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Authors: Elle Amour

BOOK: CarnalPromise
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Craddock chuckled. “Of course! She is a Svendian and the
best tracker around! She would know how to hide from them. I taught her that.
Besides, I knew her blood would come through. She is a pureblood after all.
Now, we must find her. Fenden is ready. He’s sent a team ahead and they are in

Cassius’s senses went on alert. He eyed Fenden. “Who did you

The Renegade leader snorted. “My most practiced fighter and
the one that knows the territory better than anyone.”

“Anya?” Cassius growled.

“Who else?” Fenden laughed.

“You fool!” Cassius’s pulse sped as his body switched into
battle mode. “You knew she had been Drakkar’s intended. She’s been trying to
get him back ever since. By the ancestors, what made you think she would keep
the royal safe?”

“What?” Craddock marched to Fenden and backhanded him across
the face. “I had no knowledge of this!” He grabbed the man with both hands and
pushed him against the wall, holding him there. Even though Fenden was a much
larger man, fear shown in the Renegade’s eyes.

And Cassius knew why.

The man blubbered. “I…I…she insisted! Said she could do it
and expected a big reward! I mean, I thought she was well over the bastard!”

Cassius evened his tone, worked to calm the ex-headmaster.
“Master, I can stop it. Fenden is useful. He can get me onto Vulgaria without
detection. Let me go. I will rescue your niece if I can get there in time.”

Craddock snapped his head toward Cassius. The craze of death
in his eyes lessened. “Go. You must save her. She’s the only one I have left.”

“Yes, master. It will be done.” Cassius bowed his head as
Craddock released his hold. Then Cassius glared at Fenden. “Move. Now. I want
to be on my way in microseconds.”

“It’s done.” Fenden nodded. “Take the demon cruiser. It’s the
fastest. I’ll have all the data loaded by the time you’re ready for takeoff.”

Cassius gave a curt nod then spun to go. His heart pounded
as he ran for the docking port and he prayed, prayed that he would reach Jinn
of Svendia in time because as skilled as the woman was, no normal humanoid
would be able to beat the altered Vulgarian woman.

Not even Drakkar.

Chapter Eighteen


With all I’ve done, I will not be defeated.
ditching her small cruiser on the other side of the mountain, Anya of Vulgaria
skulked through the woods, searching. She had not yet found the bitch but she

She would.

Now that the signal had been given, Anya would wait at the
critical juncture—the point that all competitors would have to make, the one
that led to the quickest and safest part of the upper trail.

She glanced down the mountain path. The lower portion
meandered at first. She knew. She knew because she’d bested it. She’d beaten the
damn thing and yet she had not been accepted, especially by Drakkar. After her
win, she had planned to stop the drugs that gave her the enhanced skills and
strength but it had been too late. She had been found out. Even then, though,
she couldn’t stop using. The exhilaration she got from the narcotic not only
empowered her but made her feel special, loved, wanted for what she could do.

She growled beneath her breath, her voice now a lower,
deeper tone. Although her people had rejected her, the Renegades had not. They
accepted her the way she was, the way she wanted to be. Fenden was a turd but
at least he appreciated her.

Anya sunk back into the forest, watching another of the
competitors hit the path. Drakkar’s nephew had already started up. He’d been
the first. The man might beat Drakkar’s record yet. She scanned the horizon.
Would the bitch show today? Probably not but Anya could wait.
A new virtue for her but one she had learned nonetheless. She had waited this
long to get her revenge on Drakkar. She could wait even longer.

She ruminated on where the slut would enter the small glen
then checked her communicator and laser pistol. She’d made the rest of the team
wait in the larger ship, telling them that too many on the ground would cause

She sneered. In reality, she didn’t want them interfering
with her plans. She would not only leave the Svendian whore dead but carved up
as well. She wanted Drakkar to know who did in his bondsmate.

A muted stirring sounded behind her. She swerved as another
plowed through the woods.
Too late to hide.

The man stumbled upon her.

Anya chuckled and planted her fists on her hips. “Hamner of
the Burgdon clan, a prime family of Vulgaria.”

The man squinted as he looked up at her. “You.”

She released a low laugh as she grabbed his shirt and pulled
him to her, licking her lips. “Good to see you,” she moaned. “Don’t worry. I
won’t kill you. I have something else in mind.”

Fear and confusion lit his eyes. Then Anya threw him to the

* * * * *

Drakkar ran his fingers through Sasha’s fur as he watched
Jinn from a hidden alcove. He struggled between his need to protect her and his
promise to let her run her path. So far, Jinn had done well but Mount Baccarat
would test her beyond anything she had done, especially in the condition she
was in. By the ancestors, he didn’t want Jinn climbing that damn mountain. With
the winds coming early, why did Karl insist on that climb?

