Read CarnalTakeover Online

Authors: Tina Donahue

CarnalTakeover (12 page)

BOOK: CarnalTakeover
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Daniel regarded her thighs. “Wider,” he ordered. “I want to
see every inch of your cunt.”

A rush of blood heated Alexandra’s face and neck. He’d used
her so masterfully last night and well into the morning, her pussy was still
faintly sore. However, her anus had yet to know the rigidity of his cock, his
relentless thrusts.

Before this evening’s over
,Alexandra promised
herself and opened her body to him.

He ran his heel over the inside of her thighs, demanding

She gave it, then took his foot in her hands and bent from
the waist, her position fully subservient. With care and respect, Alexandra
kissed the tips of his toes as she’d fantasized about earlier.

He squirmed at her suckling the arch of his foot. “Hey, stop
that. It tickles.”

She gave him a last, disobedient lick, wanting him to punish
her for it.

His expression said, “Just you wait.”

That was the problem, Alexandra didn’t want to. She’d
slogged through all of her life for moments like this. Forbidden. Impassioned.

He cut the sandwich in half, then spread his legs and placed
the dish between them. His cock touched the edge of the plate. Alexandra stared
at the newest drip of pre-cum clinging to the small slit in his crown. The
thought of its salty taste followed by his rich ejaculate fueled her hunger to
take him in her mouth.

She sensed he wouldn’t allow that. Not just yet. So she
lifted one of the sandwich’s halves and offered the food to him. Like a good
sub…his sub.

Pleasure twinkled in Daniel’s eyes, brutal desire in his
expression. He took a large bite, then licked peanut butter from her thumb. His
tongue’s heat traveled to the tips of her nipples and all the way to her toes.
She curled them.

He chewed slowly, the crunch of Beer Nuts filling the
silence. After washing his food down with a gulp of wine, he lifted the other
half of the sandwich, offering it to her.

She took a much smaller bite and had to concentrate on
chewing. His hand on her boob distracted Alexandra to the point that she
couldn’t focus on anything except him pulling on her nipple, stroking her
areola, slipping his fingers over the swell of her breast.

She shivered with longing, eager to have his
solid weight on her, keeping her from everything except his mouth, hands, cock.

He offered her the wine. She gulped two mouthfuls before
coming up for air. When she did, Daniel looked down on her like a fucking
deity, demanding her fawning attention. Alexandra gave him another bite.

Helpless to resist, she touched his rigid shaft.

He caught her wrist, removing her hand from him, and spoke
with a full mouth. “Not until I allow it.”

Right. Her cabin. His rules.

She kissed his fingers in acquiescence and managed to get
two more bites down before begging off. “I’ve had enough.”

“Of this,” he murmured.

“Only of this,” she agreed.

He finished his wine, his throat quivering with each

His bristly cheeks, chin and neck, the sheer strength of his
body transfixed her. Alexandra imagined them eating like this every night into
the future. Playing these games for fun. Then making love, real love, because
they’d moved beyond screwing to something deep and lasting.

She wondered if he’d missed her while she’d been at work.

Not wanting to corner him, she asked, “What did you do all

The bottom of his glass tapped against the table. His
expression grew mysterious. “Kept busy.”

He hadn’t straightened up the living room. She’d forced
herself to do that before leaving for the site. “You watched TV? Used my

“Like I said, I kept busy.”

She frowned, wondering if he’d masturbated all day and had
slept in between his orgasms. That would certainly explain his remarkable
restraint now despite his persistent hard-on.

“Doing what?” Alexandra finally challenged.

Once he’d sucked peanut butter from his forefinger, he put
the plate on the table. “I’ll show you.”

He took her hand and led Alexandra to the steam room.

Chapter Nine


Although Daniel knew Lucius demanded everything for nothing
in his business dealings, when it came to his own comfort the old turd hadn’t
spared any expense.

