Carnal Slave (13 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Carnal Slave
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To her relief, he dropped the paddle, but his look of determination as he walked over to her chilled her. He grabbed her wrists, flipped her over onto her back, and started dragging her out of the room with her legs trailing. Stoker’s laughter followed her through the curtain.

Grateful as she was because the cement floor was relatively smooth, she nevertheless felt less than human. Pulling her like this couldn’t be easy for him, but he didn’t stop until he’d gotten her into her stall. He left without saying a word.

She turned onto her side, bent her knees, used her arms as a pillow.

Wept without tears.


“I didn’t appreciate working with you enough,” Damek told Reno a few hours later. “I’ve forgotten more about this job than that damn Stoker will ever know.”

“You two get into it?” Reno asked.

“Hell no. I’m not going to let him goad me into doing something stupid.” Damek had been sitting in the recliner in the bedroom he’d been using, but when he tried to recline, his back barked a complaint, forcing him to sit upright. He repositioned the cell phone. “Take a look at the video when you have time. That’ll give you an idea what I’m talking about.”

“I’ve already heard about it. How is she? You were damn rough.”

He wouldn’t have called Reno if he’d thought the other man would bring that up. Just because he’d lost it around Reno in the past didn’t mean it was going to happen again. Of course there’d been a few moments earlier today when—Hell no. Not going there.

“She’s fine. I’m going to leave her alone the rest of today. Tomorrow’ll get started on teaching her how to service and serve.”

Reno whistled. “Moving pretty fast, aren’t you?”

“No faster than you are, go on, admit it.”

Reno’s loud laugh had Damek pulling the cell away from his ear. “I like competing with you,” Reno said. “Keeps both of us on our toes. That’s probably what Stoker’s doing. Don’t let him get to you.”

Tempted as he was to admit he’d been showing off to Stoker when he’d subjected the subject to the electric prod, he stopped in time. Truth was, he didn’t feel like saying anything about the morning’s

“Hey,” Reno said, “You still there? Look, I like talking to you but I’ve got to get back to work.”

After teasing Reno about the meaning of
Damek ended the call. He’d surprised himself when he punched the other trainer’s number. Now that he thought about it a bit, however, the explanation was simple. Given how things were set up here and the pace everyone had set in advance of the auction, he hadn’t seen his fellow trainers for more than a few minutes. Hell, maybe he was a little lonely.

And maybe, he acknowledged as he stood so he could rub the small of his back, he needed a break from thinking.

So maybe he was pushing this slave trainee. It wasn’t a crime, at least not here. And he’d be in familiar territory tomorrow, just him and the passive little cunt.

Some decent food, a couple of drinks, and eight hours sleep and he’d be good to go. In control. None of that short fuse crap distracting him.


Despite the effort it took, Willow was leaning against the bed when Master Damek entered her stall the next morning. He’d turned on a light which gave her a clear view of his tight black T-shirt and jeans. In contrast to her, he smelled as if he’d recently had a shower.

He’d also shaved. Was personal hygiene important to him or had he gone to extra effort in anticipation of seeing her?


As she waited for him to speak, she acknowledged something she had no explanation for. She was glad to see him. No, not glad, she quickly amended. It wasn’t that. She was hungry and dirty and dependent on him to change those conditions.

More to the point, he intended to continue her training today.

“I have something for you,” He leaned against the door he’d just closed. “But you have to come get it.”

He’d draped a rope over his shoulders, and his hands were empty. More than a little disappointed because he hadn’t brought anything for her to eat, she looked down at her still-restrained ankles.

“I can’t walk, Master.”

“Not my problem, slave. What did I just tell you?”

That he expected her to put an end to the distance between them. Stifling a groan, she sank to her hands and knees and awkwardly made her way to him. When her head was a few inches from his legs, she looked up.

He looked so strong, a dominating presence focused on her. His only plans for the day revolved around spending it with her. Changing her.

Dizzy from the incomprehensible thoughts, she lowered her head and touched her lips to the top of his shoes. “I’m here, Master.”