Drakkar sighed. So many times he had wanted to leave some
food or supplies for Jinn but he didn’t dare. Even though she’d guessed he’d
follow, he didn’t want to go against her wishes and intrude—unless her life was
clearly at risk. Besides, if she finished the blasted training, which seemed
less a remote idea at the moment, she’d be the first woman to have truly done
so without any illicit support. He grumbled at that as she’d then flee and run
on her quest to find her uncle, which would have him scrambling over the galaxy
again to try to find her before she got herself killed. With Craddock still at
large, Drakkar didn’t want Jinn facing that risk alone. Hell, he wouldn’t allow
it. Couldn’t.

He loved her too much.

His heart wrenched as he watched her struggle, yet still he
did not know why her revenge with Craddock drove her so hard that she was willing
to die for it.

Behind him the air sizzled with someone’s approach. Drakkar
watched as Mace materialized behind him. As the lead trainer, he had special
techtronics that he could use within the techno-shield, ones that allowed him
to ensure the safety of the candidates and whatever else might be needed.

The big man huffed, out of breath as he crouched under the
brush and made his way to Drakkar’s hiding place.

“She’s doing well,” the trainer whispered. “Damn shame she
isn’t Vulgarian.”

Drakkar harrumphed. “She will be.” He eyed Mace with mock
cynicism. “She’s agreed to live here.”

Mace smirked. “Well then, she could be on a special team.
Her abilities to hide and track are amazing. No one found her.”

Drakkar frowned. “I know that all too well.” He smirk. “Told
you she was good.”

Mace grinned as he nodded then his look sobered. “The
Westerlies have picked up even faster. At this rate, she might not make the
base before the cold hits. You’ll need to stop her.”

Drakkar stared at the big man. “I won’t let her hurt
herself. I’ll make her quit if I need to.”

“You may not be able to avoid it. We’ve also picked up a
signal from a rogue ship in the stratosphere. We think it’s a Renegade vessel.
It’s cloaked well but the magnetic pull gave the trackers a clue. They’re going
to investigate.”

Drakkar paled. Signaling Sasha, the wolf moved to follow
Jinn then Drakkar nodded to Mace. “I’ll be right behind her. The indicator in
Sasha’s collar is working well enough, even with the electronics suppression

“Good. Signal if you need support.” Mace nodded then left as
he had come. Fingering his laser pistol, Drakkar followed Sasha’s lead.

* * * * *

The mountain trail zigzagged up the incline so far but it
still took effort to hike. A brisk zephyr blew in Jinn’s face. The breeze
helped to cool her sweaty brow. “Be glad when this is done,” she mumbled and
stumbled over a root. She needed food, needed something to strengthen her. A
small animal ran passed her and into the woods—right by some edible roots.

Thank you.
She rolled her eyes to the sky with the
little prayer then pushed herself up. Grabbing a handful of the vegetables, she
munched as she pressed toward the base of the climb. She heeded Ragnar’s words.
The winds had started but not the bad ones. She had to move with haste—but
smartly. And she needed as much fuel to make the climb as she could get.

Jinn paused and glanced at the mountain that now towered
over her. The face stood straight, the sunlight beaming on the jagged rocks.
She’d be there soon enough.

After filling her stomach, she jogged again. The tops of the
trees bent against another wind but the powerful gust still warmed her. How
soon would the ones that Ragnar mentioned arrive?

Jinn ran. She needed to make the path before the icy gales
started. She blasted around a curve then tripped again and fell flat on her

The body she fell over moaned. She hurried to right herself,
thinking that the capturing crew still roamed the area but when she stood she
saw Hamner.

A very beaten-up Hamner. “What happened to you?” She bent
down and turned him over. His lips were busted. Drops of old blood were pasted
to his shirt. “By the ancestors, who did this to you? I thought the capture
teams were done?”

Nodding, he could barely speak. The words broke in his
coarse voice. “Anya, Drakkar’s…old flame…a Renegade.”

Anya? So that was her name. “How could she best you like

Hamner shook his head. “Water…”

Jinn reached for her pouch. Lifting his head, she helped him

After a few gulps, he spoke. “The woman’s been on strength
drugs for years,” he rasped. “It’s why she’d been thrown out of the program.”

“She went through this?”

Hamner nodded.

“And bested it.”

Jinn jerked her head toward the distant deep but female
voice. She crouched, ready to lunge, her sense of danger in full swing.

Several meters away, the brawny woman stepped from behind a
large pine yet her steps were silent. “Humph, you’re really a blonde.” The
warrior’s steps were slow, measured yet confident. “However I suppose you
colored it for this. Just another one of the lies you devised to keep you safe.
Or maybe just to make yourself more attractive to Drakkar. Isn’t that

“Svendian?” Hamner tensed as he stared at Jinn. “You’re…”

“She’s Drakkar’s intended, you idiot.” Anya scowled. Flames
of hatred seemed to spike from her eyes.

“What?” Holding his side, Hamner tried to sit up.