The steam room he’d had installed reminded Daniel of a
gazebo, hexagonal in shape, large enough for a group of five. Investors?
Lucius’ board? His cabal? Fieldstones made up its back walls, cedar planks its
long seats and floor. Two dim lights shone overhead. Only a small window in the
door allowed anyone to see inside, sealing off the interior, making it seem
somewhat like a cave…or a dungeon.

Alexandra’s attention lingered on Daniel’s belt draped
across the bench.

He let her look her fill.

On a deep, expectant sigh, she finally scanned the rest of
the area, searching for what else he’d done.

Wasn’t as much as he would have liked, but she didn’t have a
whole lot of stuff to work with. After a quick search of the toolbox in her
laundry room, he’d found some metal plant hooks. Antique-looking suckers
painted a grayish-green to resemble weathered iron. He’d screwed two of them
into the floor, the same number on the ceiling, both pairs spread widely apart.

Quickly, Alexandra spotted them.

Daniel patted her ass. “Forgot something. Be right back.”

He returned with scissors and a stepstool he’d found
earlier. Alexandra was on one knee, touching a hook in the floor. She seemed
unsettled. With lust or worry, he wasn’t quite certain and suddenly felt bad
for her, because of the lunatic she’d had to deal with all of her life.

“If your grandfather complains about the holes,” Daniel
said, putting the stepstool to the side, “blame them on me.”

She gave him a look that said he was nuts. “I don’t care if
he screams like a banshee. No way am I telling him about this.”

Daniel knew what she meant. At least he thought he did.
Somehow, that didn’t ease the implication behind what she’d said. That he was
the hired help, part Native, and had no business being in the king’s palace
with the guy’s granddaughter.

“Hey, do whatever you want,” she said, conciliatory as all

Daniel figured his face had given away his thoughts.

“Just don’t burn the place down,” she added. “We wouldn’t
have anywhere to go then.”

True. And clearly he’d read her wrong. She seemed to have no
problem with ordinary folk even though she’d grown up in a rarefied world. “I’d
already planned to be careful… What I intend to do with you has to be enjoyed
behind closed doors.”

In the faint light, her cheeks burned a nice rosy shade.

His cock went way past hard at her breathy, eager response.
His damn balls hurt like hell.
He needed relief, as he had since
she’d returned, but didn’t want to bury himself in her just yet. There was too
much else he ached to do first.

You’ve made it this far, so chill.

Sure. Uncertain whether he’d survive this sexual torture,
Daniel pulled the rope off his neck, measured the length he’d need, and
snipped. The first piece fell by Alexandra’s hand. She stroked it with awe, as
she would something precious or dangerous.

Before he was through with her, she’d never look at rope the
same way again.

The next piece fell, hitting the plank with a tiny tap. Two
more sections followed. Daniel put the scissors to the side. “On your feet,
your back to me.”

Took her a moment to stand. When he moved behind her,
Alexandra looked over. Her lips parted at him running his fingers through her
hair, soft as kitten fur, then twisting it gently into a long coil that hung
down her back. Daniel pressed his face to it and went limp, except for his
stubborn erection. The scent of her shampoo had lingered, something floral.
Clean, fresh, enchanting. He repressed his urge to drag her down to the floor
and mount her until tomorrow. Cupping her cushiony buttocks, he ran his fingers
down the seam of her ass, spreading her cheeks, touching her anus.

Alexandra pushed to her toes.

Daniel’s lips brushed her ear. He whispered, “I haven’t
taken you here yet.”

“No,” she breathed, then swallowed. “You haven’t.”

His forefinger circled her tight ring. She reacted, flexing
it. “I will,” he promised, “and you’ll welcome my cock, no matter how narrow
you are, how thick I am. No sounds. No trying to get away.”

She trembled. “Never.”

A nice promise, but he’d have her so restrained she wouldn’t
be able to consider escape. “Put out your hands.”

They shook with what he guessed was excitement and
apprehension of the unknown.
Poor baby.
A wave of affection hit Daniel
so hard, he slung his arm around Alexandra and kissed her, tenderly this time,
providing assurance that she was safe. He’d never harm her.

