d taught at for almost two years and the place of the attempted kidnapping might help return some of her missing memory.  “Then you can just drop me and Sarah off at the house.  That way Kyle doesn’t have to drive back out to your house to pick her up.”

Abigail gave her a funny look.  “No can do, Caroline.  Didn’t Kyle even bother to tell you?” 

Carline had no idea what Abigail was talking about.  Her friend rolled her eyes and offered up a snort of exasperation.  “I didn’t see Kyle or Sarah this morning before they left the house and he didn’t mention anything out of the ordinary last night.  What’s going on?”

“Kyle made arrangements with Mason and me yesterday when he picked Sarah up from the house.  She’s staying with us this weekend.  She’s going horseback riding tomorrow with Mason and Emily and she and Jay have plans to finish the lab report they’ve been working on everyday after school.  Most of their research is on Jay’s desktop anyway since they’ve done all the research and actual writing at the house, so it makes sense for them to finish it there.”  She shook her head again.  “I can’t believe Kyle didn’t mention it.  What was he thinking?  Surely you’d notice when Sarah wasn’t at the dinner table.” 

Caroline was a little hurt that Kyle hadn’t bothered sharing his plans with her, but she reminded herself she wasn’t Sarah’s mother and she was only staying with them right now because of the attempted kidnapping.  She found herself making excuses for Kyle.  “He’s had a lot on his mind with work and with our safety.  I’m sure it just slipped his mind.”

“I suppose,” Abigail agreed.  She checked the time on her mobile phone.  “Well it’s about that time.  We’d better be going.  I most definitely don’t want Sarah and Jay to have to wait for us.”

Caroline could second that.  Just the thought sent chills down her spine.  “I agree.  Let’s go.”


Caroline intently studied the beige brick building that housed the local high school.  She felt nothing, not one flicker of recognition.  She glanced at the faces of several students as they milled around the parking lot.  She even waved and smiled at several students that seemed to recognize her.  Her mind drew a blank however and her head was starting to pound again from the stress of trying so hard to remember what seemed to be just beyond her grasp. 

She massaged her aching temples and let out a frustrated sigh, “nothing!” She exclaimed to Abigail.  I get nothing, not even a small sense of recognition.”  She felt and welcomed the comforting pat on the shoulder from the woman next to her.

“Don’t rush it Caroline.  The doctor said your memory will return when it’s ready.  Right now let’s just focus on keeping you and Sarah safe.  Speak of the devil here she comes now.”  Abigail let out a little laugh, “with Jay trailing behind as usual.  I think my son has a severe case of puppy love!” 

Both women laughed and Caroline relished the feel and the sound.  It felt so good to be able to laugh and to hear laughter.  She had a deep down gut feeling that she hadn’t been doing much laughing for a long time now.  She shook off the somber thought and welcomed Sarah and Jay with enthusiastic hugs.  She asked them both about their day and made sure to include Jay in the conversation.  The poor guy was having trouble getting in a word edgewise with Sarah enthusiastically chatting away.


Caroline ran up the front steps of Kyle’s house and let herself in the door.  She turned and waved goodbye to Abigail and the children.  She was well aware that Abigail wouldn’t pull out of the driveway until she was safely inside the house.  She closed and locked the door and then stopped dead in her tracks.  She’d been so focused on letting Abigail know that everything was all right she hadn’t noticed the noise. 

Caroline leaned back against the door and listened.  The house should have been empty and therefore quiet.  She could here faint strains of a classic love song coming from upstairs.  Her first instinct was to run, but then she looked down and noticed the candy.

There were candy hearts on the floor forming a trail from the front door to the bottom of the staircase.  Her eyes followed the hearts’ path up the stairs until they disappeared down the hall.  She picked up a few of the Valentine inspired hearts and smiled at the messages: All Mine, Lets Kiss, You and Me.  She felt herself relax.  This had to be Kyle’s doing.  Obviously no kidnapper or burglar would go to so much trouble.  She dropped her purse on the foyer table and ran up the stairs.  The trail led to the master bedroom, Kyle’s bedroom. 

Caroline took a deep breath.  They’d been flirting with each other and hinting around this moment for almost a week now.  Kyle it seems had finally taken matters into his own hands and gotten Sarah out of the house for the weekend, so that they could be alone.  Now they were free to act on the mutual attraction that Caroline knew burned between them.  Even if she didn’t remember anything else about their recent relationship she remembered the passion and the need.  How could she not, it was almost all consuming. 