“Yeah.” He spoke slowly. “You are.”

“Have I done something to disappoint you?”

He lifted the foot she’d kissed. “I didn’t think you’d do that without

Neither did I.
“I’m hungry,” she offered by way of explanation. “I thought…”

“Hmm.” He reached into a back pocket, pulled out a key, and handed it to her. “I’m taking you out of here for a while.”

For a moment she didn’t comprehend what he had in mind, then realized he’d given her the ability to free her legs. It wasn’t easy given her roped hands, but she managed to insert the key into the lock that kept her ankles together. When she was done, she started to put the leather and metal contraption on the ground only to hold them up to him. He shook his head.


Yesterday Master had overloaded her mind with his explanations of why he was doing what he was. His near silence this morning confused her.

“Hands out, slave,” he said when she was on her feet.

Dizziness assaulted her. Every part of her still ached, and she sported bruises everywhere. Her pussy was so sensitive she prayed he’d leave it alone today.

He loosened the ropes around her wrists, crossed them over each other, and bound them in place. Then he turned his back on her and hauled her out into the corridor using the loose end of the rope. Instead of taking her back into the dreaded training room, he headed toward the door. As they passed the other stalls, she briefly locked eyes with two women she hadn’t seen before. What would their day be like?

What about hers?

Going by the height of the sun and chill in the air, she guessed it wasn’t much past 8

A.M. Even though she shivered, she took comfort from the simple fact that she was outside.

Master Damek led her over to where he’d sprayed her down before. After fastening her wrists to an overhead hook, he thoroughly ran his hands over her. He spent most of the time checking her bruises and fingering her breasts until her nipples hardened. When he reached between her legs, she didn’t resist but spread her legs.
Pick your battle, even if you don’t know what it is.

He fingered her labia and clit at length before pushing two fingers into her. His treatment of her pussy had turned her on, and she sighed at the feel of masculinity deep in her vagina.

“You’re damn easy, slave. That’s going to be your undoing.”

Maybe. Maybe not.
She managed to stifle a second sigh but not the hot liquid drenching his fingers. He broke her down even more with a series of thrusts that had her rocking back in forth in an attempt to maximize the sensation. Her cheeks flushed, she forgot her hunger, didn’t think beyond responding to the forced-upon-her stimulation.

She hadn’t given in, nothing like that, but why fight his brand of compassion?

“Does it bother you?” he asked and went so deep she had to stand on her toes. “Not having any control over your sexuality should be the last thing you want given the circumstances.”

“I can’t help it, Master.”

“I know. And as I said, that’s going to be your undoing.”

He started an agonizingly-slow withdraw. Much as she hated the loss, she forced herself to not try to keep him in her. The effort left her on-edge and still excited. Not as sure of herself as she needed to be.

“Hell of a mess, isn’t it?” He punctuated his comment by slapping her pussy with a juiced hand.

She was wondering if he expected her to answer when she realized he was walking away.
Don’t leave me! Not like this. Not ever.

Realization of what she’d nearly blurted made her forget her uplifted arms, straining body, and cold skin. She made herself watch him disappear into the house, then turned so the weak sun touched her back.

The sun was life, the breeze energy. She was alive.

She’d thought she heard a vehicle during the night. Looking at the parking area, she spotted a black SUV with darkened windows. Had it brought yet another captive here?

After maybe five uncomfortable minutes, the door to the second barn opened and several people walked out. A man with impossibly broad shoulders and a thick chest led the way, a heavy chain held in a massive hand. Three naked women marched behind him. Each wore a collar and chain was connected to the collars so they had no choice but to follow the big man’s lead. Their hands were cuffed behind them and they’d been fitted with ball gags.

None of the trio looked her way as they trudged toward the corral she’d barely noticed before. Their body language clearly said they dreaded what was about to happen. She hoped their collars were padded. Otherwise, the oversized chain would cause the collars to dig into their flesh.