She sagged against him, surrendering completely as she
always had.

As she’d also done with Nat.

The thought came out of nowhere, Daniel’s mind returning to
when she and Nat had kissed. Daniel couldn’t help but wonder if her reaction to
his friend had been the same as her response now or if she was offering even
more of herself at this moment.

Doesn’t matter, fool.

This was about fun, excitement, all that was taboo in a
vanilla world, not about anything substantial. He’d always avoided being tied
down, restricted in any way, his freedom and future held hostage to another

Why he’d stayed here today, Daniel didn’t know. He could
have easily phoned Nat and asked for a ride. Not once had the thought occurred
to him. He’d slept longer and more deeply than he had in weeks, eaten a leisurely
brunch, then prowled the cabin looking for the perfect spot to dominate
Alexandra. After settling on this room, he’d let his imagination run wild while
he surfed her cable channels, barely paying attention to the programs, his mind
drifting back to her.

She kept invading his thoughts, staying there, burrowing

Daniel pulled his mouth from hers. She whimpered and tried
to get closer, wanting more. Exactly what he craved, at least sexually, though
he forced himself to ignore it. He had stuff to do first, and he concentrated
on tying the ropes around her wrists, using an anchor bend knot to make certain
she wouldn’t be able to twist free.

Her blush intensified.

He placed the stepstool in front of her and climbed it, his
cock close to her face. “Lift your arms.”

A moment passed before she seemed to hear or understand him.
Her focus moved from his hard shaft and tight balls to his waiting hands. She
did as he asked.

Daniel worked the ropes through the plant hooks. Earlier,
he’d used her pliers to bend the metal, making certain the cords couldn’t slip
free. He pulled on both ends and looked down. With the ropes’ increasing
tension, Alexandra lifted her arms higher, higher. Even when she had them fully
above her head and stretched out to each side, the lines taut, Daniel still

Alexandra pushed up, her heels leaving the floor. “Wait. I
can’t reach up any higher.”

Exactly. Daniel secured the knots, testing to make certain
they wouldn’t budge. Those babies were sound as hell.

Back on the floor, he pushed the stepstool aside and
hunkered down by her right foot. With the rope looped around her ankle, he
secured it to one of the hooks in the planks.

“Whoa, wait,” she complained. “I won’t be able to stand in
this position.”

Daniel lifted his face.

She stopped squirming. “Seriously.”

He stood and moved into her, their bellies touching. She was
a tall woman. He still had her beat by a mile. Alexandra stared at his throat,
then gazed up at him.

“You can stand in this position.” He warned, “And you will.”

Her expression grew glazed with what looked like desire. She
nodded obediently.

He went around her, dragging his hand over her hip, ass and
down her inner thigh as he sank to her other ankle. She kept making noises that
reminded him of a helpless puppy, or a sub who’d again learned just who was
boss. Daniel wasted no time in securing her fully. She pressed her toes into
the floor. He ran his fingers over the butterflies on her foot.

Alexandra twitched and tried to move away from his tickling,
but couldn’t.

Daniel gave her one last, taunting stroke, then stood and
stepped back to survey his work.

He’d spread her legs wide just as he’d envisioned in his
earlier fantasy, her calves and thighs tensed as she stood on the balls of her
feet. The ropes holding her wrists didn’t allow her to relax or protect
herself. Her nipples couldn’t get more erect or hard. Her waxed cunt and the
tat above it were the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. She was as opened
as she’d ever be.

His blood thickened.

He rubbed the pad of his thumb against his jaw and took
Alexandra in slowly, padding around her in a wide circle. Every now and then,
he broke stride to lean close.

She twisted her torso, trying to watch him over her
shoulders, her hair swinging right, left.

“Look straight ahead,” he directed. “Don’t move at all.” He
came around to the front of her. “Eyes open.”

Her lids inched up. She fisted her fingers.

“Relax your hands,” he ordered. “Accept my power and will
over you. You’re going to submit fully, no matter what happens.”

Her attention shot to the belt.