“Let me help you,” Jinn whispered.

“How quaint.” The large woman meandered closer but Jinn read
her body, even across the distance. The woman poised to attack.

Hamner grabbed Jinn’s arm. “Go,” he uttered under his
breath. “As fast as you can. I’ll hold her as much as possible.”


“Now.” Hamner pushed her arm aside. “Think she’s after you.”

“You’re hurt. I can’t leave you.” Jinn used as much strength
as she could to help him onto his feet.

The woman tilted her head back and let loose a deep guttural
laugh. “Oh, dear, this will be fun.”

The speed at which the woman moved daunted Jinn but she too
could move fast. Jinn jumped in the air and grabbed a branch that hung across
the trail. Anya saw her and dove to catch her but Jinn shimmied onto the tree
limb before Anya could. As the woman passed underneath, Jinn reversed her
stance and swung down, clocking her in the head with two rapid kicks.

Hamner lunged for the altered female as she fell but Anya
recovered as he hit her then simply shoved him off and onto the ground.

Hamner grunted as he hit but Jinn’s eyes were on the
warrior. The woman jumped at Jinn from a height more than Jinn had ever seen
from another. Jinn scrambled to the trunk and dived off, rushing toward the
cliff’s rise, knowing in her gut the woman closed in.
Have to make this.

Jinn pushed harder yet Anya stayed on Jinn’s heels. Jinn
felt the woman nearing and pushed into overdrive, running faster than she ever
had in her life.
This woman wants to kill me. Can’t let that happen. Must

Jinn knew not where her strength came from but her courage
and faith in herself spewed forth. Her personal mission had to be completed.
Anya grew closer. Jinn heard her breaths. Ahead, the edge of the path ran along
a sheer drop. Jinn sped to it. Anya closed in from behind.

When Jinn hit the curve, she dropped and pulled a reverse
sweeping kick to the woman’s knees, effectively throwing the warrior over the

Anya rolled down the rocky side but Jinn couldn’t wait to
see if the move ended Anya’s pursuit. Jinn ran, scurrying over the switchbacks
and cutting the corners when she could see a clear shot to the next level.

“Bitch!” Anya yelled from below. “I will catch you and kill
you slow. I pray you feel every pain!”

Jinn hurried as another stiff wind blasted her in the face
She heard the rustling of the bushes. Was it the wind or…?
Oh shatz!
felt the warrior’s presence.
Must make this.
Jinn’s strength waned but
she would die before she quit.
Have to flee.

Behind her, Anya grabbed Jinn’s shortened but still long
ponytail. With both hands the woman swung Jinn around and threw her several
meters below into the brush. Jinn groaned from the hit. With bruised ribs and a
pain in her right shoulder, Jinn scrambled under a bush, looking for
something—anything—that she could use to deter her enemy.

Yet the only thing she could think of was her knife.

Jinn pulled the weapon from her boot. She knew the risks. If
she wasn’t careful, Anya could take it from her but somehow Jinn had to strike
first. She slid the blade up her sleeve and secured it so it wouldn’t slip,
hoping that when Anya grabbed her again, Jinn could bury the metal in the
woman’s body, preferably in a most damaging place.

* * * * *

Drakkar jogged the path. He wanted to catch Jinn before she
hit the mountain. His duty to protect her superseded anything else. He couldn’t
let her risk falling, especially with the winter winds coming in.

With a low growl, Sasha sped ahead, taking the curve at a
trot. Drakkar watched, knowing the wolf scented something up ahead. Sasha
disappeared but a moment later she returned to the bend, howling.

Drakkar ran. As he hit the curve, he saw Hamner struggling
to stand. Drakkar bolted to him and helped him rest against a tree. “What
happened to you?”

“Anya.” He winced in pain. “After Pixie…Jinn. Yours.”

“Oh, hell.” Drakkar moved to leave but what to do with

“Go.” The trainee nodded. “Save her. I’ll live.”

Drakkar fled, sending Sasha ahead to track, grateful to
Hamner. With the techno-shield over the area, his ability to save Jinn was
limited. Except for Mace, no forces would be able to beam in and the power in
his laser pistol would be weakened. He hit his emergency button as he ran, just
in case. At least he could send the signal and hope that others would arrive

Even so, Drakkar feared he wouldn’t reach Jinn in time.

* * * * *

“You think scurrying like a rat under that bush will help

“Hardly,” Jinn huffed. Loud. Wanting Anya to think Jinn
still had fight in her. Fear never deterred an enemy. However even blustering
bravery could make another pause—if just for a moment.

And sometimes that moment is enough.
Rocks. Rocks
Could Jinn use this? She thought fast. Taking a quick glance
around, she spied a stilted overhang, a larger rock held up a small bevy of
other stones. Could she move it? “Why try to kill me? What are you trying to
prove?” As Jinn hurried toward the pile of stones, she tried to distract the

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