She opened the door and followed the candy hearts with their romantic messages into the master bathroom.  She expected to find Kyle waiting for her.  Instead she found an extra large oval shaped bathtub enclosed and surrounded by medium sized black and white tiles.  The steam rising from the water and the thick layer of bubbles on top beckoned Caroline.  She ran to her bathroom real quick to grab her robe and a clip for her hair. 

She’d been expecting to run into Kyle, but he remained out of sight.  She quickly undressed and dipped one petal pink painted toe into the water.  The temperature was perfect.  She slid into the tub and relished the feel of the silky water and bubbles against her skin.  She leaned her head back against the pillowed headrest.  She took in the candles surrounding the tub’s tiled enclosure.  There was also a glass of wine and a note.  Behind the note was another of those instantly recognized pastel gift bags from Seductive Dreams.  Caroline snatched up the note and read.

Dear Caroline,

Enjoy this romantic treat set up just for you.  There’s a glass of your favorite wine, mellow music, a warm bath and bubbles.  Don’t get too comfortable though.  There’s more, all just for you.  Meet me in my room in thirty minutes and Caroline I can’t wait to see you in this lingerie!


Caroline folded the note and put it on the shelf next to the glass of wine.  Kyle was pulling out all the stops.  This was a major seduction and she was caught.  Even if she couldn’t remember the past four years of their relationship, she remembered Kyle and she wanted to be with him more than she wanted anything else.  She smiled as she ran her fingers through the bubbles that came up to her chin and then sipped a glass of the sweet white wine she loved.  Kyle had gone to a lot of trouble to make this special for her.  That had to mean he cared and he was committed to their relationship.  With Sarah out of the house there was nothing to keep her out of his bed, no reason to hold back any longer.   She felt her body tingle at the thought of being held by Kyle.  She let out a deep sigh and took another sip of wine.  Then she laid back, closed her eyes and just enjoyed the romance of the atmosphere surrounding her.

After what felt like too short of a soak, Caroline knew it was time to get out of the tub and join Kyle in his bedroom.  The thought was a little nerve-wracking.  She could only assume they’d enjoyed a healthy love life the past several years, but she couldn’t remember any of it.  Surely they’d both matured in and out of the bedroom.  Her thoughts were eating away at her the entire time she dried off.  Finally she grabbed the gift bag and peered inside.  Her breath left her body in a gush of expelled air.  She lifted out the ice blue confection of lace and mesh.  The one piece was just a wisp of fabric actually.  She stepped into the attached lace panties and tied the halter-top around her neck.  She took one look in the mirror and actually blushed.  The halter neckline enclosed the side and back of her throat but took a deep plunge in the front.  A large keyhole cutout exposed her flesh from just below her breasts to where the top of the panties started.   

There was nothing subtle about this gift.  It was decadent, provocative, and definitely seductive.  She loved it and she knew Kyle would too!  She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door separating the master bath and bedroom.  Kyle was stretched out on the bed waiting for her.  He was naked except for a pair of black silk pajama pants. 

Caroline felt her heartbeat increase to super speeds.  She’d been denying the attraction she felt for Kyle in the hopes that her memory would fully return.  Well it was taking its own sweet time and she couldn’t wait anymore.  She needed to give into the fire raging in her body that was fueled by the electric chemistry between them. 

She walked slowly to the bed.  She could feel Kyle’s eyes follow her progress as she neared him.  Once she was within his reach, she stopped and waited.  She’d come to him, the next move was his.  She held her breath and waited.  She didn’t have to wait long.

Kyle sat up in the bed and admired Caroline as she walked across the room.  She was as gorgeous as he remembered and the muscles in his body tightened in anticipation of the night to come.  He watched her cross the room and finally stand still at the edge of the bed.  He released the pent of breath he’d unconsciously been holding.  “You’re so beautiful.  It seems like I’ve been waiting for this forever.” 

Caroline placed her hand into the much larger hand Kyle offered and allowed him to pull her onto the bed next to him.  It was the only encouragement she needed.  “You’re beautiful too.  Once an athlete always an athlete I guess.  Even though you don’t play organized sports anymore your body is still in peak condition and it’s gorgeous.”  She caressed his toned chest while she pressed tiny kisses to his jaw line and neck.  She wanted to make sure he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.  And from the erection tenting the front of his silk bottoms there was no doubt about how much he wanted her. 

Suddenly she felt herself being flipped onto her back.  She let out a tiny yelp of alarm that quickly died when she looked up into Kyle’s deep passion filled eyes.  She couldn’t resist the tease.  “I should have known it would only be a matter of time before you took control.”

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