Punishment would come, though not for a time. Her bondage
was too enthralling. Daniel moved past, deliberately brushing his leg against
hers, then looked over to see if she’d broken her stance and was observing him.

She adjusted her weight slightly but remained in the
position he demanded, her ass tensing.

Daniel stayed behind her for minutes, curious as to what was
going through her mind. Did she wonder whether he’d discipline her now or
simply enjoy the view? He smiled, liking what he saw. Pale skin. Soft curves.
The way a woman should look. Not muscular like a guy, or flat-chested and
skinny like a little girl.

He closed the door, adjusted the thermostat, and literally
poured on the steam. Within minutes, plumes of moisture filled the cozy space.
Droplets soon clung to the rocks, cedar, them.

Several beads wiggled down Alexandra’s breasts and gathered
on her nipples. Daniel licked them off, tonguing her rigid tips.

She whimpered, then purred.

Something broke loose inside him, depriving Daniel of
patience and good sense, making his heart beat out of control. If he could have
crawled inside her, he would have, needing her warmth to surround and comfort
him. A reaction he didn’t understand and wasn’t about to interpret. Alexandra’s
heat mesmerized him. Her skin smelled of the same sweet fragrance she always
wore. He wanted her to smell of sex, used and dominated by him, her Master.

Time for her lesson to begin.


Until this moment, Alexandra wouldn’t have believed how
confinement could lead to a sense of complete freedom.

Daniel had secured her so well, displayed her so
shamelessly, she had no choice except to submit and follow his lead. At work,
that would have driven her nuts. Here, in their private world, she couldn’t
have been more willing. All of her life, Alexandra had troubled over what to do
when it came to intimate moments with men. Be assertive, meek, a little of
both? Fruitlessly, she’d tried to guess what they liked.

Daniel had relieved her of that indecision by spreading and
imprisoning her, forcing her to be nothing more than a sexual creature. Aware
of her body in a way she’d never been.

Moisture rolled down her back and chest, circling her navel,
streaming over her ass. Her nipples were so sensitive, she felt the areolas
constrict and the tips peak. Her cunt—oh god, her cunt—became the center of
Alexandra’s universe, the lips thick and parted, her clit tender, achy, needful
of Daniel’s touch.

He ran his hands down her arms and pressed his face into her
pits, inhaling deeply of her fragrance.

Alexandra didn’t know whether to giggle or moan. She grew
increasingly shy, feeling downright virginal.

With an air of authority, he padded to each side, exploring
her ribs and hips, touching the small of her back, running his fingers through
her damp hair, never coming close to the parts of her that mattered and would
bring the most pleasure.

Her nipples and cunt actually hurt, wanting his mouth on

He kissed her spine instead.

That touch registered in Alexandra’s pussy. Her sheath
narrowed, sensations building to an unendurable level.

Daniel didn’t give her relief. He padded to the bench
opposite her and sprawled lazily. Hands behind his head, one leg bent, the
other stretched out, his toes near hers. Several strands of hair clung to his
damp forehead. Moisture pearled on the dark thatch between his legs. Relaxed,
except for his monster hard-on, he observed her bonds and obscene position.

Alexandra was past blushing. She’d never felt more alive and
excited yet also humbled and shy. She sucked in the heated, damp air, trying to
calm herself, and waited for him to make a move. His cock was so fucking erect,
he couldn’t possibly stand much more of this, any more than she could.

Seconds passed, then a minute. Alexandra knew that for a
fact, she’d been counting. Daniel remained as he was, the Master appraising his
slave. Not able to stand his delay any longer, she flexed her inner muscles in
the hope of driving herself to climax, obtaining some pleasure. Ridiculous, she
knew, but it was all she had.

Daniel watched her without comment, then suddenly leaned up,
his forearm on his thigh. “Stop that.”

Good god. What had given her away?

Alexandra didn’t dare ask. She obeyed him immediately and
sank to her heels, or rather tried to do so. The moment she’d lowered herself,
her arms protested, pulling too tightly against the ropes.

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