The sound of a door closing shifted her attention back to the house. Watching her master descend the stairs, she admired his grace. He reminded her of an elk, accepted his body for the well-honed tool it was. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t do with it, and eventually, when she’d earned the right and reward, he’d have sex with her.

Again her thoughts shocked and unnerved her.

He waved a plate under her nose. The smell of toast and eggs made her mouth water so that several seconds passed before she realized he was showing her a fried egg sandwich cut in quarters.

“I don’t usually go to this much effort.” He lifted a section to her mouth. “The oatmeal and protein mix keeps slaves healthy enough for our purposes.”

Still drooling, she bit into the offering. Much as she wished he’d explained why he’d made an exception with her this morning, she was too hungry to ask. Concerned he’d take the plate away before she could finish, she gulped her breakfast. The sun still felt wonderful on her back. Between that, food sliding into her belly, and Master Damek back with her, nothing else mattered.

They were together, she and this all-powerful, all-knowing man.

“Whoever buys you might want you to cook for him,” he said when she was done and she’d thanked him. “I hope you can.”

She’d prepared countless meals before leaving home but had been limited to meat, potatoes, and a few vegetables. She’d expanded her repertoire some after that but was far from a gourmet.

“If I don’t please him—“

“You better.”

Mentally repeating what he’d just said, she tried to imagine what her life would be like but couldn’t. How had she been alive this long without knowing an underworld of slavery and domination existed? Was this some acceptable culture her parents had failed to tell her about and she hadn’t blundered into?

No. Absolutely not. What was happening to her was against the law, only no one in law enforcement knew this place existed.

Or did they?

As Master Damek strode toward the rolled-up hose, she felt torn between accepting her new reality and trying to make her mind go blank. She wanted to be clean of course but not like this. She’d wanted breakfast but not given to her the way it had been.

She wanted clothes. Freedom. Her life back.

She needed to understand this man.

The instant the cold spray hit her, nothing mattered except trying to get away. He’d turned it on full force and aimed at her breasts, awakening her bruises and forcing home even more proof of her helplessness. She should have learned her lesson the other time he’d showered her and stop fighting, but the water was too cold and harsh. Cursing, she turned one way and then the other trying to save herself. He thoroughly drenched her, then turned off the water and scrubbed her with a soapy long handled brush. He even used the brush on her hair.

Her parents had decided she needed to raise a calf as a way of learning responsibility.

Not only had she cared for the calf since it was a few days old, she’d entered it in the county fair. As part of getting it ready to show, she’d bathed it much as Master Damek was doing to her.

She’d been awarded second place. Her parents had claimed the ribbon and the calf had been loaded onto a cattle truck and taken to a slaughter house.

That was her now, maybe on her way to slaughter.

She shivered and moaned as he rinsed her off. When he started toward her, she slumped in her bonds. Waited.

“I’m going to exercise you.” He reached up and unfastened the rope.

Exercise me. Like what happens to horses.

Obviously he didn’t care that she was stepping in mud as he led her toward the corral.

She’d forgotten about the other woman but now images of what she’d seen returned to haunt her. If they were still gagged, she wouldn’t be able to talk to them, but maybe it was better this way.

The trio was in the corral along with the man who’d brought them. At least the monstrous neck chains had been removed, but they still wore ball gags and their arms were restrained behind them. They were running in circles while the massive man kept them going by whipping their jiggling buttocks every time they passed by where he stood.

“Hey Fred, I’ve got another for you.” Master Damek shoved her at the other man.

“What?” Fred asked. “You too lazy to deal with her yourself?”

Master Damek squeezed her right buttock, making her squeal and stomp her feet because otherwise she might try to break free. “Don’t give me that shit. I know you love your work. I’m going to get the video camera. You want me to take some footage for you?”

“Why not?” Fred grabbed her hair and forced her to lean forward. That done, he fingered her breasts. “The real deal. So how’s her training going?”

“Just getting started. Hopefully I’ll have her ready in time for the auction.”

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